digitalmars.D - automatic conversion to invariant (string?)
- Yossarian (8/8) Mar 20 2008 Hello,
- Janice Caron (9/11) Mar 20 2008 No. Example:
- Yossarian (12/23) Mar 20 2008 i think that
- Steven Schveighoffer (9/32) Mar 20 2008 This I think will be changed once Walter is polishing up D2. Any array
- Janice Caron (14/21) Mar 20 2008 In fact, I just wrote that for illustration purposes. I was trying to
- Bruno Medeiros (10/25) Mar 25 2008 Just for the sake of pendanticness, you're switching/mixing up the terms...
- Janice Caron (2/3) Mar 20 2008 char[] will implicitly cast to const(char)[], no problem.
- Yossarian (7/11) Mar 20 2008 but string is invariant(char)[]. and that's problem for me, because some...
- Janice Caron (2/4) Mar 20 2008 Specifically, which ones?
- Yossarian (9/13) Mar 20 2008 I can't, for example do this:
- Frits van Bommel (6/20) Mar 20 2008 I'm pretty sure you can, actually. You can't do it with a char[]
- Koroskin Denis (5/14) Mar 20 2008 There is a difference between const and invariant. Const means that "you...
Hello, in D2, when you use types as string, wstring (which are invariant(char)[]), there is no autocast from char[] to invariant(char)[] (or const(char)[]), wouldn't this 'downcast' be logical?' -- Yossarian Tato zpr�va byla vytvo�ena p�evratn�m po�tovn�m klientem Opery:
Mar 20 2008
On 20/03/2008, Yossarian <xtauer01> wrote:wouldn't this 'downcast' be logical?'No. Example: char[] s = cast(char[]) "hello"; string t = s; s[0] = 'j'; There's a good reason why that won't compile! Both mutable and invariant will downcast to const, so from const to either mutable or invariant is an upcast. That makes going from mutable to invariant a "sideways cast"
Mar 20 2008
Dne Thu, 20 Mar 2008 12:05:44 +0100 Janice Caron <caron800> napsal/-a:On 20/03/2008, Yossarian <xtauer01> wrote:i think that char[] s = "hello" ; // this should compile without explicit cast. imho. the cast should be like ("hello".dup), // int[] c = [3, 5]; compiles. string t = s; // wouldn't it be logical to use not copy-on-write, but initialize new string with old char[]? s[0] = 'j'; // change only s, not t. -- Tato zpr�va byla vytvo�ena p�evratn�m po�tovn�m klientem Opery:'t this 'downcast' be logical?'No. Example: char[] s = cast(char[]) "hello"; string t = s; s[0] = 'j'; There's a good reason why that won't compile! Both mutable and invariant will downcast to const, so from const to either mutable or invariant is an upcast. That makes going from mutable to invariant a "sideways cast"
Mar 20 2008
"Yossarian" wroteDne Thu, 20 Mar 2008 12:05:44 +0100 Janice Caron napsal/-a:What's wrong with using "hello".dup explicitly?On 20/03/2008, Yossarian wrote:i think that char[] s = "hello" ; // this should compile without explicit cast. imho. the cast should be like ("hello".dup),wouldn't this 'downcast' be logical?'No. Example: char[] s = cast(char[]) "hello"; string t = s; s[0] = 'j'; There's a good reason why that won't compile! Both mutable and invariant will downcast to const, so from const to either mutable or invariant is an upcast. That makes going from mutable to invariant a "sideways cast"// int[] c = [3, 5]; compiles.This I think will be changed once Walter is polishing up D2. Any array literal should be treated consistently.string t = s; // wouldn't it be logical to use not copy-on-write, but initialize new string with old char[]? s[0] = 'j'; // change only s, not t.This goes against the whole premise of how arrays work in D. You are given a great feature because heap copies don't happen automatically, and so if you don't need the copies, then you aren't penalized for it. If you need them, it's easy to code because dup is builtin to every array. -Steve
Mar 20 2008
On 20/03/2008, Yossarian <xtauer01> wrote:> char[] s = cast(char[]) "hello"; i think that char[] s = "hello" ; // this should compile without explicit cast. imho.In fact, I just wrote that for illustration purposes. I was trying to imply that s was a char[], pre-initialised with "hello". In real code, you should /never/ do char[] s = cast(char[]) "hello"; so I was guilty of using a really bad example. The reason you should never use it is because casting away invariance is undefined, and in this case, the literal might be in a ROM segment. The correct way to do it should be, as others have pointed out: char[]s = "hello".dup;// int[] c = [3, 5]; compiles.In the future, it probably won't. Don't rely on it.string t = s; // wouldn't it be logical to use not copy-on-write, but initialize new string with old char[]?Since that line won't compile anyway, the question is moot.s[0] = 'j'; // change only s, not t.No can do. A string is nothing but a struct consisting of { ptr, length }. Element assignment should not cause a heap allocation.
Mar 20 2008
Janice Caron wrote:On 20/03/2008, Yossarian <xtauer01> wrote:Just for the sake of pendanticness, you're switching/mixing up the terms "downcast" and "upcast", it should be the other way around: "Both mutable and invariant will upcast to const, so from const to either mutable or invariant is an downcast." becausing upcasting is generelly the safe cast (less specific), while downcasting is the unsafe cast (more specific). -- Bruno Medeiros - MSc in CS/E student't this 'downcast' be logical?'No. Example: char[] s = cast(char[]) "hello"; string t = s; s[0] = 'j'; There's a good reason why that won't compile! Both mutable and invariant will downcast to const, so from const to either mutable or invariant is an upcast. That makes going from mutable to invariant a "sideways cast"
Mar 25 2008
On 20/03/2008, Yossarian <xtauer01> wrote:there is no autocast from char[] to invariant(char)[] (or const(char)[]),char[] will implicitly cast to const(char)[], no problem.
Mar 20 2008
Dne Thu, 20 Mar 2008 12:06:35 +0100 Janice Caron <caron800> napsal/-a:On 20/03/2008, Yossarian <xtauer01> wrote:but string is invariant(char)[]. and that's problem for me, because some of the standard libraries aren't ready for this. -- Tato zpr�va byla vytvo�ena p�evratn�m po�tovn�m klientem Opery: is no autocast from char[] to invariant(char)[] (or const(char)[]),char[] will implicitly cast to const(char)[], no problem.
Mar 20 2008
On 20/03/2008, Yossarian <xtauer01> wrote:but string is invariant(char)[]. and that's problem for me, because some of the standard libraries aren't ready for this.Specifically, which ones?
Mar 20 2008
Dne Thu, 20 Mar 2008 15:56:01 +0100 Janice Caron <caron800> napsal/-a:On 20/03/2008, Yossarian <xtauer01> wrote:I can't, for example do this: throw new Error("This is an text of error"); I must do throw new Error(cast(string)"This is an text of error"); -- Tato zpr�va byla vytvo�ena p�evratn�m po�tovn�m klientem Opery: string is invariant(char)[]. and that's problem for me, because some of the standard libraries aren't ready for this.Specifically, which ones?
Mar 20 2008
Yossarian wrote:Dne Thu, 20 Mar 2008 15:56:01 +0100 Janice Caron <caron800> napsal/-a:I'm pretty sure you can, actually. You can't do it with a char[] parameter, but literals have invariant characters already and should work fine.On 20/03/2008, Yossarian <xtauer01> wrote:I can't, for example do this: throw new Error("This is an text of error");but string is invariant(char)[]. and that's problem for me, because some of the standard libraries aren't ready for this.Specifically, which ones?I must do throw new Error(cast(string)"This is an text of error");String literals implicitly convert to string, so the cast is completely unnecessary.
Mar 20 2008
On Thu, 20 Mar 2008 13:23:16 +0300, Yossarian <xtauer01> wrote:Hello, in D2, when you use types as string, wstring (which are invariant(char)[]), there is no autocast from char[] to invariant(char)[] (or const(char)[]), wouldn't this 'downcast' be logical?' -- Yossarian Tato zpráva byla vytvořena převratným poštovním klientem Opery: is a difference between const and invariant. Const means that "you shouldn't try to change it" whereas invariant means "this won't change ever". At least, that's how I understand this.
Mar 20 2008