digitalmars.D.announce - autoptr (ref counted pointers)
- vit (163/163) Nov 12 2021 Hello,
- Salih Dincer (5/22) Nov 13 2021 Nicely done!
Hello, I implemented reference counted pointers supporting: - weak pointers (optional). - aliasing. - atomic/non-atomic counters. - multithread ref counted pointers . - arrays. - destructors with attributes - pure, const, immutable and shared support. - limited dip1000 and safe support. - intrusive pointers - unique pointers Api is inspired with std::shared_ptr Implementation is inspired by clang std::shared_ptr. git: doc: dub: Examples: ```d import autoptr.shared_ptr; /// pure nothrow nogc unittest{ static class Foo{ int i; this(int i)pure nothrow safe nogc{ this.i = i; } } static class Bar : Foo{ double d; this(int i, double d)pure nothrow safe nogc{ super(i); this.d = d; } } //implicit qualifier cast { SharedPtr!(const Foo) foo = SharedPtr!Foo.make(42); assert(foo.get.i == 42); assert(foo.useCount == 1); const SharedPtr!Foo foo2 = foo; assert(foo2.get.i == 42); assert(foo.useCount == 2); } //polymorphic classes: { SharedPtr!Foo foo = SharedPtr!Bar.make(42, 3.14); assert(foo != null); assert(foo.useCount == 1); assert(foo.get.i == 42); //dynamic cast: { SharedPtr!Bar bar = dynCast!Bar(foo); assert(foo.useCount == 2); assert(bar.get.i == 42); assert(bar.get.d == 3.14); } } //aliasing: { SharedPtr!Foo foo = SharedPtr!Bar.make(42, 3.14); assert(foo.useCount == 1); auto x = SharedPtr!int(foo, &foo.get.i); assert(foo.useCount == 2); assert(x.useCount == 2); assert(*x == 42); } //weak references: { auto x = SharedPtr!double.make(3.14); assert(x.useCount == 1); assert(x.weakCount == 0); auto w = x.weak(); //weak pointer assert(x.useCount == 1); assert(x.weakCount == 1); assert(*w.lock == 3.14); SharedPtr!double.WeakType w2 = x; assert(x.useCount == 1); assert(x.weakCount == 2); assert(w2.expired == false); x = null; assert(w2.expired == true); } //dynamic array { import std.algorithm : all; { auto arr = SharedPtr!(long[]).make(10, -1); assert(arr.length == 10); assert(arr.get.all!(x => x == -1)); } { auto arr = SharedPtr!(long[]).make(8); assert(arr.length == 8); assert(arr.get.all!(x => x == long.init)); } } //static array { import std.algorithm : all; { auto arr = SharedPtr!(long[4]).make(-1); assert(arr.get[].all!(x => x == -1)); } { long[4] tmp = [0, 1, 2, 3]; auto arr = SharedPtr!(long[4]).make(tmp); assert(arr.get[] == tmp[]); } } } /// pure nothrow safe nogc unittest{ //make SharedPtr object static struct Foo{ int i; this(int i)pure nothrow safe nogc{ this.i = i; } } { auto foo = SharedPtr!Foo.make(42); auto foo2 = SharedPtr!Foo.make!Mallocator(42); //explicit stateless allocator } { import std.experimental.allocator : make, dispose; static void deleter(long* x)pure nothrow trusted nogc{ Mallocator.instance.dispose(x); } long* element = Mallocator.instance.make!long; auto x = SharedPtr!long.make(element, &deleter); } { auto arr = SharedPtr!(long[]).make(10); //dynamic array with length 10 assert(arr.length == 10); } } /// nothrow unittest{ //alloc SharedPtr object import std.experimental.allocator : make, dispose, allocatorObject; auto allocator = allocatorObject(Mallocator.instance); { auto x = SharedPtr!long.alloc(allocator, 42); } { static void deleter(long* x)pure nothrow trusted nogc{ Mallocator.instance.dispose(x); } long* element = Mallocator.instance.make!long; auto x = SharedPtr!long.alloc(allocator, element, &deleter); } { auto arr = SharedPtr!(long[]).alloc(allocator, 10); //dynamic array with length 10 assert(arr.length == 10); } } ```
Nov 12 2021
On Friday, 12 November 2021 at 14:32:42 UTC, vit wrote:Hello, I implemented reference counted pointers supporting: - weak pointers (optional). - aliasing. - atomic/non-atomic counters. - multithread ref counted pointers . - arrays. - destructors with attributes - pure, const, immutable and shared support. - limited dip1000 and safe support. - intrusive pointers - unique pointers Api is inspired with std::shared_ptr Implementation is inspired by clang std::shared_ptr. git: doc: dub: done! There are over 1000 lines of test code, line 2590 starts unittests. Thank you...
Nov 13 2021