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digitalmars.D.ide - Intellij D Language plugin 1.34.2 released

reply singingbush <singingbush hotmail.com> writes:
It's been a while since posting here but as there's been a fair 
few improvements recently I thought it worth asking anyone that 
is using a 2024.* version of Intellij (Ultimate or Community) to 
update to (or install) this latest version and give it a go.

Please direct any issues to the GitHub: 

I'd like to thank Etienne Brateau, not just for putting in a huge 
amount of effort into the project but also for reviving my 
interest in it. Thanks also to Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole 
who has helped with some commits as well as responding to issues 
on GitHub.

Maintaining an IDE integration for an evolving language whilst 
also needing to adapt to continual changes in the IDE's API can 
be disheartening at times, so the additional support is greatly 

If you like using the Jetbrains IDE's and want to see improved D 
support please get involved.
Jun 30
next sibling parent "Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole" <richard cattermole.co.nz> writes:
The recent parser changes by Etienne are absolutely awesome.

Instantaneous loading for dmd.expressionsem which is nearly 17k LOC!

Certainly a must update version.
Jun 30
prev sibling parent Imperatorn <johan_forsberg_86 hotmail.com> writes:
On Sunday, 30 June 2024 at 20:19:10 UTC, singingbush wrote:
 It's been a while since posting here but as there's been a fair 
 few improvements recently I thought it worth asking anyone that 
 is using a 2024.* version of Intellij (Ultimate or Community) 
 to update to (or install) this latest version and give it a go.

Nice! Will try
Jul 04