digitalmars.D - freepascal and fantom links
WARNING: Do not read if you don't have the time. Some links to freepascal package not really relevant to D. These packages appear to be a bit new in freepascal. There are two links at the bottom of the link FPC shared library FPC packages ----------------------- Fantom programming language. They don't like to be too verbose. Link to the examples.
Apr 13 2010
sclytrack Wrote:Fantom programming language. They don't like to be too verbose. Link to the examples. Looks like they did a lot.
Apr 13 2010
Erm, guess that Fantom was the FAN programming language. bearophile was gentle enough to tell us about this language. However, impressive work. I also like freepascal. Here the OS/CPU support really shines. Bjoern On 13/04/2010 18:42, sclytrack wrote:WARNING: Do not read if you don't have the time. Some links to freepascal package not really relevant to D. These packages appear to be a bit new in freepascal. There are two links at the bottom of the link FPC shared library FPC packages ----------------------- Fantom programming language. They don't like to be too verbose. Link to the examples.
Apr 13 2010