digitalmars.D.ide - Building and run VisualD with VS2013
- Nicholas Londey (8/8) Dec 22 2014 Hey, has anyone recently built and run VisualD using VS2013
- Rainer Schuetze (17/24) Dec 23 2014 This is not the official way to do it using the VS SDK, but what I
- Nicholas Londey (9/11) Dec 29 2014 Before this step I needed to go in and delete my existing 12.0D*
- Rainer Schuetze (4/15) Jan 01 2015 Could be that the settings written from earlier tries made it always
Hey, has anyone recently built and run VisualD using VS2013 (community edition/pro). With minor additions I was able to get it to build but have been unsuccessful debugging it. Using the given instructions to install the extension in the AppData folder and using /RootSuffix but instead it always loads the installed version's dll. Will continue to look into it but if anyone has already solve these problems any hints would be much appreciated.
Dec 22 2014
On 22.12.2014 11:57, Nicholas Londey wrote:Hey, has anyone recently built and run VisualD using VS2013 (community edition/pro). With minor additions I was able to get it to build but have been unsuccessful debugging it. Using the given instructions to install the extension in the AppData folder and using /RootSuffix but instead it always loads the installed version's dll. Will continue to look into it but if anyone has already solve these problems any hints would be much appreciated.This is not the official way to do it using the VS SDK, but what I usually do is: - make a copy of "<VS-Install-Dir>\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Rainer Schuetze\VisualD\0.3\visuald.pkgdef" to visuald_debug.reg - load it into an editor - replace $RootKey$ with "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0D_Config" - replace "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\VisualD\\" with the path to the debug version of VisualD.dll - launch VS once with "devenv /RootSuffix D" to initialize the registry for hive "12.0D_Config" and exit - run visuald_debug.reg to create the appropriate registry entries - launch VS again with "devenv /RootSuffix D" This should now show Visual D installed. Registrations needs to be rerun after changing the VS installation (e.g. by installing a new version of Visual D), because the configuration is rewritten then.
Dec 23 2014
Thanks, with a bit more fiddling I was able to get it to work. Now have VisualD launching VisualD in the debugger.- launch VS once with "devenv /RootSuffix D" to initialize the registry for hive "12.0D_Config" and exitBefore this step I needed to go in and delete my existing 12.0D* folders in the registry as well as remove/rename "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Rainer Schuetze\VisualD\0.3\visuald.pkgdef". After that the new 12.0D visual studio loaded without the installed VisualD and the subsequent steps worked.
Dec 29 2014
On 30.12.2014 06:31, Nicholas Londey wrote:Thanks, with a bit more fiddling I was able to get it to work. Now have VisualD launching VisualD in the debugger.Could be that the settings written from earlier tries made it always take the version from the extension folders.- launch VS once with "devenv /RootSuffix D" to initialize the registry for hive "12.0D_Config" and exitBefore this step I needed to go in and delete my existing 12.0D* folders in the registry as well as remove/rename "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Rainer Schuetze\VisualD\0.3\visuald.pkgdef".After that the new 12.0D visual studio loaded without the installed VisualD and the subsequent steps worked.Good. Now waiting for pull requests ;-)
Jan 01 2015