digitalmars.D.dwt - Windows 7 taskbar progress example
- torhu (39/39) Jun 05 2010 I had to figure out how to do this for my app, so here's some sample
I had to figure out how to do this for my app, so here's some sample code for you enjoyment. :) Needs a Tango and dwt-win install to build. The other required files are in the attachment. Here's the main file, that shows how the use the StatusbarProgress wrapper class: --- module taskbartest; import; import tango.sys.win32.Types; import dwt.DWT; import dwt.widgets.Display; import dwt.widgets.Shell; import link; import mswindows.taskbarprogress; void main() { auto display = new Display(); auto shell = new Shell(display);; TaskbarProgress tbProgress; try { tbProgress = new TaskbarProgress(shell.handle); // try out setProgressValue and setProgressState tbProgress.setProgressValue(33, 100); tbProgress.setProgressState(TBPF_PAUSED); Stdout.formatln("Nice, eh?"); } catch (Exception e) { Stdout.formatln("{}", e); } while (!shell.isDisposed()) { if (!display.readAndDispatch()) display.sleep(); } display.dispose(); if (tbProgress) tbProgress.dispose(); } ---
Jun 05 2010