digitalmars.D.bugs - literals vs. multiple definition. fight.
- heretic (25/25) Jul 09 2004 I've posted this some time ago but I wasn't understood :`(
I've posted this some time ago but I wasn't understood :`( This code should work: $CODE but instead the linker prefers to claim that the literal had multiple definitions. Solutions: 1. Kill the linker <- user 2. Add a name to the function <- user 3. Correct function literal name mangling <- Walter Let me quote Shrek... "Pick 3 my lord, number 3!" export CODE = ''' import std.stdio; void foo() { void function() fp = null; fp = function void() { writefln("func1"); }; fp(); fp = function void() { writefln("func2"); }; fp(); } void main() { foo(); } ''' cyaz, Tom
Jul 09 2004