digitalmars.D.bugs - Local time(Windows2000)
- k2 (20/20) Sep 03 2004 The time zone of my area is +09:00.
The time zone of my area is +09:00. However, it will be get to 0. d_time t = getUTCtime(); assert(UTCtoLocalTime(t) != t); // failuer The return value of GetTimeZoneInformation is TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD, In the case of Windows9x. But, in the case of WindowsNT/2000, it is TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN. However, is not taking TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN into consideration. So, in Windows2000, a time zone cannot get correctly. Probably, should change as follows?: r = GetTimeZoneInformation(&tzi); if(r != TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID){ int bias = tzi.Bias; if(ret == TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD || ret == TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT) bias += tzi.StandardBias; t = -bias * cast(d_time)(60 * TicksPerSecond); }else{ t = 0; }
Sep 03 2004