digitalmars.D.learn - Accessing non-binary Unicode properties with std.uni
- =?UTF-8?B?Q2hsb8Op?= Kekoa (9/10) Sep 28 2020 The documentation of std.uni [1] says that the unicode struct
- Dukc (4/14) Sep 29 2020 It seems the East Asian width is Unicode standard 13.0, while
- H. S. Teoh (409/426) Sep 29 2020 [...]
- =?UTF-8?B?Q2hsb8Op?= Kekoa (2/7) Sep 29 2020 Thank you. Analyzing the data file seems simple enough. :)
- H. S. Teoh (8/16) Sep 29 2020 If you're daring, you can try parsing it at compile-time... but in this
The documentation of std.uni [1] says that the unicode struct provides sets for several binary properties. I am looking for a way to query non-binary properties of a character. Is that possible with std.uni or do I need to use a third-party library? I am specifically interested in the East_Asian_Width property [2] (which has six allowed values). Trying to access std.uni.unicode.East_Asian_Width results in the error message:No unicode set by name East_Asian_Width was found.[1]: [2]:
Sep 28 2020
On Monday, 28 September 2020 at 18:23:43 UTC, ChloƩ Kekoa wrote:The documentation of std.uni [1] says that the unicode struct provides sets for several binary properties. I am looking for a way to query non-binary properties of a character. Is that possible with std.uni or do I need to use a third-party library? I am specifically interested in the East_Asian_Width property [2] (which has six allowed values). Trying to access std.uni.unicode.East_Asian_Width results in the error message:It seems the East Asian width is Unicode standard 13.0, while Phobos implements 6.2. So seems like ca case for a third-party library :(.No unicode set by name East_Asian_Width was found.[1]: [2]:
Sep 29 2020
On Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 04:22:18PM +0000, Dukc via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:On Monday, 28 September 2020 at 18:23:43 UTC, Chloé Kekoa wrote:[...] OTOH, the relevant Unicode data file that contains East_Asian_Width data (EastAsianWidth.txt) is relatively straightforward to parse. In one of my projects, I wrote a little helper program to parse this file and generate a function that tells me if a given dchar is wide or narrow. Here's the generated function (just copy-n-paste this into your code, no need for yet another external library dependency): bool isWide(dchar ch) safe pure nothrow nogc { if (ch < 63744) { if (ch < 12880) { if (ch < 11904) { if (ch < 4352) return false; if (ch < 4448) return true; if (ch == 9001 || ch == 9002) return true; return false; } else if (ch < 12351) return true; else { if (ch < 12353) return false; if (ch < 12872) return true; return false; } } else if (ch < 19904) return true; else { if (ch < 43360) { if (ch < 19968) return false; if (ch < 42183) return true; return false; } else if (ch < 43389) return true; else { if (ch < 44032) return false; if (ch < 55204) return true; return false; } } } else if (ch < 64256) return true; else { if (ch < 65504) { if (ch < 65072) { if (ch < 65040) return false; if (ch < 65050) return true; return false; } else if (ch < 65132) return true; else { if (ch < 65281) return false; if (ch < 65377) return true; return false; } } else if (ch < 65511) return true; else { if (ch < 127488) { if (ch == 110592 || ch == 110593) return true; return false; } else if (ch < 127570) return true; else { if (ch < 131072) return false; if (ch < 262142) return true; return false; } } } } Here's the utility that generated this code: /** * Simple program to parse EastAsianWidth.txt to extract some useful info. */ import std.algorithm; import std.conv; import std.range; import std.regex; import std.stdio; struct CodeRange { dchar start, end; bool overlaps(CodeRange cr) { return ((start >= cr.start && start < cr.end) || (end >= cr.start && end < cr.end)); } unittest { assert(CodeRange(1,11).overlaps(CodeRange(11,12))); assert(!CodeRange(1,10).overlaps(CodeRange(11,12))); } void merge(CodeRange cr) { start = min(start, cr.start); end = max(end, cr.end); } unittest { auto cr = CodeRange(10,20); cr.merge(CodeRange(20,30)); assert(cr == CodeRange(10,30)); } void toString(scope void delegate(const(char)[]) sink) { import std.format : formattedWrite; sink.formattedWrite("%04X", start); if (end > start+1) sink.formattedWrite("..%04X", end-1); } } struct Entry { CodeRange range; string width; void toString(scope void delegate(const(char)[]) sink) { import std.format : formattedWrite; sink.formattedWrite("%s;%s", range, width); } } /** * Returns: An input range of Entry objects. */ auto parse(R)(R input) if (isInputRange!R && is(ElementType!R : const(char)[])) { // For our purposes, we don't need to distinguish between explicit/implicit // narrowness, and ambiguous cases can just default to narrow. So we map // the original width to its equivalent using the following equivalence // table. string[string] equivs = [ "Na" : "N", "N" : "N", "H" : "N", "A" : "N", "W" : "W", "F" : "W" ]; auto reEmpty = regex(`^\s*$`); auto reSingle = regex(`^([0-9A-F]+);(N|A|H|W|F|Na)\b`); auto reRange = regex(`^([0-9A-F]+)\.\.([0-9A-F]+);(N|A|H|W|F|Na)\b`); struct Result { R range; Entry front; bool empty; this(R _range) { range = _range; next(); // get things started } void next() { while (!range.empty) { auto line = range.front; if (auto m = line.match(reSingle)) { auto width = equivs[m.captures[2]]; dchar ch = cast(dchar) m.captures[1].to!int(16); front = Entry(CodeRange(ch, ch+1), width); empty = false; return; } else if (auto m = line.match(reRange)) { auto width = equivs[m.captures[3]]; dchar start = cast(dchar) m.captures[1].to!int(16); dchar end = cast(dchar) m.captures[2].to!int(16) + 1; front = Entry(CodeRange(start, end), width); empty = false; return; } { import std.string : format; throw new Exception("Couldn't parse line:\n%s" .format(line)); } range.popFront(); } empty = true; } void popFront() { range.popFront(); next(); } } static assert(isInputRange!Result); return Result(input); } void outputByWidthType(R)(R input) if (isInputRange!R && is(ElementType!R : const(char)[])) { CodeRange[][string] widths; string lastWidth; void addRange(Entry entry) { auto range = entry.range; auto width = entry.width; auto ranges = width in widths; if (ranges && ranges.length > 0 && width == lastWidth) { (*ranges)[$-1].merge(range); } else widths[width] ~= range; lastWidth = width; } foreach (entry; input.parse()) { addRange(entry); } foreach (width; widths.byKey()) { foreach (range; widths[width]) { writefln("%s;%s", range, width); } writeln(); } } /** * Returns: An input range of Entry objects. */ auto mergeConsecutive(R)(R input) if (isInputRange!R && is(ElementType!R : Entry)) { struct Result { R range; bool empty; Entry front; Entry current; this(R _range) { range = _range; next(); } void next() { while (!range.empty) { auto e = range.front; if (current.width != e.width) { if (current.width != "") { empty = false; front = current; current = e; range.popFront(); //writefln("Yielding: %s", front); return; } current = e; } else { //writefln("Merging: %s with %s", current, e); current.range.merge(e.range); } range.popFront(); } if (current.width != "") { empty = false; front = current; } else empty = true; } void popFront() { if (range.empty) empty = true; // on last element else next(); } } return Result(input); } void outputByCodePoint(R)(R input) if (isInputRange!R && is(ElementType!R : const(char)[])) { writefln("%(%s\n%)", input.parse().mergeConsecutive()); } void tally(R)(R input) if (isInputRange!R && is(ElementType!R : const(char)[])) { int totalW, totalN; foreach (e; input.parse().mergeConsecutive()) { if (e.width=="W") totalW += (e.range.end - e.range.start); else if (e.width=="N") totalN += (e.range.end - e.range.start); else assert(0); } writefln("Tally: W=%d N=%d\n", totalW, totalN); } void genRecogCode(R)(R input) if (isInputRange!R && is(ElementType!R : const(char)[])) { import std.uni; CodepointSet wideChars; foreach (e; input.parse().mergeConsecutive()) { if (e.width=="W") wideChars.add(e.range.start, e.range.end); } writeln(wideChars.toSourceCode("isWide")); } int main(string[] args) { if (args.length < 2) { assert(args.length > 0); stderr.writefln("Usage: %s (bywidth|bypoint|tally|gencode)", args[0]); return 1; } auto input = File("ext/EastAsianWidth.txt", "r").byLine(); auto cmd = args[1]; switch (cmd) { case "bywidth": outputByWidthType(input); break; case "bypoint": outputByCodePoint(input); break; case "tally": tally(input); break; case "gencode": genRecogCode(input); break; default: stderr.writefln("Unknown command: %s", cmd); return 1; } return 0; } T -- People tell me that I'm skeptical, but I don't believe them.The documentation of std.uni [1] says that the unicode struct provides sets for several binary properties. I am looking for a way to query non-binary properties of a character. Is that possible with std.uni or do I need to use a third-party library? I am specifically interested in the East_Asian_Width property [2] (which has six allowed values). Trying to access std.uni.unicode.East_Asian_Width results in the error message:It seems the East Asian width is Unicode standard 13.0, while Phobos implements 6.2. So seems like ca case for a third-party library :(.No unicode set by name East_Asian_Width was found.[1]: [2]:
Sep 29 2020
On Tuesday, 29 September 2020 at 17:04:51 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:OTOH, the relevant Unicode data file that contains East_Asian_Width data (EastAsianWidth.txt) is relatively straightforward to parse. In one of my projects, I wrote a little helper program to parse this file and generate a function that tells me if a given dchar is wide or narrow.Thank you. Analyzing the data file seems simple enough. :)
Sep 29 2020
On Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 06:14:45PM +0000, Chloé Kekoa via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:On Tuesday, 29 September 2020 at 17:04:51 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:If you're daring, you can try parsing it at compile-time... but in this case, it's kinda pointless, since the data file doesn't change, so statically generating the desired code as a separate step seems a more logical thing to do. T -- Curiosity kills the cat. Moral: don't be the cat.OTOH, the relevant Unicode data file that contains East_Asian_Width data (EastAsianWidth.txt) is relatively straightforward to parse. In one of my projects, I wrote a little helper program to parse this file and generate a function that tells me if a given dchar is wide or narrow.Thank you. Analyzing the data file seems simple enough. :)
Sep 29 2020