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digitalmars.D.announce - Elephant IDE, not for the faint of heart.

reply "Charlie" <charles jwavro.com> writes:
This project is getting too big to develop in isolation any more.  It still
has lots that need done but it might be usable.


Some have reported install problems, if it fails to install please report
the bug ( on elephant.html ) and include C:\elog.log in the body / as

Mar 22 2005
next sibling parent reply "Ben Hinkle" <ben.hinkle gmail.com> writes:
Do you have the sources anywhere as a plain zip file? I don't like running 
installers if I can avoid it.

"Charlie" <charles jwavro.com> wrote in message 
news:d1qma7$164g$1 digitaldaemon.com...
 This project is getting too big to develop in isolation any more.  It 
 has lots that need done but it might be usable.


 Some have reported install problems, if it fails to install please report
 the bug ( on elephant.html ) and include C:\elog.log in the body / as


Mar 22 2005
parent "Charlie" <charles jwavro.com> writes:
It's dependent on a commercial third party lib that you'd have to own to
compile. Im still debating on wether or not to release the source,
installers the only way to go for now, but it un-installs quite nice ;).

"Ben Hinkle" <ben.hinkle gmail.com> wrote in message
news:d1qnjj$179l$1 digitaldaemon.com...
 Do you have the sources anywhere as a plain zip file? I don't like running
 installers if I can avoid it.

 "Charlie" <charles jwavro.com> wrote in message
 news:d1qma7$164g$1 digitaldaemon.com...
 This project is getting too big to develop in isolation any more.  It
 has lots that need done but it might be usable.


 Some have reported install problems, if it fails to install please
 the bug ( on elephant.html ) and include C:\elog.log in the body / as

Mar 22 2005
prev sibling next sibling parent "Joey Peters" <squirrel nidhogg.com> writes:
This is absolutely great.

"Charlie" <charles jwavro.com> schreef in bericht 
news:d1qma7$164g$1 digitaldaemon.com...
 This project is getting too big to develop in isolation any more.  It 
 has lots that need done but it might be usable.


 Some have reported install problems, if it fails to install please report
 the bug ( on elephant.html ) and include C:\elog.log in the body / as


Mar 23 2005
prev sibling next sibling parent John Reimer <brk_6502 yahoo.com> writes:
Charlie wrote:
 This project is getting too big to develop in isolation any more.  It still
 has lots that need done but it might be usable.
 Some have reported install problems, if it fails to install please report
 the bug ( on elephant.html ) and include C:\elog.log in the body / as
Very impressive. Looks like it's shaping up to be a worthy replacement of DIDE. Thanks for doing this, Charlie. - JJR
Mar 23 2005
prev sibling next sibling parent Tom S <h3r3tic remove.mat.uni.torun.pl> writes:
Wow ! Elephant looks great ! I've been using DIDE since the dawn of 
times, now I'm sure I'll be switching to Elephant soon. Thanks for these 
wonderful tools. I'm sure it's in heavy development, but I've got a few 
'observations' that you may find valuable or not ;) Sorry for repeating 
things that you know very well, dont kill -9 me.

1. It would be nice if Elephant auto-saved when building the project, 
just like DIDE did
2. I guess you're creating a new window with the 'COMPILING.' text on it 
as I press F7. When that window is destroyed, Elephant looses focus; 
that may be quite annoying. The same happens thing applies to the quick 
find and replace window. Ok, you probably know that... /me hides
3. Ctrl+C doesn't work for me, while selecting 'Copy' from the Edit menu 
works as expected.
4. In the 'behavior' tab in Elephant settings I see four checkboxes 
without any descriptions, just above the 'Projects Default Path' edit 
box. Do these mean anything or are they garbage that just needs to be 
collected ? ;)
5. It's not very important, but I'd be glad if I could set the 
background color of the source edit window. For DIDE I had to make a 
separate program that talked to Scintilla thru SendMessage :)

Generally, the IDE feels great, I love the new Source Browser. I believe 
this is gonna be THE IDE for development on Windows

Btw, LOL   Deathtractors :)

Keep up the good work

Tomasz Stachowiak  /+ a.k.a. h3r3tic +/
Mar 23 2005
prev sibling next sibling parent reply "Jarrett Billingsley" <kb3ctd2 yahoo.com> writes:
"Charlie" <charles jwavro.com> wrote in message 
news:d1qma7$164g$1 digitaldaemon.com...

Cool, cool.  I thought that you had just fallen off the face of the earth 
when you just stopped working on DIDE.  Nice to see that Elephant is a 
reality :)

Something I find to be one of the most important aspects of an IDE is 
customization of its appearance.  One thing I can't stand is white 
backgrounds.  Which I can't seem to change (and which I couldn't change in 
DIDE either, IIRC..).  Call me picky, but I don't think I'd be able to use 
this IDE unless I can make the BG black.  It's not hard.  It's just one of 
the other Scintilla colors.  In fact the code to do it is 
SendMessage(scintila window handle,SCI_STYLESETBACK,STYLE_DEFAULT,color 
value);.  Please.  Pretty please.

It's buggy, as can be expected, but I'll have to congratulate you on all 
that fiddly code completion and folding stuff that I couldn't get my head 
around when I attempted to make an IDE with Scintilla.

Something that I kind of always wanted in an IDE - a way to "quick compile" 
a temporary file.  In case you want to quickly test something out without 
having to make a new project.  Would be great if I could click File > Temp 
File, type in some code, hit F5 and have it compile with the default 
settings.  Then, close that file, and it's deleted or whatever.

Your site is hot by the way.  I'm really liking the minimalistic utilitarian 
design.  ;) 
Mar 23 2005
next sibling parent Tom S <h3r3tic remove.mat.uni.torun.pl> writes:
Jarrett Billingsley wrote:
 "Charlie" <charles jwavro.com> wrote in message 
 Something I find to be one of the most important aspects of an IDE is 
 customization of its appearance.  One thing I can't stand is white 
 backgrounds.  Which I can't seem to change (and which I couldn't change in 
 DIDE either, IIRC..).  Call me picky, but I don't think I'd be able to use 
 this IDE unless I can make the BG black. 
As for making the BG in DIDE black, check this out: http://codeinsane.info/code/highlighter/highlighter.exe (src: -- Tomasz Stachowiak /+ a.k.a. h3r3tic +/
Mar 23 2005
prev sibling parent reply "Charlie" <charles jwavro.com> writes:
 Something I find to be one of the most important aspects of an IDE is
 customization of its appearance.  One thing I can't stand is white
 backgrounds.  Which I can't seem to change (and which I couldn't change in
 DIDE either, IIRC..).  Call me picky, but I don't think I'd be able to use
 this IDE unless I can make the BG black.  It's not hard.  It's just one of
 the other Scintilla colors.  In fact the code to do it is
 SendMessage(scintila window handle,SCI_STYLESETBACK,STYLE_DEFAULT,color
 value);.  Please.  Pretty please.
Ok updated, its in the Editor Settings -> Keywords dlg.
 Something that I kind of always wanted in an IDE - a way to "quick
 a temporary file.  In case you want to quickly test something out without
 having to make a new project.  Would be great if I could click File > Temp
 File, type in some code, hit F5 and have it compile with the default
 settings.  Then, close that file, and it's deleted or whatever.
For 0.06 :) Charlie! "Jarrett Billingsley" <kb3ctd2 yahoo.com> wrote in message news:d1sn8e$ac1$1 digitaldaemon.com...
 "Charlie" <charles jwavro.com> wrote in message
 news:d1qma7$164g$1 digitaldaemon.com...

 Cool, cool.  I thought that you had just fallen off the face of the earth
 when you just stopped working on DIDE.  Nice to see that Elephant is a
 reality :)

 Something I find to be one of the most important aspects of an IDE is
 customization of its appearance.  One thing I can't stand is white
 backgrounds.  Which I can't seem to change (and which I couldn't change in
 DIDE either, IIRC..).  Call me picky, but I don't think I'd be able to use
 this IDE unless I can make the BG black.  It's not hard.  It's just one of
 the other Scintilla colors.  In fact the code to do it is
 SendMessage(scintila window handle,SCI_STYLESETBACK,STYLE_DEFAULT,color
 value);.  Please.  Pretty please.

 It's buggy, as can be expected, but I'll have to congratulate you on all
 that fiddly code completion and folding stuff that I couldn't get my head
 around when I attempted to make an IDE with Scintilla.

 Something that I kind of always wanted in an IDE - a way to "quick
 a temporary file.  In case you want to quickly test something out without
 having to make a new project.  Would be great if I could click File > Temp
 File, type in some code, hit F5 and have it compile with the default
 settings.  Then, close that file, and it's deleted or whatever.

 Your site is hot by the way.  I'm really liking the minimalistic
 design.  ;)
Mar 24 2005
parent reply "Jarrett Billingsley" <kb3ctd2 yahoo.com> writes:
"Charlie" <charles jwavro.com> wrote in message 
news:d1v9vo$j2f$1 digitaldaemon.com...
 Ok updated, its in the Editor Settings -> Keywords dlg.
 For 0.06 :)
Mar 24 2005
parent reply "Charlie Patterson" <charliep1 excite.com> writes:
So what is Elephant written in (lang and tools)?  Was that a ton of work or 
some sort of template plus a semi-ton of work?

"Jarrett Billingsley" <kb3ctd2 yahoo.com> wrote in message 
news:d1vpgk$17el$1 digitaldaemon.com...
 "Charlie" <charles jwavro.com> wrote in message 
 news:d1v9vo$j2f$1 digitaldaemon.com...
 Ok updated, its in the Editor Settings -> Keywords dlg.
 For 0.06 :)
Mar 25 2005
parent reply "Charlie" <charles jwavro.com> writes:
C++ , MFC , CodeJock components & MSVC 6.  It was a ton of work :S , i had
to (re)write most of the components ( GrepFiles, CompilerDriver, Parser ,
SettingsLib, ScintillaD ... and soon to come DStripper, DPrettyPrinter ,SVN
and CVS libs [ hopefully theres some good C++ CVS / SVN stuff ] -- all of
which Id welcome help!  ) so it took a while.  But I have some good
components I can re-use now , most of which Ill make available eventually
( if anyone wants them. ).

I would have written in D but DFL doesnt support MDI yet, and DMD is written
in C++ and Im no good with writing parsers :).


"Charlie Patterson" <charliep1 excite.com> wrote in message
news:d21m79$eob$1 digitaldaemon.com...
 So what is Elephant written in (lang and tools)?  Was that a ton of work
 some sort of template plus a semi-ton of work?

 "Jarrett Billingsley" <kb3ctd2 yahoo.com> wrote in message
 news:d1vpgk$17el$1 digitaldaemon.com...
 "Charlie" <charles jwavro.com> wrote in message
 news:d1v9vo$j2f$1 digitaldaemon.com...
 Ok updated, its in the Editor Settings -> Keywords dlg.
 For 0.06 :)
Mar 25 2005
next sibling parent reply pragma <pragma_member pathlink.com> writes:
I've been following this thread, and wanted you to know that I am very
interested in Elephant.  I'll give it a shot this weekend.

In article <d21oss$i3f$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Charlie says...
... and soon to come DStripper, DPrettyPrinter ,SVN and CVS libs 
At first, I read this as "DPrettyStripper" and thought "now *there's* an interesting program!" ::smacks self with a trout:: D needs a good IDE. It sounds like you're well on your way to making that work. - EricAnderton at yahoo
Mar 25 2005
parent "Charlie" <charles jwavro.com> writes:
 At first, I read this as "DPrettyStripper" and thought "now *there's* an
 interesting program!"
Hehe , the fembots come later ;).
 D needs a good IDE.  It sounds like you're well on your way to making that
work. Thanks, just uploaded 0.09 btw. Charlie! "pragma" <pragma_member pathlink.com> wrote in message news:d221os$s4c$1 digitaldaemon.com...
 I've been following this thread, and wanted you to know that I am very
 interested in Elephant.  I'll give it a shot this weekend.

 In article <d21oss$i3f$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Charlie says...
... and soon to come DStripper, DPrettyPrinter ,SVN and CVS libs
At first, I read this as "DPrettyStripper" and thought "now *there's* an interesting program!" ::smacks self with a trout:: D needs a good IDE. It sounds like you're well on your way to making that
 - EricAnderton at yahoo
Mar 26 2005
prev sibling parent reply "Jarrett Billingsley" <kb3ctd2 yahoo.com> writes:
"Charlie" <charles jwavro.com> wrote in message 
news:d21oss$i3f$1 digitaldaemon.com...
 I would have written in D but DFL doesnt support MDI yet,
Bah.. you're not a real man if you can't handle MDI _manually_. I actually got pretty far with the MDI stuff in my tiny IDE written in D. Programming windows directly is the _only_ way to go. ;)
 and DMD is written
 in C++ and Im no good with writing parsers :).
Mar 31 2005
parent "Charlie" <charles jwavro.com> writes:
 Bah.. you're not a real man if you can't handle MDI _manually_.  I
 got pretty far with the MDI stuff in my tiny IDE written in D.
 windows directly is the _only_ way to go.  ;)
Yowsa, I tried this and its so god-awful i had to give up.
 and DMD is written
 in C++ and Im no good with writing parsers :).
DMD is written in C++, im using it as the parser. "Jarrett Billingsley" <kb3ctd2 yahoo.com> wrote in message news:d2i2kh$26l1$1 digitaldaemon.com...
 "Charlie" <charles jwavro.com> wrote in message
 news:d21oss$i3f$1 digitaldaemon.com...
 I would have written in D but DFL doesnt support MDI yet,
Bah.. you're not a real man if you can't handle MDI _manually_. I
 got pretty far with the MDI stuff in my tiny IDE written in D.
 windows directly is the _only_ way to go.  ;)

 and DMD is written
 in C++ and Im no good with writing parsers :).
Mar 31 2005
prev sibling next sibling parent "Dave" <Dave_member pathlink.com> writes:
Nice work!


"Charlie" <charles jwavro.com> wrote in message 
news:d1qma7$164g$1 digitaldaemon.com...
 This project is getting too big to develop in isolation any more.  It 
 has lots that need done but it might be usable.


 Some have reported install problems, if it fails to install please report
 the bug ( on elephant.html ) and include C:\elog.log in the body / as


Mar 24 2005
prev sibling next sibling parent reply nail <nail_member pathlink.com> writes:
In article <d1qma7$164g$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Charlie says...
This project is getting too big to develop in isolation any more.  It still
has lots that need done but it might be usable.


Some have reported install problems, if it fails to install please report
the bug ( on elephant.html ) and include C:\elog.log in the body / as

Looks good. I've setup it and play for a few minutes. Well this may be best IDE for D in my eyes if Elephat will has one small but very very important thing for big projects: Be able to reflect real files/dirs layout in project (not separate project tree which can differ) like eclipse and PN2 does. However you can ask: how to enumerate files to compile? Well I suggest give real-reflect ability just when compile method is `make` or `external tool`. This is the main thing that stops me before I can migrate to Elephant. Another thing that should be is run build tool with different command line params according to current config (release / debug). And optionaly it will be very nice if I can to add highlighting for some language and associate filename pattern with that language. It was critics but as a whole: great work Victor Nakoryakov nail-mail<at>mail<dot>ru
Mar 25 2005
parent reply "Charlie" <charles jwavro.com> writes:
 Be able to reflect real files/dirs layout in project (not separate project
 which can differ) like eclipse and PN2 does. However you can ask: how to
 enumerate files to compile?
Intereseting, what are the advantages to this ?
 Another thing that should be is run build tool with different command line
 params according to current config (release / debug).
Like MSVC's 'build profiles' ?
 And optionaly it will be very nice if I can to add highlighting for some
 language and associate filename pattern with that language.
I thought about this, but its alot of work :). And its not really a general purpose editor, more just for D. I still use emacs for everything else. Might add C support, XML , other languages that D uses though. Thanks, Charlie "nail" <nail_member pathlink.com> wrote in message news:d20ps2$2esl$1 digitaldaemon.com...
 In article <d1qma7$164g$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Charlie says...
This project is getting too big to develop in isolation any more.  It
has lots that need done but it might be usable.


Some have reported install problems, if it fails to install please report
the bug ( on elephant.html ) and include C:\elog.log in the body / as

Looks good. I've setup it and play for a few minutes. Well this may be
best IDE
 for D in my eyes if Elephat will has one small but very very important
thing for
 big projects:
 Be able to reflect real files/dirs layout in project (not separate project
 which can differ) like eclipse and PN2 does. However you can ask: how to
 enumerate files to compile? Well I suggest give real-reflect ability just
 compile method is `make` or `external tool`. This is the main thing that
 me before I can migrate to Elephant.

 Another thing that should be is run build tool with different command line
 params according to current config (release / debug).

 And optionaly it will be very nice if I can to add highlighting for some
 language and associate filename pattern with that language.

 It was critics but as a whole: great work

 Victor Nakoryakov
Mar 25 2005
parent reply nail <nail_member pathlink.com> writes:
In article <d21khl$d5n$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Charlie says...
 Be able to reflect real files/dirs layout in project (not separate project
 which can differ) like eclipse and PN2 does. However you can ask: how to
 enumerate files to compile?
Intereseting, what are the advantages to this ?
Advantage is that I should not to do same work twice. I use MSVC for a several years at work which has the same paradigm - separate .sln tree. Practice shows that .sln project structure is always the same as in real file system. Separate tree just adds complexity and adds no advantages: very often error is creating new file in BLA_BLA project dir but physicaly in DEFAULT_NEWFILE_DIR. Plus - one big big big advantage of real reflection is that I can do some actions on dirs from within IDE right as from windows-shell, for example commit/update folder with SVN or CVS. Separate tree is useful just to know what to compile when built-in building method is used, but why to restrict users that use make / scons / etc I can't understand. Victor Nakoryakov nail-mail<at>mail<dot>ru
Mar 27 2005
parent reply "Charlie" <charles jwavro.com> writes:
It does sound useful, and reasonably easy at first , but does the IDE
_enfore_ these rules ?  For instance if adding a file thats three levels
deep in /src/modules/xml.d to an exisitng project , does the IDE then create
, in the IDE project directory tree, the Src -> Modules directory's ? Does
it require those directories already be added to the project ? Or is it just
when a new project is setup , and the IDE's New Folder option is chosen that
the folder is created on the file system ?

I will download PN2 and try to test.


"nail" <nail_member pathlink.com> wrote in message
news:d26r99$2ndd$1 digitaldaemon.com...
 In article <d21khl$d5n$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Charlie says...
 Be able to reflect real files/dirs layout in project (not separate
 which can differ) like eclipse and PN2 does. However you can ask: how
 enumerate files to compile?
Intereseting, what are the advantages to this ?
Advantage is that I should not to do same work twice. I use MSVC for a
 years at work which has the same paradigm - separate .sln tree. Practice
 that .sln project structure is always the same as in real file system.
 tree just adds complexity and adds no advantages: very often error is
 new file in BLA_BLA project dir but physicaly in DEFAULT_NEWFILE_DIR.
Plus - one
 big big big advantage of real reflection is that I can do some actions on
 from within IDE right as from windows-shell, for example commit/update
 with SVN or CVS.
 Separate tree is useful just to know what to compile when built-in
 method is used, but why to restrict users that use make / scons / etc I

 Victor Nakoryakov
Mar 28 2005
parent reply nail <nail_member pathlink.com> writes:
In article <d29kbo$2l0n$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Charlie says...
It does sound useful, and reasonably easy at first , but does the IDE
_enfore_ these rules ?  For instance if adding a file thats three levels
deep in /src/modules/xml.d to an exisitng project , does the IDE then create
, in the IDE project directory tree, the Src -> Modules directory's ? Does
it require those directories already be added to the project ? Or is it just
when a new project is setup , and the IDE's New Folder option is chosen that
the folder is created on the file system ?

I will download PN2 and try to test.

Ehhh... I see you didn't understand my thought completly. summarily, my suggestion is to be able to forget about project-mirror tree and have some likeness to Windows Explorer in this window. Plus some mechanism to set filter for shown files (e.g., show files *.d, hide all .*, hide dirs CVS) will be necessary. Voila, we have preciese reflection of what we have on file system without any trash like .svn folders and .txt files. So adding new file or folder actualy will create that entity in FS and the tree will be rebuilt to show FS changes. If I'm correctly understand your doubt, my point of view is if you choose File -> New and enters /src/modules/xml.d then my/project/dir/src folder will be created on FS if it does not already exists (I mean that Elephant's project file will be in my/project/dir) then my/project/dir/src/modules and then my/project/dir/src/modules/xml.d, all on FS and after that tree is refreshed to reflect changes. In this case *each* entity in tree (not just file) is entity in fs and very simple to make on additional item in context menu, something a-la shell> which will has a submenu that reflects menu shown to you in Windows Explorer on right click. So having Tortoise SVN/CVS installed I can use it right within IDE, very great. Victor Nakoryakov nail-mail<at>mail<dot>ru
Mar 28 2005
next sibling parent "Charlie" <charles jwavro.com> writes:
 Ehhh... I see you didn't understand my thought completly. summarily, my
 suggestion is to be able to forget about project-mirror tree and have some
 likeness to Windows Explorer in this window.
Ok i see.
 If I'm correctly understand your doubt, my point of view is if you choose
 -> New and enters /src/modules/xml.d then my/project/dir/src folder will
 created on FS if it does not already exists (I mean that Elephant's
project file
 will be in my/project/dir) then my/project/dir/src/modules and then
 my/project/dir/src/modules/xml.d, all on FS and after that tree is
refreshed to
 reflect changes.
Actually if we're doing away with a seperate project tree ( and just do 100% reflection ) this solves the problem I was thinking of.
 So having Tortoise SVN/CVS installed I can use it right within IDE, very
That is great, alleviates the need for built-in SVN/CVS as well. My only concern is that initially it will harder for people to learn , coming from MSVS products , but I will definetly implement, just not sure how yet. Thanks, good idea. Charlie "nail" <nail_member pathlink.com> wrote in message news:d29o25$2pdb$1 digitaldaemon.com...
 In article <d29kbo$2l0n$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Charlie says...
It does sound useful, and reasonably easy at first , but does the IDE
_enfore_ these rules ?  For instance if adding a file thats three levels
deep in /src/modules/xml.d to an exisitng project , does the IDE then
, in the IDE project directory tree, the Src -> Modules directory's ?
it require those directories already be added to the project ? Or is it
when a new project is setup , and the IDE's New Folder option is chosen
the folder is created on the file system ?

I will download PN2 and try to test.

Ehhh... I see you didn't understand my thought completly. summarily, my suggestion is to be able to forget about project-mirror tree and have some
 likeness to Windows Explorer in this window. Plus some mechanism to set
 for shown files (e.g., show files *.d, hide all .*, hide dirs CVS) will be
 necessary. Voila, we have preciese reflection of what we have on file
 without any trash like .svn folders and .txt files. So adding new file or
 actualy will create that entity in FS and the tree will be rebuilt to show
 If I'm correctly understand your doubt, my point of view is if you choose
 -> New and enters /src/modules/xml.d then my/project/dir/src folder will
 created on FS if it does not already exists (I mean that Elephant's
project file
 will be in my/project/dir) then my/project/dir/src/modules and then
 my/project/dir/src/modules/xml.d, all on FS and after that tree is
refreshed to
 reflect changes.
 In this case *each* entity in tree (not just file) is entity in fs and
 simple to make on additional item in context menu, something a-la shell>
 will has a submenu that reflects menu shown to you in Windows Explorer on
 click. So having Tortoise SVN/CVS installed I can use it right within IDE,

 Victor Nakoryakov
Mar 28 2005
prev sibling parent reply James Dunne <jdunne4 bradley.edu> writes:

I gotta say - excellent work so far on Elephant!  I'm really liking it.  I'd
just like to give you some bug feedback, if you weren't aware.

1. Help->About box doesn't close til you hit escape (no close button?)
2. Clicking on the error line in the output(build) pane doesn't relocate the
cursor to the offending file & line, which would be sweet :)
3. Can we have more control over tooltips and code-completion?  At least the
ability to enable/disable them.
4. Clicking on the closing curly-brace of a code block gives a nice tooltip, but
the parsing seems to be off.  Here are examples of this strange behavior:

type determinant() {
tooltip: "type determrminant()"

void setCol (int n, Vector!(type,rows) col) {
tooltip: "void setCol ( (int n, Vector!(type,rows) col) {"

type opIndex(int r, int c) {
tooltip: "type opIndex(x(int r, , int c)"

Do you notice that the replication is at usually around the 12th character?
Very strange indeed...

Also, functions returning template-instances are not parsed correctly (or at

Matrix!(rows,cols,type) transpose() {

gives me no tooltip on the closing curly-brace.

Once again, great work so far!  I look forward to using this when it becomes
more stable and solid. :)

James Dunne
Mar 28 2005
parent James <James_member pathlink.com> writes:
Also, the tooltip reports a tab-character in the definition as a '\t' -
naturally runs of whitespace like this should be converted to a single space.  I
really love working with string parsing code, so I'm all for helping you in that
area!  I read earlier you don't like parser code ;)

In article <d29sig$2ul9$1 digitaldaemon.com>, James Dunne says...

I gotta say - excellent work so far on Elephant!  I'm really liking it.  I'd
just like to give you some bug feedback, if you weren't aware.

1. Help->About box doesn't close til you hit escape (no close button?)
2. Clicking on the error line in the output(build) pane doesn't relocate the
cursor to the offending file & line, which would be sweet :)
3. Can we have more control over tooltips and code-completion?  At least the
ability to enable/disable them.
4. Clicking on the closing curly-brace of a code block gives a nice tooltip, but
the parsing seems to be off.  Here are examples of this strange behavior:

type determinant() {
tooltip: "type determrminant()"

void setCol (int n, Vector!(type,rows) col) {
tooltip: "void setCol ( (int n, Vector!(type,rows) col) {"

type opIndex(int r, int c) {
tooltip: "type opIndex(x(int r, , int c)"

Do you notice that the replication is at usually around the 12th character?
Very strange indeed...

Also, functions returning template-instances are not parsed correctly (or at

Matrix!(rows,cols,type) transpose() {

gives me no tooltip on the closing curly-brace.

Once again, great work so far!  I look forward to using this when it becomes
more stable and solid. :)

James Dunne
Regards, James Dunne
Mar 28 2005
prev sibling next sibling parent reply "Andrew Fedoniouk" <news terrainformatica.com> writes:
Cool! :)

Debugger, yeh? And dreams will finally come true.

Did you consider writing this with WTL rather than with MFC ?
As far as I can see there is nothing special there which WTL does not have 
already for free.
Oh, yeh - the menus....  :)


"Charlie" <charles jwavro.com> wrote in message 
news:d1qma7$164g$1 digitaldaemon.com...
 This project is getting too big to develop in isolation any more.  It 
 has lots that need done but it might be usable.


 Some have reported install problems, if it fails to install please report
 the bug ( on elephant.html ) and include C:\elog.log in the body / as


Mar 27 2005
parent "Charlie" <charles jwavro.com> writes:
 Did you consider writing this with WTL rather than with MFC ?
Yes , WTL is cool. PN2 ( http://www.pnotepad.org/ ) is writen in WTL and works very well. I only used MFC cause I spent all this time learning it and now its all but obsolete :(. I've really grown to dislike how quickly M$ dismisses technologies ( however poorly written . ) Charlie "Andrew Fedoniouk" <news terrainformatica.com> wrote in message news:d275ip$hb$1 digitaldaemon.com...
 Cool! :)

 Debugger, yeh? And dreams will finally come true.

 Did you consider writing this with WTL rather than with MFC ?
 As far as I can see there is nothing special there which WTL does not have
 already for free.
 Oh, yeh - the menus....  :)


 "Charlie" <charles jwavro.com> wrote in message
 news:d1qma7$164g$1 digitaldaemon.com...
 This project is getting too big to develop in isolation any more.  It
 has lots that need done but it might be usable.


 Some have reported install problems, if it fails to install please
 the bug ( on elephant.html ) and include C:\elog.log in the body / as

Mar 28 2005
prev sibling next sibling parent reply "Miguel Ferreira Sim�es" <Kobold netcabo.pt> writes:
Congratulations for your work.
I have always been a great fan of DIDE.

Just a few notes:
    I cannot open a project file when I double-click it.
    It should be possible to apply the DIDE default syntax highlight colors! 
(I prefer them).
    You could talk with Derek and integrate Dbuild with the Elephant (life 
was so much easier).

Mar 31 2005
parent X <X_member pathlink.com> writes:
    I cannot open a project file when I double-click it.
Yea I was waiting on adding that untill its 100%, ill go head and add it though ( or figure out how to make it an option in the install ).
    It should be possible to apply the DIDE default syntax highlight colors! 
(I prefer them).
Cool Ill figure those out and make an option for it :).
    You could talk with Derek and integrate Dbuild with the Elephant (life 
was so much easier).
Yea that would've been alot easier :S. You should be able to specify a build script ( .bat ) that has build.exe <target> in it and it will run and capture output. Charlie In article <d2h77f$1a5a$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Miguel Ferreira Sim�es says...
Congratulations for your work.
I have always been a great fan of DIDE.

Just a few notes:
    I cannot open a project file when I double-click it.
    It should be possible to apply the DIDE default syntax highlight colors! 
(I prefer them).
    You could talk with Derek and integrate Dbuild with the Elephant (life 
was so much easier).

Apr 01 2005
prev sibling parent reply David L. Davis <SpottedTiger yahoo.com> writes:
In article <d1qma7$164g$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Charlie says...
This project is getting too big to develop in isolation any more.  It still
has lots that need done but it might be usable.


Some have reported install problems, if it fails to install please report
the bug ( on elephant.html ) and include C:\elog.log in the body / as

Charlie, "Elephant" is looking good so far...thanks for putting in the hard work to create it! :) BTW, what happened to your old website "Atari-Soldiers" at "http://www.atari-soldiers.com/?" I never saw any closing notices, before it just disappeared from sight. :( Keep up the good work. David L. ------------------------------------------------------------------- "Dare to reach for the Stars...Dare to Dream, Build, and Achieve!"
Apr 03 2005
parent "Charlie" <charles jwavro.com> writes:
 Charlie, "Elephant" is looking good so far...thanks for putting in the
hard work
 to create it! :)
Thanks! Its a work of love :).
 BTW, what happened to your old website "Atari-Soldiers" at
 "http://www.atari-soldiers.com/?" I never saw any closing notices, before
 just disappeared from sight. :(
The site actually ended over a year ago, but they never took it down after the account closed so it was just sitting there. I'll get a permemanent home for elephant soon :). Charlie! "David L. Davis" <SpottedTiger yahoo.com> wrote in message news:d2pttj$dps$1 digitaldaemon.com...
 In article <d1qma7$164g$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Charlie says...
This project is getting too big to develop in isolation any more.  It
has lots that need done but it might be usable.


Some have reported install problems, if it fails to install please report
the bug ( on elephant.html ) and include C:\elog.log in the body / as

Charlie, "Elephant" is looking good so far...thanks for putting in the
hard work
 to create it! :)

 BTW, what happened to your old website "Atari-Soldiers" at
 "http://www.atari-soldiers.com/?" I never saw any closing notices, before
 just disappeared from sight. :(

 Keep up the good work.

 David L.

 "Dare to reach for the Stars...Dare to Dream, Build, and Achieve!"
Apr 03 2005