digitalmars.D.announce - turtle v0.0.6
- Guillaume Piolat (62/62) May 19 2021
- =?UTF-8?B?0JLQuNGC0LDQu9C40Lkg0KTQsNC0?= =?UTF-8?B?0LXQtdCy?= (3/20) May 20 2021 Looks readable. "The turtle package provides a friendly, software-rendered, and hi-DPI drawing solution, for when all you want is a Canvas API. It depends on SDL for windowing." (In reality in this early version it's only fit for really simple data visualization programs. Expect the API to change a lot and support to be inexistent.) Example: ```d import turtle; int main(string[] args) { runGame(new CanvasExample); return 0; } class CanvasExample : TurtleGame { override void load() { } override void update(double dt) { if (keyboard.isDown("escape")) exitGame; } override void draw() { foreach(layer; 0..8) with(canvas) { save(); translate(windowWidth / 2, windowHeight / 2); float zoom = windowHeight/4 * (1.0 - layer / 7.0) ^^ (1.0 + 0.2 * cos(elapsedTime)); scale(zoom, zoom); rotate(layer + elapsedTime * (0.5 + layer * 0.1)); auto gradient = createCircularGradient(0, 0, 3); int r = 255 - layer * 32; int g = 64 + layer * 16; int b = 128; gradient.addColorStop(0, color(r, g, b, 255)); gradient.addColorStop(1, color(r/2, g/3, b/2, 255)); fillStyle = gradient; beginPath(); moveTo(-1, -1); lineTo( 0, -3); lineTo(+1, -1); lineTo(+3, 0); lineTo(+1, +1); lineTo( 0, +3); lineTo(-1, +1); lineTo(-3, 0); closePath(); fill(); restore(); } } } ``` It builds upon dplug:graphcis, itself a dg2d fork, which is a high-speed simple rasterizer without stroke().
May 19 2021
On Wednesday, 19 May 2021 at 16:41:54 UTC, Guillaume Piolat wrote: "The turtle package provides a friendly, software-rendered, and hi-DPI drawing solution, for when all you want is a Canvas API. It depends on SDL for windowing." [...]dplug:canvas, dplug:graphcis is interesting.fillStyle = gradient;beginPath(); moveTo(-1, -1); lineTo( 0, -3); lineTo(+1, -1); lineTo(+3, 0); lineTo(+1, +1); lineTo( 0, +3); lineTo(-1, +1); lineTo(-3, 0); closePath(); fill();Looks readable.
May 20 2021