digitalmars.D.dwt - Moving a shell with style DWT.NONE
- doob (25/25) Mar 04 2007 I have a small problem. What I try to do is to move, by holding down the...
I have a small problem. What I try to do is to move, by holding down the middle mouse button, a shell with the style DWT.NONE, with no borders, by adding a listener to the shell. I managed to do that in java with SWT but no when I try the same code the shell's top left corner always moves to the mouse pointer. The only difference I can see between the DWT and SWT code is in SWT I extended the shell class and made my own class, but now in DWT I just adds a listener to a regular shell. Here is the code for the listener: private class MouseListenerMiddle : Listener { private int startX = 0; private int startY = 0; public void handleEvent (Event e) { if (e.type == DWT.MouseDown && e.button == 2) { startX = e.x; startY = e.y; } if (e.type == DWT.MouseMove && (e.stateMask & DWT.BUTTON2) != 0) { Point p = shell.toDisplay(e.x, e.y); p.x -= startX; p.y -= startY; shell.setLocation(p); } } } I'm quite new do D and DWT, I have been using Java and SWT. An other question also, D has a garbage collector, do I still need to call dispose methods?
Mar 04 2007