digitalmars.D.announce - Next London D Meetup: Wednesday 20th January 2016
Hi, Come along to the next London D Meetup at CodeNode SkillsMatter from 6:30pm on the 20th January. This time we peek into the mind and code of Ross McKinlay who will give us a tour of some of his D efforts. Hope to see you all there :) --Kingsley
Jan 10 2016
On Sunday, 10 January 2016 at 22:01:05 UTC, Kingsley wrote:This time we peek into the mind and code of Ross McKinlay who will give us a tour of some of his D efforts.I'm watching the recording right now. It's pretty exciting to video here: -Wyatt
Jan 21 2016
On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 20:27:14 UTC, Wyatt wrote:On Sunday, 10 January 2016 at 22:01:05 UTC, Kingsley wrote:This is great stuff. Ross's excitability around opDispatch reminds me of my own reaction when I realised the power of using that feature. I emailed everyone saying "Holy shit, look at this!!" Pity none of these meetups are in Dublin - seem like good fun!This time we peek into the mind and code of Ross McKinlay who will give us a tour of some of his D efforts.I'm watching the recording right now. It's pretty exciting to video here: -Wyatt
Jan 22 2016
On Friday, 22 January 2016 at 15:09:01 UTC, wobbles wrote:On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 20:27:14 UTC, Wyatt wrote:Thanks guys, glad you liked it. I have been having lots of fun so far :)On Sunday, 10 January 2016 at 22:01:05 UTC, Kingsley wrote:This is great stuff. Ross's excitability around opDispatch reminds me of my own reaction when I realised the power of using that feature. I emailed everyone saying "Holy shit, look at this!!" Pity none of these meetups are in Dublin - seem like good fun!This time we peek into the mind and code of Ross McKinlay who will give us a tour of some of his D efforts.I'm watching the recording right now. It's pretty exciting to video here: -Wyatt
Jan 22 2016