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digitalmars.D.announce - Status Update February 2025

reply Mike Parker <aldacron gmail.com> writes:
Here are the February updates on some of the projects Razvan 
Nitu, our project coordinator, is tracking right now, plus a bit 
extra that I've pieced together.

For reference, [here's a link to the December 2024/January 2025 
update](https://forum.dlang.org/post/yjfmkcyazasjnroojyje forum.dlang.org).

Átila reports that the Editions DIP is ready. Rikki Catermole is 
slated to implement it. For now, Rikki's waiting for the DIP to 
be officially approved before going all in on the implementation. 
He had [one preperatory PR merged in 

The DIP has [a thread in the Ideas 
forum](https://forum.dlang.org/post/tskwospngntbnqiuxbag forum.dlang.org). The
next step should be to open a review thread for the current draft in the
Development forum.

Razvan had no direct updates on the new GC to report from Steven 
Schveighoffer, but you can get a look at [Steve's recent 
GC-related work via closed 
PRs](https://forum.dlang.org/post/tskwospngntbnqiuxbag forum.dlang.org).

Jonathan Davis is still plugging away at the `traits` and `range` 
modules. At the time of Razvan's email to me, he'd merged [only 
one PR ](https://github.com/dlang/phobos/pull/10634) since the 
last update, but the work continues.

Vladimir Panteleev got some basic functionality working on the 
new server for dpldocs. For example, to see the docs for his `ae` 
project, you can visit 
Replace the "ae" in the URL with any dub package you want.

The frontpage for dpldocs.dlang.org is still missing. There was a 
bit of a roadblock to get that going. Adam Ruppe provided 
Vladimir with some insights, so it should be up at some point.

If you missed [the forum 
i forum.dlang.org), we were accepted into the Google Summer of Code this year.
We should all thank Razvan and Teodor Dutu for the effort they put into this.
The upfront work they did to improve our application really paid off.

The first release candidate of DMD 2.110.0 has been [available 
for a little while, but you'll see [the change log still says 
'Download 2.110.0 
Beta'](https://downloads.dlang.org/pre-releases/2.x/2.110.0/). As 
he was preparing the release, Iain Buclaw ran into an issue with 
the change log generation that arose from the Bugzilla to GitHub 
migration. [A fix for that is 

Meanwhile, Iain is helping Dennis Korpel get up to speed on the 
current release process. There are a couple of steps in there 
that were blockers for everyone who tried to get the release out 
while Iain was unavailable. Very soon now, those steps should no 
longer be blockers for Dennis.

That said, we still want to try to streamline the process such 
that potentially anyone on the team can handle it. It's not 
something that's going to happen overnight. For now, at least, 
releases are no longer dependent on just one person.

Not long after last month's update, I received confirmation that 
Symmetry had signed the contract with the DConf '25 event 
planner, who in turn had locked in the venue and caterer. That 
allowed me to [formally launch the web 

I expected that it would also allow me to open early-bird 
registration by the end of February. I was unable to do that, 
however, as I'm still awaiting word about additional 
sponsorships. That's going to determine the general registration 
rate as well as the early-bird discount (which I'm hoping to 
increase this year).

I can't say for sure when I'll be able to finalize the rate, but 
I'll update the web site and post in the Announce forum as soon 
as I know.

I predicted in last month's update that I would be caught up with 
the meeting summaries by the end of this month. I'm still aiming 
to do that, but it's going to be tight. The October summary will 
be out in a couple of days, with the November summary to follow 
shortly thereafter.

I expect to have the standalone video of Guillaume Piolat's DConf 
'24 talk published by Sunday. I aim to get the next two up by the 
end of the month.

I published [the latest Community 
Conversation](https://youtu.be/HxgnfUZBqHE) this past Sunday, 
this one with Adam Wilson. I should have the next one published 
on April 27th.
Mar 05
next sibling parent Sergey <kornburn yandex.ru> writes:
On Wednesday, 5 March 2025 at 15:02:39 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
 Here are the February updates on some of the projects
Nice post! Thanks for all who's was participating in all mentioned projects and activities. Look like a great candidate for official D blog :) Also maybe worth to make a twitter post about GSoC success, even though we already see in Discord many new people who are joining because of this :) And in case you are considering d-community requests for other guests for your interview show I think it will be interesting to invite: - Luna: to know more about Inochi2d, port for DreamCast and maybe other cool projects - Adr: for real =) ask about experience he had after his first year as a "dictator", ideas about new things in D, etc
Mar 05
prev sibling next sibling parent Steven Schveighoffer <schveiguy gmail.com> writes:
On Wednesday, 5 March 2025 at 15:02:39 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

 Razvan had no direct updates on the new GC to report from 
 Steven Schveighoffer, but you can get a look at [Steve's recent 
 GC-related work via closed 
 PRs](https://forum.dlang.org/post/tskwospngntbnqiuxbag forum.dlang.org).
Copy-paste error, this is the editions post. The plan for druntime (with links to all the PRs) is here: https://github.com/schveiguy/dmd/issues/8 I'm also porting the SDC GC to normal D here: https://github.com/symmetryinvestments/symgc -Steve
Mar 05
prev sibling parent Anonymouse <zorael gmail.com> writes:
On Wednesday, 5 March 2025 at 15:02:39 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Mar 06