digitalmars.D - example of how to build juno with DMD1.016
- yidabu (449/449) Jun 20 2007 example of how to build juno with DMD1.016
example of how to build juno with DMD1.016 from D china: download juno download juno from: put to:\dmd\src\other\juno. compile juno and find errors use DSSS to compile juno \dmd\src\other\dsss.conf: [*] buildflags=-g -O -debug [juno] type=library note:without -O switch, will cause Stack Overflow. \dmd\src\other\build.bat: dsss build juno pause modified files run build.bat, will cause a lot of errors, fixed errors: 1 com.reflect.d line 822,delete override. line 155,change ref to nref, in editor scite,search ([^\w])ref replaced with: \1nref 2 xml.core.d line,162, changed to: pcbRead = stream_.readBlock(cast(void*)buffer, cb); line 163, changed to: std.c.string.memcpy(pv, cast(void*)buffer, cb); line,237, changed to: std.c.string.memcpy(cast(void*)buffer, pv, cb); line 238, changed to: pcbWritten = stream_.writeBlock(cast(void*)buffer, cb); 3 com.core.d line 1623, changed ref to nref,searh and replace in file. line 1604, changed to: *ppvObject = cast(void*)(cast(IUnknown)this); line 1607: *ppvObject =cast(void*)(cast(T[i])this); line 1640,1641: std.gc.removeRange(cast(void*)this);*)this); line 554: v.byref = cast(void*)value, line 1590: uint r = FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, null, error, 0, buffer.ptr, buffer.length + 1, null); line 1592: return juno.base.string.toUtf8(buffer.ptr,0, r - 1); line,1983£º char[] str = juno.base.string.toUtf8(bstr[0 .. len].ptr); 4 xml.dom.d juno\xml\dom.d(60):Error: cannot create instance of abstract class XmlCDataSection I'm no idea of how to modify line 60,62,64,66,68,74,79,81,83,85,87,89,91. the simple solution is delete all "abstract",maybe some wrong here. 5 io.core.d line 22 changed to£º return readBlock(cast(void*)buffer, buffer.length); line 26: return writeBlock(cast(void*)buffer, buffer.length); line 172: uint len = GetConsoleTitle(buffer.ptr, buffer.length); 6 intl.core.d line 96 changed to: int cch = LCIDToLocaleName(culture, buffer.ptr, buffer.length, 0); line 104: int cch = DownlevelLCIDToLocaleName(culture, buffer.ptr, buffer.length, 0); line 265 changed to£º int cch = GetLocaleInfo(culture, field, buffer.ptr, buffer.length); line 279 changed to£º int cch = GetGeoInfo(geoId, geoType, buffer.ptr, buffer.length, 0); line 285 changed to£º int cch = GetCalendarInfo(culture, calendar, calType, buffer.ptr, buffer.length, null); line 326 changed to£º int cch = GetLocaleInfo(culture, field, buffer.ptr, buffer.length); 439,440 changed to£º translated = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, pChars, length, result.ptr, cch); return result.ptr; line 1591,1600 changed to: return (juno.base.string.parse!(double)(s)); 4109,4110 changed to£º wcscpy(tzi.StandardName.ptr, key.getStringValue("Std").toUTF16z()); wcscpy(tzi.DaylightName.ptr, key.getStringValue("Dlt").toUTF16z()); 7 base.win32.d add import std.windws.charset. line 994 changed to£º T func = cast(T)GetProcAddress(moduleHandle,; line 1012 changed to£º func = cast(T)GetProcAddress(moduleHandle,; line 951 changed to uint r = FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, null, error, 0, buffer.ptr, buffer.length + 1, null); 8 utils.registry.d line 81,82 changed to£º RegQueryValueEx(hkey_, name.toLPStr(), null, type, b.ptr, cb); char[] result = juno.base.string.toUtf8(b.ptr); 96,97 changed to£º RegQueryValueEx(hkey_, name.toLPStr(), null, type, b.ptr, cb); return expandEnvironmentVariables(juno.base.string.toUtf8(b.ptr)); line 110 changed to RegQueryValueEx(hkey_, name.toLPStr(), null, type, b.ptr, cb); line 120 changed to result ~= juno.base.string.toUtf8(b[index .. pos].ptr); line 125 changed to result ~= juno.base.string.toUtf8(b.ptr,index, end); line 141 changed to RegQueryValueEx(hkey_, name.toLPStr(), null, type, b.ptr, cb); line 189 changed to RegSetValueEx(hkey_, name.toLPStr(), 0, REG_DWORD, value.ptr, value.length); 218,line 219 changed to RegEnumKeyEx(hkey_, i, buffer.ptr, len, null, null, null, null); result[i] = juno.base.string.toUtf8(buffer.ptr); 240,line 241 changed to RegEnumValue(hkey_, i, buffer.ptr, len, null, null, null, null); result[i] = juno.base.string.toUtf8(buffer.ptr); 9 io.path.d 151,152 changed to£º GetTempPath(buffer.length, buffer.ptr); return getFullPath(juno.base.string.toUtf8(buffer.ptr)); 158,line 159 changed to GetTempFileName(path.toLPStr(), "tmp", 0, buffer.ptr); return juno.base.string.toUtf8(buffer.ptr); 164,line 165 changed to SHGetFolderPath(Handle.init, cast(int)folder, Handle.init, 0, buffer.ptr); return juno.base.string.toUtf8(buffer.ptr); 176,178,line 179 changed to PathCanonicalizeW(buffer.ptr, path.toLPStr()); GetLongPathNameW(buffer.ptr, buffer.ptr, MAX_PATH); return juno.base.string.toUtf8(buffer.ptr); 10 intl.format.d line 479 changed to£º char* p = cast(char*)number.digits; line 643 changed to char* p = cast(char*)digits.ptr; line 915 changed to char* p = cast(char*)digits.ptr; line 1035 changed to char* p = cast(char*)number.digits; line 1099 changed to char* p = cast(char*)number.digits; line 1134 changed to char* p = cast(char*)number.digits; 11 base.meta.d line 48 changed to£º const char[] demangleType = newdemangleBasicType(s); add function(maybe some problem here): char[] newdemangleBasicType(char[] s) { if (s == "v") return "void"; else if (s == "x") return "bool"; else if (s == "g") return "byte"; else if (s == "h") return "ubyte"; else if (s == "s") return "short"; else if (s == "t") return "ushort"; else if (s == "i") return "int"; else if (s == "k") return "uint"; else if (s == "l") return "long"; else if (s == "m") return "ulong"; else if (s == "d") return "double"; else if (s == "f") return "float"; else if (s == "e") return "real"; else if (s == "o") return "ifloat"; else if (s == "p") return "idouble"; else if (s == "j") return "ireal"; else if (s == "a") return "char"; else if (s == "u") return "wchar"; else if (s == "w") return "dchar"; return null; } 12 com.client.d line 115 changed to£º dispParams.rgvarg = cast(VARIANT*)varArgs; 13 base.environment.d line 14 changed to£º uint n = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(temp.toLPStr(), buffer.ptr, c); line 18 changed to: n = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(temp.toLPStr(), buffer.ptr, c); line 22 changed to int n = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(name.toLPStr(), buffer.ptr, c); line 26 changed to n = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(name.toLPStr(), buffer.ptr, c); line 28 changed to char[] result = juno.base.string.toUtf8(buffer.ptr); line 35 changed to int n = GetEnvironmentVariable(variable.toLPStr(), buffer.ptr, buffer.length); line 40 changed to n = GetEnvironmentVariable(variable.toLPStr(), buffer.ptr, buffer.length); line 42 changed to char[] result = juno.base.string.toUtf8(buffer.ptr); 14 juno.base.test.d line 205-208 changed to£º info.webName = juno.base.string.toUtf8(cp.wszWebCharset.ptr); info.headerName = juno.base.string.toUtf8(cp.wszHeaderCharset.ptr); info.bodyName = juno.base.string.toUtf8(cp.wszBodyCharset.ptr); info.description = juno.base.string.toUtf8(cp.wszDescription.ptr); line 616 changed to£º ConvertINetString(&dwMode, CP_UTF8, codePage_, cast(ubyte*)chars.ptr, &charsLength, bytes.ptr, &bytesLength); line 630 changed to£º ConvertINetString(&dwMode, codePage_, CP_UTF8, bytes.ptr, &bytesLength, null, &charsLength); line 633 changed to ConvertINetString(&dwMode, codePage_, CP_UTF8, bytes.ptr, &bytesLength, cast(ubyte*)chars.ptr, &charsLength); run build.bat, build juno.lib sucessed. example of use juno save code below to test.d£º //from import; import; pragma(lib,"juno.lib"); int main() { try { // Create an instance of the Message object scope auto message = new"CDO.Message"); printf("auto message \n"); // Build the mail message message.set("Subject", "test juno cdo.message"); message.set("TextBody", "hello,D china"); message.set("From", ""); // Replace with your email address message.set("To", ""); // Replace with the recipient's email address // Configure CDOSYS to send via a remote SMTP server scope auto config = new DispatchObject(message.get("Configuration")); // Call config's Fields property and get a reference to its Fields instance scope auto fields = new DispatchObject(config.get("Fields")); // Set the appropriate values scope auto sendUsing = new DispatchObject(fields.get("Item", "")); sendUsing.set("Value", 2); // cdoSendUsingPort = 2 scope auto port = new DispatchObject(fields.get("Item", "")); port.set("Value", 465); scope auto server = new DispatchObject(fields.get("Item", "")); server.set("Value", ""); // Replace '' with your remote server's address // Set the authentication type, user name and password scope auto authentication = new DispatchObject(fields.get("Item", "")); authentication.set("Value", 1); // cdoBasic = 1 scope auto ssl = new DispatchObject(fields.get("Item","")); ssl.set("Value",true); scope auto userName = new DispatchObject(fields.get("Item", "")); userName.set("Value", ""); // Replace 'username' with your account's user name scope auto password = new DispatchObject(fields.get("Item", "")); password.set("Value", ""); // Replace 'password' with your account's password"Update");"Send"); printf("send sucessed \n"); }//try catch(Exception e) { printf("catch %.*s\n",e.msg); return 1; } return 0; } build test.d, cause error: not found shlwapi.lib, so: implib /s shlwapi.lib shlwapi.dll copy shlwapi.lib to \dmd\lib. build test.d, com.base.stirng.TypeInfo_Aa cause error: com.base.string, commented TypeInfo_Aa, build test.d sucessed, but when run test.exe, will cause unhandled Error: Stack Overflow, how to got when and where cause Stack Overflow? download ddbg from: copy ddbg.exe,ddbg_debug.exe to D:\d\dmd\bin. commandline:ddbg test.exe then input:r to run test.exe,prompt: Unhandled Exception at juno.base.string.ArgumentList.opCall(class TypeInfo[],void*) I'd no idea to fix this. my simple solution is cancled "import juno.base.string" in, copy some function from juno.base.string to build test.d, prompt error:Symbol Undefined _SafeArrayGetVartype 8£¬search msdn, got£º HRESULT SafeArrayGetVartype( SAFEARRAY *psa, VARTYPE *pvt ); change code below in int SafeArrayGetVartype(SAFEARRAY* psa, out ushort pvt); to£º int SafeArrayGetVartype(SAFEARRAY* psa, out ushort* pvt); line 568 changed to£º ushort* pvt = &vt; SafeArrayGetVartype(value, pvt); changed: struct SAFEARRAYBOUND { uint cElements; int lLbound; } struct SAFEARRAY { ushort cDims; ushort fFeatures; uint cbElements; uint cLocks; void* pvData; SAFEARRAYBOUND[1] rgsabound; to£º // below from struct myIID { // size is 16 align(1): uint Data1; ushort Data2; ushort Data3; byte Data4[8]; } struct FLAGGED_WORD_BLOB { uint fFlags; uint clSize; ushort[1] asData; } alias FLAGGED_WORD_BLOB *wireBSTR; struct SAFEARR_BSTR { uint Size; wireBSTR * aBstr; } // struct SAFEARR_UNKNOWN { uint Size; IUnknown * apUnknown; } // struct SAFEARR_DISPATCH { uint Size; IDispatch * apDispatch; } // struct _wireVARIANT { } struct _wireBRECORD { } // Forward references. alias _wireVARIANT * wireVARIANT; alias _wireBRECORD * wireBRECORD; struct SAFEARR_VARIANT { uint Size; wireVARIANT * aVariant; } // struct SAFEARR_BRECORD { uint Size; wireBRECORD * aRecord; } // struct SAFEARR_HAVEIID { uint Size; IUnknown * apUnknown; myIID iid; } // struct BYTE_SIZEDARR { uint clSize; byte *pData; } ; // struct WORD_SIZEDARR { uint clSize; ushort *pData; } ; // struct DWORD_SIZEDARR { uint clSize; uint * pData; } ; // struct HYPER_SIZEDARR { uint clSize; long *pData; } union uSAFEARRAY_UNION { SAFEARR_BSTR BstrStr; SAFEARR_UNKNOWN UnknownStr; SAFEARR_DISPATCH DispatchStr; SAFEARR_VARIANT VariantStr; SAFEARR_BRECORD RecordStr; SAFEARR_HAVEIID HaveIidStr; BYTE_SIZEDARR ByteStr; WORD_SIZEDARR WordStr; DWORD_SIZEDARR LongStr; HYPER_SIZEDARR HyperStr; } struct SAFEARRAY_UNION { uint sfType; uSAFEARRAY_UNION u; } alias SAFEARRAY_UNION SAFEARRAYUNION; struct SAFEARRAYBOUND { uint cElements; int lLbound; } struct wireSAFEARRAY { ushort cDims; ushort fFeatures; uint cbElements; uint cLocks; SAFEARRAYUNION uArrayStructs; SAFEARRAYBOUND[1] rgsabound; } alias wireSAFEARRAY SAFEARRAY ; // from run build.bat£º dmd test.d \dmd\src\other\juno\com\core.d \dmd\src\other\juno\com\client.d -g -debug -O -L/exet:nt/su:windows:4.0 prompt:Symbol Undefined _SafeArrayGetVartype 8 search SafeArrayGetVartype in oleaut32.lib, found nothing. download linkdef from: build with£º dmd test.d \dmd\src\other\juno\com\core.d \dmd\src\other\juno\com\client.d -g -debug -O -L/exet:nt/su:windows:4.0 | linkdef oleaut32 then: implib safearray.lib oleaut32.def copy safearray.lib to \d\dm\lib, add code below to pragma(lib, "safearray.lib"); build test.d, run test.exe, send mail to gmail sucessed.
Jun 20 2007