digitalmars.D - c++ vs lisp -- D perspective
- Graham Fawcett (12/12) May 04 2010 Hi folks,
- Ellery Newcomer (13/25) May 04 2010 (format t "~A { ~A }~%" num (reverse words))
- bearophile (31/34) May 05 2010 Three years ago I have written this, for D1 with Phobos that doesn't use...
Hi folks, I just read a provocative critique of a blog article comparing C++ to Lisp: I've enjoyed using Lisp languages in the past, and appreciate that D offers a lot of metaprogramming features that could probably result in a cleaner, shorter equivalent than the worked C++ example in the articles. Not looking for any language wars here: I just thought someone might enjoy discussing features of D that put it ahead of C++ in this type of programming. Best, Graham
May 04 2010
On 05/04/2010 03:32 PM, Graham Fawcett wrote:Hi folks, I just read a provocative critique of a blog article comparing C++ to Lisp: I've enjoyed using Lisp languages in the past, and appreciate that D offers a lot of metaprogramming features that could probably result in a cleaner, shorter equivalent than the worked C++ example in the articles. Not looking for any language wars here: I just thought someone might enjoy discussing features of D that put it ahead of C++ in this type of programming. Best, Graham(format t "~A { ~A }~%" num (reverse words)) could be translated to writefln("%s { %s }", num, retro(words)); except it seems like writefln doesn't actually print out the contents of an arbitrary range. Personally, I much prefer d to lisp regarding hash tables, and I think d's ranges is a cleaner abstraction than whatever lisp has or doesn't have. I do miss lisp's macros when programming in d, though. Sometimes template or string mixins do the job well enough, sometimes they don't. Things like reduce!("f(a) > b")(range), where f isn't defined in std.algorithm, or it's defined as something else (does this actually happen?)
May 04 2010
Graham Fawcett:I just read a provocative critique of a blog article comparing C++ to Lisp: years ago I have written this, for D1 with Phobos that doesn't use my dlibs1: import std.stdio,, std.string, std.ctype, std.gc; void traduct(char[] n, char[] digits, int start, char[][] words, char[][][char[]] gdict) { if (start >= digits.length) writefln(n, ": ", words.join(" ")); else { auto found_word = false; for(auto i = start; i < digits.length; i++) if (digits[start .. i+1] in gdict) { found_word = true; foreach(hit; gdict[digits[start .. i+1]]) traduct(n, digits, i+1, words ~ [hit], gdict); } if (!found_word && (!words || (words && !std.ctype.isdigit(words[words.length-1][0])))) traduct(n, digits, start+1, words ~ [digits[start..start+1]], gdict); } } void main() { std.gc.disable(); // to speed up the program a bit auto gtable = maketrans("ejnqrwxdsyftamcivbkulopghzEJNQRWXDSYFTAMCIVBKULOPGHZ", "0111222333445566677788899901112223334455666777888999"); char[][][char[]] gdict; foreach(char[] w; new BufferedFile("dictionary.txt")) gdict[w.translate(gtable, "\"")] ~= w.dup; foreach(char[] n; new BufferedFile("input.txt")) traduct(n, n.removechars("/-"), 0, [], gdict); } I think it's good enough compared to the Lisp version. I think it's better on the version of this program that was in the Digitalmars site. Bye, bearophile
May 05 2010