digitalmars.D.bugs - phobos: lost precision in complex.c
- Thomas Kuehne (35/35) Oct 06 2004 The values were stored in "long double" but sqrt was used in stead of th...
The values were stored in "long double" but sqrt was used in stead of the correct sqrtl. Thomas begin 666 phobos__complex_precision.diff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` end
Oct 06 2004