digitalmars.D.bugs - math
Could anyone tell me which part of my program is wrong. I'm using version 0.98 (download from on linux (fedora core 2). import std.math; int main( char[][] arg ) { double d; d = 0.5; printf("%f\n", sin(d)); printf("%e\n", sin(d)); return 0; } I got the following result. Is it OK? -698625369815211718378554677465583019603259137860293313598822589260516170206686081027350142193452335800939574198423310222441035662104590869532633447231577762165250828259364817839638699012687998639440540605545556135551400652591406054794302384598256244586708992.000000 -6.986254e+257 Thanks,
Aug 12 2004
newbee wrote:import std.math; int main( char[][] arg ) { double d; d = 0.5; printf("%f\n", sin(d)); printf("%e\n", sin(d)); return 0; } I got the following result. Is it OK? -698625369815211718378554677465583019603259137860293313598822589260516170206686081027350142193452335800939574198423310222441035662104590869532633447231577762165250828259364817839638699012687998639440540605545556135551400652591406054794302384598256244586708992.000000 -6.986254e+257gosh... %f and %e are for floats while sin returns a double... why are you ppl still using printf ? replace that with writefln and get rid of %f and \n... just writefln(sin(d)) is fine... then do writefln("%e", sin(d)) and again there are no problems...
Aug 12 2004