digitalmars.D.announce - wxD 0.07 released
- =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anders_F_Bj=F6rklund?= (13/13) Aug 27 2006 0.07 Changelog:
- BLS (11/24) Aug 27 2006 Hi Anders,
- =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anders_F_Bj=F6rklund?= (12/19) Aug 27 2006 Most of the great work is in wxWidgets itself, but glad you like it!
- BLS (8/10) Aug 27 2006 Hi Anders,
- =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anders_F_Bj=F6rklund?= (4/9) Aug 27 2006 I'm not opposed to using it, of course :-)
- BLS (24/26) Aug 27 2006 Hi Anders,
- negerns (3/4) Aug 28 2006 I can only see a link to version 1.0RC2. Do you have a link where I can
- negerns (3/8) Aug 28 2006 Sorry. The nightly builds are announced in the forum and the link is
- =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anders_F_Bj=F6rklund?= (5/9) Aug 28 2006 :-)
0.07 Changelog: Updated imports for DMD 0.164 ("public") Moved all config files to a sub-directory Fixed MSW issue with Update/UpdateContext Now compiles with D warnings enabled too This release (Alpha 7) also fixes the DMD problems, with programs "just quitting". Thanks to all who helped troubleshooting this on Windows (it also works with MinGW) Decided on another wxD alpha after this one, in order to add the STC/Scintilla ctrl too. --anders
Aug 27 2006
Hi Anders, Indeed, you did a great job. I am just wondering what tool(s) do you use to create the C wrapper functions. SWIG, hand made ? I really appreciate that you will spend time on stc/scintilla. IMO quit important in order to implement a platform independent IDE, because OGL and AUI are also very important for this behaviour : Can we expect the announced OGL and AUI support within 1.0 ? Bjoern "Anders F Björklund" <afb> schreef in bericht news:ecrk1d$2a0g$1 Changelog: Updated imports for DMD 0.164 ("public") Moved all config files to a sub-directory Fixed MSW issue with Update/UpdateContext Now compiles with D warnings enabled too This release (Alpha 7) also fixes the DMD problems, with programs "just quitting". Thanks to all who helped troubleshooting this on Windows (it also works with MinGW) Decided on another wxD alpha after this one, in order to add the STC/Scintilla ctrl too. --anders
Aug 27 2006
BLS wrote:Indeed, you did a great job.Most of the great work is in wxWidgets itself, but glad you like it! As with all similar open source, this (wxD) has been a group effort.I am just wondering what tool(s) do you use to create the C wrapper functions. SWIG, hand made ?The C wrappers were ported over from wx.NET, where they were generated by hand with some perl script support. SWIG was planned, but not done. really appreciate that you will spend time on stc/scintilla. IMO quit important in order to implement a platform independent IDE,Making an IDE is not a goal for the wxD project, since there is already a great wx IDE released under GPL license in the Code::Blocks project ? (get the Nightly)because OGL and AUI are also very important for this behaviour : Can we expect the announced OGL and AUI support within 1.0 ?STC will be in 1.0 since it is a) half-done and b) integrated into API. The contribs OGL and AUI can be added afterwards, without breakage... --anders
Aug 27 2006
Hi Anders, "Anders F Björklund" <afb> schreef in bericht news:ecscvk$2v42$1 an IDE is not a goal for the wxD project, since there is already --andersWell, this is what I would like to do using D / wxD OR C++ / wxWidgets because I need a platform independent realtime Client/Server IDE (a Windows only prototyp is allready alive). Kind regards, Bjoern
Aug 27 2006
BLS wrote:I'm not opposed to using it, of course :-) Both OGL and AUI would make great additions. --andersMaking an IDE is not a goal for the wxD project, since there is alreadyWell, this is what I would like to do using D / wxD OR C++ / wxWidgets because I need a platform independent realtime Client/Server IDE (a Windows only prototyp is allready alive).
Aug 27 2006
Hi Anders, "Anders F Björklund" <afb> schreef in bericht news:ecsrkp$1ver$1'm not opposed to using it, of course :-)My current IDE is written in WINDEV. I guess you have never heard about that language. (a french dev. system which enables me to develop the prototyp in a fraction of time, f.i. the video conferencing modul within 1 hour, the database, which will be used instead of CVS,SVN etc. just takes 2 hours including socket- thread handling and data encryption... well the 4GL is simply shi.) But it is just prototyp, and after exchanging some emails with Agent Orange I have to recognize that this Software will never have the nessesary feedback within the D community.(even the prototyp) because it is not written in D. So I am a bit afraid to use C++/wxWidgets instead of D/wxD to implement the iDE. which is more natural due to the fact that the DMD Frontend is written in DMC. In fact I would prefer D/wxD, BUT . So Now you know why I am asking for aui, stc, and ogl support.<vbg>Both OGL and AUI would make great additions.I would like to use OGL for several features in my IDE, showing module,project dependancies, Database ER models ....... just for quit anything that has to do with relations. AUI : simply every moder IDE should have it. Again thanks and carry on with your excellent work, kind regards Björn
Aug 27 2006
Anders F Björklund wrote: (get the Nightly)I can only see a link to version 1.0RC2. Do you have a link where I can download the nightly builds?
Aug 28 2006
negerns wrote:Anders F Björklund wrote:Sorry. The nightly builds are announced in the forum and the link is provided there. (get the Nightly)I can only see a link to version 1.0RC2. Do you have a link where I can download the nightly builds?
Aug 28 2006
negerns wrote: :-) --anders (get the Nightly)I can only see a link to version 1.0RC2. Do you have a link where I can download the nightly builds?
Aug 28 2006