digitalmars.D.bugs - Module init ordering bug - analysis and code example
- pragma (83/83) Sep 02 2004 Walter,
- pragma (51/134) Sep 02 2004 Update:
- antiAlias (43/126) Sep 02 2004 Yep; I just posted you a reply on dsource.
- Walter (4/8) Sep 02 2004 seem to
- Walter (18/101) Sep 02 2004 D's only requirement for ordering module constructors between modules is
- Ben Hinkle (18/149) Sep 02 2004 So are you saying the supplied example isn't a bug? How about something ...
- pragma (14/21) Sep 02 2004 Gotcha. Thank you for confirming this, as that's pretty much where all ...
Walter, in learning how D handles module constructors, I came across the same bug that others have stumbled across. I did a little sleuthing to discover what was causing this problem. ;) My analysis (see below) showed that modules without constructors (static this(){}) cannot be prioritized in _moduleCtor(), nor will their imports be prioritized, since without such a constructor a module isnt't added to the _moduleinfo_array. Is this correct? If so (and if you don't mind), I'd like to propose that dmd be changed to add all modules (not just those with ctors) to the _moduleinfo_array. This would not only fix these particular init problems, but would also be very useful for reflection purposes. Many, many thanks, Eric [Example] The expected init order was: mod4, mod3, mod2, mod1 as that is the order of import and the order of dependency by function call. Instead the modules are run in a different order: mod2, mod1, mod4. Inserting a module constructor into mod3 forces the correct init order. //// mod1.d //// import std.stdio; import std.moduleinit; import mod2; static this(){ writefln("mod1"); } void main(){ writefln("\n--MODULE INFO--\n"); foreach(ModuleInfo info; _moduleinfo_array){ writefln("%s",; foreach(ModuleInfo imported; info.importedModules){ writefln("\timport %s",; } } } //// mod2.d //// import std.stdio; import mod3; static this(){ writefln("mod2");; } //// mod3.d //// import std.stdio; import mod4; /* Uncomment to force correct ordering static this(){ writefln("mod3"); } */ static void foo(){ writefln("\");; } //// mod4.d //// import std.stdio; static this(){ writefln("mod4"); } static void bar(){ writefln("\"); } //// Output //// mod2 mod1 mod4 --MODULE INFO-- mod1 import mod2 mod2 mod4 format utf string adi import string gcbits import string thread - Pragma [[ EricAnderton at (static this{}) yahoo dot com ]]
Sep 02 2004
Update: The problem gets worse with 'private import'. Module ctor dependencies seem to only be added if the 'private' declaration is dropped, regardless of the presence of a module ctor. An revised version of my example (with private imports used) is attached. The output shows that mod1 no longer shows a dependency upon mod2. mod1 mod2 mod4 --MODULE INFO-- mod1 mod2 mod4 format utf string adi import string gcbits import string thread -Pragma In article <ch7s0p$mi8$1>, pragma says...Walter, in learning how D handles module constructors, I came across the same bug that others have stumbled across. I did a little sleuthing to discover what was causing this problem. ;) My analysis (see below) showed that modules without constructors (static this(){}) cannot be prioritized in _moduleCtor(), nor will their imports be prioritized, since without such a constructor a module isnt't added to the _moduleinfo_array. Is this correct? If so (and if you don't mind), I'd like to propose that dmd be changed to add all modules (not just those with ctors) to the _moduleinfo_array. This would not only fix these particular init problems, but would also be very useful for reflection purposes. Many, many thanks, Eric [Example] The expected init order was: mod4, mod3, mod2, mod1 as that is the order of import and the order of dependency by function call. Instead the modules are run in a different order: mod2, mod1, mod4. Inserting a module constructor into mod3 forces the correct init order. //// mod1.d //// import std.stdio; import std.moduleinit; import mod2; static this(){ writefln("mod1"); } void main(){ writefln("\n--MODULE INFO--\n"); foreach(ModuleInfo info; _moduleinfo_array){ writefln("%s",; foreach(ModuleInfo imported; info.importedModules){ writefln("\timport %s",; } } } //// mod2.d //// import std.stdio; import mod3; static this(){ writefln("mod2");; } //// mod3.d //// import std.stdio; import mod4; /* Uncomment to force correct ordering static this(){ writefln("mod3"); } */ static void foo(){ writefln("\");; } //// mod4.d //// import std.stdio; static this(){ writefln("mod4"); } static void bar(){ writefln("\"); } //// Output //// mod2 mod1 mod4 --MODULE INFO-- mod1 import mod2 mod2 mod4 format utf string adi import string gcbits import string thread - Pragma [[ EricAnderton at (static this{}) yahoo dot com ]]begin 0644 M)/B2QU%G\2)(`;:=L02.9.8WFOROY%O/C4*-]*M[;>%?X\B1(*R`3NC2Z3V. M<HA1Z-H`^B.'8PA6FZ.P5MR^'2<NF0UDID6K>J]_3L,82N8O,EQ?A!M%I/?0 MO7, /^:/L)Y02P,$%````` `I8XB,=$M9)]>````> ````8```!M;V0R+F3C MY>+ET <"A=S\%".]%`40FY>KH"BS++$D52$SMR"_J$2AN"1%#X MC(&BO%S%)8DEF<D*)1F9Q1J:U;Q<Y469):EI.7D:2B"3E32!BD!J]=+R\S5` M:,TBM$X: =+"HE`TN'K$ES^KUL[U:PV.<,V>4XI901EF%A_!LTCT"BPA"N6' M-44G)0_ZI-(/;VLV(8WS*_==6]`-%?:Q9L3&/+(K4Z \_LG?=-^\&WNO;7'W M,I,52C(RBS4TJWFYRHLR2U+3<O(TE$!F*&D"%=4BJ2O+STQ12$HL0E,;4P*V MR4U1T,U/R\U/T4NM2%4`TH8 P A$&(,($P!02P$"%``4````"`"DCB(QX>SC MF\4```!O`0``! `````````!`"``MH$`````;6]D,2YD4$L!`A0`%````` ` M`!0````(`*6.(C$(X/=7DP```-H````&``````````$`(`"V 6L!``!M;V0S M+F102P$"%``4````"`"ECB(QAM&#EV,```")````! `````````!`"``MH$B M` ``;6]D-"YD4$L!`A0`%````` `MXXB,><=*U0;````( ```` ````````` H`0` `/^!J0(``&UA:V4N8F%T4$L%! `````%``4`! $``.H"```````` ` end
Sep 02 2004
Yep; I just posted you a reply on dsource. The issue is with the importedModules[], which is supposed to house a list of imported modules (filtered to include only those which require static initialization) ~ per-module. Unfortunately, if you add /any/ kind of attribute to an import statement, it is excluded from importedModules[]. Entire chains of dependency are thus lost, and static constructors are never executed. Anything project that (for example) makes use "private import" is thus inviting doom. "pragma" <pragma_member> wrote in message news:ch84ft$r1b$1 Update: The problem gets worse with 'private import'. Module ctor dependencies seem to only be added if the 'private' declaration is dropped, regardless of the presence of a module ctor. An revised version of my example (with private imports used) is attached. The output shows that mod1 no longer shows a dependency upon mod2. mod1 mod2 mod4 --MODULE INFO-- mod1 mod2 mod4 format utf string adi import string gcbits import string thread -Pragma In article <ch7s0p$mi8$1>, pragma says...Walter, in learning how D handles module constructors, I came across the same bugthatothers have stumbled across. I did a little sleuthing to discover what was causing this problem. ;) My analysis (see below) showed that modules without constructors (static this(){}) cannot be prioritized in _moduleCtor(), nor will their imports be prioritized, since without such a constructor a module isnt't added to the _moduleinfo_array. Is this correct? If so (and if you don't mind), I'd like to propose that dmd be changed toaddall modules (not just those with ctors) to the _moduleinfo_array. Thiswouldnot only fix these particular init problems, but would also be very usefulforreflection purposes. Many, many thanks, Eric [Example] The expected init order was: mod4, mod3, mod2, mod1 as that is the order ofimport and the order of dependency by function call. Instead the modulesarerun in a different order: mod2, mod1, mod4. Inserting a module constructorintomod3 forces the correct init order. //// mod1.d //// import std.stdio; import std.moduleinit; import mod2; static this(){ writefln("mod1"); } void main(){ writefln("\n--MODULE INFO--\n"); foreach(ModuleInfo info; _moduleinfo_array){ writefln("%s",; foreach(ModuleInfo imported; info.importedModules){ writefln("\timport %s",; } } } //// mod2.d //// import std.stdio; import mod3; static this(){ writefln("mod2");; } //// mod3.d //// import std.stdio; import mod4; /* Uncomment to force correct ordering static this(){ writefln("mod3"); } */ static void foo(){ writefln("\");; } //// mod4.d //// import std.stdio; static this(){ writefln("mod4"); } static void bar(){ writefln("\"); } //// Output //// mod2 mod1 mod4 --MODULE INFO-- mod1 import mod2 mod2 mod4 format utf string adi import string gcbits import string thread - Pragma [[ EricAnderton at (static this{}) yahoo dot com ]]
Sep 02 2004
"pragma" <pragma_member> wrote in message news:ch84ft$r1b$1 The problem gets worse with 'private import'. Module ctor dependenciesseem toonly be added if the 'private' declaration is dropped, regardless of the presence of a module ctor.I'm glad you were able to track this down. Now I can fix it!
Sep 02 2004
D's only requirement for ordering module constructors between modules is that the imported module constructors must happen first. They are not ordered by the order of the import statements - or at least such order is an artifact of the implementation. You should therefore be able to control the order of module construction by making sure that each module depending on another module constructor imports that module. "pragma" <pragma_member> wrote in message news:ch7s0p$mi8$1, in learning how D handles module constructors, I came across the same bugthatothers have stumbled across. I did a little sleuthing to discover whatwascausing this problem. ;) My analysis (see below) showed that modules without constructors (static this(){}) cannot be prioritized in _moduleCtor(), nor will their importsbeprioritized, since without such a constructor a module isnt't added to the _moduleinfo_array. Is this correct? If so (and if you don't mind), I'd like to propose that dmd be changed toaddall modules (not just those with ctors) to the _moduleinfo_array. Thiswouldnot only fix these particular init problems, but would also be very usefulforreflection purposes. Many, many thanks, Eric [Example] The expected init order was: mod4, mod3, mod2, mod1 as that is the orderofimport and the order of dependency by function call. Instead the modulesarerun in a different order: mod2, mod1, mod4. Inserting a moduleconstructor intomod3 forces the correct init order. //// mod1.d //// import std.stdio; import std.moduleinit; import mod2; static this(){ writefln("mod1"); } void main(){ writefln("\n--MODULE INFO--\n"); foreach(ModuleInfo info; _moduleinfo_array){ writefln("%s",; foreach(ModuleInfo imported; info.importedModules){ writefln("\timport %s",; } } } //// mod2.d //// import std.stdio; import mod3; static this(){ writefln("mod2");; } //// mod3.d //// import std.stdio; import mod4; /* Uncomment to force correct ordering static this(){ writefln("mod3"); } */ static void foo(){ writefln("\");; } //// mod4.d //// import std.stdio; static this(){ writefln("mod4"); } static void bar(){ writefln("\"); } //// Output //// mod2 mod1 mod4 --MODULE INFO-- mod1 import mod2 mod2 mod4 format utf string adi import string gcbits import string thread - Pragma [[ EricAnderton at (static this{}) yahoo dot com ]]
Sep 02 2004
So are you saying the supplied example isn't a bug? How about something like mod1.m: module mod1; import mod2; static this() {; } mod2.m: module mod2; import mod3; void run() {; } mod3.m: module mod3; void* never_null; static this() { never_null = new int; } void run(){ printf("is never_null null? %p eek!\n",never_null); } I would think this problem makes module initialization very easy to get around. How about a default (trivial) module constructor gets generated for a module if any of its imported modules have a constructor. Walter wrote:D's only requirement for ordering module constructors between modules is that the imported module constructors must happen first. They are not ordered by the order of the import statements - or at least such order is an artifact of the implementation. You should therefore be able to control the order of module construction by making sure that each module depending on another module constructor imports that module. "pragma" <pragma_member> wrote in message news:ch7s0p$mi8$1, in learning how D handles module constructors, I came across the same bugthatothers have stumbled across. I did a little sleuthing to discover whatwascausing this problem. ;) My analysis (see below) showed that modules without constructors (static this(){}) cannot be prioritized in _moduleCtor(), nor will their importsbeprioritized, since without such a constructor a module isnt't added to the _moduleinfo_array. Is this correct? If so (and if you don't mind), I'd like to propose that dmd be changed toaddall modules (not just those with ctors) to the _moduleinfo_array. Thiswouldnot only fix these particular init problems, but would also be very usefulforreflection purposes. Many, many thanks, Eric [Example] The expected init order was: mod4, mod3, mod2, mod1 as that is the orderofimport and the order of dependency by function call. Instead the modulesarerun in a different order: mod2, mod1, mod4. Inserting a moduleconstructor intomod3 forces the correct init order. //// mod1.d //// import std.stdio; import std.moduleinit; import mod2; static this(){ writefln("mod1"); } void main(){ writefln("\n--MODULE INFO--\n"); foreach(ModuleInfo info; _moduleinfo_array){ writefln("%s",; foreach(ModuleInfo imported; info.importedModules){ writefln("\timport %s",; } } } //// mod2.d //// import std.stdio; import mod3; static this(){ writefln("mod2");; } //// mod3.d //// import std.stdio; import mod4; /* Uncomment to force correct ordering static this(){ writefln("mod3"); } */ static void foo(){ writefln("\");; } //// mod4.d //// import std.stdio; static this(){ writefln("mod4"); } static void bar(){ writefln("\"); } //// Output //// mod2 mod1 mod4 --MODULE INFO-- mod1 import mod2 mod2 mod4 format utf string adi import string gcbits import string thread - Pragma [[ EricAnderton at (static this{}) yahoo dot com ]]
Sep 02 2004
In article <ch8c1i$tdd$1>, Walter says...D's only requirement for ordering module constructors between modules is that the imported module constructors must happen first. They are not ordered by the order of the import statements - or at least such order is an artifact of the implementation. You should therefore be able to control the order of module construction by making sure that each module depending on another module constructor imports that module.Gotcha. Thank you for confirming this, as that's pretty much where all my hacking lead me. (Actually it was pretty much in plain D for everyone in moduleinit.d, but that's another story) :) However, the order of operations really isn't so crucial since it visits all the dependencies recursively, and flags everything on the way out to keep from running things more than once. (its a good compact design!) We also now know what conditions dmd pays attention to (at least in 0.101) when adding nodes to this constructor list. As to the problem at hand: I feel that having dmd add all modules to the list (rather than just those with ctors) will be a huge improvement to the language. Thanks Walter! - Pragma [[ Eric Anderton at (_moduleCtor) yahoo dot com ]]
Sep 02 2004
"pragma" <pragma_member> wrote in message news:ch8fa0$ujm$1 to the problem at hand: I feel that having dmd add all modules to thelist(rather than just those with ctors) will be a huge improvement to thelanguage. The problem with that is that then two modules could not import each other.
Sep 06 2004
In article <chjl73$259k$1>, Walter says..."pragma" <pragma_member> wrote in message news:ch8fa0$ujm$1 this be only if both modules have static ctors, just one, or none at all? I would think that the latter two cases would never be a problem given the way moduleinit.d is already coded: it's already assuming that there are modules in the list w/o ctors as it is checking for that condition (lines 111 and 121). Just put modules on the list with null ctors/dtors if none are declared and it should work fine (IMO). And you already know the first case is already being handled quite nicely. :) Or have I missed the point completely and there is some other case that's causing a problem? - Pragma [[Eric Anderton at yahoo dot com]]As to the problem at hand: I feel that having dmd add all modules to thelist(rather than just those with ctors) will be a huge improvement to thelanguage. The problem with that is that then two modules could not import each other.
Sep 08 2004
"pragma" <pragma_member> wrote in message news:chn51k$r3a$1 article <chjl73$259k$1>, Walter says...the"pragma" <pragma_member> wrote in message news:ch8fa0$ujm$1 to the problem at hand: I feel that having dmd add all modules toother.list(rather than just those with ctors) will be a huge improvement to thelanguage. The problem with that is that then two modules could not import eachWould this be only if both modules have static ctors, just one, or none atall?I would think that the latter two cases would never be a problem given thewaymoduleinit.d is already coded: it's already assuming that there aremodules inthe list w/o ctors as it is checking for that condition (lines 111 and121).Just put modules on the list with null ctors/dtors if none are declaredand itshould work fine (IMO). And you already know the first case is already being handled quite nicely.:)Or have I missed the point completely and there is some other case that's causing a problem?The problem is if A imports B, and B imports A, whose initialization code gets run first? The imports imply a dependency, so we have "A requires that B's initializers run first" coupled with "B requires that A's initializers run first." There's no resolution. The only one I can think of is that a module with no initializers doesn't have a requirement that the imports get initialized first. And I think that is always correct - that if there *is* such a dependency in the code, then there's something else wrong.
Sep 09 2004
In article <chr7l5$v3p$1>, Walter says...I see your point: the problem /is/ deeper than just running static ctors in order. It also gets worse when you throw additional modules into such an "import cycle".Or have I missed the point completely and there is some other case that's causing a problem?The problem is if A imports B, and B imports A, whose initialization code gets run first? The imports imply a dependency, so we have "A requires that B's initializers run first" coupled with "B requires that A's initializers run first." There's no resolution.The only one I can think of is that a module with no initializers doesn't have a requirement that the imports get initialized first. And I think that is always correct - that if there *is* such a dependency in the code, then there's something else wrong.You're talking about the relaxed init rules already in phobos, correct? _moduleCtor2() treats modules with and without ctors differently, in the manner you prescribe. I think there may be another way. Perhaps mixing the two cases would be best: if the imported module doesn't have a ctor then don't worry if its flagged as 'MIctorstart', but throw an error if it has a ctor and is flagged as such. That way you'd be able to detect init cycles regarless of the intermediate imported module types (modules with or w/o ctors). In addition, modules w/o ctors can cycle all they want. This is (slightly) different from the current behavior which is dependenent upon the current module type. Instead, it relies on the /imported/ module type. If I'm correct this would be the new behavior from this, and previously mentioned, changes: - 'import' and 'private import' now behave the same (new) - all modules are included in the init sequence (new) - imported modules w/o ctors can participate in cyclic imports. (somewhat new) - modules w/static ctors cannot participate in cyclic imports. (same) - (implied) cycles of mixed module types are not allowed (new) - Pragma [[ eric anderton at yahoo dot com ]]
Sep 10 2004
"pragma" <pragma_member> wrote in message news:chsfc1$1j7d$1 I'm correct this would be the new behavior from this, and previously mentioned, changes: - 'import' and 'private import' now behave the same (new) - all modules are included in the init sequence (new) - imported modules w/o ctors can participate in cyclic imports. (somewhatnew)- modules w/static ctors cannot participate in cyclic imports. (same) - (implied) cycles of mixed module types are not allowed (new)Ok, but *why* should a module that has no static ctors have a dependency on other module static ctors?
Sep 10 2004
In article <chtp3c$26mj$1>, Walter says...Ok, but *why* should a module that has no static ctors have a dependency on other module static ctors?Easy. A module w/o any static ctors may have functions that are callable from *other* module ctors. It may have no initalization requirements (and rightly so since it doesn't have a static ctor), but it may depend on the behavior of additional modules that in turn rely on their own static ctors to run first. Here's a more concrete example. :) // api.d (just an interface, so there's no module ctor here) private import logger; private import ilogger; public static ILogger getDefaultLogger(){ return logger.defaultLogger; } // ilogger.d interface ILogger{ /*methods omitted*/} // logger.d private import ILogger; class Logger: ILogger{ /*methods omitted*/ } private Logger defaultLogger; static this(){ defaultLogger = new Logger(); // client.d (not in the library at all) import api.d import ilogger.d /** this is where it would break: getDefaultLogger() might return null **/ static this(){ api.getDefaultLogger().log("started"); } The above example yields unpredictable results because one cannot guarantee that logger.d will be initalized before client.d. (In fact, one cannot gaurantee that it *won't* initalize before client.d either) If api.d, a module w/o static init code, were included in the init dependency chain, then this would run predictably and as expected. - Pragma [[ Eric Anderton at yahoo dot com ]]
Sep 11 2004