digitalmars.D.announce - DMD 0.126
- Walter (2/2) Jun 07 2005 Added inner classes.
- clayasaurus (2/8) Jun 07 2005 Best. Release. Ever. I will be able to sleep well now : )
- kris (2/8) Jun 07 2005 Holy Moly ~ that is one phat release ...
- Lionello Lunesu (9/9) Jun 08 2005 It's looking great! Thans a lot!
- Derek Parnell (9/12) Jun 08 2005 Well done...I thought you'd been quiet for awhile ;-)
- Walter (10/14) Jun 08 2005 Thanks!
- Andrew Fedoniouk (35/48) Jun 08 2005 absolutely true, IMHO. As much code is compact and obvious as better
- Walter (3/9) Jun 08 2005 It shouldn't. I just haven't gotten around to dealing with that.
- Andrew Fedoniouk (16/28) Jun 08 2005 Thanks for clarification.
- Walter (4/35) Jun 08 2005 No, what I plan to do is put string literals into a read-only section of
- Andrew Fedoniouk (10/54) Jun 08 2005 I see. So
- Walter (5/13) Jun 08 2005 You could by looking at the s.ptr value and seeing if it is within the s...
- Andrew Fedoniouk (6/26) Jun 08 2005 Thanks. Clear enough.
- Tom S (4/7) Jun 08 2005 OMG, where's my jaw ? Great job, Walter !
- Stewart Gordon (8/11) Jun 08 2005 Could we please at least have an answer about these?
- =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anders_F_Bj=F6rklund?= (6/10) Jun 08 2005 David has fixed the GDC compiler (0.12) so that it outputs to stderr...
- Walter (4/11) Jun 10 2005 The problem is I haven't spent the time thinking about those yet. Other
- =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anders_F_Bj=F6rklund?= (10/17) Jun 10 2005 The urgency depends on whether we want the people learning D now
- Stewart Gordon (8/18) Jun 10 2005 Along with the claim on ctod.html that "printf rules", as if writef
- Walter (4/6) Jun 10 2005 LOL. Thanks for pointing out the anachronisms in the doc, I keep stumbli...
- Walter (4/6) Jun 10 2005 I don't think it is urgent, for the simple reason that support for C
- Stewart Gordon (9/17) Jun 13 2005 I'm more concerned about the fact that uncaught error messages are going...
- =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anders_F_Bj=F6rklund?= (15/20) Jun 13 2005 Actually it is two _different_ fixes and issues...
- Stewart Gordon (11/15) Jun 13 2005 Indeed. But is there any reason not to put both patches in at the same
- =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anders_F_Bj=F6rklund?= (8/21) Jun 13 2005 I don't think so myself, but if Walter doesn't want to...
- zwang (4/10) Jun 08 2005 Wow, that looks like a major update. Thanks!
- Geert (3/15) Jun 08 2005 All the more reason to update!
- Stewart Gordon (7/16) Jun 08 2005 And so many things changed their behaviour. Like nested classes and
- John Reimer (3/9) Jun 08 2005 Thank you for all of that!
- Trevor Parscal (7/13) Jun 08 2005 Walter is my hero. No really! He is...
- Derek Parnell (21/24) Jun 08 2005 Ummm... I've got a problem ...
- James Dunne (7/31) Jun 08 2005 That looks like a parsing catch. As you recall, version blocks must be ...
- Derek Parnell (13/50) Jun 08 2005 Oh I understand what's going on, and I realized that before doing this. ...
- Walter (4/10) Jun 08 2005 for
- Derek Parnell (12/23) Jun 08 2005 That IS NOT the problem, Walter.
- clayasaurus (3/33) Jun 08 2005 These issues will go away once GDC is up to date and/or D reaches 1.0,
- Derek Parnell (17/19) Jun 08 2005 I'm thinking about the general case, and not specifically the "!is" issu...
- =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anders_F_Bj=F6rklund?= (5/14) Jun 08 2005 And what about the 2.0 features ? Won't they suffer the same fate,
- Derek Parnell (18/34) Jun 08 2005 I hate to say this, but I suspect this is beyond Walter's abilities to f...
- Unknown W. Brackets (11/49) Jun 08 2005 It would still have to count curly braces, at the least, because a
- J C Calvarese (9/11) Jun 08 2005 Right. And it'd also need to keep track of openning and closing quotatio...
- Unknown W. Brackets (2/17) Jun 08 2005
- J C Calvarese (3/5) Jun 08 2005 Yep. Comments, too.
- Derek Parnell (20/32) Jun 08 2005 I said the stuff in between the braces, that is the version statement's
- Unknown W. Brackets (27/65) Jun 08 2005 I think you missed my point. I wrote it correctly, but showing you how
- Derek Parnell (21/52) Jun 08 2005 But that's not how the compiler works. It already does nested versions
- Unknown W. Brackets (7/68) Jun 08 2005 *slaps forehead...*
- Derek Parnell (8/17) Jun 08 2005 Huh? I don't get it then. Sorry.
- Unknown W. Brackets (14/33) Jun 09 2005 The point is it would still have to analyze it. Imagine if D 2.0 allowe...
- Derek Parnell (12/13) Jun 09 2005 Yeah, whatever. Look, I'm over it.
- Walter (8/14) Jun 10 2005 some
- Derek Parnell (8/23) Jun 10 2005 Yes, I understand this. I have a general macro processor that I've writt...
- Walter (6/9) Jun 10 2005 I think that'll be cool.
- pragma (21/48) Jun 09 2005 Derek, I'm jumping into the middle of the thread here, please feel free ...
- pragma (12/32) Jun 09 2005 Forget everything I said.
- clayasaurus (12/35) Jun 08 2005 Umm... am I the only one under the impression that Walter will keep a
- Sean Kelly (11/26) Jun 08 2005 I think the real issue is that GDC isn't maintained at the frenetic pace...
- Derek Parnell (15/47) Jun 08 2005 Why stop at GDC? What about 'xyz' and the soon to be famous 'qwerty' D
- Sean Kelly (16/24) Jun 09 2005 True enough. But should the development of a language be halted for the...
- Derek Parnell (9/22) Jun 09 2005 Me too. This is a storm in a teacup. An external macro tool is the only
- Charles Hixson (23/63) Jun 12 2005 These issues NEVER go away. Unless this class of problem is
- Unknown W. Brackets (17/40) Jun 12 2005 Well, that's similar to how MySQL handles this.
- Derek Parnell (19/35) Jun 13 2005 Well like I said, I no longer think that this problem is in the compiler...
- Walter (4/12) Jun 08 2005 In the future post 1.0 era, I expect predefined version identifiers will...
- Derek Parnell (8/23) Jun 08 2005 Doesn't solve the problem. Once I put in use of the '$' token, the GDC
- Unknown W. Brackets (13/15) Jun 08 2005 How open would you be, at some point, to having a public or private
- Stewart Gordon (13/16) Jun 09 2005 By using deprecated features.
- =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anders_F_Bj=F6rklund?= (20/39) Jun 08 2005 Since versions are not #if, I don't think there is any way
- Derek Parnell (17/53) Jun 08 2005 Sorry, neither is acceptable. Today we are only talking about deprecated
- =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anders_F_Bj=F6rklund?= (10/15) Jun 08 2005 Yes, that is a third option...
- Walter (6/11) Jun 08 2005 to
- =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anders_F_Bj=F6rklund?= (9/13) Jun 08 2005 I've been wondering whether it would be worthwhile to
- Walter (6/13) Jun 09 2005 I'd rather do such things by adding version identifiers for specific
- =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anders_F_Bj=F6rklund?= (9/17) Jun 08 2005 Or:
- Unknown W. Brackets (6/16) Jun 08 2005 In this case, 4.3.11 is/was a security fix release. There are security
- Walter (4/6) Jun 08 2005 I know upgrades that require source code changes suck. But I hope you'll
- Unknown W. Brackets (7/18) Jun 08 2005 I didn't mean to imply it wasn't - and, in this time, while D is not yet...
- Derek Parnell (11/24) Jun 08 2005 Exactly! But in the meantime, do I just wait upon othes to all catch up.
- Walter (18/24) Jun 08 2005 I agree that -d is a workaround, and a transitional tool. But waiting fo...
- Derek Parnell (9/29) Jun 08 2005 How could version identifiers solved the introduction of the '$' token?
- Walter (6/16) Jun 08 2005 for
- =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anders_F_Bj=F6rklund?= (6/7) Jun 08 2005 I would second that one. David has been *exceptionally* good with
- J C Calvarese (10/30) Jun 08 2005 Disappointing, but not unexpected for me.
- Ben Hinkle (3/5) Jun 08 2005 very nice! The "is expression" looks like it'll be very useful.
- xs0 (4/4) Jun 08 2005 You're the man!
- Walter (4/7) Jun 08 2005 Actually, I implemented it 3 times before I figured out the right way to
- zwang (3/3) Jun 08 2005 Why are stdin/stdout/stderr deprecated?
- Ben Hinkle (7/10) Jun 08 2005 It seemed redundant to have two Stream interfaces to stdin/out and din/o...
- clayasaurus (52/58) Jun 08 2005 Ok. I've had some problems switching from iftype to static if
- Walter (1/1) Jun 08 2005 Both of them compile cleanly when I try it.
- clayasaurus (3/6) Jun 08 2005 lol. ahh. i must have put the wrong files up. *smacks head*
- clayasaurus (3/87) Jun 08 2005 Here is the original that doesn't compile, and better shows what exactly...
- Walter (4/4) Jun 08 2005 Replace:
- clayasaurus (2/8) Jun 08 2005 thanks :-)
- clayasaurus (16/234) Jun 08 2005 Ok.. the 'fix' that I used is still broken. Here's what I have to do for...
- Thomas Kuehne (10/12) Jun 08 2005 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
- Sean Kelly (5/5) Jun 08 2005 Quick question about the documentation... in the docs for the 'is' expre...
- Walter (4/8) Jun 08 2005 expression:
- Unknown W. Brackets (8/11) Jun 08 2005 The following:
- Walter (1/1) Jun 08 2005 Good catch. Fixed.
- Sean Kelly (5/5) Jun 08 2005 Egads, how'd I miss this announcement? It's like Christmas! Quick ques...
- Walter (6/10) Jun 08 2005 question:
- David L. Davis (12/14) Jun 08 2005 WOW! You've been very busy Walter! Great Job!! :)
- Walter (6/11) Jun 08 2005 use
- David L. Davis (124/136) Jun 08 2005 Ok, "the proof is in the pudding." Here's the code I test compiled witho...
- Walter (1/1) Jun 08 2005 Darn, you're right. I can't explain it at the moment :-(
Hasan Aljudy
Jun 08 2005
- Derek Parnell (13/25) Jun 08 2005 int[char[]] arr;
- Ben Hinkle (3/15) Jun 08 2005 I'm happy to see Walter was able to also keep the samples/d/wc2.d style ...
- Walter (3/6) Jun 08 2005 Yeah, it was important to keep that one!
- Sean Kelly (4/21) Jun 09 2005 So insertion just doesn't occur when the AA is treated as an rvalue? Th...
- Hasan Aljudy (29/52) Jun 09 2005 This is kinda confusing ..
- Stewart Gordon (27/47) Jun 09 2005 The latter. The rvalue is evaluated and then assigned to the lvalue.
- Jarrett Billingsley (4/6) Jun 08 2005 This is the single most amazing patch I've seen since I found D!
- Jarrett Billingsley (21/28) Jun 08 2005 Ooh! I just had an idea: nested class inheritance in inherited outer
- Walter (1/1) Jun 08 2005 AAIIIIEEEEEEE !!!!!!
- Jarrett Billingsley (3/4) Jun 09 2005 Lol, I take it that's a "no" ;)
- Walter (5/9) Jun 09 2005 I prefer to say "no" to such things unless there is a demonstrable need ...
- zwang (4/17) Jun 08 2005 I was actually using all the now deprecated features.
- =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anders_F_Bj=F6rklund?= (5/13) Jun 09 2005 Try adding the -w flag, for some extra salt :-)
- Ben Hinkle (3/7) Jun 09 2005 I actually prefer upgrading my code once rather than strung out over sev...
- Derek Parnell (7/10) Jun 08 2005 Is there a reason for cstream.d having public imports? I think private o...
- Ben Hinkle (6/13) Jun 09 2005 Since cstream is designed to make mixing std.c.stdio and easy...
- derick_eddington (2/4) Jun 09 2005
- Sean Kelly (10/10) Jun 09 2005 Quick question about remove() since I can't test the new release quite y...
- Walter (6/15) Jun 09 2005 yet.
- Craig Black (4/7) Jun 09 2005 Two thumbs up!
- David L. Davis (42/44) Jun 09 2005 Walter, the following D code now skips on passing in a char[] literal in...
- Walter (6/40) Jun 09 2005 a
Added inner classes.
Jun 07 2005
Walter wrote:Added inner classes. Release. Ever. I will be able to sleep well now : )
Jun 07 2005
Walter wrote:Added inner classes. Moly ~ that is one phat release ...
Jun 07 2005
It's looking great! Thans a lot! "Walter" <newshound> wrote in message news:d85vju$so2$1 | Added inner classes. | | | | |
Jun 08 2005
On Tue, 7 Jun 2005 22:17:50 -0700, Walter wrote:Added inner classes. done...I thought you'd been quiet for awhile ;-) I especially like the way you are prepared to allow potentially 'dangerous' behaviour and explain why it is so (re: Void Initializers). This shows that D is willing to trust the advanced coder who knows what they are doing. -- Derek Melbourne, Australia 8/06/2005 5:36:00 PM
Jun 08 2005
"Derek Parnell" <derek psych.ward> wrote in message news:8hj4a6bljgap$.1jlptuycpjghd.dlg done...I thought you'd been quiet for awhile ;-)Thanks!I especially like the way you are prepared to allow potentially'dangerous'behaviour and explain why it is so (re: Void Initializers). This showsthatD is willing to trust the advanced coder who knows what they are doing.The idea is not to disallow such behavior, like Pascal and Java do, but to make such practices obvious in the code and not the default. Potentially 'dangerous' behavior should be coded in on purpose, not inadvertently, and should be identifiable with a visual inspection of the code. The void initializer I think fills that role perfectly.
Jun 08 2005
"Walter" <newshound> wrote in message news:d868t4$18rh$1"Derek Parnell" <derek psych.ward> wrote in message news:8hj4a6bljgap$.1jlptuycpjghd.dlg true, IMHO. As much code is compact and obvious as better to visual inspect it and get an idea of what is going on - thus to write reliable code. And this is why D is so attractible now. Having said that and using "practices obvious in the code" motto I am thinking about have a question: Currently following: const char[] s = "Hello"; s[0] = 0; compiles just fine. What is l-value then in terms of D considering that arrays are built-in in its type system? I read history of D discussions about const's, got your and your opponents points, etc. I understand that it is too difficult (read almost impossible to get fast and reliable compiler) to cover current C++ const cases. And I agree that current const system in C++ is overkill and is not good at all as it contradicts with "practices obvious in the code". Especially in complex class hierachies and systems. Considering that arrays are both values and references then type system should include const content accent modifier for them like: // opIndexAssign etc. - immutable array. // no opIndexAssign modifying its content. Such solution don't need current const syntax redesign also be made this way. Andrew.Well done...I thought you'd been quiet for awhile ;-)Thanks!I especially like the way you are prepared to allow potentially'dangerous'behaviour and explain why it is so (re: Void Initializers). This showsthatD is willing to trust the advanced coder who knows what they are doing.The idea is not to disallow such behavior, like Pascal and Java do, but to make such practices obvious in the code and not the default. Potentially 'dangerous' behavior should be coded in on purpose, not inadvertently, and should be identifiable with a visual inspection of the code.
Jun 08 2005
"Andrew Fedoniouk" <news> wrote in message news:d87fob$2dn0$1 said that and using "practices obvious in the code" motto I am thinking about have a question: Currently following: const char[] s = "Hello"; s[0] = 0; compiles just fine.It shouldn't. I just haven't gotten around to dealing with that.
Jun 08 2005
"Walter" <newshound> wrote in message news:d87hn9$2fmi$3"Andrew Fedoniouk" <news> wrote in message news:d87fob$2dn0$1 for clarification. Having implemented this I guess following should be impossible too: "Hello"[0] = 0; (now it compiles, and more interestingly, works just fine) If you will implement this then it will effectively mean that type of string constant will be something like: const static char[N] Which will require that: char[] s = "hello"; will allocate new char array, in other words will be equivalent to char[] s = "hello".dup; Am I right? Andrew.Having said that and using "practices obvious in the code" motto I am thinking about have a question: Currently following: const char[] s = "Hello"; s[0] = 0; compiles just fine.It shouldn't. I just haven't gotten around to dealing with that.
Jun 08 2005
"Andrew Fedoniouk" <news> wrote in message news:d87k31$2iaq$1"Walter" <newshound> wrote in message news:d87hn9$2fmi$3, what I plan to do is put string literals into a read-only section of memory. Attempting to change it will result in a runtime fault."Andrew Fedoniouk" <news> wrote in message news:d87fob$2dn0$1 for clarification. Having implemented this I guess following should be impossible too: "Hello"[0] = 0; (now it compiles, and more interestingly, works just fine) If you will implement this then it will effectively mean that type of string constant will be something like: const static char[N] Which will require that: char[] s = "hello"; will allocate new char array, in other words will be equivalent to char[] s = "hello".dup; Am I right?Having said that and using "practices obvious in the code" motto I am thinking about have a question: Currently following: const char[] s = "Hello"; s[0] = 0; compiles just fine.It shouldn't. I just haven't gotten around to dealing with that.
Jun 08 2005
"Walter" <newshound> wrote in message news:d87med$2l0t$1"Andrew Fedoniouk" <news> wrote in message news:d87k31$2iaq$1 see. So char[] s = "Hello"; s[0] = 0; will compile fine, but will raise AV in runtime..... Will it be possible to determine in runtime is it read-only array or not without Access Violation Error? Thanks, Andrew."Walter" <newshound> wrote in message news:d87hn9$2fmi$3, what I plan to do is put string literals into a read-only section of memory. Attempting to change it will result in a runtime fault."Andrew Fedoniouk" <news> wrote in message news:d87fob$2dn0$1 for clarification. Having implemented this I guess following should be impossible too: "Hello"[0] = 0; (now it compiles, and more interestingly, works just fine) If you will implement this then it will effectively mean that type of string constant will be something like: const static char[N] Which will require that: char[] s = "hello"; will allocate new char array, in other words will be equivalent to char[] s = "hello".dup; Am I right?Having said that and using "practices obvious in the code" motto I am thinking about have a question: Currently following: const char[] s = "Hello"; s[0] = 0; compiles just fine.It shouldn't. I just haven't gotten around to dealing with that.
Jun 08 2005
"Andrew Fedoniouk" <news> wrote in message news:d87q98$2pam$1 could by looking at the s.ptr value and seeing if it is within the span of a read-only section of data. One way of doing this is to put a try..catch around an attempt to change it, and catch the AV.No, what I plan to do is put string literals into a read-only section of memory. Attempting to change it will result in a runtime fault.I see. So char[] s = "Hello"; s[0] = 0; will compile fine, but will raise AV in runtime..... Will it be possible to determine in runtime is it read-only array or not without Access Violation Error?
Jun 08 2005
"Walter" <newshound> wrote in message news:d87tgq$2s36$1"Andrew Fedoniouk" <news> wrote in message news:d87q98$2pam$1 Clear enough. (And I'll be on my own to discover read-only adress ranges, right? Rhetoric question. Don't need to answer.) Andrew.You could by looking at the s.ptr value and seeing if it is within the span of a read-only section of data. One way of doing this is to put a try..catch around an attempt to change it, and catch the AV.No, what I plan to do is put string literals into a read-only section of memory. Attempting to change it will result in a runtime fault.I see. So char[] s = "Hello"; s[0] = 0; will compile fine, but will raise AV in runtime..... Will it be possible to determine in runtime is it read-only array or not without Access Violation Error?
Jun 08 2005
Walter wrote:Added inner classes., where's my jaw ? Great job, Walter ! -- Tomasz Stachowiak /+ a.k.a. h3r3tic +/
Jun 08 2005
Walter wrote:Added inner classes. we please at least have an answer about these? Stewart. -- My e-mail is valid but not my primary mailbox. Please keep replies on the 'group where everyone may benefit.
Jun 08 2005
Stewart Gordon wrote:Could we please at least have an answer about these? has fixed the GDC compiler (0.12) so that it outputs to stderr... Probably since I was complaining about it breaking my -pipe builds :-) Unfortunately that only goes for the *compiler* errors. The runtime errors, such as uncaught exceptions, still go stdout (not stderr). --anders
Jun 08 2005
"Stewart Gordon" <smjg_1998> wrote in message news:d86f8l$1e66$1 wrote:The problem is I haven't spent the time thinking about those yet. Other stuff always intrudes.Added inner classes. we please at least have an answer about these?
Jun 10 2005
Walter wrote:The urgency depends on whether we want the people learning D now to use readf/writef, or use the "good ole" scanf/printf instead ? If we want them to stop using the C functions before there is too much to clean up (there more or less is already), then it should be addressed as soon as possible. Just move "printf" back to std.c.stdio, where it belongs. Old code can just import that ? If not, then we continue using implicit "printf" just like before... Sooner or later the situation would need to get cleaned up, though. --andersCould we please at least have an answer about these? problem is I haven't spent the time thinking about those yet. Other stuff always intrudes.
Jun 10 2005
Anders F Björklund wrote: <snip>The urgency depends on whether we want the people learning D now to use readf/writef, or use the "good ole" scanf/printf instead ? If we want them to stop using the C functions before there is too much to clean up (there more or less is already), then it should be addressed as soon as possible. Just move "printf" back to std.c.stdio, where it belongs. Old code can just import that ? If not, then we continue using implicit "printf" just like before... Sooner or later the situation would need to get cleaned up, though.Along with the claim on ctod.html that "printf rules", as if writef doesn't, and the similar statement in the FAQ. Stewart. -- My e-mail is valid but not my primary mailbox. Please keep replies on the 'group where everyone may benefit.
Jun 10 2005
"Stewart Gordon" <smjg_1998> wrote in message news:d8c66p$18cm$1 with the claim on ctod.html that "printf rules", as if writef doesn't, and the similar statement in the FAQ.LOL. Thanks for pointing out the anachronisms in the doc, I keep stumbling across more myself.
Jun 10 2005
"Anders F Björklund" <afb> wrote in message news:d8bvps$12nq$1 urgency depends on whether we want the people learning D now to use readf/writef, or use the "good ole" scanf/printf instead ?I don't think it is urgent, for the simple reason that support for C functions, which include printf, is not going away in D.
Jun 10 2005
Walter wrote:"Anders F Björklund" <afb> wrote in message news:d8bvps$12nq$1'm more concerned about the fact that uncaught error messages are going to stdout when they should be going to stderr. Moreover, the fix is already written. Surely it would be quicker to just put it in than to carry on arguing? Stewart. -- My e-mail is valid but not my primary mailbox. Please keep replies on the 'group where everyone may benefit.The urgency depends on whether we want the people learning D now to use readf/writef, or use the "good ole" scanf/printf instead ?I don't think it is urgent, for the simple reason that support for C functions, which include printf, is not going away in D.
Jun 13 2005
Stewart Gordon wrote:I'm more concerned about the fact that uncaught error messages are going to stdout when they should be going to stderr. Moreover, the fix is already written. Surely it would be quicker to just put it in than to carry on arguing?Actually it is two _different_ fixes and issues... The error redirect from the current stdout to stderr shouldn't be at all hard to do regardless of "print" ? AFAIK, it's like three lines of code to change ? :-P Changing the print/printf is not exactly "tricky" either, just tedious since it involves a lot of user code as well. And someone still needs to clean up "readf" for release, which probably involves finalizing the D typeinfo first. Before we have any input methods too, changing the printf over to writef isn't really all that "urgent" IMHO either. --anders PS. I also think "void main" should be addressed sooner rather than later, at least *define* it in the spec ? (it doesn't have to be implemented just yet, if tricky)
Jun 13 2005
Anders F Björklund wrote: <snip>The error redirect from the current stdout to stderr shouldn't be at all hard to do regardless of "print" ?Indeed. But is there any reason not to put both patches in at the same time? <snip>Before we have any input methods too, changing the printf over to writef isn't really all that "urgent" IMHO either.IMHO we shouldn't only be asking whether it's urgent, but also whether there's any reason to hold back. Stewart. -- My e-mail is valid but not my primary mailbox. Please keep replies on the 'group where everyone may benefit.
Jun 13 2005
Stewart Gordon wrote:I don't think so myself, but if Walter doesn't want to... => Maybe easier in "small steps" ? :-) And it wasn't like printf was going to be removed from D or anything, just moved back to the proper import module ? But I'm not holding my breath, I'm doing other things and will check back in a few months to see how it is going... --andersThe error redirect from the current stdout to stderr shouldn't be at all hard to do regardless of "print" ?Indeed. But is there any reason not to put both patches in at the same time? <snip>Before we have any input methods too, changing the printf over to writef isn't really all that "urgent" IMHO either.IMHO we shouldn't only be asking whether it's urgent, but also whether there's any reason to hold back.
Jun 13 2005
Walter wrote:Added inner classes., that looks like a major update. Thanks! I'm not sure whether it's time to upgrade, though. So many things are deprecated in version 0.126.
Jun 08 2005
Thanks Walter! zwang wrote:Walter wrote:All the more reason to update!Added inner classes., that looks like a major update. Thanks! I'm not sure whether it's time to upgrade, though. So many things are deprecated in version 0.126.
Jun 08 2005
zwang wrote:Walter wrote:And so many things changed their behaviour. Like nested classes and unsuccessful AA lookups. Stewart. -- My e-mail is valid but not my primary mailbox. Please keep replies on the 'group where everyone may benefit.Added inner classes., that looks like a major update. Thanks! I'm not sure whether it's time to upgrade, though. So many things are deprecated in version 0.126.
Jun 08 2005
"Stewart Gordon" <smjg_1998> wrote in message news:d86gob$1g0e$1 wrote:With the deprecation detection by the compiler, finding the problem areas is pretty simple, and they're easilly fixed.Walter wrote:And so many things changed their behaviour. Like nested classes and unsuccessful AA lookups.Added inner classes., that looks like a major update. Thanks! I'm not sure whether it's time to upgrade, though. So many things are deprecated in version 0.126.
Jun 08 2005
Walter wrote:"Stewart Gordon" <smjg_1998> wrote in message news:d86gob$1g0e$1 Fixing the problems are fairly easy. What I'm concerned is the compatibility issue.zwang wrote:With the deprecation detection by the compiler, finding the problem areas is pretty simple, and they're easilly fixed.Walter wrote:And so many things changed their behaviour. Like nested classes and unsuccessful AA lookups.Added inner classes., that looks like a major update. Thanks! I'm not sure whether it's time to upgrade, though. So many things are deprecated in version 0.126.
Jun 08 2005
Walter wrote:Added inner classes. you for all of that! -JJR
Jun 08 2005
Walter wrote:Added inner classes. is my hero. No really! He is... -- Thanks, Trevor Parscal trevorparscal
Jun 08 2005
On Tue, 7 Jun 2005 22:17:50 -0700, Walter wrote:Added inner classes. I've got a problem ... void main() { Object x; version (DigitalMars) { if (x !is null) {} } else { if (x !== null) {} } } I expected that by using the DigitalMars compiler that I wouldn't get ... "test.d(11): '!==' is deprecated, use '!is' instead" -- Derek Parnell Melbourne, Australia 8/06/2005 9:55:42 PM
Jun 08 2005
In article <trch1jhcb7pj.1qubpmdg2vvtf.dlg>, Derek Parnell says...On Tue, 7 Jun 2005 22:17:50 -0700, Walter wrote:That looks like a parsing catch. As you recall, version blocks must be fully language-parseable. The version condition only selects which code block gets compiled in. Walter must be catching the use of !== in the parser and erroring out if so. Regards, James DunneAdded inner classes. I've got a problem ... void main() { Object x; version (DigitalMars) { if (x !is null) {} } else { if (x !== null) {} } } I expected that by using the DigitalMars compiler that I wouldn't get ... "test.d(11): '!==' is deprecated, use '!is' instead" -- Derek Parnell Melbourne, Australia 8/06/2005 9:55:42 PM
Jun 08 2005
On Wed, 8 Jun 2005 12:46:47 +0000 (UTC), James Dunne wrote:In article <trch1jhcb7pj.1qubpmdg2vvtf.dlg>, Derek Parnell says...Oh I understand what's going on, and I realized that before doing this. So to be more specific... WTF do I have to code so I only have to support one source file for multiple compilers? I don't really want one version of the Build application source for the GDC compiler and another set of source files for the DigitalMars compiler. At this stage, I'm going to have to revert to a macro preprocessor again! I'm sure that is not what Walter envisioned his D-isciples doing. -- Derek Parnell Melbourne, Australia 8/06/2005 11:16:32 PMOn Tue, 7 Jun 2005 22:17:50 -0700, Walter wrote:That looks like a parsing catch. As you recall, version blocks must be fully language-parseable. The version condition only selects which code block gets compiled in. Walter must be catching the use of !== in the parser and erroring out if so.Added inner classes. I've got a problem ... void main() { Object x; version (DigitalMars) { if (x !is null) {} } else { if (x !== null) {} } } I expected that by using the DigitalMars compiler that I wouldn't get ... "test.d(11): '!==' is deprecated, use '!is' instead" -- Derek Parnell Melbourne, Australia 8/06/2005 9:55:42 PM
Jun 08 2005
"Derek Parnell" <derek psych.ward> wrote in message news:zu8pxspfqpou$.j798zboqpqeo$.dlg do I have to code so I only have to support one source file for multiple compilers? I don't really want one version of the Build application source for the GDC compiler and another set of source filesforthe DigitalMars compiler. At this stage, I'm going to have to revert to a macro preprocessor again! I'm sure that is not what Walter envisioned his D-isciples doing.Compiling with -d will allow the use of deprecated features.
Jun 08 2005
On Wed, 8 Jun 2005 09:51:26 -0700, Walter wrote:"Derek Parnell" <derek psych.ward> wrote in message news:zu8pxspfqpou$.j798zboqpqeo$.dlg IS NOT the problem, Walter. I don't want to use deprecated features. I want to use the current features, not old ones that are going away someday. Reasonable, no? The problem is, that not all compilers are at the same release level, or will share the same features. So if one wants one's product to be to be supported with multiple compilers, how does one code their source files? -- Derek Parnell Melbourne, Australia 9/06/2005 7:15:50 AMWTF do I have to code so I only have to support one source file for multiple compilers? I don't really want one version of the Build application source for the GDC compiler and another set of source filesforthe DigitalMars compiler. At this stage, I'm going to have to revert to a macro preprocessor again! I'm sure that is not what Walter envisioned his D-isciples doing.Compiling with -d will allow the use of deprecated features.
Jun 08 2005
These issues will go away once GDC is up to date and/or D reaches 1.0, so why worry and code work-arounds when you can just relax and wait it out? Derek Parnell wrote:On Wed, 8 Jun 2005 09:51:26 -0700, Walter wrote:"Derek Parnell" <derek psych.ward> wrote in message news:zu8pxspfqpou$.j798zboqpqeo$.dlg IS NOT the problem, Walter. I don't want to use deprecated features. I want to use the current features, not old ones that are going away someday. Reasonable, no? The problem is, that not all compilers are at the same release level, or will share the same features. So if one wants one's product to be to be supported with multiple compilers, how does one code their source files?WTF do I have to code so I only have to support one source file for multiple compilers? I don't really want one version of the Build application source for the GDC compiler and another set of source filesforthe DigitalMars compiler. At this stage, I'm going to have to revert to a macro preprocessor again! I'm sure that is not what Walter envisioned his D-isciples doing.Compiling with -d will allow the use of deprecated features.
Jun 08 2005
On Wed, 08 Jun 2005 21:54:55 +0000, clayasaurus wrote:These issues will go away once GDC is up to date and/or D reaches 1.0, so why worry and code work-arounds when you can just relax and wait it out?I'm thinking about the general case, and not specifically the "!is" issue. Yes, one day in the indeterminate future, GDC will catch up with DigitalMars, and even more unknown is when v1.0 is going to happen, but what do I do in the meantime? Are you seriously asking me to never use any new feature of D until both those events happen? I didn't think so. The new features are meant to be used, right? I'm sure Walter is not adding them just because he's got more time than he knows what to do with. This problem exists because there was not enough fore thought put in about the future of how a new language is going to evolve. A solution to this real-world problem should have been built into the language from the very beginning. It's probably too late to fix now. Preprocessor - he we come (again). -- Derek Parnell Melbourne, Australia 9/06/2005 8:02:14 AM
Jun 08 2005
Derek Parnell wrote:And what about the 2.0 features ? Won't they suffer the same fate, once they start trickling down in the 1.1 versions of the language ? I agree/sympathize with Derek, sounds like it's preprocessor time. --andersThese issues will go away once GDC is up to date and/or D reaches 1.0, so why worry and code work-arounds when you can just relax and wait it out?I'm thinking about the general case, and not specifically the "!is" issue. Yes, one day in the indeterminate future, GDC will catch up with DigitalMars, and even more unknown is when v1.0 is going to happen, but what do I do in the meantime? Are you seriously asking me to never use any new feature of D until both those events happen? I didn't think so.
Jun 08 2005
On Thu, 09 Jun 2005 00:31:30 +0200, Anders F Björklund wrote:Derek Parnell wrote:I hate to say this, but I suspect this is beyond Walter's abilities to fix the situation. Its too late. The introduction of any new thing that solves this will naturally be incompatible with earlier versions of DMD or other brands of compilers. The only thing I can come up with so far (and I haven't explored this too far) is to change the behaviour of the version statement when its in the form of 'version(id) { . . . }', such that it literally ignores the characters in between the matching braces when the version identifier doesn't apply. This would have the same effect as it does now, except that it will not try to see if the stuff inside the braces is valid D syntax. That would solve my problem *and* enable a new way of inserting non-D code into a D source file - e.g. documentation. But I'd still have to wait for GDC to catch up on that idea too ;-) -- Derek Melbourne, Australia 9/06/2005 9:33:09 AMAnd what about the 2.0 features ? Won't they suffer the same fate, once they start trickling down in the 1.1 versions of the language ? I agree/sympathize with Derek, sounds like it's preprocessor time.These issues will go away once GDC is up to date and/or D reaches 1.0, so why worry and code work-arounds when you can just relax and wait it out?I'm thinking about the general case, and not specifically the "!is" issue. Yes, one day in the indeterminate future, GDC will catch up with DigitalMars, and even more unknown is when v1.0 is going to happen, but what do I do in the meantime? Are you seriously asking me to never use any new feature of D until both those events happen? I didn't think so.
Jun 08 2005
It would still have to count curly braces, at the least, because a literal reading of your suggestion means: version (asdf) { if (true) { writef("only shown for version=asdf!"); } writef("shown always."); } // <-- error. -[Unknown]On Thu, 09 Jun 2005 00:31:30 +0200, Anders F Björklund wrote:Derek Parnell wrote:I hate to say this, but I suspect this is beyond Walter's abilities to fix the situation. Its too late. The introduction of any new thing that solves this will naturally be incompatible with earlier versions of DMD or other brands of compilers. The only thing I can come up with so far (and I haven't explored this too far) is to change the behaviour of the version statement when its in the form of 'version(id) { . . . }', such that it literally ignores the characters in between the matching braces when the version identifier doesn't apply. This would have the same effect as it does now, except that it will not try to see if the stuff inside the braces is valid D syntax. That would solve my problem *and* enable a new way of inserting non-D code into a D source file - e.g. documentation. But I'd still have to wait for GDC to catch up on that idea too ;-)And what about the 2.0 features ? Won't they suffer the same fate, once they start trickling down in the 1.1 versions of the language ? I agree/sympathize with Derek, sounds like it's preprocessor time.These issues will go away once GDC is up to date and/or D reaches 1.0, so why worry and code work-arounds when you can just relax and wait it out?I'm thinking about the general case, and not specifically the "!is" issue. Yes, one day in the indeterminate future, GDC will catch up with DigitalMars, and even more unknown is when v1.0 is going to happen, but what do I do in the meantime? Are you seriously asking me to never use any new feature of D until both those events happen? I didn't think so.
Jun 08 2005
In article <d8803s$2u7s$1>, Unknown W. Brackets says...It would still have to count curly braces, at the least, because a literal reading of your suggestion means:Right. And it'd also need to keep track of openning and closing quotation marks in string literals so that version(id) { char[] s = "}"; } wouldn't mess it up. jcc7
Jun 08 2005
Don't forget comments! -[Unknown]In article <d8803s$2u7s$1>, Unknown W. Brackets says...It would still have to count curly braces, at the least, because a literal reading of your suggestion means:Right. And it'd also need to keep track of openning and closing quotation marks in string literals so that version(id) { char[] s = "}"; } wouldn't mess it up. jcc7
Jun 08 2005
In article <d88f6c$br5$1>, Unknown W. Brackets says...Don't forget comments! -[Unknown]Yep. Comments, too. jcc7
Jun 08 2005
On Wed, 08 Jun 2005 16:48:14 -0700, Unknown W. Brackets wrote:It would still have to count curly braces, at the least, because a literal reading of your suggestion means: version (asdf) { if (true) { writef("only shown for version=asdf!"); } writef("shown always."); } // <-- error.I said the stuff in between the braces, that is the version statement's braces would be ignored. Thus your example above is equivalent to ... version (asdf) { Any text at all can go here (except unmatched braces) } I think you were trying to say ... version (asdf) { writef("only shown for version=asdf!"); } writef("shown always."); I know its not perfect but it could be a starting point for discussion and thought. Though I believe its a hopeless situation now. Anyhow, I'd better go back to porting my macro processor to D ;-) -- Derek Melbourne, Australia 9/06/2005 10:29:53 AM
Jun 08 2005
I think you missed my point. I wrote it correctly, but showing you how you would interpret it with your statement. Put another way.... version (x) { { "nested scope"; } { "nested scope"; } } Both "nested scope"s should be INSIDE the version statement, yes? But, if the version is matched like ~\{[^}]*\}~ then, it looks to the COMPILER like: /*version (x) { { "nested scope"; }*/ { "nested scope"; } } Or, in other words: {"nested scope";}} Do you see why? The same goes for /* } */ and " } ". -[Unknown]On Wed, 08 Jun 2005 16:48:14 -0700, Unknown W. Brackets wrote:It would still have to count curly braces, at the least, because a literal reading of your suggestion means: version (asdf) { if (true) { writef("only shown for version=asdf!"); } writef("shown always."); } // <-- error.I said the stuff in between the braces, that is the version statement's braces would be ignored. Thus your example above is equivalent to ... version (asdf) { Any text at all can go here (except unmatched braces) } I think you were trying to say ... version (asdf) { writef("only shown for version=asdf!"); } writef("shown always."); I know its not perfect but it could be a starting point for discussion and thought. Though I believe its a hopeless situation now. Anyhow, I'd better go back to porting my macro processor to D ;-)
Jun 08 2005
On Wed, 08 Jun 2005 21:08:36 -0700, Unknown W. Brackets wrote:I think you missed my point. I wrote it correctly, but showing you how you would interpret it with your statement. Put another way.... version (x) { { "nested scope"; } { "nested scope"; } } Both "nested scope"s should be INSIDE the version statement, yes? But, if the version is matched like ~\{[^}]*\}~But that's not how the compiler works. It already does nested versions quite well. version(ABC) { version(DEF) { if (abc) { ... } // only if both ABC and DEF versions set } version(GHJ) { if (abc) { ... } // only if both ABC and GHJ versions set. } }then, it looks to the COMPILER like: /*version (x) { { "nested scope"; }*/ { "nested scope"; } } Or, in other words: {"nested scope";}} Do you see why? The same goes for /* } */ and " } ".Have you tried it? I'm sure you'll find that the compiler just does not work like that. The matching brace for a version statement is not the first '}' that it comes across, but the first *matching* '}' it comes across. It allows nested braces. -- Derek Melbourne, Australia 9/06/2005 2:27:49 PM
Jun 08 2005
*slaps forehead...* This is not what I'm talking about! I'm talking about: "such that it literally ignores the characters in between the matching braces when the version identifier doesn't apply." NOT about the current way the compiler works! -[Unknown]On Wed, 08 Jun 2005 21:08:36 -0700, Unknown W. Brackets wrote:I think you missed my point. I wrote it correctly, but showing you how you would interpret it with your statement. Put another way.... version (x) { { "nested scope"; } { "nested scope"; } } Both "nested scope"s should be INSIDE the version statement, yes? But, if the version is matched like ~\{[^}]*\}~But that's not how the compiler works. It already does nested versions quite well. version(ABC) { version(DEF) { if (abc) { ... } // only if both ABC and DEF versions set } version(GHJ) { if (abc) { ... } // only if both ABC and GHJ versions set. } }then, it looks to the COMPILER like: /*version (x) { { "nested scope"; }*/ { "nested scope"; } } Or, in other words: {"nested scope";}} Do you see why? The same goes for /* } */ and " } ".Have you tried it? I'm sure you'll find that the compiler just does not work like that. The matching brace for a version statement is not the first '}' that it comes across, but the first *matching* '}' it comes across. It allows nested braces.
Jun 08 2005
On Wed, 08 Jun 2005 21:51:50 -0700, Unknown W. Brackets wrote:*slaps forehead...* This is not what I'm talking about! I'm talking about: "such that it literally ignores the characters in between the matching braces when the version identifier doesn't apply." NOT about the current way the compiler works!Huh? I don't get it then. Sorry. What I said meant that one would first find the matching braces, then ignore the stuff in between them. What am I saying wrong? -- Derek Melbourne, Australia 9/06/2005 3:14:52 PM
Jun 08 2005
The point is it would still have to analyze it. Imagine if D 2.0 allowed: if (string ~= /a\}/i) Or some such. There's a } in there, and it's not in quotes, or a comment, or anything. In fact, it looks very much like a closing curly brace, does it not? Another example. Say, for some STRANGE reason, D 2.0 allowed: a /+ 5; Being: a = (a / 5) + 5; Now, obviously this is unlikely, but it would again confuse the parsing you're suggesting. Since there's no way to predict future developments perfectly (what if a heredoc syntax was added?) it's impossible to make such a syntax work for any case. -[Unknown]On Wed, 08 Jun 2005 21:51:50 -0700, Unknown W. Brackets wrote:*slaps forehead...* This is not what I'm talking about! I'm talking about: "such that it literally ignores the characters in between the matching braces when the version identifier doesn't apply." NOT about the current way the compiler works!Huh? I don't get it then. Sorry. What I said meant that one would first find the matching braces, then ignore the stuff in between them. What am I saying wrong?
Jun 09 2005
On Thu, 09 Jun 2005 00:40:19 -0700, Unknown W. Brackets wrote:The point is it would still have to analyze it.Yeah, whatever. Look, I'm over it. Personally I don't think there is a solution, so I'm resigned to using some other tool to develop with from now on. If someone comes up with a great way of achieving the 'grand' aim of only maintaining one set of source files per application, just let us know. Currently, D alone is not enough; it falls short of ever being able to do this, unlike C and C++. In short, I need an additional tool so I can reduce my development costs. -- Derek Parnell Melbourne, Australia 9/06/2005 7:44:59 PM
Jun 09 2005
"Derek Parnell" <derek psych.ward> wrote in message news:15iyeaoc4m2un$.k32eg0afi011.dlg I don't think there is a solution, so I'm resigned to usingsomeother tool to develop with from now on. If someone comes up with a great way of achieving the 'grand' aim of only maintaining one set of source files per application, just let us know. Currently, D alone is not enough; it falls short of ever being able to do this, unlike C and C++. In short,Ineed an additional tool so I can reduce my development costs.The C and C++ preprocessor cannot do this in the *general* case. The reason is because the preprocessor works on preprocessor tokens, not on text. If any new tokens were added, then the older preprocessors are obligated to fail, even on the false conditionals.
Jun 10 2005
On Fri, 10 Jun 2005 00:06:21 -0700, Walter wrote:"Derek Parnell" <derek psych.ward> wrote in message news:15iyeaoc4m2un$.k32eg0afi011.dlg, I understand this. I have a general macro processor that I've written and I'm currently porting it to D. It is able to handle the general case. Once I've completed the port I'll add it to DSource for review, etc... -- Derek Parnell Melbourne, Australia 10/06/2005 8:12:46 PMPersonally I don't think there is a solution, so I'm resigned to usingsomeother tool to develop with from now on. If someone comes up with a great way of achieving the 'grand' aim of only maintaining one set of source files per application, just let us know. Currently, D alone is not enough; it falls short of ever being able to do this, unlike C and C++. In short,Ineed an additional tool so I can reduce my development costs.The C and C++ preprocessor cannot do this in the *general* case. The reason is because the preprocessor works on preprocessor tokens, not on text. If any new tokens were added, then the older preprocessors are obligated to fail, even on the false conditionals.
Jun 10 2005
"Derek Parnell" <derek psych.ward> wrote in message news:1ug68xy67nop6$.4jufrs60obd0.dlg, I understand this. I have a general macro processor that I've written and I'm currently porting it to D. It is able to handle the general case. Once I've completed the port I'll add it to DSource for review, etc...I think that'll be cool. P.S. I never understood why the C preprocessor was redefined from being a text preprocessor to a token preprocessor. I see no advantage to the latter, and it makes for a lot of mess in the implementation.
Jun 10 2005
In article <tb0gyescbf38.hee66wywoqdw.dlg>, Derek Parnell says...On Wed, 08 Jun 2005 16:48:14 -0700, Unknown W. Brackets wrote:Derek, I'm jumping into the middle of the thread here, please feel free to correct me if I'm way off base here. :) Part of the problem is that DMD (at least by inspecting the front-end) has a lexer that provides tokens to the parser in a limited read-ahead fashion. I don't think it would be hard to get the lexer to do a deeper scan (like you propose) ahead of any given parser production, but it would still crumble when it encounters a non-supported token. IMO, the only time this would fail would be in the case of '$' being introduced as you mentioned earlier. Even with version(), the older lexer is going to trip on any new tokens should they be introduced. One way to escape the problem is to make DMD 'preprocess' version blocks as to avoid a full-on lex of them. Somehow, I don't think this is going to fly with Walter. :( A compromise would be for DMD to produce 'unknown' tokens from the lexer, to let the parser cough up an error upon encountering them. *That* would solve the problem now and from here on out, since the parser would skip version() branches (with all their possibly unsupported tokens) that it doesn't need to /parse/. I also think that it would be easier to implement into both DMD and GDC without disrupting the overall compiler design. Now, will Walter go for it? - EricAnderton at yahooIt would still have to count curly braces, at the least, because a literal reading of your suggestion means: version (asdf) { if (true) { writef("only shown for version=asdf!"); } writef("shown always."); } // <-- error.I said the stuff in between the braces, that is the version statement's braces would be ignored. Thus your example above is equivalent to ... version (asdf) { Any text at all can go here (except unmatched braces) } I think you were trying to say ... version (asdf) { writef("only shown for version=asdf!"); } writef("shown always."); I know its not perfect but it could be a starting point for discussion and thought. Though I believe its a hopeless situation now.
Jun 09 2005
Forget everything I said. I'm looking at the frontend source now. Derek is right, there's no way to an existing production (like 'x = foo ?: bar;') in D without introducing some rudimentary preprocessing behavior. The problem lies in the fact that all version() branches must be valid D code in order to make their way into the parse tree. After several semantic passes, the tree is then evaulated, and steers itself down the appropriate version() branches. Then we get binary output from that last, version() sensitive, pass. So the only way to avoid these problems with the existing rules and compiler family is to code to the least-common-denominator of all compilers, which defeats some of the purpose behind version().Derek, I'm jumping into the middle of the thread here, please feel free to correct me if I'm way off base here. :) Part of the problem is that DMD (at least by inspecting the front-end) has a lexer that provides tokens to the parser in a limited read-ahead fashion. I don't think it would be hard to get the lexer to do a deeper scan (like you propose) ahead of any given parser production, but it would still crumble when it encounters a non-supported token. IMO, the only time this would fail would be in the case of '$' being introduced as you mentioned earlier. Even with version(), the older lexer is going to trip on any new tokens should they be introduced. One way to escape the problem is to make DMD 'preprocess' version blocks as to avoid a full-on lex of them. Somehow, I don't think this is going to fly with Walter. :( A compromise would be for DMD to produce 'unknown' tokens from the lexer, to let the parser cough up an error upon encountering them. *That* would solve the problem now and from here on out, since the parser would skip version() branches (with all their possibly unsupported tokens) that it doesn't need to /parse/. I also think that it would be easier to implement into both DMD and GDC without disrupting the overall compiler design. Now, will Walter go for it? - EricAnderton at yahoo
Jun 09 2005
Anders F Björklund wrote:Derek Parnell wrote:Umm... am I the only one under the impression that Walter will keep a 1.0 branch and a 2.0 branch seperate, and maintain 1.0 with bug fixes, and 2.0 with new features? This way we have a stable bug-free standard version, and the cutting edge version for D enthusiats. Though I sympathize with Derek, how hard can it be for D to ignore code in version blocks when it is not that version? The only problem I see is you will only catch compiler errors when you have 'version' defined, it just means the programmer has to a little more maintainence for every version they have. Maybe there can be a compile switch, -noversionparse, that you can enable to disable parsing of the versions if that version was not defined.And what about the 2.0 features ? Won't they suffer the same fate, once they start trickling down in the 1.1 versions of the language ? I agree/sympathize with Derek, sounds like it's preprocessor time. --andersThese issues will go away once GDC is up to date and/or D reaches 1.0, so why worry and code work-arounds when you can just relax and wait it out?I'm thinking about the general case, and not specifically the "!is" issue. Yes, one day in the indeterminate future, GDC will catch up with DigitalMars, and even more unknown is when v1.0 is going to happen, but what do I do in the meantime? Are you seriously asking me to never use any new feature of D until both those events happen? I didn't think so.
Jun 08 2005
In article <1b0qcoubwa4si.v389g1menc5k.dlg>, Derek Parnell says...On Wed, 08 Jun 2005 21:54:55 +0000, clayasaurus wrote:I think the real issue is that GDC isn't maintained at the frenetic pace DMD is. And because D is pre-1.0, there's little reason to move slowly with changes. Sure, feature changes can be painful, but it's what I expect of D until the language is standardized. Afterwords, things will likely work the way they do in the C++ world: new features are announced long before the standard is finalized, and deprecated features are supported for years after the standard is released. With D compilers being less complex to implement than C++ compilers, I would expect nearly full feature support in popular compilers by the time any post-1.0 standard is released. SeanThese issues will go away once GDC is up to date and/or D reaches 1.0, so why worry and code work-arounds when you can just relax and wait it out?I'm thinking about the general case, and not specifically the "!is" issue. Yes, one day in the indeterminate future, GDC will catch up with DigitalMars, and even more unknown is when v1.0 is going to happen, but what do I do in the meantime? Are you seriously asking me to never use any new feature of D until both those events happen? I didn't think so. The new features are meant to be used, right? I'm sure Walter is not adding them just because he's got more time than he knows what to do with. This problem exists because there was not enough fore thought put in about the future of how a new language is going to evolve. A solution to this real-world problem should have been built into the language from the very beginning. It's probably too late to fix now. Preprocessor - he we come (again).
Jun 08 2005
On Wed, 8 Jun 2005 23:02:13 +0000 (UTC), Sean Kelly wrote:In article <1b0qcoubwa4si.v389g1menc5k.dlg>, Derek Parnell says...Why stop at GDC? What about 'xyz' and the soon to be famous 'qwerty' D compiler?! Think in general terms and you'll see we really *do* have a problem.On Wed, 08 Jun 2005 21:54:55 +0000, clayasaurus wrote:I think the real issue is that GDC isn't maintained at the frenetic pace DMD is.These issues will go away once GDC is up to date and/or D reaches 1.0, so why worry and code work-arounds when you can just relax and wait it out?I'm thinking about the general case, and not specifically the "!is" issue. Yes, one day in the indeterminate future, GDC will catch up with DigitalMars, and even more unknown is when v1.0 is going to happen, but what do I do in the meantime? Are you seriously asking me to never use any new feature of D until both those events happen? I didn't think so. The new features are meant to be used, right? I'm sure Walter is not adding them just because he's got more time than he knows what to do with. This problem exists because there was not enough fore thought put in about the future of how a new language is going to evolve. A solution to this real-world problem should have been built into the language from the very beginning. It's probably too late to fix now. Preprocessor - he we come (again).And because D is pre-1.0, there's little reason to move slowly with changes.Okay, so along comes 1.01 with a new feature. How long should I wait for all the other compilers I want to support to catch up? What if some of those never catch up but are still in use. Borland C v5.5 has lots of adherents.Sure, feature changes can be painful, but it's what I expect of D until the language is standardized. Afterwords, things will likely work the way they do in the C++ world: new features are announced long before the standard is finalized, and deprecated features are supported for years after the standard is released. With D compilers being less complex to implement than C++ compilers, I would expect nearly full feature support in popular compilers by the time any post-1.0 standard is released.Yes, but irrelevant. How does one support in a *single* source base, the various *incompatible* syntaxes that may exist at *any* given time? Think in general terms and not specific compilers or language features. -- Derek Melbourne, Australia 9/06/2005 9:18:00 AM
Jun 08 2005
In article <19gr67kb4q1fw.vwbenzrtgmvv$.dlg>, Derek Parnell says...True enough. But should the development of a language be halted for the sake of backwards compatibility? Or do you have a suggestion for how this could be resolved another way. I'm drawing a blank.And because D is pre-1.0, there's little reason to move slowly with changes.Okay, so along comes 1.01 with a new feature. How long should I wait for all the other compilers I want to support to catch up? What if some of those never catch up but are still in use. Borland C v5.5 has lots of adherents.Yes, but irrelevant. How does one support in a *single* source base, the various *incompatible* syntaxes that may exist at *any* given time? Think in general terms and not specific compilers or language features.For D, my only suggestion would be to ignore version blocks even for syntax checking (assuming they aren't already). If the version flag isn't set, the block doesn't exist at all. This doesn't solve the more general problem of new operators and such that can't be quite so easily isolated, but I don't see the language changing much at that level once we hit 1.0. I'm personally not willing to introduce macros into the language just to solve this particular problem. I'd rather compiler implementors have some incentive to update their code within a reasonable timeframe. And when you get down to it, no one says you have to use the new features anyway. Perhaps not an appealing option (this still bugs me with C++ compiler conformance) but at least it's one we're used to. Sean
Jun 09 2005
On Thu, 9 Jun 2005 14:37:27 +0000 (UTC), Sean Kelly wrote:In article <19gr67kb4q1fw.vwbenzrtgmvv$.dlg>, Derek Parnell says...Of course not.True enough. But should the development of a language be halted for the sake of backwards compatibility?And because D is pre-1.0, there's little reason to move slowly with changes.Okay, so along comes 1.01 with a new feature. How long should I wait for all the other compilers I want to support to catch up? What if some of those never catch up but are still in use. Borland C v5.5 has lots of adherents.Or do you have a suggestion for how this could be resolved another way. I'm drawing a blank.Me too. This is a storm in a teacup. An external macro tool is the only reasonable course of action to solve this problem. That's the approach I'll be taking. -- Derek Parnell Melbourne, Australia 10/06/2005 7:02:33 AM
Jun 09 2005
These issues NEVER go away. Unless this class of problem is dealt with cleanly, it will hang on forever. There will always be features that are supported by one compiler, and not by another. You can't even deal with it with a decree from the government. (Ada tried. It didn't work.) Some people have gone as far as to write preprocessors just so that they only need to maintain one file of code for their program. All that said, exactly HOW it should be dealt with isn't clear to me. C/C++ handles it by not caring about what's in the paths through the code that are #ifdef'd out. I understand the good reasons why this is not the preferred choice...but that doesn't say how it SHOULD be dealt with. Particularly when something as linguistically basic as !is gets involved. Up until that was defined, it was a clear grammatical error. The only thing that occurred to me is to put a "not parseable" flag on a block. I don't need to say why that's a bad idea, but it might be the best alternative. (OTOH, it would need to be a distinctive flag, and not easily confused with something that might mean something else. All that occurs to me is: <unparseable>{....}</unparseable> And it would be an error to omit the closing tag, or for the tag to be used outside a version statement. clayasaurus wrote:These issues will go away once GDC is up to date and/or D reaches 1.0, so why worry and code work-arounds when you can just relax and wait it out? Derek Parnell wrote:On Wed, 8 Jun 2005 09:51:26 -0700, Walter wrote:"Derek Parnell" <derek psych.ward> wrote in message news:zu8pxspfqpou$.j798zboqpqeo$.dlg IS NOT the problem, Walter. I don't want to use deprecated features. I want to use the current features, not old ones that are going away someday. Reasonable, no? The problem is, that not all compilers are at the same release level, or will share the same features. So if one wants one's product to be to be supported with multiple compilers, how does one code their source files?WTF do I have to code so I only have to support one source file for multiple compilers? I don't really want one version of the Build application source for the GDC compiler and another set of source filesforthe DigitalMars compiler. At this stage, I'm going to have to revert to a macro preprocessor again! I'm sure that is not what Walter envisioned his D-isciples doing.Compiling with -d will allow the use of deprecated features.
Jun 12 2005
Well, that's similar to how MySQL handles this. Basically, they have you use a specially formatted comment, of this syntax: /*!40001 ... */ Which means, only execute the code inside the ... if the version number is equal to or greater than the number in the comment. The downside, of course, is that they neglected to add a way to do the opposite - include code for versions OLDER than that. The advantage is that any D compiler will handle comments, so if dmd 0.125 sees: if (abc /+(dmd_126) !is /* +/ !== /+(dmd_126) */ +/ xyz) Well, I think you get my point. The clear downsides to this are that it makes it a lot more complicated to parse, both for the compiler and much more importantly for code editing and analysis tools, and it just plain looks ugly. I like version a lot myself. It may not solve every possible problem, but nothing does. -[Unknown]These issues NEVER go away. Unless this class of problem is dealt with cleanly, it will hang on forever. There will always be features that are supported by one compiler, and not by another. You can't even deal with it with a decree from the government. (Ada tried. It didn't work.) Some people have gone as far as to write preprocessors just so that they only need to maintain one file of code for their program. All that said, exactly HOW it should be dealt with isn't clear to me. C/C++ handles it by not caring about what's in the paths through the code that are #ifdef'd out. I understand the good reasons why this is not the preferred choice...but that doesn't say how it SHOULD be dealt with. Particularly when something as linguistically basic as !is gets involved. Up until that was defined, it was a clear grammatical error. The only thing that occurred to me is to put a "not parseable" flag on a block. I don't need to say why that's a bad idea, but it might be the best alternative. (OTOH, it would need to be a distinctive flag, and not easily confused with something that might mean something else. All that occurs to me is: <unparseable>{....}</unparseable> And it would be an error to omit the closing tag, or for the tag to be used outside a version statement.
Jun 12 2005
On Sun, 12 Jun 2005 22:55:20 -0700, Unknown W. Brackets wrote:Well, that's similar to how MySQL handles this. Basically, they have you use a specially formatted comment, of this syntax: /*!40001 ... */ Which means, only execute the code inside the ... if the version number is equal to or greater than the number in the comment. The downside, of course, is that they neglected to add a way to do the opposite - include code for versions OLDER than that. The advantage is that any D compiler will handle comments, so if dmd 0.125 sees: if (abc /+(dmd_126) !is /* +/ !== /+(dmd_126) */ +/ xyz)Well like I said, I no longer think that this problem is in the compiler's domain. I'm now going to handle it with an macro processor tool. For example, in a file called dmdversion.mac I'll have something like ... if [[$dmd]] >= "000.126" set $aint = !is else set $aint = !== endif And in my source code file I'll have this sort of thing... include dmdversion.mac . . . if (abc [[$aint]] xyz) And then compile it with the command line ... build source.mac -set$dmd=000.126 -- Derek Parnell Melbourne, Australia 13/06/2005 7:22:35 PM
Jun 13 2005
"Derek Parnell" <derek psych.ward> wrote in message news:1tnxfysc1e2cb.183d02rddcelx$.dlg the future post 1.0 era, I expect predefined version identifiers will be put in for new features, like D_InlineAsm is today.Compiling with -d will allow the use of deprecated features.That IS NOT the problem, Walter. I don't want to use deprecated features. I want to use the current features, not old ones that are going away someday. Reasonable, no? The problem is, that not all compilers are at the same release level, or will share the same features. So if one wants one's product to be to be supported with multiple compilers, how does one code their source files?
Jun 08 2005
On Wed, 8 Jun 2005 15:56:17 -0700, Walter wrote:"Derek Parnell" <derek psych.ward> wrote in message news:1tnxfysc1e2cb.183d02rddcelx$.dlg't solve the problem. Once I put in use of the '$' token, the GDC compiler couldn't be used to compile the Build application. No amount of version() stuff could have solved that one. -- Derek Melbourne, Australia 9/06/2005 9:15:45 AMIn the future post 1.0 era, I expect predefined version identifiers will be put in for new features, like D_InlineAsm is today.Compiling with -d will allow the use of deprecated features.That IS NOT the problem, Walter. I don't want to use deprecated features. I want to use the current features, not old ones that are going away someday. Reasonable, no? The problem is, that not all compilers are at the same release level, or will share the same features. So if one wants one's product to be to be supported with multiple compilers, how does one code their source files?
Jun 08 2005
How open would you be, at some point, to having a public or private versioning system? As the documentation says: "By making the D compiler open source, it will largely avoid the problem of syntactical backwards compatibility." A step toward this would be, for example, giving certain people read access to changes to the frontend, as they happen. Of course, these people would hopefully be responsible enough to wait for things to set in the ground before implementing them in their own work, but it would give forewarning even in this case. Then again, maybe the idea is to lose all the momentum after 1.0, and become another C :P. -[Unknown]In the future post 1.0 era, I expect predefined version identifiers will be put in for new features, like D_InlineAsm is today.
Jun 08 2005
Derek Parnell wrote: <snip>The problem is, that not all compilers are at the same release level, or will share the same features. So if one wants one's product to be to be supported with multiple compilers, how does one code their source files?By using deprecated features. AIUI the whole point of the -d option is to enable legacy code to work on modern compilers. I realise you want to modernise your code, but you're trying to rush into it too quickly. Code for the lowest common denominator of compilers you want to support. As that lowest common denominator becomes more modernised, _then_ modernise your code to keep up with it. Stewart. -- My e-mail is valid but not my primary mailbox. Please keep replies on the 'group where everyone may benefit.
Jun 09 2005
Derek Parnell wrote:Ummm... I've got a problem ... void main() { Object x; version (DigitalMars) { if (x !is null) {} } else { if (x !== null) {} } } I expected that by using the DigitalMars compiler that I wouldn't get ... "test.d(11): '!==' is deprecated, use '!is' instead"Since versions are not #if, I don't think there is any way to make the same source code compile on new DMD and old DMD... (or GDC, which is at DMD 0.125 thanks to David heroic efforts) Which leaves the option towards the usual: 1) Require DMD 0.126 and above, in your docs 2) Use the deprecated features and the -d flag Too bad that there seems to be no way to make it compile for both, like you could do with C. (which seems to be better for maintenance) This is not exactly the first time that this has happened, either. But I guess that's what life with a developing language is ? FWIW, Java has the same problem. --anders PS. What about the there-is-no-spoon option ? (alias spoon bool;) void main() { Object x; if (x) {} } Or are we still hoping for those expressions to be illegal ?
Jun 08 2005
On Wed, 08 Jun 2005 15:33:36 +0200, Anders F Björklund wrote:Derek Parnell wrote:Sorry, neither is acceptable. Today we are only talking about deprecated functionality, but it can (and has) been deeper syntax issues like the '$' introduction. Unless Walter provides a way, I will be forced into using a preprocessor to generate compilable source code for all the platforms I am hoping to support. This means I also have to make available multiple editions of the source files available so people can download the one(s) they need. Just plain stupidity! [snip]Ummm... I've got a problem ... void main() { Object x; version (DigitalMars) { if (x !is null) {} } else { if (x !== null) {} } } I expected that by using the DigitalMars compiler that I wouldn't get ... "test.d(11): '!==' is deprecated, use '!is' instead"Since versions are not #if, I don't think there is any way to make the same source code compile on new DMD and old DMD... (or GDC, which is at DMD 0.125 thanks to David heroic efforts) Which leaves the option towards the usual: 1) Require DMD 0.126 and above, in your docs 2) Use the deprecated features and the -d flagPS. What about the there-is-no-spoon option ? (alias spoon bool;) void main() { Object x; if (x) {} } Or are we still hoping for those expressions to be illegal ?I don't care if it is illegal or not; to me this form is not sufficiently expressing my meaning. I regard it as an abbreviation where one is not appropriate. Of course, that is only a personal opinion ;-) -- Derek Parnell Melbourne, Australia 8/06/2005 11:53:16 PM
Jun 08 2005
Derek Parnell wrote:Unless Walter provides a way, I will be forced into using a preprocessor to generate compilable source code for all the platforms I am hoping to support. This means I also have to make available multiple editions of the source files available so people can download the one(s) they need. Just plain stupidity!Yes, that is a third option... As far as I know, that was the option that the Java libraries resorted to in order to make the same source code compilable by different versions (generations) of the language compiler. Like when switching from JDK 1.1.8 to 1.3.1, or 1.4.2 to 1.5.0 Then again, Java doesn't have *any* conditional compilation ? But D has, even if it's not as "flexible" as a preprocessor is. So there should be some way to address this problem that D has. --anders
Jun 08 2005
"Derek Parnell" <derek psych.ward> wrote in message news:skmeququbanx$.a6mchwy1wg9c.dlg Walter provides a way, I will be forced into using a preprocessortogenerate compilable source code for all the platforms I am hoping to support. This means I also have to make available multiple editions of the source files available so people can download the one(s) they need. Just plain stupidity!But that's the point of having the -d switch! And since compiler updates are free, there's no reason to support older versions once GDC gets updated.
Jun 08 2005
Walter wrote:But that's the point of having the -d switch! And since compiler updates are free, there's no reason to support older versions once GDC gets updated.I've been wondering whether it would be worthwhile to add something to flag which language version is needed ? Like it's done in Perl: "require v5.6.1;" (sure there are others) Maybe a pragma or something would do the trick in D code ? The idea is to forward : "this code needs DMD >= 0.126". --anders
Jun 08 2005
"Anders F Björklund" <afb> wrote in message news:d8793u$26v2$1've been wondering whether it would be worthwhile to add something to flag which language version is needed ? Like it's done in Perl: "require v5.6.1;" (sure there are others) Maybe a pragma or something would do the trick in D code ? The idea is to forward : "this code needs DMD >= 0.126".I'd rather do such things by adding version identifiers for specific features. One reason is my experience with such sequence numbers in the C++ world - they are fairly useless - but predefined macros for specific features works out rather well.
Jun 09 2005
Unknown W. Brackets wrote:I write forum software in PHP which utilizes MySQL, as I've mentioned before. I help provide support. If *nothing else*, I can attest: just because updates are free, doesn't mean: - competing compiler vendors (e.g. writing the only QNX version) will update. - everyone, especially people who are not full-time developers will update. - people will even bother to check/know if they are using an old version.Or: - That the time that it takes the people to perform the update is free - That the brand new version will actually work, and will work better - That the fixes in the new version doesn't introduce brand new bugs Life on the "bleeding edge" is sometimes pretty painful... Better then to use an old version, with security patches ? Lots of distributions freeze the version numbers for years. --anders
Jun 08 2005
In this case, 4.3.11 is/was a security fix release. There are security holes in all of the old versions - and not only have they not updated, they have not even compiled in patches or anything. These are old, insecure, virgin compiles of PHP. I'll never understand it - but it definately happens. -[Unknown]Or: - That the time that it takes the people to perform the update is free - That the brand new version will actually work, and will work better - That the fixes in the new version doesn't introduce brand new bugs Life on the "bleeding edge" is sometimes pretty painful... Better then to use an old version, with security patches ? Lots of distributions freeze the version numbers for years. --anders
Jun 08 2005
"Unknown W. Brackets" <unknown> wrote in message news:d87d35$2at4$1 my opinion, though. And, no, I'm not being so helpful as proposing a solution.I know upgrades that require source code changes suck. But I hope you'll find that this one is worth it.
Jun 08 2005
I didn't mean to imply it wasn't - and, in this time, while D is not yet "stable" and has not reached 1.0, it's fine. I don't mind the version clashes one bit. It's after 1.0 that I will, should another occur at that time. And I would want other, good, worthwhile updates too - not a cold stop at 1.0 and no prospect of a 2.0. -[Unknown]"Unknown W. Brackets" <unknown> wrote in message news:d87d35$2at4$1 my opinion, though. And, no, I'm not being so helpful as proposing a solution.I know upgrades that require source code changes suck. But I hope you'll find that this one is worth it.
Jun 08 2005
Unknown W. Brackets wrote:I didn't mean to imply it wasn't - and, in this time, while D is not yet "stable" and has not reached 1.0, it's fine. I don't mind the version clashes one bit. It's after 1.0 that I will, should another occur at that time. And I would want other, good, worthwhile updates too - not a cold stop at 1.0 and no prospect of a 2.0. -[Unknown]Come on, we're in pre 1.0 time, such updates are really appreciated and should not be a problem. Walter, just add introspection/reflection to the language and I'll kill -9 everyone who doesn't switch to D ;) -- Tomasz Stachowiak /+ a.k.a. h3r3tic +/I know upgrades that require source code changes suck. But I hope you'll find that this one is worth it.
Jun 08 2005
"Tom S" <h3r3tic> wrote in message news:d87qdq$2pe4$1 on, we're in pre 1.0 time, such updates are really appreciated and should not be a problem. Walter, just add introspection/reflection to the language and I'll kill -9 everyone who doesn't switch to D ;)The is expressions are a big step in that direction.
Jun 08 2005
On Wed, 8 Jun 2005 09:53:35 -0700, Walter wrote:"Derek Parnell" <derek psych.ward> wrote in message news:skmeququbanx$.a6mchwy1wg9c.dlg! But in the meantime, do I just wait upon othes to all catch up. Today we only have two compilers, but soon we could have many compilers? I really, really, really, really, would like a cost-effective solution to this very real problem. This is not a stupid request. The -d switch is a *workaround*. And it only effects certain changes in syntax and not all possible changes. -- Derek Parnell Melbourne, Australia 9/06/2005 7:19:04 AMUnless Walter provides a way, I will be forced into using a preprocessortogenerate compilable source code for all the platforms I am hoping to support. This means I also have to make available multiple editions of the source files available so people can download the one(s) they need. Just plain stupidity!But that's the point of having the -d switch! And since compiler updates are free, there's no reason to support older versions once GDC gets updated.
Jun 08 2005
"Derek Parnell" <derek psych.ward> wrote in message news:1t9a2kjsrkjbi.6xdppe5dta9d.dlg! But in the meantime, do I just wait upon othes to all catch up. Today we only have two compilers, but soon we could have many compilers? I really, really, really, really, would like a cost-effective solution to this very real problem. This is not a stupid request. The -d switch is a *workaround*. And it only effects certain changes in syntax and not all possible changes.I agree that -d is a workaround, and a transitional tool. But waiting for the change to GDC should hopefully be a short one, and then -d won't be needed, so a transitional workaround is acceptable. I think it is practical to live with this for now, since we are pre-1.0 and there are only two compilers out there. Post 1.0, and when there are more compilers with varying update schedules, the use of predefined version identifiers will become necessary. BTW, the !is problem can also be worked around by using !(a is b). I wrote upon introducing the iftype feature that it was experimental, so it shouldn't have become embedded. The new inner classes should be backward compatible with the old nested classes, except that they are now 4 bytes larger. The only real problem, then, are the changes to the way associative arrays work. The needed source code changes, though, are designed to be obvious and should not be bugs waiting to happen. DMDScript uses associative arrays heavilly, and I think just four spots in the code needed to be altered, all of which were found at compile time.
Jun 08 2005
On Wed, 8 Jun 2005 16:06:27 -0700, Walter wrote:"Derek Parnell" <derek psych.ward> wrote in message news:1t9a2kjsrkjbi.6xdppe5dta9d.dlg "hopefully" - but we don't know that do we?Exactly! But in the meantime, do I just wait upon othes to all catch up. Today we only have two compilers, but soon we could have many compilers? I really, really, really, really, would like a cost-effective solution to this very real problem. This is not a stupid request. The -d switch is a *workaround*. And it only effects certain changes in syntax and not all possible changes.I agree that -d is a workaround, and a transitional tool. But waiting for the change to GDC should hopefully be a short one,and then -d won't be needed, so a transitional workaround is acceptable. I think it is practical to live with this for now, since we are pre-1.0 and there are only two compilers out there. Post 1.0, and when there are more compilers with varying update schedules, the use of predefined version identifiers will become necessary.How could version identifiers solved the introduction of the '$' token?BTW, the !is problem can also be worked around by using !(a is b).LOL. Now that is spin! -- Derek Melbourne, Australia 9/06/2005 9:24:04 AM
Jun 08 2005
"Derek Parnell" <derek psych.ward> wrote in message news:w4m6gqts3i8p$.1375i9w9l94d2.dlg agree that -d is a workaround, and a transitional tool. But waitingDavid Friedman has been very good with keeping GDC up to date.the change to GDC should hopefully be a short one,quote: "hopefully" - but we don't know that do we?practicaland then -d won't be needed, so a transitional workaround is acceptable. I think it isIt wouldn't. It wouldn't work with non-syntactically valid live with this for now, since we are pre-1.0 and there are only two compilers out there. Post 1.0, and when there are more compilers with varying update schedules, the use of predefined version identifiers will become necessary.How could version identifiers solved the introduction of the '$' token?
Jun 08 2005
Walter wrote:David Friedman has been very good with keeping GDC up to date.I would second that one. David has been *exceptionally* good with keeping his GDC in synch in with DMD while adding new (GDC-only) features at the same time, as well as addressing minor old bugs... Great work, both of you! --anders
Jun 08 2005
In article <trch1jhcb7pj.1qubpmdg2vvtf.dlg>, Derek Parnell says...On Tue, 7 Jun 2005 22:17:50 -0700, Walter wrote:Disappointing, but not unexpected for me. It's not ideal, but doesn't this work for both the current DMD and the latest GDC? if (!(x is null)) I know it's a little cumbersome, but I think it'd be better than using a preprocessor. Hopefully, GDC will sync up with the current DMD pretty soon again since there are so many significant changes in DMD 0.126. jcc7Added inner classes. I've got a problem ... void main() { Object x; version (DigitalMars) { if (x !is null) {} } else { if (x !== null) {} } } I expected that by using the DigitalMars compiler that I wouldn't get ... "test.d(11): '!==' is deprecated, use '!is' instead"
Jun 08 2005
"Walter" <newshound> wrote in message news:d85vju$so2$1 inner classes. nice! The "is expression" looks like it'll be very useful.
Jun 08 2005
You're the man! Really, I think it's amazing how fast you did full inner classes support (and even some other stuff)! Do you take apprentices? :) xs0
Jun 08 2005
"xs0" <xs0> wrote in message news:d86npf$1m4i$1're the man! Really, I think it's amazing how fast you did full inner classes support (and even some other stuff)! Do you take apprentices? :)Actually, I implemented it 3 times before I figured out the right way to install it. Nested classes are fairly similar to nested functions, so many of the internal compiler issues had already been solved.
Jun 08 2005
Why are stdin/stdout/stderr deprecated? Is it recommended to use din/dout/derr instead? Any way to keep the source compatible with GDC?
Jun 08 2005
"zwang" <nehzgnaw> wrote in message news:d86t3v$1rf1$1 are stdin/stdout/stderr deprecated?It seemed redundant to have two Stream interfaces to stdin/out and din/out mesh better with std.c.stdin/out. The downside is that din/out aren't it recommended to use din/dout/derr instead?If one needs a Stream then use din/dout/derr.Any way to keep the source compatible with GDC?Compile with -d to enable deprecated features, I guess.
Jun 08 2005
Walter wrote:Added inner classes. I've had some problems switching from iftype to static if (is(T:real)), but now I've come across something that really doesn't make any sense... I've attached two files, and the question i ask is, why does test1.d fail to compile, while test2.d compiles, if the only difference between them is... from test1.d... static if(is(T : real)) { inta!(T)(dat); } else if(is(T : Object)) { obj!(T)(dat); } else // assume it is a struct { str!(T)(dat); } vs this from test2.d... static if(is(T : Object)) { obj!(T)(dat); } else // assume it is a struct { str!(T)(dat); } test1.d blurts out the compiler error, ... test1.d(35): incompatible types for ((dat) === (null)): 'Point' and 'void*' test1.d(36): cannot implicitly convert expression (new Point *) of type Point * to Point test1.d(14): template instance temp.Foo.obj!(Point ) error instantiating test1.d(18): function expected before (), not template instance str!(Point ) of type void test1.d(70): template instance!(Point ) error instantiating Are you not allowed to use static if for multiple layers? I figured out I can fix it by using ... static if(is(T : real)) { inta!(T)(dat); } static if(is(T : Object)) { obj!(T)(dat); } else // assume it is a struct { str!(T)(dat); } -clayasaurus
Jun 08 2005
Both of them compile cleanly when I try it.
Jun 08 2005
Walter wrote:Both of them compile cleanly when I try ahh. i must have put the wrong files up. *smacks head* here is the test1 that shouldn't compile...
Jun 08 2005
Here is the original that doesn't compile, and better shows what exactly I was trying to do. clayasaurus wrote:Walter wrote:Both of them compile cleanly when I try ahh. i must have put the wrong files up. *smacks head* here is the test1 that shouldn't compile... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ module temp; class Foo { template bar(T) { void bar(inout T dat) { static if(is(T : real)) { inta!(T)(dat); } if(is(T : Object)) { obj!(T)(dat); } else // assume it is a struct { str!(T)(dat); } } } template inta(T) { void inta(inout T dat) { dat = 3; } } template obj(T) { void obj(inout T dat) { if (dat is null) // here lies the problem? dat = new T; } } template str(T) { void str(inout T dat) { } } } struct Point { float x, y; void desc(Foo s) {!(float)(x);!(float)(y); } } int main() { Point p; p.x = 3.14159; p.y = 1.41421; Foo foo = new Foo;!(Point)(p); return 0; }
Jun 08 2005
Walter wrote:Replace: "else if" with: "else static if"thanks :-)
Jun 08 2005
Ok.. the 'fix' that I used is still broken. Here's what I have to do for it to compile... static if (is(T : real)) { prim!(T)(dat); } static if (is(T : Object)) { obj!(T)(dat); } static if (!is(T : Object) && !is(T : real)) { str!(T)(dat); } weird, no? clayasaurus wrote:Walter wrote:Added inner classes. I've had some problems switching from iftype to static if (is(T:real)), but now I've come across something that really doesn't make any sense... I've attached two files, and the question i ask is, why does test1.d fail to compile, while test2.d compiles, if the only difference between them is... from test1.d... static if(is(T : real)) { inta!(T)(dat); } else if(is(T : Object)) { obj!(T)(dat); } else // assume it is a struct { str!(T)(dat); } vs this from test2.d... static if(is(T : Object)) { obj!(T)(dat); } else // assume it is a struct { str!(T)(dat); } test1.d blurts out the compiler error, ... test1.d(35): incompatible types for ((dat) === (null)): 'Point' and 'void*' test1.d(36): cannot implicitly convert expression (new Point *) of type Point * to Point test1.d(14): template instance temp.Foo.obj!(Point ) error instantiating test1.d(18): function expected before (), not template instance str!(Point ) of type void test1.d(70): template instance!(Point ) error instantiating Are you not allowed to use static if for multiple layers? I figured out I can fix it by using ... static if(is(T : real)) { inta!(T)(dat); } static if(is(T : Object)) { obj!(T)(dat); } else // assume it is a struct { str!(T)(dat); } -clayasaurus ------------------------------------------------------------------------ module temp; class Foo { template bar(T) { void bar(inout T dat) { static if(is(T : real)) { inta!(T)(dat); } static if(is(T : Object)) { obj!(T)(dat); } else // assume it is a struct { str!(T)(dat); } } } template inta(T) { void inta(inout T dat) { dat = 3; } } template obj(T) { void obj(inout T dat) { if (dat is null) // here lies the problem? dat = new T; } } template str(T) { void str(inout T dat) { } } } struct Point { float x, y; void desc(Foo s) {!(float)(x);!(float)(y); } } int main() { Point p; p.x = 3.14159; p.y = 1.41421; Foo foo = new Foo;!(Point)(p); return 0; } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ module temp; class Foo { template bar(T) { void bar(inout T dat) { static if(is(T : Object)) { obj!(T)(dat); } else // assume it is a struct { str!(T)(dat); } } } template inta(T) { void inta(inout T dat) { dat = 3; } } template obj(T) { void obj(inout T dat) { if (dat is null) // here lies the problem? dat = new T; } } template str(T) { void str(inout T dat) { } } } struct Point { float x, y; void desc(Foo s) {!(float)(x);!(float)(y); } } int main() { Point p; p.x = 3.14159; p.y = 1.41421; Foo foo = new Foo;!(Point)(p); return 0; }
Jun 08 2005
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Walter schrieb am Tue, 7 Jun 2005 22:17:50 -0700:Added inner classes."!=0 means gag reporting of errors" now that's one of the best sourcecode documentations ever ;) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iD8DBQFCpzOR3w+/yD4P9tIRApeeAJ965VNqlrGF3XgIjLgoMYovQtJ01QCbBJNF D9kl4tCyZaCCEvE0nF37LXU= =8rlp -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
Jun 08 2005
Quick question about the documentation... in the docs for the 'is' expression: alias int func(int); // func is a alias to a function type Shouldn't this be: alias int function(int) func; // func is a alias to a function type Sean
Jun 08 2005
"Sean Kelly" <sean> wrote in message news:d87fqr$2du8$1 question about the documentation... in the docs for the 'is'expression:alias int func(int); // func is a alias to a function type Shouldn't this be: alias int function(int) func; // func is a alias to a function typeNo, the latter declares func to be a *pointer* to a function type.
Jun 08 2005
The following: void sum(int[] ar ...) In the documentation for the new typesafe variadic parameters... here: Should probably read: int sum(int[] ar ...) No? -[Unknown]Added inner classes.
Jun 08 2005
Egads, how'd I miss this announcement? It's like Christmas! Quick question: when "delete map[key]" goes away completely, will it begin to function like a normal delete operation? ie. will it delete the referenced class and set the hashed value to null? Sean
Jun 08 2005
"Sean Kelly" <sean> wrote in message news:d87ffi$2dac$1, how'd I miss this announcement? It's like Christmas! Quickquestion:when "delete map[key]" goes away completely, will it begin to functionlike anormal delete operation? ie. will it delete the referenced class and setthehashed value to null?Yes.
Jun 08 2005
In article <d85vju$so2$1>, Walter says...Added inner classes.! You've been very busy Walter! Great Job!! :) In the dmd v0.126 changlog it states: "delete aa[key] is now deprecated, use aa.remove(key) instead." It's a little thing, but the D compiler doesn't throw a "deprecated" message for code that's using the "delete aa[key]" as it should when the "-d" switch is not being used. Just thought you should know. David L. ------------------------------------------------------------------- "Dare to reach for the Stars...Dare to Dream, Build, and Achieve!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- MKoD:
Jun 08 2005
"David L. Davis" <SpottedTiger> wrote in message news:d87sok$2rff$1 the dmd v0.126 changlog it states: "delete aa[key] is now deprecated,useaa.remove(key) instead." It's a little thing, but the D compiler doesn't throw a "deprecated"message forcode that's using the "delete aa[key]" as it should when the "-d" switchis notbeing used. Just thought you should know.I thought it did, and in fact it has on my usages of delete aa[key].
Jun 08 2005
In article <d87tom$2sap$2>, Walter says..."David L. Davis" <SpottedTiger> wrote in message news:d87sok$2rff$1, "the proof is in the pudding." Here's the code I test compiled without an error message... so either I misunderstood the changlog, or the version of dmd v0.126 I've downloaded is different from yours. <g> Output: --------- C:\dmd>dmd Digital Mars D Compiler v0.126 Copyright (c) 1999-2005 by Digital Mars written by Walter Bright Documentation: Usage: dmd files.d ... { -switch } files.d D source files -c do not link -d allow deprecated features -debug compile in debug code -debug=level compile in debug code <= level -debug=ident compile in debug code identified by ident -g add symbolic debug info -Ipath where to look for imports -inline do function inlining -Llinkerflag pass linkerflag to link -O optimize -odobjdir write object files to directory objdir -offilename name output file to filename -op do not strip paths from source file -profile profile runtime performance of generated code -quiet suppress unnecessary messages -release compile release version -unittest compile in unit tests -v verbose -version=level compile in version code >= level -version=ident compile in version code identified by ident -w enable warnings C:\dmd>dmd assocarray.d C:\dmd\bin\..\..\dm\bin\link.exe assocarray,,,user32+kernel32/noi; C:\dmd>assocarray With the associative array empty, does "key" exist? no Now adding entries "key" and "key2" The associative array now has 2 entries listed below. sKey="key", sValue="added a key" sKey="key2", sValue="added another key" After adding the keys, does "key" exist? yes Now removing "key2"... After removing, does "key2" now exist? no The associative array now has 1 entries. Before ending display all remaining keys... sKey="key", sValue="added a key" C:\dmd> David L. ------------------------------------------------------------------- "Dare to reach for the Stars...Dare to Dream, Build, and Achieve!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- MKoD: the dmd v0.126 changlog it states: "delete aa[key] is now deprecated,useaa.remove(key) instead." It's a little thing, but the D compiler doesn't throw a "deprecated"message forcode that's using the "delete aa[key]" as it should when the "-d" switchis notbeing used. Just thought you should know.I thought it did, and in fact it has on my usages of delete aa[key].
Jun 08 2005
Darn, you're right. I can't explain it at the moment :-(
Jun 08 2005
Walter wrote:Added inner classes.<quote> Now throws an ArrayBoundsError if accessing an associative array with a key that is not already in the array. Previously, the key would be added to the array. </quote> Execuse my n00bness, but how do you add keys to the associative array then?
Jun 08 2005
On Wed, 08 Jun 2005 18:00:15 -0600, Hasan Aljudy wrote:Walter wrote:int[char[]] arr; arr["these"] = 1; arr["are"] = 3; arr["new"] = 6; arr["keys"] = 2; In previous versions, the line below would have automatically added the key "not here" to the array ... if (arr["not here"]) { . . .} -- Derek Melbourne, Australia 9/06/2005 10:27:10 AMAdded inner classes.<quote> Now throws an ArrayBoundsError if accessing an associative array with a key that is not already in the array. Previously, the key would be added to the array. </quote> Execuse my n00bness, but how do you add keys to the associative array then?
Jun 08 2005
I'm happy to see Walter was able to also keep the samples/d/wc2.d style of adding when used in an lvalue operator like ++. The word-count code uses dictionary[word]++ to insert if not present.<quote> Now throws an ArrayBoundsError if accessing an associative array with a key that is not already in the array. Previously, the key would be added to the array. </quote> Execuse my n00bness, but how do you add keys to the associative array then?int[char[]] arr; arr["these"] = 1; arr["are"] = 3; arr["new"] = 6; arr["keys"] = 2;
Jun 08 2005
"Ben Hinkle" <ben.hinkle> wrote in message news:d88733$1t9$1'm happy to see Walter was able to also keep the samples/d/wc2.d style of adding when used in an lvalue operator like ++. The word-count code uses dictionary[word]++ to insert if not present.Yeah, it was important to keep that one!
Jun 08 2005
In article <d88733$1t9$1>, Ben Hinkle says...So insertion just doesn't occur when the AA is treated as an rvalue? This is good news. I was worried we wouldn't be able to do this. SeanI'm happy to see Walter was able to also keep the samples/d/wc2.d style of adding when used in an lvalue operator like ++. The word-count code uses dictionary[word]++ to insert if not present.<quote> Now throws an ArrayBoundsError if accessing an associative array with a key that is not already in the array. Previously, the key would be added to the array. </quote> Execuse my n00bness, but how do you add keys to the associative array then?int[char[]] arr; arr["these"] = 1; arr["are"] = 3; arr["new"] = 6; arr["keys"] = 2;
Jun 09 2005
Derek Parnell wrote:On Wed, 08 Jun 2005 18:00:15 -0600, Hasan Aljudy wrote:This is kinda confusing .. From a compiler's point of view, what's the difference between these lines: arr["key"] = value; value = arr["key"]; arr["key"]; if( arr["key"] ) { /+ code +/ } What makes the compiler handle them differently? I can see in the first line, arr["key"] is an lvalue, while in the second it's an rvalue .. but why would the first one create "key" and not the second one. I believe that in both cases you would attempt to find a reference to arr["key"] first, then do stuff with it. And, what about this example: arr["key"] = arr["key"]; or this: arr["key"] = arr["key"] + 1; What would happen if the key "key" didn't exist? would it be created as in arr["key"] = value; or would it cause an error as in if( arr["key"] ) ... I don't really care if the questions were answered .. I just wanted to point out the confusion. Why shouldn't arr["key"] create the key "key"? I guess this was mainly done to avoid creating a new key when the user only wants to check if it existed if( arr["key"] ) //shouldn't create the key "key" but isn't this solved with the "in" keyword? so the above line becomes deprecated, and the new way is: if( "key" in arr )<quote> Now throws an ArrayBoundsError if accessing an associative array with a key that is not already in the array. Previously, the key would be added to the array. </quote> Execuse my n00bness, but how do you add keys to the associative array then?int[char[]] arr; arr["these"] = 1; arr["are"] = 3; arr["new"] = 6; arr["keys"] = 2; In previous versions, the line below would have automatically added the key "not here" to the array ... if (arr["not here"]) { . . .}
Jun 09 2005
Hasan Aljudy wrote: <snip>And, what about this example: arr["key"] = arr["key"]; or this: arr["key"] = arr["key"] + 1; What would happen if the key "key" didn't exist? would it be created as in arr["key"] = value; or would it cause an error as in if( arr["key"] ) ...The latter. The rvalue is evaluated and then assigned to the lvalue. So at the point when the rvalue is evaluated,I don't really care if the questions were answered .. I just wanted to point out the confusion. Why shouldn't arr["key"] create the key "key"? I guess this was mainly done to avoid creating a new key when the user only wants to check if it existed if( arr["key"] ) //shouldn't create the key "key" but isn't this solved with the "in" keyword? so the above line becomes deprecated, and the new way is: if( "key" in arr )No, that has always been the way. The two statements had different meanings then and have different meanings now. Previously, if (arr["key"]) would succeed if the value of arr["key"] has a 'true' boolean interpretation. If arr["key"] doesn't exist prior to the lookup, it would succeed if the value type's .init has a 'true' boolean interpretation. At least that's the way it was supposed to behave - there seems to be a bug as I test it in GDC 0.11. On the other hand, if ("key" in arr) succeeds iff the key is present in the AA. Now, if (arr["key"]) would have the same effect if the key is in, or throw an ArrayBoundsError if it isn't. OTOH, if ("key" in arr) behaves in the same way as it did before. Stewart. -- My e-mail is valid but not my primary mailbox. Please keep replies on the 'group where everyone may benefit.
Jun 09 2005
"Walter" <newshound> wrote in message news:d85vju$so2$1 inner classes. is the single most amazing patch I've seen since I found D! Woot!
Jun 08 2005
"Jarrett Billingsley" <kb3ctd2> wrote in message news:d886vk$1rt$1"Walter" <newshound> wrote in message news:d85vju$so2$1! I just had an idea: nested class inheritance in inherited outer classes. I like how classes inherit nested classes from parent classes. But how about this: class A { class B { } } class C : A { class D : A.B { } } This is illegal because B is not in C's scope, even though C has access to B. How about making it legal? Or would that just make things too complicated?Added inner classes. is the single most amazing patch I've seen since I found D! Woot!
Jun 08 2005
"Walter" <newshound> wrote in message news:d88dou$961$3 !!!!!!Lol, I take it that's a "no" ;)
Jun 09 2005
"Jarrett Billingsley" <kb3ctd2> wrote in message news:d8991r$18gi$1"Walter" <newshound> wrote in message news:d88dou$961$3 prefer to say "no" to such things unless there is a demonstrable need for it and no easy alternative. Kris was able to demonstrate that for inner classes, so in they went.AAIIIIEEEEEEE !!!!!!Lol, I take it that's a "no" ;)
Jun 09 2005
Jarrett Billingsley wrote:"Walter" <newshound> wrote in message news:d85vju$so2$1 was actually using all the now deprecated features. Guess how painful it was to upgrade to dmd 0.126. Walter, could you please *not* roll out too many major changes in one release?Added inner classes. is the single most amazing patch I've seen since I found D! Woot!
Jun 08 2005
zwang wrote:Why not just add the -d flag in the meantime ?This is the single most amazing patch I've seen since I found D! Woot!I was actually using all the now deprecated features.Guess how painful it was to upgrade to dmd 0.126.Try adding the -w flag, for some extra salt :-)Walter, could you please *not* roll out too many major changes in one release?You're not trying to stop progress, are you ? --anders
Jun 09 2005
I was actually using all the now deprecated features. Guess how painful it was to upgrade to dmd 0.126. Walter, could you please *not* roll out too many major changes in one release?I actually prefer upgrading my code once rather than strung out over several releases. I've been upgrading to 126 and the error messages make it obvious what has changed so it isn't that bad IMO.
Jun 09 2005
On Tue, 7 Jun 2005 22:17:50 -0700, Walter wrote:Added inner classes. there a reason for cstream.d having public imports? I think private ones will cause less potential hiccups. -- Derek Melbourne, Australia 9/06/2005 3:48:30 PM
Jun 08 2005
"Derek Parnell" <derek psych.ward> wrote in message news:1he6yst5qhjp2.9hzslvyydu8u$.dlg Tue, 7 Jun 2005 22:17:50 -0700, Walter wrote:Since cstream is designed to make mixing std.c.stdio and easy any hiccup should preferrably be fixed rather than avoided. The behavior is similar to how std.stdio publically imports std.c.stdio. Are there any issues in particular you are worried about?Added inner classes. there a reason for cstream.d having public imports? I think private ones will cause less potential hiccups.
Jun 09 2005
IsExpression rules! Typesafe variadic functions are great! Thanks, Walter! In article <d85vju$so2$1>, Walter says...Added inner classes.
Jun 09 2005
Quick question about remove() since I can't test the new release quite yet. Does it return the stored value? It would be nice if we could do things like this: int[int] a; Objecct[int] b; printf( "removed %i\n", a.remove(1) ); delete b.remove(2); I grant that the syntax is a bit odd for the delete line, but it saves a double lookup or the need to add a second function for the purpos (erase?). Sean
Jun 09 2005
"Sean Kelly" <sean> wrote in message news:d89ok7$1pdb$1 question about remove() since I can't test the new release quiteyet.Does it return the stored value? It would be nice if we could do thingslikethis: int[int] a; Objecct[int] b; printf( "removed %i\n", a.remove(1) ); delete b.remove(2); I grant that the syntax is a bit odd for the delete line, but it saves adoublelookup or the need to add a second function for the purpos (erase?).Currently, it returns a void.
Jun 09 2005
Two thumbs up! -Craig "Walter" <newshound> wrote in message news:d85vju$so2$1 inner classes.
Jun 09 2005
In article <d85vju$so2$1>, Walter says...Added inner classes., the following D code now skips on passing in a char[] literal into a function that has both a func(in char[]) and a func(in char *) defined. Is this a new change in D's behavior in handling string literals? Or is this a side-effect / error from the current v0.126 changes? Output: -------- C:\dmd>dmd overlord.d overlord.d(8): function overlord.printValue called with argument types: (char[14]) matches both: overlord.printValue(char[]) and: overlord.printValue(char*) C:\dmd> Thanks in advance for your reply, David L. ------------------------------------------------------------------- "Dare to reach for the Stars...Dare to Dream, Build, and Achieve!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- MKoD:
Jun 09 2005
"David L. Davis" <SpottedTiger> wrote in message news:d89qub$1rno$1, the following D code now skips on passing in a char[] literal intoafunction that has both a func(in char[]) and a func(in char *) defined. Isthisa new change in D's behavior in handling string literals? Or is this a side-effect / error from the current v0.126 changes? Output: -------- C:\dmd>dmd overlord.d overlord.d(8): function overlord.printValue called with argument types: (char[14]) matches both: overlord.printValue(char[]) and: overlord.printValue(char*)It's intentional, as a string literal is implicitly convertible to either char[] or char*.
Jun 09 2005