digitalmars.D.learn - capturing process output on windows
- Carlos Santander B. (109/109) Apr 17 2005 What's the correct way of capturing a process output on Windows? I found...
- Andrew Fedoniouk (6/6) Apr 17 2005 It should not be so complicated....
- Carlos Santander B. (6/16) Apr 18 2005 Thanks for that. It seems to work. Well, sort of, I still have a couple
- Unknown W. Brackets (6/10) Apr 18 2005
- Carlos Santander B. (6/15) Apr 18 2005 Thanks. However I'd like to do both reading and writing. What I have so
- Carlos Santander B. (7/11) Apr 18 2005 It's not like it's really working on Windows, but I've uploaded it to
- David Medlock (4/131) Apr 18 2005 You can get the source to DManager, which is in Delphi but uses the
- Regan Heath (5/111) Apr 18 2005 I have some Win32 C code for doing just this.. I reckon I can whip it in...
- Regan Heath (7/138) Apr 19 2005 As promised... Tho it should be noted that you cannot simply run "dir"
- Regan Heath (3/147) Apr 19 2005 Err.. I forgot to mention the linux version of this code is _totally_
- Ben Hinkle (15/20) Apr 19 2005 Cool stuff. My first thought is that it would be more standard to have
- Regan Heath (8/32) Apr 19 2005 Sounds good. I wasn't really sure how it was all supposed to "hang
- Georg Wrede (2/36) Apr 19 2005
- Regan Heath (4/23) Apr 20 2005 :) I have actually. I started coding a new version using Ben's idea.
- Regan Heath (4/27) Apr 20 2005 And here it is!
- Ben Hinkle (6/9) Apr 20 2005 Sounds reasonable. It might be worth subclassing (or maybe even just
- Regan Heath (11/21) Apr 20 2005 They do.. if anything I would think that would use
- Carlos Santander B. (4/13) Apr 19 2005 Great. Thanks. Maybe this should go to Phobos? What do you guys think?
- Regan Heath (6/15) Apr 19 2005 It's fine by me :)
- jicman (3/19) Apr 20 2005 Well, what are you waiting for? Get at it! :-)
What's the correct way of capturing a process output on Windows? I found a piece of code on the net, and I tried it, but since I haven't worked with pipes before, I don't know what's going on. Anyway, here's what I'm trying (using the core32 library): //------------------------------------------- //code found in // void main() { char [] stdoutname=r"\\.\pipe\my_output_tmp", stderrname=r"\\.\pipe\my_error_tmp", stdinname=r"\\.\pipe\my_input_tmp"; Stream fstderr, fstdout, fstdin; HANDLE hstderr, hstdout, hstdin; HANDLE outstreamhandle, errstreamhandle, instreamhandle; char * pOutputFile=toStringz(stdoutname), pInputFile=toStringz(stdinname); SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES SecAttrs; SecAttrs.nLength=SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES.sizeof; SecAttrs.bInheritHandle=true; outstreamhandle = CreateNamedPipeA( pOutputFile, PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, PIPE_TYPE_BYTE | PIPE_WAIT, PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, 8192, 8192, 10000, &SecAttrs); assert(outstreamhandle!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); hstdout = CreateFileA( pOutputFile, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, &SecAttrs, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY, null ); assert(hstdout!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); instreamhandle= CreateNamedPipeA( pInputFile, PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, PIPE_TYPE_BYTE | PIPE_WAIT, PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, 8192, 8192, 10000, &SecAttrs); assert(instreamhandle!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); hstdin = CreateFileA( pInputFile, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, &SecAttrs, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY, null ); assert(hstdin!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); STARTUPINFOA sui; sui.cb = STARTUPINFOA.sizeof; sui.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW | STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; sui.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; sui.hStdOutput = hstdout; sui.hStdInput = hstdin; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; int res = CreateProcessA(null, "dir", null, null, true, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE | REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS, null, null, &sui, &pi); DWORD size; size = GetFileSize(outstreamhandle, null); printf("%d\n", size); size = GetFileSize(hstdout, null); printf("%d\n", size); size = GetFileSize(instreamhandle, null); printf("%d\n", size); size = GetFileSize(hstdin, null); printf("%d\n", size); assert (size != INVALID_FILE_SIZE); /* fstdout=new BufferedFile(new File(cast( outstreamhandle, FileMode.In | FileMode.Out )); foreach(char[] ln;fstdout) stdout.writeLine(ln); */ /* fstdin=new BufferedFile(new File(cast( instreamhandle, FileMode.In | FileMode.Out)); foreach(char[] ln;fstdin) stdout.writeLine(ln); */ } //------------------------------------------- All asserts pass. All sizes return 0. Obviosly, even in an empty directory, "dir" outputs something. Eventually, I'd like to do what's commented out. BTW, I've never worked with pipes before on linux, but I also found some code to do the same, and it's unbelievably easy. When/if I get this Windows thing sorted out (a couple of days, maybe?) I'll release the code for anyone in need of it. -- Carlos Santander Bernal JP2, you'll always live in our minds
Apr 17 2005
It should not be so complicated.... Read this: Or this: Funny, google returns VB links mostly....
Apr 17 2005
Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:It should not be so complicated.... Read this: Or this: Funny, google returns VB links mostly....Thanks for that. It seems to work. Well, sort of, I still have a couple of things to check. -- Carlos Santander Bernal JP2, you'll always live in our minds
Apr 18 2005 news://$pee$1 I posted this earlier. It's popen for Windows, which is probably that "unbelievably easy" method you mentioned. Syntax is the same, or you cna use the ProcessStream implementation. -[Unknown]What's the correct way of capturing a process output on Windows? I found a piece of code on the net, and I tried it, but since I haven't worked with pipes before, I don't know what's going on. Anyway, here's what I'm trying (using the core32 library):
Apr 18 2005
Unknown W. Brackets wrote: news://$pee$1 I posted this earlier. It's popen for Windows, which is probably that "unbelievably easy" method you mentioned. Syntax is the same, or you cna use the ProcessStream implementation. -[Unknown]Thanks. However I'd like to do both reading and writing. What I have so far works that way on linux, and is kinda buggy on Windows. -- Carlos Santander Bernal JP2, you'll always live in our minds
Apr 18 2005
Carlos Santander B. wrote:When/if I get this Windows thing sorted out (a couple of days, maybe?) I'll release the code for anyone in need of it.It's not like it's really working on Windows, but I've uploaded it to dsource. It's in -- Carlos Santander Bernal JP2, you'll always live in our minds
Apr 18 2005
Carlos Santander B. wrote:What's the correct way of capturing a process output on Windows? I found a piece of code on the net, and I tried it, but since I haven't worked with pipes before, I don't know what's going on. Anyway, here's what I'm trying (using the core32 library): //------------------------------------------- //code found in // phi/Q_20682069.html void main() { char [] stdoutname=r"\\.\pipe\my_output_tmp", stderrname=r"\\.\pipe\my_error_tmp", stdinname=r"\\.\pipe\my_input_tmp"; Stream fstderr, fstdout, fstdin; HANDLE hstderr, hstdout, hstdin; HANDLE outstreamhandle, errstreamhandle, instreamhandle; char * pOutputFile=toStringz(stdoutname), pInputFile=toStringz(stdinname); SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES SecAttrs; SecAttrs.nLength=SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES.sizeof; SecAttrs.bInheritHandle=true; outstreamhandle = CreateNamedPipeA( pOutputFile, PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, PIPE_TYPE_BYTE | PIPE_WAIT, PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, 8192, 8192, 10000, &SecAttrs); assert(outstreamhandle!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); hstdout = CreateFileA( pOutputFile, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, &SecAttrs, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY, null ); assert(hstdout!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); instreamhandle= CreateNamedPipeA( pInputFile, PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, PIPE_TYPE_BYTE | PIPE_WAIT, PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, 8192, 8192, 10000, &SecAttrs); assert(instreamhandle!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); hstdin = CreateFileA( pInputFile, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, &SecAttrs, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY, null ); assert(hstdin!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); STARTUPINFOA sui; sui.cb = STARTUPINFOA.sizeof; sui.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW | STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; sui.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; sui.hStdOutput = hstdout; sui.hStdInput = hstdin; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; int res = CreateProcessA(null, "dir", null, null, true, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE | REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS, null, null, &sui, &pi); DWORD size; size = GetFileSize(outstreamhandle, null); printf("%d\n", size); size = GetFileSize(hstdout, null); printf("%d\n", size); size = GetFileSize(instreamhandle, null); printf("%d\n", size); size = GetFileSize(hstdin, null); printf("%d\n", size); assert (size != INVALID_FILE_SIZE); /* fstdout=new BufferedFile(new File(cast( outstreamhandle, FileMode.In | FileMode.Out )); foreach(char[] ln;fstdout) stdout.writeLine(ln); */ /* fstdin=new BufferedFile(new File(cast( instreamhandle, FileMode.In | FileMode.Out)); foreach(char[] ln;fstdin) stdout.writeLine(ln); */ } //------------------------------------------- All asserts pass. All sizes return 0. Obviosly, even in an empty directory, "dir" outputs something. Eventually, I'd like to do what's commented out. BTW, I've never worked with pipes before on linux, but I also found some code to do the same, and it's unbelievably easy. When/if I get this Windows thing sorted out (a couple of days, maybe?) I'll release the code for anyone in need of it.You can get the source to DManager, which is in Delphi but uses the Win32 API to capture output. Look in MyUtils.pas -David
Apr 18 2005
I have some Win32 C code for doing just this.. I reckon I can whip it into a stream class or similar, give me a few days... Regan On Sun, 17 Apr 2005 17:01:07 -0500, Carlos Santander B. <csantander619> wrote:What's the correct way of capturing a process output on Windows? I found a piece of code on the net, and I tried it, but since I haven't worked with pipes before, I don't know what's going on. Anyway, here's what I'm trying (using the core32 library): //------------------------------------------- //code found in // void main() { char [] stdoutname=r"\\.\pipe\my_output_tmp", stderrname=r"\\.\pipe\my_error_tmp", stdinname=r"\\.\pipe\my_input_tmp"; Stream fstderr, fstdout, fstdin; HANDLE hstderr, hstdout, hstdin; HANDLE outstreamhandle, errstreamhandle, instreamhandle; char * pOutputFile=toStringz(stdoutname), pInputFile=toStringz(stdinname); SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES SecAttrs; SecAttrs.nLength=SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES.sizeof; SecAttrs.bInheritHandle=true; outstreamhandle = CreateNamedPipeA( pOutputFile, PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, PIPE_TYPE_BYTE | PIPE_WAIT, PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, 8192, 8192, 10000, &SecAttrs); assert(outstreamhandle!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); hstdout = CreateFileA( pOutputFile, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, &SecAttrs, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY, null ); assert(hstdout!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); instreamhandle= CreateNamedPipeA( pInputFile, PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, PIPE_TYPE_BYTE | PIPE_WAIT, PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, 8192, 8192, 10000, &SecAttrs); assert(instreamhandle!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); hstdin = CreateFileA( pInputFile, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, &SecAttrs, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY, null ); assert(hstdin!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); STARTUPINFOA sui; sui.cb = STARTUPINFOA.sizeof; sui.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW | STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; sui.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; sui.hStdOutput = hstdout; sui.hStdInput = hstdin; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; int res = CreateProcessA(null, "dir", null, null, true, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE | REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS, null, null, &sui, &pi); DWORD size; size = GetFileSize(outstreamhandle, null); printf("%d\n", size); size = GetFileSize(hstdout, null); printf("%d\n", size); size = GetFileSize(instreamhandle, null); printf("%d\n", size); size = GetFileSize(hstdin, null); printf("%d\n", size); assert (size != INVALID_FILE_SIZE); /* fstdout=new BufferedFile(new File(cast( outstreamhandle, FileMode.In | FileMode.Out )); foreach(char[] ln;fstdout) stdout.writeLine(ln); */ /* fstdin=new BufferedFile(new File(cast( instreamhandle, FileMode.In | FileMode.Out)); foreach(char[] ln;fstdin) stdout.writeLine(ln); */ } //------------------------------------------- All asserts pass. All sizes return 0. Obviosly, even in an empty directory, "dir" outputs something. Eventually, I'd like to do what's commented out. BTW, I've never worked with pipes before on linux, but I also found some code to do the same, and it's unbelievably easy. When/if I get this Windows thing sorted out (a couple of days, maybe?) I'll release the code for anyone in need of it.
Apr 18 2005
As promised... Tho it should be noted that you cannot simply run "dir" with this. it wants an actual executable not a cmd.exe command like "dir". However you can run "cmd /c dir" and get a directory listing. It would be nice if Ben had time to look at it and make sure I have not abused Stream ;) Regan On Tue, 19 Apr 2005 16:40:55 +1200, Regan Heath <regan> wrote:I have some Win32 C code for doing just this.. I reckon I can whip it into a stream class or similar, give me a few days... Regan On Sun, 17 Apr 2005 17:01:07 -0500, Carlos Santander B. <csantander619> wrote:What's the correct way of capturing a process output on Windows? I found a piece of code on the net, and I tried it, but since I haven't worked with pipes before, I don't know what's going on. Anyway, here's what I'm trying (using the core32 library): //------------------------------------------- //code found in // void main() { char [] stdoutname=r"\\.\pipe\my_output_tmp", stderrname=r"\\.\pipe\my_error_tmp", stdinname=r"\\.\pipe\my_input_tmp"; Stream fstderr, fstdout, fstdin; HANDLE hstderr, hstdout, hstdin; HANDLE outstreamhandle, errstreamhandle, instreamhandle; char * pOutputFile=toStringz(stdoutname), pInputFile=toStringz(stdinname); SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES SecAttrs; SecAttrs.nLength=SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES.sizeof; SecAttrs.bInheritHandle=true; outstreamhandle = CreateNamedPipeA( pOutputFile, PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, PIPE_TYPE_BYTE | PIPE_WAIT, PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, 8192, 8192, 10000, &SecAttrs); assert(outstreamhandle!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); hstdout = CreateFileA( pOutputFile, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, &SecAttrs, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY, null ); assert(hstdout!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); instreamhandle= CreateNamedPipeA( pInputFile, PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, PIPE_TYPE_BYTE | PIPE_WAIT, PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, 8192, 8192, 10000, &SecAttrs); assert(instreamhandle!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); hstdin = CreateFileA( pInputFile, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, &SecAttrs, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY, null ); assert(hstdin!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); STARTUPINFOA sui; sui.cb = STARTUPINFOA.sizeof; sui.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW | STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; sui.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; sui.hStdOutput = hstdout; sui.hStdInput = hstdin; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; int res = CreateProcessA(null, "dir", null, null, true, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE | REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS, null, null, &sui, &pi); DWORD size; size = GetFileSize(outstreamhandle, null); printf("%d\n", size); size = GetFileSize(hstdout, null); printf("%d\n", size); size = GetFileSize(instreamhandle, null); printf("%d\n", size); size = GetFileSize(hstdin, null); printf("%d\n", size); assert (size != INVALID_FILE_SIZE); /* fstdout=new BufferedFile(new File(cast( outstreamhandle, FileMode.In | FileMode.Out )); foreach(char[] ln;fstdout) stdout.writeLine(ln); */ /* fstdin=new BufferedFile(new File(cast( instreamhandle, FileMode.In | FileMode.Out)); foreach(char[] ln;fstdin) stdout.writeLine(ln); */ } //------------------------------------------- All asserts pass. All sizes return 0. Obviosly, even in an empty directory, "dir" outputs something. Eventually, I'd like to do what's commented out. BTW, I've never worked with pipes before on linux, but I also found some code to do the same, and it's unbelievably easy. When/if I get this Windows thing sorted out (a couple of days, maybe?) I'll release the code for anyone in need of it.
Apr 19 2005
Err.. I forgot to mention the linux version of this code is _totally_ untested, in fact I haven't even compiled it. On Wed, 20 Apr 2005 01:06:15 +1200, Regan Heath <regan> wrote:As promised... Tho it should be noted that you cannot simply run "dir" with this. it wants an actual executable not a cmd.exe command like "dir". However you can run "cmd /c dir" and get a directory listing. It would be nice if Ben had time to look at it and make sure I have not abused Stream ;) Regan On Tue, 19 Apr 2005 16:40:55 +1200, Regan Heath <regan> wrote:I have some Win32 C code for doing just this.. I reckon I can whip it into a stream class or similar, give me a few days... Regan On Sun, 17 Apr 2005 17:01:07 -0500, Carlos Santander B. <csantander619> wrote:What's the correct way of capturing a process output on Windows? I found a piece of code on the net, and I tried it, but since I haven't worked with pipes before, I don't know what's going on. Anyway, here's what I'm trying (using the core32 library): //------------------------------------------- //code found in // void main() { char [] stdoutname=r"\\.\pipe\my_output_tmp", stderrname=r"\\.\pipe\my_error_tmp", stdinname=r"\\.\pipe\my_input_tmp"; Stream fstderr, fstdout, fstdin; HANDLE hstderr, hstdout, hstdin; HANDLE outstreamhandle, errstreamhandle, instreamhandle; char * pOutputFile=toStringz(stdoutname), pInputFile=toStringz(stdinname); SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES SecAttrs; SecAttrs.nLength=SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES.sizeof; SecAttrs.bInheritHandle=true; outstreamhandle = CreateNamedPipeA( pOutputFile, PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, PIPE_TYPE_BYTE | PIPE_WAIT, PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, 8192, 8192, 10000, &SecAttrs); assert(outstreamhandle!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); hstdout = CreateFileA( pOutputFile, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, &SecAttrs, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY, null ); assert(hstdout!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); instreamhandle= CreateNamedPipeA( pInputFile, PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, PIPE_TYPE_BYTE | PIPE_WAIT, PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, 8192, 8192, 10000, &SecAttrs); assert(instreamhandle!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); hstdin = CreateFileA( pInputFile, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, &SecAttrs, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY, null ); assert(hstdin!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); STARTUPINFOA sui; sui.cb = STARTUPINFOA.sizeof; sui.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW | STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; sui.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; sui.hStdOutput = hstdout; sui.hStdInput = hstdin; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; int res = CreateProcessA(null, "dir", null, null, true, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE | REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS, null, null, &sui, &pi); DWORD size; size = GetFileSize(outstreamhandle, null); printf("%d\n", size); size = GetFileSize(hstdout, null); printf("%d\n", size); size = GetFileSize(instreamhandle, null); printf("%d\n", size); size = GetFileSize(hstdin, null); printf("%d\n", size); assert (size != INVALID_FILE_SIZE); /* fstdout=new BufferedFile(new File(cast( outstreamhandle, FileMode.In | FileMode.Out )); foreach(char[] ln;fstdout) stdout.writeLine(ln); */ /* fstdin=new BufferedFile(new File(cast( instreamhandle, FileMode.In | FileMode.Out)); foreach(char[] ln;fstdin) stdout.writeLine(ln); */ } //------------------------------------------- All asserts pass. All sizes return 0. Obviosly, even in an empty directory, "dir" outputs something. Eventually, I'd like to do what's commented out. BTW, I've never worked with pipes before on linux, but I also found some code to do the same, and it's unbelievably easy. When/if I get this Windows thing sorted out (a couple of days, maybe?) I'll release the code for anyone in need of it.
Apr 19 2005
"Regan Heath" <regan> wrote in message news:opsphdcp0r23k2f5 promised... Tho it should be noted that you cannot simply run "dir" with this. it wants an actual executable not a cmd.exe command like "dir". However you can run "cmd /c dir" and get a directory listing. It would be nice if Ben had time to look at it and make sure I have not abused Stream ;)Cool stuff. My first thought is that it would be more standard to have Process be a class that has two Stream members (one for the in pipe and one for the out pipe). Something like class Process { InputStream input; OutputStream output; } ... Process proc = new Process("cmd /c dir"); stdout.writefln("%s",proc.input.readLine()); But that's just becuase it feels odd to have Process subclass Stream. But I haven't thought about it too much... See for example Java's Process and PipeStream classes.
Apr 19 2005
On Tue, 19 Apr 2005 19:30:30 -0400, Ben Hinkle <ben.hinkle> wrote:"Regan Heath" <regan> wrote in message news:opsphdcp0r23k2f5 good. I wasn't really sure how it was all supposed to "hang together". So we derive a PipeStream class from Stream. In the PipeStream constructor pass IN or OUT (kinda like how File works). I might give that a go if I find some more time, or if you (or someone else) wants to, feel free. ReganAs promised... Tho it should be noted that you cannot simply run "dir" with this. it wants an actual executable not a cmd.exe command like "dir". However you can run "cmd /c dir" and get a directory listing. It would be nice if Ben had time to look at it and make sure I have not abused Stream ;)Cool stuff. My first thought is that it would be more standard to have Process be a class that has two Stream members (one for the in pipe and one for the out pipe). Something like class Process { InputStream input; OutputStream output; } ... Process proc = new Process("cmd /c dir"); stdout.writefln("%s",proc.input.readLine()); But that's just becuase it feels odd to have Process subclass Stream. But I haven't thought about it too much... See for example Java's Process and PipeStream classes.
Apr 19 2005
Regan Heath wrote:On Tue, 19 Apr 2005 19:30:30 -0400, Ben Hinkle <ben.hinkle> wrote:I hope you put in a stream for stderr, too!"Regan Heath" <regan> wrote in message news:opsphdcp0r23k2f5 promised... Tho it should be noted that you cannot simply run "dir" with this. it wants an actual executable not a cmd.exe command like "dir". However you can run "cmd /c dir" and get a directory listing. It would be nice if Ben had time to look at it and make sure I have not abused Stream ;)Cool stuff. My first thought is that it would be more standard to have Process be a class that has two Stream members (one for the in pipe and one for the out pipe). Something like class Process { InputStream input; OutputStream output; } ... Process proc = new Process("cmd /c dir"); stdout.writefln("%s",proc.input.readLine());But that's just becuase it feels odd to have Process subclass Stream. But I haven't thought about it too much... See for example Java's Process and PipeStream classes.Sounds good. I wasn't really sure how it was all supposed to "hang together". So we derive a PipeStream class from Stream. In the PipeStream constructor pass IN or OUT (kinda like how File works). I might give that a go if I find some more time, or if you (or someone else) wants to, feel free. Regan
Apr 19 2005
On Wed, 20 Apr 2005 09:37:29 +0300, Georg Wrede <georg.wrede> wrote:Regan Heath wrote::) I have actually. I started coding a new version using Ben's idea. ReganOn Tue, 19 Apr 2005 19:30:30 -0400, Ben Hinkle <ben.hinkle> wrote:I hope you put in a stream for stderr, too!"Regan Heath" <regan> wrote in message news:opsphdcp0r23k2f5 promised... Tho it should be noted that you cannot simply run "dir" with this. it wants an actual executable not a cmd.exe command like "dir". However you can run "cmd /c dir" and get a directory listing. It would be nice if Ben had time to look at it and make sure I have not abused Stream ;)Cool stuff. My first thought is that it would be more standard to have Process be a class that has two Stream members (one for the in pipe and one for the out pipe). Something like class Process { InputStream input; OutputStream output; } ... Process proc = new Process("cmd /c dir"); stdout.writefln("%s",proc.input.readLine());
Apr 20 2005
On Wed, 20 Apr 2005 22:48:38 +1200, Regan Heath <regan> wrote:On Wed, 20 Apr 2005 09:37:29 +0300, Georg Wrede <georg.wrede> wrote:And here it is! Thoughts? ReganRegan Heath wrote::) I have actually. I started coding a new version using Ben's idea.On Tue, 19 Apr 2005 19:30:30 -0400, Ben Hinkle <ben.hinkle> wrote:I hope you put in a stream for stderr, too!"Regan Heath" <regan> wrote in message news:opsphdcp0r23k2f5 promised... Tho it should be noted that you cannot simply run "dir" with this. it wants an actual executable not a cmd.exe command like "dir". However you can run "cmd /c dir" and get a directory listing. It would be nice if Ben had time to look at it and make sure I have not abused Stream ;)Cool stuff. My first thought is that it would be more standard to have Process be a class that has two Stream members (one for the in pipe and one for the out pipe). Something like class Process { InputStream input; OutputStream output; } ... Process proc = new Process("cmd /c dir"); stdout.writefln("%s",proc.input.readLine());
Apr 20 2005
So we derive a PipeStream class from Stream. In the PipeStream constructor pass IN or OUT (kinda like how File works). I might give that a go if I find some more time, or if you (or someone else) wants to, feel free.Sounds reasonable. It might be worth subclassing (or maybe even just reusing) since a pipe is (I think) implemented as file descriptors on the OS's I know about. For example on Windows pipes use ReadFile and WriteFile. I don't know if you were planning on suggesting it to Walter but it might be nice to put the Process class into std.process, too.
Apr 20 2005
On Wed, 20 Apr 2005 08:24:42 -0400, Ben Hinkle <ben.hinkle> wrote:They do.. if anything I would think that would use PipeStream (see my latest code). The reason I say this is that uses pipes, but also calls CreateFile to create a file on a disk. So it seems to me FileStream extends PipeStream, not the other way round. We would need to move some of the functionality in into PipeStream though i.e. seekability check, seek routine, etc.So we derive a PipeStream class from Stream. In the PipeStream constructor pass IN or OUT (kinda like how File works). I might give that a go if I find some more time, or if you (or someone else) wants to, feel free.Sounds reasonable. It might be worth subclassing (or maybe even just reusing) since a pipe is (I think) implemented as file descriptors on the OS's I know about. For example on Windows pipes use ReadFile and WriteFile.I don't know if you were planning on suggesting it to Walter but it might be nice to put the Process class into std.process, too.If he thinks it's useful, he's welcome to it. Regan
Apr 20 2005
Regan Heath wrote:As promised... Tho it should be noted that you cannot simply run "dir" with this. it wants an actual executable not a cmd.exe command like "dir". However you can run "cmd /c dir" and get a directory listing. It would be nice if Ben had time to look at it and make sure I have not abused Stream ;) ReganGreat. Thanks. Maybe this should go to Phobos? What do you guys think? -- Carlos Santander Bernal
Apr 19 2005
On Tue, 19 Apr 2005 20:31:17 -0500, Carlos Santander B. <csantander619> wrote:Regan Heath wrote:It's fine by me :) However, Ben has pointed out a few design changes which I think are a good idea. ReganAs promised... Tho it should be noted that you cannot simply run "dir" with this. it wants an actual executable not a cmd.exe command like "dir". However you can run "cmd /c dir" and get a directory listing. It would be nice if Ben had time to look at it and make sure I have not abused Stream ;) ReganGreat. Thanks. Maybe this should go to Phobos? What do you guys think?
Apr 19 2005
Well, what are you waiting for? Get at it! :-) jic Regan Heath says...On Tue, 19 Apr 2005 20:31:17 -0500, Carlos Santander B. <csantander619> wrote:Regan Heath wrote:It's fine by me :) However, Ben has pointed out a few design changes which I think are a good idea. ReganAs promised... Tho it should be noted that you cannot simply run "dir" with this. it wants an actual executable not a cmd.exe command like "dir". However you can run "cmd /c dir" and get a directory listing. It would be nice if Ben had time to look at it and make sure I have not abused Stream ;) ReganGreat. Thanks. Maybe this should go to Phobos? What do you guys think?
Apr 20 2005