digitalmars.D.learn - D license
- Pascal Guérin (4/4) Aug 31 2005 Hi,
- clayasaurus (2/10) Aug 31 2005 Yes.
- Derek Parnell (13/17) Aug 31 2005 Yes.
- Manfred Nowak (4/8) Aug 31 2005 [...]
- clayasaurus (4/17) Sep 01 2005 Why not? The topic has come up numerous times before and Walter has
- Pascal (2/19) Sep 02 2005 If walter (isn't he the creator of D) said yes, then i guess it's ok.
- Walter (4/6) Sep 02 2005 commercial
- Rob Saunders (8/12) Sep 08 2005 To me, if one thing is to hold up the future of D, it's that tricky lice...
- John Demme (5/19) Sep 08 2005 Walter posted some time ago a rather interesting story about how he knew
- Manfred Nowak (5/6) Sep 08 2005 How this? I remeber a post of him, saying, that the specs are plain
- Derek Parnell (9/16) Sep 08 2005 I suspect that John meant that the specification is free to be used by
- Rob Saunders (4/11) Sep 08 2005 This is what I mean - it's all... not in writing. Nobody is seriously go...
- Walter Bright (26/38) Sep 09 2005 licence.
- Manfred Nowak (15/17) Sep 09 2005 Thanks. At least to me its a relief, because I have tried to
- Walter Bright (4/20) Sep 09 2005 You have my explicit permission to publish your CFG any way you want to.
- John Love-Jensen (5/6) Sep 11 2005 Tricky licence? D has one of the least "tricky" licence I've seen.
- Walter Bright (5/8) Sep 12 2005 licence.
- Rob Saunders (6/15) Sep 16 2005 I'm sorry I didn't mean to imply anybody was attempting to trick, just
Hi, I'd like to know if D allows to create a proprietary, closed source, commercial software? Any license confuses me (english's not my first language). Thanks in advance
Aug 31 2005
Pascal Guérin wrote:Hi, I'd like to know if D allows to create a proprietary, closed source, commercial software? Any license confuses me (english's not my first language). Thanks in advanceYes.
Aug 31 2005
On Thu, 1 Sep 2005 01:50:48 +0000 (UTC), Pascal Guérin wrote:Hi, I'd like to know if D allows to create a proprietary, closed source, commercial software? Any license confuses me (english's not my first language).Yes. You can use the DMD software to create anything that you think is reasonable and you do not owe DigitalMars anything. Also, DigitalMars cannot be held responsible for anything you do create. You cannot distribute the DMD compiler, or other DigitalMars software, without getting explicit permission from DigitalMars first. Well that's how I read it, but I'm not a lawyer so take care. -- Derek (skype: derek.j.parnell) Melbourne, Australia 1/09/2005 12:03:02 PM
Aug 31 2005
Pascal Guérin wroteHi, I'd like to know if D allows to create a proprietary, closed source, commercial software?[...] No. -manfred
Aug 31 2005
Manfred Nowak wrote:Pascal Guérin wroteWhy not? The topic has come up numerous times before and Walter has always said yes. Am I missing something?, I'd like to know if D allows to create a proprietary, closed source, commercial software?[...] No. -manfred
Sep 01 2005
In article <df834o$21gq$1>, clayasaurus says...Manfred Nowak wrote:If walter (isn't he the creator of D) said yes, then i guess it's ok.Pascal Guérin wroteWhy not? The topic has come up numerous times before and Walter has always said yes. Am I missing something?, I'd like to know if D allows to create a proprietary, closed source, commercial software?[...] No. -manfred
Sep 02 2005
"Pascal Guérin" <Pascal_member> wrote in message news:df5mpo$31fj$1'd like to know if D allows to create a proprietary, closed source,commercialsoftware?Yes.
Sep 02 2005
To me, if one thing is to hold up the future of D, it's that tricky licence. I couldn't fully understand it myself, and legally some aspects of it would seem hard to enforce (however I'm not a lawyer either so who knows). How open is the D specification? The compiler itself may have a licence, but am I within my own rights to create and distribute/sell my own compiler for the D language? (this is entirely hypothetical -I don't want to create a compiler! But other people will and this will destroy D as a language if so).I'd like to know if D allows to create a proprietary, closed source,commercialsoftware?Yes.
Sep 08 2005
Walter posted some time ago a rather interesting story about how he knew that C++ would be big- that one didn't have to (pay to) license it to write a compiler for it. The same is true for D. The spec is open. -John Demme On Fri, 09 Sep 2005 00:47:41 +1000, Rob Saunders wrote:To me, if one thing is to hold up the future of D, it's that tricky licence. I couldn't fully understand it myself, and legally some aspects of it would seem hard to enforce (however I'm not a lawyer either so who knows). How open is the D specification? The compiler itself may have a licence, but am I within my own rights to create and distribute/sell my own compiler for the D language? (this is entirely hypothetical -I don't want to create a compiler! But other people will and this will destroy D as a language if so).I'd like to know if D allows to create a proprietary, closed source,commercialsoftware?Yes.
Sep 08 2005
John Demme wrote: [...]The same is true for D. The spec is open.How this? I remeber a post of him, saying, that the specs are plain old copyrighted. -manfred
Sep 08 2005
On Fri, 9 Sep 2005 02:33:30 +0000 (UTC), Manfred Nowak wrote:John Demme wrote: [...]I suspect that John meant that the specification is free to be used by people other than Walter Bright. The actual text of the published specification is copyrighted by Walter. -- Derek (skype: derek.j.parnell) Melbourne, Australia 9/09/2005 2:31:18 PMThe same is true for D. The spec is open.How this? I remeber a post of him, saying, that the specs are plain old copyrighted.
Sep 08 2005
This is what I mean - it's all... not in writing. Nobody is seriously going to spend the time to implement their own version if they're unsure of murky legal waters up ahead. It should be stated clearly on the D Spec that it is open for all. Just don't use a licence like GPL. Yuck.I suspect that John meant that the specification is free to be used by people other than Walter Bright. The actual text of the published specification is copyrighted by Walter.The same is true for D. The spec is open.How this? I remeber a post of him, saying, that the specs are plain old copyrighted.
Sep 08 2005
"Rob Saunders" <chojin> wrote in message news:dfpiuj$2sdi$1 me, if one thing is to hold up the future of D, it's that trickylicence.I couldn't fully understand it myself, and legally some aspects of itwouldseem hard to enforce (however I'm not a lawyer either so who knows). How open is the D specification? The compiler itself may have a licence,butam I within my own rights to create and distribute/sell my own compilerforthe D language? (this is entirely hypothetical -I don't want to create a compiler! But other people will and this will destroy D as a language if so).You're free to write your own D implementation from scratch, on your terms. I disagree this will destroy D - I think it is a great source of strength for other languages to have competing implementations, why not for D? I encourage anyone who wants to create an independent D compiler. You're free to write your own D implementation using the DMD front end sources - use them freely if the result will be GPL'd, you'll need a license to use the DMD front end code for a non-GPL product. The D specification is copyrighted. It is not patented. Therefore, legally, you can write your own D specification as long as it doesn't copy verbatim from the Digital Mars one. That said, I'm pretty easy about giving permission to do wholesale copying if I feel it will be good for the D community. Some examples are the foreign language versions of the spec prepared by others. You may use the DMD compiler and Phobos library to create closed source, proprietary, commercial D programs without needing a further license from Digital Mars. You may not use DMD to create programs which, if they fail, will cause injury or significant property damage. If you want to create such programs, you'll need to send me a piece of paper indemnifying Digital Mars from all liability.I'd like to know if D allows to create a proprietary, closed source,commercialsoftware?Yes.
Sep 09 2005
Walter Bright wrote: [...]Therefore, legally, you can write your own D specification as long as it doesn't copy verbatim from the Digital Mars one.Thanks. At least to me its a relief, because I have tried to establish a context free grammar for D from the specs. But in order to eliminate conflicts and adapting it to my style of specifying and according to the errors nearly everyone makes without intensively testing, I was and still am sure, that there is nearly no way accaptable by most legal communitys to prove, that the developed CFG is as close at the specs of that time as was possible to me. Therefore, without a written assurance directly from you I was not willing to give the CFG to the public. If I understand your statement correctly I am even free to simplify the specs in order to have a CFG with a shorter textual length and publish that. -manfred
Sep 09 2005
"Manfred Nowak" <svv1999> wrote in message news:dfthjd$ahm$1 Bright wrote: [...]You have my explicit permission to publish your CFG any way you want to. -WalterTherefore, legally, you can write your own D specification as long as it doesn't copy verbatim from the Digital Mars one.Thanks. At least to me its a relief, because I have tried to establish a context free grammar for D from the specs. But in order to eliminate conflicts and adapting it to my style of specifying and according to the errors nearly everyone makes without intensively testing, I was and still am sure, that there is nearly no way accaptable by most legal communitys to prove, that the developed CFG is as close at the specs of that time as was possible to me. Therefore, without a written assurance directly from you I was not willing to give the CFG to the public. If I understand your statement correctly I am even free to simplify the specs in order to have a CFG with a shorter textual length and publish that.
Sep 09 2005
Rob Saunders wrote:To me, if one thing is to hold up the future of D, it's that tricky licence.Tricky licence? D has one of the least "tricky" licence I've seen. I don't understand what trick is referred to here, or is worrisome here. Sincerely, --Eljay
Sep 11 2005
"John Love-Jensen" <love-jensen> wrote in message news:dg1g8a$2k3u$1 me, if one thing is to hold up the future of D, it's that trickyTricky licence? D has one of the least "tricky" licence I've seen. I don't understand what trick is referred to here, or is worrisome here.There is no attempt to trick anyone with the license. If there is anything that gives that impression, let me know and I'll try to clarify it.
Sep 12 2005
I'm sorry I didn't mean to imply anybody was attempting to trick, just saying I found it a little tricky to understand from a legal standpoint. Now that has been cleared up, I can see compiler authors have nothing to worry about, and D has a bright future. "Walter Bright" <newshound> wrote in message news:dg4dqj$22bc$1"John Love-Jensen" <love-jensen> wrote in message news:dg1g8a$2k3u$1 me, if one thing is to hold up the future of D, it's that trickyTricky licence? D has one of the least "tricky" licence I've seen. I don't understand what trick is referred to here, or is worrisome here.There is no attempt to trick anyone with the license. If there is anything that gives that impression, let me know and I'll try to clarify it.
Sep 16 2005