digitalmars.D.bugs - SegFault when using writeln() and Fibers
- Danny Arends (26/26) Aug 10 2011 When I try to print floats and double from a fiber it fails with a
- Jonathan M Davis (6/44) Aug 10 2011 Please don't post directly to this list. You sign up for this list so th...
When I try to print floats and double from a fiber it fails with a segfault, while it is possible to do it in the main thread. The expected output of the attached code file: 15 15 Done However I get: 15 segfault I am using the DMD64 D Compiler v2.054 on Debian 64 Kind regards, Danny Arends begin 644 test.d M9#L M>PIP=6)L:6,Z"B` =&AI<R I>R!S=7!E<B F<G5N*3L ?0H (`H ('9O:60 M<G5N*"E["B` ("!I;G0 >#T ,3`["B` ("!I;G0 >3T -3L*("` (&9L;V%T M(&UY9&]U8FQE(#T >"MY.PH ("` =W)I=&5L;BAM>61O=6)L92D[("\O5&AI M<R!S96=F875L=',*("` ('EI96QD*"D["B` ?0I]" IV;VED(&UA:6XH<W1R M(&UY9&]U8FQE(#T >"MY.PH ('=R:71E;&XH;7ED;W5B;&4I.R`O+U1H:7, M=V]R:W,*"B` 5&5S=$-L87-S('1E<W1&:6)E<B`](&YE=R!497-T0VQA<W,H M*3L*("!T97-T1FEB97(N8V%L;" I.PH ('=R:71E;&XH(D1O;F4B*3L*?0H` ` end
Aug 10 2011
On Wednesday, August 10, 2011 09:47:42 Danny Arends wrote:--nextPart77238143.e8O9o76Zdv When I try to print floats and double from a fiber it fails with a segfault, while it is possible to do it in the main thread. The expected output of the attached code file: 15 15 Done However I get: 15 segfault I am using the DMD64 D Compiler v2.054 on Debian 64 Kind regards, Danny Arends --nextPart77238143.e8O9o76Zdv LyoqCiAqIEJ1ZyByZXBvcnQgZm9yIERNRDY0IEQgQ29tcGlsZXIgdjIuMDU0IAogKiAyMDExIERh bm55IEFyZW5kcwogKiovCmltcG9ydCBjb3JlLnRocmVhZDsKaW1wb3J0IHN0ZC5zdGRpbzsKCmN s YXNzIFRlc3RDbGFzcyA6IEZpYmVyewpwdWJsaWM6CiAgdGhpcygpeyBzdXBlcigmcnVuKTsgfQo g IAogIHZvaWQgcnVuKCl7CiAgICBpbnQgeD0gMTA7CiAgICBpbnQgeT0gNTsKICAgIGZsb2F0IG1 5 ZG91YmxlID0geCt5OwogICAgd3JpdGVsbihteWRvdWJsZSk7IC8vVGhpcyBzZWdmYXVsdHMKICA g IHlpZWxkKCk7CiAgfQp9Cgp2b2lkIG1haW4oc3RyaW5nW10gYXJncyl7CiAgaW50IHg9IDEwOwo g IGludCB5PSA1OwogIGZsb2F0IG15ZG91YmxlID0geCt5OwogIHdyaXRlbG4obXlkb3VibGUpOyA v L1RoaXMgd29ya3MKCiAgVGVzdENsYXNzIHRlc3RGaWJlciA9IG5ldyBUZXN0Q2xhc3MoKTsKICB 0 ZXN0RmliZXIuY2FsbCgpOwogIHdyaXRlbG4oIkRvbmUiKTsKfQoA --nextPart77238143.e8O9o76Zdv--Please don't post directly to this list. You sign up for this list so that you can see all of the messages from bugzilla. It's not intended to be posted to directly. Please post in D.Learn instead if you have a question, and if you have a bug to report, report it at - Jonathan M Davis
Aug 10 2011