digitalmars.D.ldc - What is the __udivdi3 __umoddi3 function?
- lili (45/45) Aug 22 2019 Hi
- David Nadlinger (10/15) Aug 22 2019 These are software implementations of integer arithmetic where the
- lili (3/18) Aug 22 2019 Thanks a lot.
Hi I writing a OS in D, compile with -betterC -c, but when call a variable template function where has __udivdi3 __umoddi3 undefined symbol, can not link with ld, how to resolve it. see code below println('it is ok'); println('it is occur -_udivdi3 symbol', 33); void println(A...)(A a) { char[20] numStr = void; import std.traits; foreach(v ; a) { alias UV = Unqual!(typeof(v)); static if (is(UV == char)) putc(v); else static if (is(UV == char*)) puts(v); else static if (is(typeof(v) == string)) puts(v.ptr); else static if (is(UV == bool)) puts(v ? "true":"false"); else static if (is(UV == byte) || is(UV == ubyte) || is(UV == short) || is(UV == ushort) || is(UV == int) || is(UV == uint) || is(UV == long) || is(UV == ulong)) { ulong n = cast(ulong)v; bool isNeg = false; if (v < 0) { isNeg = true; if (n != 1UL<<63) n = -v; } int i=0; while(n !=0 ) { numStr[i++] = (n%10) + '0'; n/=10; } if (isNeg) putc('-'); while (--i >= 0) putc(numStr[i]); } else static assert(false); } }
Aug 22 2019
Hi there, On 22 Aug 2019, at 21:20, lili via digitalmars-d-ldc wrote:I writing a OS in D, compile with -betterC -c, but when call a variable template function where has __udivdi3 __umoddi3 undefined symbol, can not link with ld, how to resolve it. see code belowThese are software implementations of integer arithmetic where the desired operation is not natively available on the target CPU (e.g. 64 bit integer division on a 32 bit target). You can find an implementation in the compiler-rt project (or libgcc), which you can link into your kernel as needed. You might be able to get around this by not using 64 bit integers in your code if 32 bits suffice. — David
Aug 22 2019
On Thursday, 22 August 2019 at 20:39:32 UTC, David Nadlinger wrote:Hi there, On 22 Aug 2019, at 21:20, lili via digitalmars-d-ldc wrote:Thanks a lot.I writing a OS in D, compile with -betterC -c, but when call a variable template function where has __udivdi3 __umoddi3 undefined symbol, can not link with ld, how to resolve it. see code belowThese are software implementations of integer arithmetic where the desired operation is not natively available on the target CPU (e.g. 64 bit integer division on a 32 bit target). You can find an implementation in the compiler-rt project (or libgcc), which you can link into your kernel as needed. You might be able to get around this by not using 64 bit integers in your code if 32 bits suffice. — David
Aug 22 2019