digitalmars.D.learn - Array concat quiz
- bearophile (18/18) Dec 16 2011 A small quiz. This Python2 code:
- Adam D. Ruppe (4/4) Dec 16 2011 Don't forget that string is an alias for immutable(char)[].
- Timon Gehr (5/23) Dec 17 2011 I do not think that this is very sensible (array-array appends are more
A small quiz. This Python2 code: m1 = [["A'", "B'"]] print m1 m2 = m1 + [[]] print m2 Prints: [["A'", "B'"]] [["A'", "B'"], []] What does this D2 program print? import std.stdio; void main() { string[][] m1 = [["A'", "B'"]]; writeln(m1); string[][] m2 = m1 ~ [[]]; writeln(m2); } Bye, bearophile
Dec 16 2011
Don't forget that string is an alias for immutable(char)[]. The immutable isn't important here, but the fact that strings are arrays is. char[][][] is the real type here.
Dec 16 2011
On 12/17/2011 02:43 AM, bearophile wrote:A small quiz. This Python2 code: m1 = [["A'", "B'"]] print m1 m2 = m1 + [[]] print m2 Prints: [["A'", "B'"]] [["A'", "B'"], []] What does this D2 program print? import std.stdio; void main() { string[][] m1 = [["A'", "B'"]]; writeln(m1); string[][] m2 = m1 ~ [[]]; writeln(m2); } Bye, bearophileI do not think that this is very sensible (array-array appends are more natural than array-element appends, so disambiguation should go the other way). Is it documented anywhere or is it just an implementation artefact?
Dec 17 2011