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digitalmars.D.announce - blackbird - yet another eclipse D editor

reply "Ilya Zaitseff" <sark7 mail333.com> writes:
Syntax highlight and outline, nothing more for now.
It uses ANTLR for parsing.

Screenshot: http://sark7.nm.ru/stuff/blackbird_100.jpg
Plugin with sources (including ANTLR grammar):  

Icons are from JDT/CDT <g>
Main plugin ideas I take from dsource's eclipseD.
Actually, it is my first Java, Eclipse, ANTLR project. <g>
Jul 07 2005
next sibling parent reply Victor Nakoryakov <nail-mail mail.ru> writes:
Ilya Zaitseff wrote:
 Syntax highlight and outline, nothing more for now.
 It uses ANTLR for parsing.
 Screenshot: http://sark7.nm.ru/stuff/blackbird_100.jpg
 Plugin with sources (including ANTLR grammar):  
 Icons are from JDT/CDT <g>
 Main plugin ideas I take from dsource's eclipseD.
 Actually, it is my first Java, Eclipse, ANTLR project. <g>
Yes! The first editor with correct /+ +/ comments highlighting :) 2Sark7: �� � ����� �� �������? � �� ��� ��� ��� ��� � ���� � ������� ����� �����, � � ������� � ���� ������� �� �����. -- Victor (aka nail) Nakoryakov nail-mail<at>mail<dot>ru Krasnoznamensk, Moscow, Russia
Jul 08 2005
next sibling parent "Ilya Zaitseff" <sark7 mail333.com> writes:
On Fri, 08 Jul 2005 22:44:56 +1100, Victor Nakoryakov <nail-mail mail.ru>  

 Ilya Zaitseff wrote:
 Syntax highlight and outline, nothing more for now.
 It uses ANTLR for parsing.
  Screenshot: http://sark7.nm.ru/stuff/blackbird_100.jpg
 Plugin with sources (including ANTLR grammar):   
  Icons are from JDT/CDT <g>
 Main plugin ideas I take from dsource's eclipseD.
 Actually, it is my first Java, Eclipse, ANTLR project. <g>
Yes! The first editor with correct /+ +/ comments highlighting :)
Yeah! It was a hard work for me :)
 2Sark7: �� � ����� �� �������? � �� ��� ��� ��� ��� � ���� � �������  
 ����� �����, � � ������� � ���� ������� �� �����.
�����, �� �������� �� �� ������� �� ������������ :)
Jul 08 2005
prev sibling parent reply =?UTF-8?B?SnVsaW8gQ8Opc2FyIENhcnJhc2NhbA==?= writes:
My TextPad syntax file has alternate comment support since I wrote it a 
couple of years ago. I'll post it if there's anyone interested.

Victor Nakoryakov wrote:
 Ilya Zaitseff wrote:
 Syntax highlight and outline, nothing more for now.
 It uses ANTLR for parsing.

 Screenshot: http://sark7.nm.ru/stuff/blackbird_100.jpg
 Plugin with sources (including ANTLR grammar):  

 Icons are from JDT/CDT <g>
 Main plugin ideas I take from dsource's eclipseD.
 Actually, it is my first Java, Eclipse, ANTLR project. <g>
Yes! The first editor with correct /+ +/ comments highlighting :) 2Sark7: Ты в аське то бываешь? А то она уже сто лет у меня в контакт листе висит, а в онлайне я тебя никогда не видел.
Jul 11 2005
parent "Regan Heath" <regan netwin.co.nz> writes:
Yes please. If yours is more complete than:

perhaps you should put yours in it's place.


On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 15:43:17 -0500, Julio César Carrascal  
<adnoctum phreaker.net> wrote:

 My TextPad syntax file has alternate comment support since I wrote it a  
 couple of years ago. I'll post it if there's anyone interested.

 Victor Nakoryakov wrote:
 Ilya Zaitseff wrote:

 Syntax highlight and outline, nothing more for now.
 It uses ANTLR for parsing.

 Screenshot: http://sark7.nm.ru/stuff/blackbird_100.jpg
 Plugin with sources (including ANTLR grammar):   

 Icons are from JDT/CDT <g>
 Main plugin ideas I take from dsource's eclipseD.
 Actually, it is my first Java, Eclipse, ANTLR project. <g>
Yes! The first editor with correct /+ +/ comments highlighting :) 2Sark7: Ты в аське то бываешь? А то она уже сто лет у меня в контакт листе висит, а в онлайне я тебя никогда не видел.
Jul 11 2005
prev sibling next sibling parent reply Victor Nakoryakov <nail-mail mail.ru> writes:
Outliner ignores all that is followed first out{} contract in the source 
file. E.g.

 private import std.stdio;
 class A
 	int x, y;
 struct S
 	float a, b, c;	
 	void foo(out int x)
 		assert( x > 0 );	
 	void baz()
 int main()
 	/+ comment /+ nested +/ comment +/
 	writefln("Hello world");
 	return 0;
Gives outline S.foo and ignores all source below it. -- Victor (aka nail) Nakoryakov nail-mail<at>mail<dot>ru Krasnoznamensk, Moscow, Russia
Jul 08 2005
parent "Ilya Zaitseff" <sark7 mail333.com> writes:
On Fri, 08 Jul 2005 23:44:45 +1100, Victor Nakoryakov <nail-mail mail.ru>  

 Outliner ignores all that is followed first out{} contract in the source  
 file. E.g.

 private import std.stdio;
  class A
 	int x, y;
  struct S
 	float a, b, c;	
 	void foo(out int x)
 		assert( x > 0 );	
 	void baz()
  int main()
 	/+ comment /+ nested +/ comment +/
 	writefln("Hello world");
 	return 0;
Gives outline S.foo and ignores all source below it.
Fixed. Binary update (just copy it over): http://sark7.nm.ru/stuff/blackbird_update1.zip
Jul 08 2005
prev sibling next sibling parent reply "Andrew Fedoniouk" <news terrainformatica.com> writes:

Installation instructions will be greatly appreciated.
Particular question: how to create "D project" in Eclipse.
Is there such entity at all?

I've copied content into Eclipse plugin folder
and trying to open D file but Eclipse says "Outline is not available".

Some black russian magik needs to be done first, ah?



"Ilya Zaitseff" <sark7 mail333.com> wrote in message 
news:op.stkuexbsaaezs2 ilya.tec.amursk.ru...
 Syntax highlight and outline, nothing more for now.
 It uses ANTLR for parsing.

 Screenshot: http://sark7.nm.ru/stuff/blackbird_100.jpg
 Plugin with sources (including ANTLR grammar): 

 Icons are from JDT/CDT <g>
 Main plugin ideas I take from dsource's eclipseD.
 Actually, it is my first Java, Eclipse, ANTLR project. <g> 
Jul 08 2005
next sibling parent "Ilya Zaitseff" <sark7 mail333.com> writes:
On Sat, 09 Jul 2005 06:27:37 +1100, Andrew Fedoniouk  
<news terrainformatica.com> wrote:


 Installation instructions will be greatly appreciated.
 Particular question: how to create "D project" in Eclipse.
 Is there such entity at all?
Still no. <g> You can create a Simple Project, or CDT C/C++ Project.
 I've copied content into Eclipse plugin folder
 and trying to open D file but Eclipse says "Outline is not available".

 Some black russian magik needs to be done first, ah?


Strange. What version of Eclipse do you have? I've tested it only on Eclipse 3.0.1 SDK/Platform, and it works <g>. btw, such error should be logged in workspace/.metadata/.log
 "Ilya Zaitseff" <sark7 mail333.com> wrote in message
 news:op.stkuexbsaaezs2 ilya.tec.amursk.ru...
 Syntax highlight and outline, nothing more for now.
 It uses ANTLR for parsing.

 Screenshot: http://sark7.nm.ru/stuff/blackbird_100.jpg
 Plugin with sources (including ANTLR grammar):

 Icons are from JDT/CDT <g>
 Main plugin ideas I take from dsource's eclipseD.
 Actually, it is my first Java, Eclipse, ANTLR project. <g>
Jul 08 2005
prev sibling parent reply "Shawn Liu" <liuxuhong.cn gmail.com> writes:
You may need remove the original eclipseD first.

I found that Eclipse can remember the asocited program to open D file. If 
the the eclipseD is used to open D file before. Eclipse use eclipseD to open 
it. So remove eclipseD first and restart Eclipse. Eclipse will find 
blackbird to open D files. Then you can copy the removed eclipseD back 
again. But eclipse open D file using blackbird this time since it remembers 
blackbird as the associted program to open D file.

"Andrew Fedoniouk" <news terrainformatica.com>
д����Ϣ����:damk39$n6n$1 digitaldaemon.com...

 Installation instructions will be greatly appreciated.
 Particular question: how to create "D project" in Eclipse.
 Is there such entity at all?

 I've copied content into Eclipse plugin folder
 and trying to open D file but Eclipse says "Outline is not available".

 Some black russian magik needs to be done first, ah?



 "Ilya Zaitseff" <sark7 mail333.com> wrote in message 
 news:op.stkuexbsaaezs2 ilya.tec.amursk.ru...
 Syntax highlight and outline, nothing more for now.
 It uses ANTLR for parsing.

 Screenshot: http://sark7.nm.ru/stuff/blackbird_100.jpg
 Plugin with sources (including ANTLR grammar): 

 Icons are from JDT/CDT <g>
 Main plugin ideas I take from dsource's eclipseD.
 Actually, it is my first Java, Eclipse, ANTLR project. <g>
Jul 09 2005
parent John Reimer <brk_6502 yahoo.com> writes:
Shawn Liu wrote:
 You may need remove the original eclipseD first.
 I found that Eclipse can remember the asocited program to open D file. If 
 the the eclipseD is used to open D file before. Eclipse use eclipseD to open 
 it. So remove eclipseD first and restart Eclipse. Eclipse will find 
 blackbird to open D files. Then you can copy the removed eclipseD back 
 again. But eclipse open D file using blackbird this time since it remembers 
 blackbird as the associted program to open D file.
Yeah... I had to remove eclipseD to get blackbird working too. I didn't mind doing so because the eclipseD parser was buggy for me and tended to crash eclipse on certain files (very annoying... so much so that I gave up on using eclipse for D development). I will play with blackbird for awhile and see if its parser is an improvement. So far it looks like it is. Nice work. -JJR
Jul 09 2005
prev sibling next sibling parent reply jicman <jicman_member pathlink.com> writes:
Quick ?: Does it need the JRE?

Ilya Zaitseff says...
Syntax highlight and outline, nothing more for now.
It uses ANTLR for parsing.

Screenshot: http://sark7.nm.ru/stuff/blackbird_100.jpg
Plugin with sources (including ANTLR grammar):  

Icons are from JDT/CDT <g>
Main plugin ideas I take from dsource's eclipseD.
Actually, it is my first Java, Eclipse, ANTLR project. <g>
Jul 12 2005
parent "Ilya Zaitseff" <sark7 mail333.com> writes:
On Wed, 13 Jul 2005 14:04:45 +1100, jicman <jicman_member pathlink.com>  

 Quick ?: Does it need the JRE?
It is Eclipse plugin, so definitely yes <g>
 Ilya Zaitseff says...
 Syntax highlight and outline, nothing more for now.
 It uses ANTLR for parsing.

 Screenshot: http://sark7.nm.ru/stuff/blackbird_100.jpg
 Plugin with sources (including ANTLR grammar):

 Icons are from JDT/CDT <g>
 Main plugin ideas I take from dsource's eclipseD.
 Actually, it is my first Java, Eclipse, ANTLR project. <g>
Jul 12 2005
prev sibling next sibling parent reply John Reimer <brk_6502 yahoo.com> writes:
On Fri, 08 Jul 2005 15:21:59 +1100, Ilya Zaitseff wrote:

 Syntax highlight and outline, nothing more for now.
 It uses ANTLR for parsing.
 Screenshot: http://sark7.nm.ru/stuff/blackbird_100.jpg
 Plugin with sources (including ANTLR grammar):  
 Icons are from JDT/CDT <g>
 Main plugin ideas I take from dsource's eclipseD.
 Actually, it is my first Java, Eclipse, ANTLR project. <g>
Nice. Works fine on WinXP, but doesn't work on Linux. Quits with error (on linux with eclipse 3.1, Sun Java 1.5): "Unable to create this part due to an internal error. Reason for the failure: The editor class could not be instantiated. This usually indicates that the editor's class name was mistyped in plugin.xml." "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: blackbird.editor.DEditor " accompanied by a long list of related methods... This message is displayed in the area that's supposed to be the editor view and occurs when I double click on a d source file from a project located in the Package Explorer view. I don't get this error on WinXP. Also I noticed that CDT is a dependency for blackbird. Did you mention that anywhere? -JJR
Jul 12 2005
parent reply John Reimer <brk_6502 yahoo.com> writes:
On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 22:16:27 -0700, John Reimer wrote:
 Nice.  Works fine on WinXP, but doesn't work on Linux.
 Quits with error (on linux with eclipse 3.1, Sun Java 1.5):
 "Unable to create this part due to an internal error. Reason for the
 failure: The editor class could not be instantiated. This usually
 indicates that the editor's class name was mistyped in plugin.xml."
 "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: blackbird.editor.DEditor "
 accompanied by a long list of related methods...
 This message is displayed in the area that's supposed to be the editor
 view and occurs when I double click on a d source file from a project
 located in the Package Explorer view.  I don't get this error on WinXP.
 Also I noticed that CDT is a dependency for blackbird.  Did you
 mention that anywhere?
Figured it out... On linux, blackbird.jar has no access privileges set by default when unzipped to the plugin directory -- not even read access. So one has to chmod to activate "read" privileges on that file and then everything works just fine. -JJR
Jul 12 2005
parent reply "Ilya Zaitseff" <sark7 mail333.com> writes:
On Wed, 13 Jul 2005 16:29:22 +1100, John Reimer <brk_6502 yahoo.com> wrote:

 On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 22:16:27 -0700, John Reimer wrote:
 Nice.  Works fine on WinXP, but doesn't work on Linux.

 Quits with error (on linux with eclipse 3.1, Sun Java 1.5):

 "Unable to create this part due to an internal error. Reason for the
 failure: The editor class could not be instantiated. This usually
 indicates that the editor's class name was mistyped in plugin.xml."

 "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: blackbird.editor.DEditor "

 accompanied by a long list of related methods...

 This message is displayed in the area that's supposed to be the editor
 view and occurs when I double click on a d source file from a project
 located in the Package Explorer view.  I don't get this error on WinXP.

 Also I noticed that CDT is a dependency for blackbird.  Did you
 mention that anywhere?

Strange. I don't use CDT plugins in blackbird. Where you found such dependency?
 Figured it out...

 On linux, blackbird.jar has no access privileges set by default when
 unzipped to the plugin directory -- not even read access.  So one has to
 chmod to activate "read" privileges on that file and then everything  
 just fine.

Thanks. I don't use linux, so I can test it only on WinXP. Maybe I should add this to readme.
Jul 12 2005
parent reply John Reimer <brk_6502 yahoo.com> writes:
 Strange. I don't use CDT plugins in blackbird. Where you found such  
I'm not sure why, but the blackbird plugin refused to work until I installed the CDT plugin (WinXP). I didn't do any careful tests to prove why... after it worked only with CDT installed, I assumed that CDT was a dependency that you hadn't mentioned. Perhaps I did something wrong, and there isn't a dependency... but I'm still not sure why I had that problem.
 Figured it out...

 On linux, blackbird.jar has no access privileges set by default when
 unzipped to the plugin directory -- not even read access.  So one has to
 chmod to activate "read" privileges on that file and then everything  
 just fine.

Thanks. I don't use linux, so I can test it only on WinXP. Maybe I should add this to readme.
I'm not sure if there's a way to change the default access rights for the file from windows for the package zip process. The dmd.zip package contents have always had a similar problem on linux. A note in the readme would probably suffice for now. -JJR
Jul 12 2005
parent reply Victor Nakoryakov <nail-mail mail.ru> writes:
John Reimer wrote:
Strange. I don't use CDT plugins in blackbird. Where you found such  
I'm not sure why, but the blackbird plugin refused to work until I installed the CDT plugin (WinXP). I didn't do any careful tests to prove why... after it worked only with CDT installed, I assumed that CDT was a dependency that you hadn't mentioned. Perhaps I did something wrong, and there isn't a dependency... but I'm still not sure why I had that problem.
I had reinstall eclipse from scratch with no plugins except included in distribution and right after that I installed blacbird. All works fine for me. -- Victor (aka nail) Nakoryakov nail-mail<at>mail<dot>ru Krasnoznamensk, Moscow, Russia
Jul 13 2005
parent John Reimer <brk_6502 yahoo.com> writes:
On Wed, 13 Jul 2005 23:49:41 +0400, Victor Nakoryakov wrote:

 John Reimer wrote:
Strange. I don't use CDT plugins in blackbird. Where you found such  
I'm not sure why, but the blackbird plugin refused to work until I installed the CDT plugin (WinXP). I didn't do any careful tests to prove why... after it worked only with CDT installed, I assumed that CDT was a dependency that you hadn't mentioned. Perhaps I did something wrong, and there isn't a dependency... but I'm still not sure why I had that problem.
I had reinstall eclipse from scratch with no plugins except included in distribution and right after that I installed blacbird. All works fine for me.
Okay. Thanks. That's good to know. The mistake must have been mine then. -JJR
Jul 13 2005
prev sibling parent reply "Shawn Liu" <liuxuhong.cn gmail.com> writes:
Can blackbird show line number in the left side? I think it is very useful 
while locating errors.
I enabled this switch in Eclipse (General>Editors>Text Editors>Show line 
numbers), but nothing happened.


- Shawn

"Ilya Zaitseff" <sark7 mail333.com> 
says:op.stkuexbsaaezs2 ilya.tec.amursk.ru...
 Syntax highlight and outline, nothing more for now.
 It uses ANTLR for parsing.

 Screenshot: http://sark7.nm.ru/stuff/blackbird_100.jpg
 Plugin with sources (including ANTLR grammar): 

 Icons are from JDT/CDT <g>
 Main plugin ideas I take from dsource's eclipseD.
 Actually, it is my first Java, Eclipse, ANTLR project. <g> 
Jul 22 2005
parent "Ilya Zaitseff" <sark7 mail333.com> writes:
On Sat, 23 Jul 2005 02:27:04 +1100, Shawn Liu <liuxuhong.cn gmail.com>  

 Can blackbird show line number in the left side? I think it is very  
 while locating errors.
 I enabled this switch in Eclipse (General>Editors>Text Editors>Show line
 numbers), but nothing happened.
It is fixed in Blackbird 1.1, which will be released soon. Thanks.
Jul 23 2005