digitalmars.D.announce - gdcmac 0.18 and gdcwin 0.18
- =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anders_F_Bj=F6rklund?= (25/25) May 28 2006 I have made pre-compiled binaries for Mac (Xcode) and Win (MinGW)
I have made pre-compiled binaries for Mac (Xcode) and Win (MinGW) available now - at and You will need either the Xcode Tools CD or MinGW/MSYS installed, in order to use these packages (i.e. it's just an add-on, for D) Mac OS X - "gdcmac" ( ======== 2.4M gdc-0.18-mac-10.3.dmg (GCC 3.3.6 Mac-patched) 3.2M gdc-0.18-mac-10.4.dmg (GCC 4.0.1 Mac-patched) Universal binaries (PowerPC and Intel) for Mac OS X 10.4 coming, with four different binaries in total: two hosts and two targets... Windows - "gdcwin" ( ======= 2.1M gdc-0.18-gcc-3.4.2.exe (GCC 3.4.2-20040916-1) 2.1M gdc-0.18-gcc-3.4.5.exe (GCC 3.4.5-20060117-1) The source code and configuration is the same as what MinGW uses, so you should be able to use this gdc with those gcc/g++ versions. You can also build for Darwin or Cygwin with the FSF GCC versions, using the GDC source code available at This release changes name to clarify that it is not a GNU project: from "GNU D Compiler" to "GCC D Compiler" - but it's the same GDC. Share and Enjoy, --anders PS. I could have made .MSI instead of .EXE, but I didn't find any good and free tools to do so - so I just stuck with the excellent NSIS.
May 28 2006