digitalmars.D.learn - Derelics problem, I think :)
- MM (26/26) Jun 11 2006 I installed derelics again in accordance with the dmedia tutorial 1.
- Mike Parker (9/16) Jun 11 2006 You did nothing wrong. The problem is with your OpenGL DLL, which
- Tom S (4/22) Jun 12 2006 Updating your graphics card drivers might do the trick...
- MM (6/26) Jun 12 2006 Excuse me, this was not really obvious apparently :), but I did tutorial...
- Mike Parker (4/11) Jun 12 2006 It's possible that the DLL has become corrupt in some way. If replacing
- MM (3/6) Jun 12 2006 As I don't like replacing files with downloaded ones I compared them in ...
- Mike Parker (5/9) Jun 12 2006 That won't help in this case. The wgl* functions are all considered part...
I installed derelics again in accordance with the dmedia tutorial 1. Only this time with newer versions. I got a problem but I'm not sure where the problem lies, thus I put my question in this more general board. So here we go: Download dmc and dmd .160 extract dmd in C:\D\ and dmc on top of it. (creating dmd && dm as subs) Get the newest derelict: Place the correct subs in the /src/ext/ folder. (see Dmedia tutorial) Get build 301 windows (non debug) place it in C:\D\dmd\bin\ put both C:\D\dmd\bin\ && C:\D\dm\bin\ in my PATH (winXP pro sp2) cmd build test.d -full -w -IC:\D\dmd\src\ext no errors or warnings test.exe Error: Failed to load proc wglUseFontBitmaps from shared library opengl32.dll Which is in my opengl32.dll Could anybody tell me what I did wrong? Thx, MM
Jun 11 2006
MM wrote:test.exe Error: Failed to load proc wglUseFontBitmaps from shared library opengl32.dll Which is in my opengl32.dll Could anybody tell me what I did wrong?You did nothing wrong. The problem is with your OpenGL DLL, which appears to be corrupt. The function "wglUseFontBitmaps", a function that /should/ be there, wasn't found. You could use Derelict's selective loading mechanism to work around it, but in this case that would be a hack. I suggest you replace your opengl32.dll and see if that does the trick. Look around MSDN or to find where to download it. I googled it and found several sites offering it for download, but that I wouldn't trust anything that wasn't linked from MSDN or
Jun 11 2006
Mike Parker wrote:MM wrote:Updating your graphics card drivers might do the trick... -- Tomasz Stachowiak /+ a.k.a. h3r3tic +/test.exe Error: Failed to load proc wglUseFontBitmaps from shared library opengl32.dll Which is in my opengl32.dll Could anybody tell me what I did wrong?You did nothing wrong. The problem is with your OpenGL DLL, which appears to be corrupt. The function "wglUseFontBitmaps", a function that /should/ be there, wasn't found. You could use Derelict's selective loading mechanism to work around it, but in this case that would be a hack. I suggest you replace your opengl32.dll and see if that does the trick. Look around MSDN or to find where to download it. I googled it and found several sites offering it for download, but that I wouldn't trust anything that wasn't linked from MSDN or
Jun 12 2006
In article <e6jjs1$226k$1>, Tom S says...Mike Parker wrote:Excuse me, this was not really obvious apparently :), but I did tutorial 1-3 from dmedia a few weeks ago without any problems. (around this time :D >> build 210 (used 209) switching back to 2.09 does not change the outcome btw. ps. I always have the newest omega ati drivers.MM wrote:Updating your graphics card drivers might do the trick...test.exe Error: Failed to load proc wglUseFontBitmaps from shared library opengl32.dll Which is in my opengl32.dll Could anybody tell me what I did wrong?You did nothing wrong. The problem is with your OpenGL DLL, which appears to be corrupt. The function "wglUseFontBitmaps", a function that /should/ be there, wasn't found. You could use Derelict's selective loading mechanism to work around it, but in this case that would be a hack. I suggest you replace your opengl32.dll and see if that does the trick. Look around MSDN or to find where to download it. I googled it and found several sites offering it for download, but that I wouldn't trust anything that wasn't linked from MSDN or
Jun 12 2006
MM wrote:Excuse me, this was not really obvious apparently :), but I did tutorial 1-3 from dmedia a few weeks ago without any problems. (around this time :D >> build 210 (used 209) switching back to 2.09 does not change the outcome btw. ps. I always have the newest omega ati drivers.It's possible that the DLL has become corrupt in some way. If replacing it doesn't fix the problem, then we can take this discussion over to the Derelict forums and try to solve it.
Jun 12 2006
It's possible that the DLL has become corrupt in some way. If replacing it doesn't fix the problem, then we can take this discussion over to the Derelict forums and try to solve it.As I don't like replacing files with downloaded ones I compared them in my hexeditor All 713,728 bytes report having their twins in the correct place :)
Jun 12 2006
Tom S wrote:Updating your graphics card drivers might do the trick...That won't help in this case. The wgl* functions are all considered part of GDI and are to be found in the default opengl32.dll that MS has not updated in years. I'm fairly certain you won't find the wgl* functions implemented in the drivers.
Jun 12 2006