digitalmars.D.announce - OOPSLA call for papers
- Walter Bright (115/115) Jul 27 2006 LIBRARY-CENTRIC SOFTWARE DESIGN - LCSD'06
LIBRARY-CENTRIC SOFTWARE DESIGN - LCSD'06 Workshop, on October 22nd, 2006 at the OOPSLA'06 conference in Portland, Oregon, October 22-26, 2006 CALL FOR PAPERS Libraries are central to all major scientific, engineering, and business areas, yet the design, implementation, and use of libraries are underdeveloped arts. This workshop is one of the first steps in the process of placing all aspects of libraries on a sound technical and scientific basis through research into fundamental issues and documentation of best practices. A software library is an organized collection of code with associated tools supporting programming in general or in specific domains, usually united by a specified set of principles and conventions. Most libraries are aimed for use by several people and in different environments. The areas of software library research include * Design and implementation of libraries * Program and system design based on libraries * Libraries supporting specific application domains, such as biology or banking * Evolution, refactoring, and maintenance of libraries * Empirical studies of library use * Performance of libraries, including benchmarking and library-based optimizations * Design of language facilities and tools in support of library definition and use * Validation, debugging, and testing of libraries * Extensibility, parameterization, and customization * Distribution of libraries * Specification of libraries and their semantics * Usability for library users and developers * Assessing quality of libraries * Documentation and teaching of libraries * Creating and supporting communities of library users * Using several libraries in combination We invite the submission of extended abstracts on software library research, including, but not limited to, the above list of topics. The extended abstracts should address issues important to libraries as a field, i.e., describe ideas or techniques that can be reused for libraries across problem domains and/or languages; they should refrain from merely describing a particular library, no matter how novel the choice of domain. As an additional criterion, the extended abstracts are reviewed against suitability for a journal publication of the corresponding full paper. For uniformity, authors should use the latest ACM SIGS conference style file (option 1) at Submissions should be limited to 10 pages in this style. Accepted extended abstracts will be posted on the workshop's Web site prior to the workshop, and collected in a proceedings published as a Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute tech report. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit a full paper for a special issue of a journal, to be announced later. IMPORTANT DATES Aug 11 Submission of extended abstracts Sep 12 Notification of acceptance Oct 10 Submission of final versions of the extended abstracts Oct 15 Final version posted on Workshop web pages Oct 22 or 23 Workshop SUBMISSION PROCEDURE For details of the electronic submission procedure, see the workshop's Web site, ORGANIZERS * Josh Bloch, Google Inc. * David Musser, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute * Jaakko Jarvi, Texas A&M University * Sibylle Schupp, Chalmers University of Technology * Jeremy Siek, Rice University PROGRAM COMMITTEE * Dave Abrahams, Boost Consulting * Olav Beckman, Imperial College London * Herv=C8 Br=88nnimann, Polytechnic University * Cristina Gacek, University of Newcastle upon Tyne * Douglas Gregor, Indiana University * Doug Lea, State University of New York at Oswego * Andrew Lumsdaine, Indiana University * Erik Meijer, Microsoft Research * Tim Peierls, Prior Artisans LLC * Doug Schmidt, Vanderbilt University * Anthony Simons, University of Sheffield * Bjarne Stroustrup, Texas A&M University and AT&T Labs * Todd Veldhuizen, University of Waterloo In addition, the organizers will serve as program committee members, with Jaakko Jarvi and Josh Bloch as program co-chairs. Primarily, the email address lcsd06 should be used for questions addressed to the organizers. KEYNOTE ADDRESS There will be an invited talk by Sean Parent, Adobe Inc. WORKSHOP GOALS AND ACTIVITIES The workshop is a scientific forum for presenting original research in the design, implementation, and evaluation of software libraries. Other major activities include the identification of open questions specific to library research and the discussion of a strategic plan for establishing library research as a field. The outcome of the workshop is a combination of research contributions and specific next steps for improving the infrastructure for library research. Participants are expected to read the accepted submissions beforehand. The technical presentations, although based on the accepted papers, should not provide mere summaries of the papers. Instead, authors are encouraged to use their presentation slots (20 + 10 mins) to bring up topics for discussion. The technical presentations are mixed with scientific and organizational discussions. The discussions aim at furthering the topics of the presentations, thus their agenda will be publicly discussed among the participants and then posted on the website of the workshop. All participants are expected to come prepared with their tentative answers or thoughts. The full-day workshop starts with a keynote talk for the stimulation of discussion and concludes with a plenary discussion that decides the specific next steps for improving the infrastructure for library research. FOR MORE INFORMATION AND UPDATES please visit the workshop's Web site,
Jul 27 2006