digitalmars.D.announce - =?UTF-8?B?xIY6IHNpbXBsZSBsYW5ndWFnZSBmb3IgcG9ydGFibGUgbGlicmFyaWU=?=
- Adrian Matoga (12/12) Aug 16 2011 Hi,
Hi, I'd like to announce my friend's baby, "a programming language for writing very portable programming libraries", which translates to C, First version has limited features, but has been successfully applied in ASAP (multiplatform player and utilities for 8-bit Atari music files), and is still under active development. The D port in git repository is compatible with DMD 2.054. It has been written in very short time only to build ASAP with it, so patches and reports are welcome. Enjoy!
Aug 16 2011