digitalmars.D.announce - dstats beta?
- dsimcha (16/16) Sep 20 2009 I'm thinking that my dstats library should "officially" be declared beta...
I'm thinking that my dstats library should "officially" be declared beta. dstats is a library of statistics functions in native D2 code with a native D2 api, and thus allows statistical calculations to be easily integrated into larger programs that require a general-purpose language. It is located at . Development on the library has slowed in the past few months, mostly because I can't think of any more new features to add. I'd like to get some feedback from other people who use statistics regularly. Is there any important killer feature that I missed, or anything that you really dislike the design of? I'm thinking that I'd like to have a usable, well-documented beta of this thing by the time D2 goes gold, as it might be a nice project to demonstrate how powerful D's metaprogramming facilities are, in that they allow for a very specialized library with a clean API to be written in a general-purpose language. If noone has any suggestions for major features or redesign, I'll start cleaning up the docs and improving a few of the unittests to get dstats ready for prime time.
Sep 20 2009