digitalmars.D.bugs - bug when year <= 1970
- David L. Davis (46/46) Jul 24 2004 Passing a "MM/DD/YYYY" or "YYYY/MM/DD" formated string into
Passing a "MM/DD/YYYY" or "YYYY/MM/DD" formated string into function which has a year equal-to or less-than 1970, causes the other functions to use 1970 internal as the year messing up the end results. Needless to say this is throwing my wip dateutils.d module functions off! :( Everything above 1970 seems to work just fine, I sure hope this can be fixed by the next version. Walter, Thxs for all the hard work you're putting into this Baby! :)) <Soapbox> I'm still waiting on the ifind and ireplace functions. As you may have noticed...I don't debate (besides others are better at it), so I spent most of my time writing D code for myself and to share with others. So I do hope you can give the D runtime library some good old TLC soon. You know, it's really all your fault, for creating such a wonderful "Language" that I'm hooked into writing code in it! Keep up the good work!! :)</Soapbox> <output> parse( sDate ) is creating a wrong d_time parse( "07/04/1776" )=0x112A880 ) YearFromTime( parse( "07/04/1776" )=1970 TimeFromYear( 1776 )=0xFFFFFA6E99B1C400 is fine with an integer YearFromTime( TimeFromYear( 1776 ) )=1776 </output> ------------------------------------------------------------------- "Dare to reach for the Stars...Dare to Dream, Build, and Achieve!"
Jul 24 2004