digitalmars.D.learn - A writefln issue or a Thread issue?
Given below code: module testWin32Process; import;//get from: import std.string; import std.conv; import std.stdio; import core.stdc.stdlib; string startupProcess() { STARTUPINFO si; si.cb=si.sizeof; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; char* szCommandLine=cast(char*)toStringz("cmd"/*"notepad testWin32Process.d"*/); si.dwFlags=STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; si.wShowWindow=true; int bRet=CreateProcess( null, szCommandLine, null, null, false, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, null, null, &si, &pi); if(bRet) { CloseHandle(pi.hThread); return std.string.format("New process ID:%d\n" "Host process ID:%d\n", pi.dwProcessId, pi.dwThreadId); } else { return "Do not know what happend.";//just want to check } } int main(string[] args) { writefln("%s\n",toStringz(startupProcess)); // prints blank!!! MessageBox(null,toStringz(startupProcess),toStringz("result?"),0);//prints contents as expected!! system("pause"); return 0; } As commented,were I use writefln(...),it prints blank;were I use MessageBox,it prints well as expected: New Process ID:2216 Host Process ID:2456 Could anybody here figure me out what the problem is?Thanks in advance. Regards, Sam
Sep 05 2009
Fyi: 1.with DMD2032 under windows xp; 2.Tried printf,write,writeln,writef,writefln but all the same result:blank DOS console under current exe path; 3.In c/c++ it opens total 2 DOS windows which works properly: the main one and the one created by CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE ;but in D it opens total 3 DOS consoles,the main one and 2 blank consoles which were created by CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE,both under current exe path.
Sep 05 2009
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Sam Hu wrote:Fyi: 1.with DMD2032 under windows xp; 2.Tried printf,write,writeln,writef,writefln but all the same result:blank DOS console under current exe path; 3.In c/c++ it opens total 2 DOS windows which works properly: the main one and the one created by CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE ;but in D it opens total 3 DOS consoles,the main one and 2 blank consoles which were created by CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE,both under current exe path.writefln("%s\n",toStringz(startupProcess)); // prints blank!!! the toStringz in the writefln is wrong. You've already returned a string from startupProcess. The toStringz returns a char* which writefln is printing as a pointer, so you are seeing something like '974f40' being printed instead of the message you where expecting. - -- My enormous talent is exceeded only by my outrageous laziness. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - iD8DBQFKokgaT9LetA9XoXwRArHUAJ4yTRoDqyrPlcCk5cdCZ7Yw2+iTSACg0u9w 3tpmYa8ftFEVErLMInIkb1k= =RgrL -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
Sep 05 2009
Thank you for your help.It works now except one extra dos windows pop ups.
Sep 06 2009