digitalmars.D.announce - GSoC will open soon
- Andrei Alexandrescu (3/3) Feb 05 2012 We intend to participate. Please start making project plans!
- dsimcha (3/6) Feb 05 2012 Where/how should we post the plans? Do we want to just start another
- Andrei Alexandrescu (3/14) Feb 05 2012 Yah, a wiki page sounds great.
- Bruno Medeiros (7/10) Feb 10 2012 BTW, is there any summary of how the 2011 D projects went, were all of
- David Nadlinger (10/14) Feb 10 2012 The regex engine (Dmitry Olshansky) went into Phobos a release ago. My
We intend to participate. Please start making project plans! Andrei
Feb 05 2012
On 2/5/2012 5:16 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:We intend to participate. Please start making project plans! AndreiWhere/how should we post the plans? Do we want to just start another GSoC wiki page like we did last year?
Feb 05 2012
On 2/5/12 10:22 PM, dsimcha wrote:On 2/5/2012 5:16 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:Yah, a wiki page sounds great. AndreiWe intend to participate. Please start making project plans! AndreiWhere/how should we post the plans? Do we want to just start another GSoC wiki page like we did last year?
Feb 05 2012
On 2/6/2012 12:34 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:Yah, a wiki page sounds great. AndreiWiki is up, ice is broken. Let's start adding some ideas! I also think this year we should have a possible mentors line next to each project to keep track of who's interested in mentoring what. For example, I added garbage collection to the page. If you're also interested in mentoring a GC project, just append yourself to the list of possible mentors.
Feb 12 2012
On 02/12/2012 01:32 PM, dsimcha wrote:On 2/6/2012 12:34 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:Added Android and iPhone support ideas... please please please please. >.< Unfortunately I would probably make a shitty mentor due to time constraints that would eventually lead to massive negligence, so I'll stay out of that for now.Yah, a wiki page sounds great. AndreiWiki is up, ice is broken. Let's start adding some ideas! I also think this year we should have a possible mentors line next to each project to keep track of who's interested in mentoring what. For example, I added garbage collection to the page. If you're also interested in mentoring a GC project, just append yourself to the list of possible mentors.
Feb 12 2012
On 05/02/2012 22:16, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:We intend to participate. Please start making project plans! AndreiBTW, is there any summary of how the 2011 D projects went, were all of them finished successfully in GSoC terms? And incorporated into D? I haven't been paying full attention to the newsgroups, so I only saw that blog page about the Thrift one.. -- Bruno Medeiros - Software Engineer
Feb 10 2012
On 2/10/12 4:35 PM, Bruno Medeiros wrote:BTW, is there any summary of how the 2011 D projects went, were all of them finished successfully in GSoC terms? And incorporated into D? I haven't been paying full attention to the newsgroups, so I only saw that blog page about the Thrift one..The regex engine (Dmitry Olshansky) went into Phobos a release ago. My Thrift stuff is submitted for upstream inclusion (still pending, I hve been holding back the blog post announcing integration for quite a while now^^). Cristi Cobzarenco's work on SciD is, to my understanding, still in a somewhat half-finished state, which is somewhat expected, given the scope of the project, but still unfortunate (David Simcha is continuing to work on it sporadically, I think). Anyway, yes, a summary page is a good idea. David
Feb 10 2012