digitalmars.D.ldc - release link std.exception errnoEnforce erro in 1.1.0-beta2
- Dsby (12/12) Sep 25 2016 in debug, it is ok.
- Dsby (3/4) Sep 25 2016 The code is :
- Dsby (12/16) Sep 26 2016 the Erro is form std.stdio.
- kinke (4/5) Sep 26 2016 You should be able to work around this issue by specifying
- Dsby (5/10) Sep 26 2016 -cross-module-inlining=false is erro,
- Johan Engelen (6/17) Sep 26 2016 This is because in 1.1.0-beta2, -disable-cross-module-inlining
- Johan Engelen (3/6) Sep 26 2016 Or you could edit Phobos source and remove the pragma(inline,
- Dsby (2/9) Sep 26 2016 Thanks。
in debug, it is ok. But in release will erro: ../../../libcollie.a(collie.codec.http.handler.o):在函数‘_D6collie5codec4http7handler11HTTPHandler12responseSentMFC6collie5codec4http8response12HTTPResponseAyamZv’中: ../../../source/collie/codec/http/handler.d:(.text._D6collie5codec4http7handler11HTTPHandler12responseSentMFC6collie5codec4http8response12HTTPResponseAyamZv[_D6collie5codec4http7handler11HTTPHandler12responseSentMFC6collie5codec4http8response12HTTPResponseAyamZv]+0x192):对‘_D3std9exception123__T12errnoEnforceTbVAyaa44_2f686f6d652f647362792f62696e2f6c64632f62696e2f2e2e2f696d706f72742f7374642f737464696f2e64Vmi1041Z12errnoEnforceFNfbLAyaZb’未定义的引用 ../../../libcollie.a(collie.codec.http.handler.o):在函数‘_D6collie5codec4http7handler11HTTPHandler8sendFileMFAhkZv’中: ../../../source/collie/codec/http/handler.d:(.text._D6collie5codec4http7handler11HTTPHandler8sendFileMFAhkZv[_D6collie5codec4http7handler11HTTPHandler8sendFileMFAhkZv]+0x118):对‘_D3std9exception123__T12errnoEnforceTbVAyaa44_2f686f6d652f647362792f62696e2f6c64632f62696e2f2e2e2f696d706f72742f7374642f737464696f2e64Vmi1098Z12errnoEnforceFNfbLAyaZb’未定义的引用 collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status Error: /usr/bin/gcc failed with status: 1 ldc2 failed with exit code 1 In english: 在函数 = in function 未定义的引用 = Undefined Reference
Sep 25 2016
On Monday, 26 September 2016 at 06:30:03 UTC, Dsby wrote:[...]The code is :
Sep 25 2016
On Monday, 26 September 2016 at 06:34:49 UTC, Dsby wrote:On Monday, 26 September 2016 at 06:30:03 UTC, Dsby wrote:the Erro is form std.stdio. in seek and tell. when I use debug, but enable "inline" it will erro: httpserver ~master: building configuration "default"... ../../../libcollie.a(collie.codec.http.handler.o):在函数‘_D3std5stdio4File4seekMFNeliZv’中: /home/dsby/bin/ldc/bin/../import/std/stdio.d:1041:对‘_D3std9exception123__T12errnoEnforceTbVAyaa44_2f686f6d652f647362792f62696e2f6c64632f62696e2f2e2e2f696d706f72742f7374642f737464696f2e64Vmi1041Z12errnoEnforceFNfbLAyaZb’未定义的引用 ../../../libcollie.a(collie.codec.http.handler.o):在函数‘_D3std5stdio4File4tellMxFNdNeZm’中: /home/dsby/bin/ldc/bin/../import/std/stdio.d:1098:对‘_D3std9exception123__T12errnoEnforceTbVAyaa44_2f686f6d652f647362792f62696e2f6c64632f62696e2f2e2e2f696d706f72742f7374642f737464696f2e64Vmi1098Z12errnoEnforceFNfbLAyaZb’未定义的引用 collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status Error: /usr/bin/gcc failed with status: 1 ldc2 failed with exit code 1.[...]The code is :
Sep 26 2016
On Monday, 26 September 2016 at 07:20:18 UTC, Dsby wrote:when I use debug, but enable "inline" it will erro:You should be able to work around this issue by specifying `-cross-module-inlining=false` in the command line. It's already resolved (disabled by default) in git master.
Sep 26 2016
On Monday, 26 September 2016 at 08:13:43 UTC, kinke wrote:On Monday, 26 September 2016 at 07:20:18 UTC, Dsby wrote:-cross-module-inlining=false is erro, I add -disable-cross-module-inlining or -disable-cross-module-inlining = true or -ensable-cross-module-inlining = flase, But it also error.when I use debug, but enable "inline" it will erro:You should be able to work around this issue by specifying `-cross-module-inlining=false` in the command line. It's already resolved (disabled by default) in git master.
Sep 26 2016
On Monday, 26 September 2016 at 14:59:14 UTC, Dsby wrote:On Monday, 26 September 2016 at 08:13:43 UTC, kinke wrote:This is because in 1.1.0-beta2, -disable-cross-module-inlining does not disable cross-module inlining of `pragma(inline, true)` functions. There is no other solution than downgrading to 1.0.0 for now, and to wait for 1.1.0-beta3 (or build LDC yourself).On Monday, 26 September 2016 at 07:20:18 UTC, Dsby wrote:-cross-module-inlining=false is erro, I add -disable-cross-module-inlining or -disable-cross-module-inlining = true or -ensable-cross-module-inlining = flase, But it also error.when I use debug, but enable "inline" it will erro:You should be able to work around this issue by specifying `-cross-module-inlining=false` in the command line. It's already resolved (disabled by default) in git master.
Sep 26 2016
On Monday, 26 September 2016 at 15:06:04 UTC, Johan Engelen wrote:There is no other solution than downgrading to 1.0.0 for now, and to wait for 1.1.0-beta3 (or build LDC yourself).Or you could edit Phobos source and remove the pragma(inline, true) in std.exception for errnoEnforce.
Sep 26 2016
On Monday, 26 September 2016 at 15:07:35 UTC, Johan Engelen wrote:On Monday, 26 September 2016 at 15:06:04 UTC, Johan Engelen wrote:Thanks。There is no other solution than downgrading to 1.0.0 for now, and to wait for 1.1.0-beta3 (or build LDC yourself).Or you could edit Phobos source and remove the pragma(inline, true) in std.exception for errnoEnforce.
Sep 26 2016