digitalmars.D.bugs - unittest
- Thomas Kuehne (6/8) Nov 01 2004 It seems that unittests aren't only applied to classes but also to modul...
- Walter (5/13) Nov 02 2004 it
class.html:Unit tests are a series of test cases applied to a class to determin if it is working properly.It seems that unittests aren't only applied to classes but also to modules, unions and structs. test case: svn://[345].d Thomas
Nov 01 2004
"Thomas Kuehne" <thomas-dloop> wrote in message news:cm5ovr$2oia$1 tests are a series of test cases applied to a class to determin ifmodules,is working properly.It seems that unittests aren't only applied to classes but also tounions and structs.That's correct. Looks like the documentation might be in error.test case: svn://[345].d Thomas
Nov 02 2004