digitalmars.D - Tuple unpacking at the called function
- bearophile (69/69) Apr 12 2012 The slides of the "Information Rich Programming with F# 3.0" talk
of Lang.NEXT 2012: In the slide 6 titled "Simplicity Functional data" they compare It shows a bit of syntax that makes tuple usage more handy, more readable and shorter. I have discussed it a bit here: ------------------ let rotations (x, y, z) = [ (x, y, z); (z, x, y); (y, z, x) ] ------------------ ReadOnlyCollection<Tuple<T,T,T>> Rotations<T> (Tuple<T,T,T> t) { new ReadOnlyCollection<int> (new Tuple<T,T,T>[] { new Tuple<T,T,T>(t.Item1,t.Item2,t.Item3); new Tuple<T,T,T>(t.Item3,t.Item1,t.Item2); new Tuple<T,T,T>(t.Item2,t.Item3,t.Item1); }); } ------------------ Similar D code: import std.typecons; auto rotations(T)(in Tuple!(T,T,T) t) pure nothrow { return [tuple(t[0], t[1], t[2]), tuple(t[2], t[0], t[1]), tuple(t[1], t[2], t[0])]; } void main() { auto r = rotations(tuple(1, 2, 3)); } ------------------ Two Python2.6 versions: def rotations((x, y, z)): return [(x, y, z), (z, x, y), (y, z, x)] rotations = lambda (x, y, z): [(x, y, z), (z, x, y), (y, z, x)] print rotations((1, 2, 3)) ------------------ In Haskell there is even an optional syntax to give names to both the parts and the whole tuple: twohead s (x : xs) = x : s main = print $ twohead [1,2,3] That outputs: [1,1,2,3] ------------------ While there is a good enough D syntax to support tuple unpacking at the return point of a function, I don't know what syntax to use in D for the naming of tuple parts in the function signature (the same syntax is later usable for structs in switch-case). Some possibilities: This seems to works with all structs: auto rotations(T)(Tuple!(T, T, T)(x, y, z)) { Or: auto rotations(T)(Tuple!(T, T, T) t(x, y, z)) { Or the same syntax as the normal tuple unpacking syntax: auto rotations(T)(auto (x, y, z)) { auto rotations(T)((int x, int y, int z)) { Or even: auto rotations(T)(Tuple!(T x, T y, T z)) { Please take a look at the issue 6544 for more info. Bye, bearophile
Apr 12 2012