digitalmars.D - d can work with dxhd
- monkyyy (28/28) Mar 30 2024 ``` executeShell("zenity --info --text={hello,bye}"); ``` dshell.d ```d import std; void main(){ auto f=File(".local/temp.d","w"); f.writeln("import std;"); f.writeln("void main(string[] input){"); foreach(a;stdin.byLineCopy){ f.writeln(a); } f.writeln("}"); f.close; executeShell("dmd -run .local/temp.d"); } ``` super+shift+a opens a popup thats says hello super+shift+b opens a popup thats says bye its a bit slow, rdmd didnt work you could probaly make dshell able to run 1 off commands skipping the whole prosess or maybe add more hooks idk any trivial ideas for improving this
Mar 30 2024