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digitalmars.D - Test for array literal arguments?

reply "bearophile" <bearophileHUGS lycos.com> writes:
Warning: this post contains some partially uncooked ideas.

I hope Walter will read this post :-)

First of all the little problem. I'd like:

[1, 3, 7].canFind(x)

To be compiled with an in-lined:

x == 1 || x == 3 || x == 7

(A very optimizing D back-end is able to inline the array 
creation, see that the array length is known at compile-time, to 
unroll the search loop according to that length, doing what I am 
asking here. Maybe LDC2 with link-time optimization is able to do 
it. DMD is not able to do it. Having a very opitimizing back-end 
is good, but languages like C and Go (and Java as a 
counter-example) show that not _requiring_ a very optimizing 
back-end is good for a language).


This is a starting point for the discussion, it's a modified and 
simplified implementation of canFind() that also contains an 
optimization for short fixed-sized arrays:

import std.stdio: writeln;
import std.traits: ForeachType, isStaticArray;
import std.string: xformat, join;

bool canFind(Range, T)(Range items, T item)
if (is(ForeachType!Range == T)) {
   static if (isStaticArray!Range && Range.length < 5) {
     static if (Range.length == 0) {
       return false;
     } else {
       static string genEq(string seqName, string itemName, int 
       /*pure nothrow*/ {
         string[] result;
         foreach (i; 0 .. len)
           result ~= xformat("%s[%d] == %s", seqName, i, itemName);
         return result.join(" || ");
       return mixin(genEq("items", "item", Range.length));
   } else {
     foreach (x; items)
       if (x == item)
         return true;
     return false;

int main() {
   int x = 3; // run-time value
   int[3] a = [1, 3, 7];
   return a.canFind(x);
   //assert([1, 3, 7].canFind(x));

The asm of the relevant functions (dmd 2.060alpha, 32 bit, -O 
-release -inline):

L0:     sub ESP,0Ch
         push    EBX
         xor EBX,EBX
         push    ESI
         mov ESI,EAX
         test    ESI,ESI
         mov dword ptr 8[ESP],0
         mov dword ptr 0Ch[ESP],0
         jle L59
L1D:    push    dword ptr FLAT:_DATA[014h]
         push    dword ptr FLAT:_DATA[010h]
         push    dword ptr 02Ch[ESP]
         push    dword ptr 02Ch[ESP]
         push    EBX
         push    dword ptr 030h[ESP]
         push    dword ptr 030h[ESP]
         call    near ptr 
         push    EDX
         mov EDX,offset FLAT:_D13TypeInfo_AAya6__initZ
         push    EAX
         lea ECX,010h[ESP]
         push    ECX
         push    EDX
         call    near ptr __d_arrayappendcT
         inc EBX
         add ESP,010h
         cmp EBX,ESI
         jl  L1D
L59:    push    dword ptr 0Ch[ESP]
         push    dword ptr 0Ch[ESP]
         push    dword ptr FLAT:_DATA[024h]
         push    dword ptr FLAT:_DATA[020h]
         call    near ptr 
         pop ESI
         pop EBX
         add ESP,0Ch
         ret 010h

         mov EDX,EAX
         cmp 4[ESP],EDX
         je  L18
         cmp 8[ESP],EDX
         je  L18
         cmp 0Ch[ESP],EDX
         je  L18
         xor EAX,EAX
         jmp short   L1D
L18:    mov EAX,1
L1D:    ret 0Ch

__Dmain comdat
L0:     sub ESP,0Ch
         mov EAX,offset FLAT:_D12TypeInfo_xAi6__initZ
         push    EBX
         push    ESI
         push    0Ch
         push    3
         push    EAX
         call    near ptr __d_arrayliteralTX
         add ESP,8
         mov EBX,EAX
         mov dword ptr [EAX],1
         mov ECX,3
         mov EDX,EBX
         push    EBX
         lea ESI,010h[ESP]
         mov 4[EBX],ECX
         mov dword ptr 8[EBX],7
         push    ESI
         call    near ptr _memcpy
         add ESP,0Ch
         mov EAX,3
         push    dword ptr 010h[ESP]
         push    dword ptr 010h[ESP]
         push    dword ptr 010h[ESP]
         call    near ptr 
         and EAX,0FFh
         pop ESI
         pop EBX
         add ESP,0Ch

That asm shows two problems, that I can't fully explain:
- The very existance of a canFind instance with an inline xformat 
call (!);
- The missed inlining of the canFind instance that performs just 
the 3 equals (_D4test18__T7canFindTG3iTiZ7canFindFG3iiZb ).

But for this discussion I don't care about those two problems. 
I'd like this too to be computed using the mixin(genEq):

int main() {
     int x = 3; // run-time value
     assert([1, 3, 7].canFind(x));

That doesn't happen because [1, 3, 7] is a int[] literal, so 
inside canFind() isStaticArray!Range is false.

On the other hand currently this works, because despite [1, 3, 7] 
being a int[] literal, is also implicitly castable to int[3]:

import std.string: xformat, join;

bool canFind(int[3] items, int item) {
   static string genEq(string seqName, string itemName, int len) {
     string[] result;
     foreach (i; 0 .. len)
       result ~= xformat("%s[%d] == %s", seqName, i, itemName);
     return result.join(" || ");
   return mixin(genEq("items", "item", items.length));

int main() {
   int x = 3; // run-time value
   return [1, 3, 7].canFind(x);

But this doesn't compile:

import std.string: xformat, join;

bool canFind(size_t N)(int[N] items, int item) {
   static string genEq(string seqName, string itemName, int len) {
     string[] result;
     foreach (i; 0 .. len)
       result ~= xformat("%s[%d] == %s", seqName, i, itemName);
     return result.join(" || ");
   return mixin(genEq("items", "item", items.length));

int main() {
   int x = 3; // run-time value
   return [1, 3, 7].canFind(x);


So is it possible to modify D to be able to create something like 
this that returns true conservatively (so it returns false when 
it's an unknown type of array) if a template function argument is 
an array literal (or enum of array)?

__traits(is_array_literal, Range)

That probably doesn't suffice, but it's an idea.

I'd really like to know if an argument is a array/string literal, 
and in such case be able to see it as a fixed-sized one if I 
choose so.

An alternative is just to allow to write two template functions 
like this (present at the same time):

bool canFind(size_t N, T)( literal T[N] items, T item) if (N < 5) 
   static if (N == 0) {
     return false;
   } else {
     static string genEq(string seqName, string itemName, int len) 
       string[] result;
       foreach (i; 0 .. len)
         result ~= xformat("%s[%d] == %s", seqName, i, itemName);
       return result.join(" || ");
     return mixin(genEq("items", "item", items.length));

bool canFind(Range)(Range items, T item)
if (is(ForeachType!Range == T)) {
   foreach (x; items)
     if (x == item)
       return true;
   return false;

Where " literal T[N] items" means that canFind function template 
overload is used even when you call it with a (dynamic) array 
literal (if N isn't too much high, according to its template 
Suggestions for better ideas are welcome.


This is the second part of this post, about a related topic.

A related more general desire is to know if a template function 
argument is known at compile-time, and in this case being able to 
use it at compile time, if I want so (in this case the D compiler 
instantiates a new template instance of the function, of course).

Something like this for me is very good because it would allow D 
programmers to do a many things that today are not possible, like 
running some test at compile-time on the inputs, optimizing the 
function on the base of some arguments (a manually implemented 
poor's man partial compilation. I think this is often enough), 
and more.

The classic function used to explain partial compilation is the 
integer exponent power function (I use printf() to get a much 
simpler and shorter asm):

import core.stdc.stdio: printf;

T iPow(T)(T base, size_t exp) {
   T result = 1;
   for (; exp > 0; exp >>= 1) {
     if (exp & 1)
       result *= base;
     base *= base;

   return result;

void main() {
   printf("%d", iPow(5, 3));

Its asm:

_D5test011__T4iPowTiZ4iPowFikZi comdat
         push    EBX
         mov ECX,EAX
         mov EDX,8[ESP]
         push    ESI
         mov EBX,1
         test    ECX,ECX
         je  L2D
L11:    test    ECX,1
         je  L20
         mov EAX,EDX
         imul    EAX,EBX
         mov EBX,EAX
L20:    mov ESI,EDX
         imul    ESI,EDX
         shr ECX,1
         mov EDX,ESI
         test    ECX,ECX
         jne L11
L2D:    pop ESI
         mov EAX,EBX
         pop EBX
         ret 4

__Dmain comdat
L0:     push    EAX
         mov EAX,3
         push    5
         call    near ptr _D5test011__T4iPowTiZ4iPowFikZi
         mov ECX,offset FLAT:_DATA
         push    EAX
         push    ECX
         call    near ptr _printf
         add ESP,8
         xor EAX,EAX
         pop ECX

Often the exp is a literal or it's known at compile-time. In this 
case in D you are free to use a different function template:

import core.stdc.stdio: printf;

T iPow(size_t exp, T)(T base) {
   T result = 1;
   for (int e = exp; e > 0; e >>= 1) {
     if (e & 1)
       result *= base;
     base *= base;

   return result;

void main() {
   printf("%d", iPow!(3)(5));

Its asm:

         push    EBX
         mov EDX,EAX
         mov EBX,1
         push    ESI
         mov ECX,3
LE:     test    ECX,1
         je  L1D
         mov EAX,EDX
         imul    EAX,EBX
         mov EBX,EAX
L1D:    mov ESI,EDX
         imul    ESI,EDX
         sar ECX,1
         mov EDX,ESI
         test    ECX,ECX
         jg  LE
         pop ESI
         mov EAX,EBX
         pop EBX

__Dmain comdat
L0:     push    EAX
         mov EAX,5
         call    near ptr _D4test14__T4iPowVi3TiZ4iPowFiZi
         mov ECX,offset FLAT:_DATA
         push    EAX
         push    ECX
         call    near ptr _printf
         add ESP,8
         xor EAX,EAX
         pop ECX

With DMD to see an improvement you need a static foreach, now 
it's fully inlined:

import core.stdc.stdio: printf;
import std.typetuple: TypeTuple;

private template _iPowHelper(size_t exp) {
   static if (exp == 0)
     alias TypeTuple!() _iPowHelper;
     alias TypeTuple!(exp, _iPowHelper!(exp >> 1)) _iPowHelper;

T iPow(size_t exp, T)(T base) {
   // Unfortunately I can't nest template _iPowHelper here.
   T result = 1;
   // Optionally add a static if here to not use _iPowHelper
   // when exp is too much large
   /*static*/ foreach (e; _iPowHelper!exp) {
     if (e & 1)
       result *= base;
     base *= base;
   return result;

void main() {
   printf("%lf", iPow!(3)(5));

Its asm:

         mov ECX,EAX
         mov EDX,EAX
         imul    EAX,ECX
         mov ECX,EAX
         imul    EAX,EDX
         mov EDX,EAX

__Dmain comdat
L0:     push    EAX
         mov EAX,offset FLAT:_DATA
         push    07Dh
         push    EAX
         call    near ptr _printf
         add ESP,8
         xor EAX,EAX
         pop ECX

This variant of the last program shows that the code is really 
working as desired:

import core.stdc.stdio: printf;
import std.typetuple: TypeTuple;

private template _iPowHelper(size_t exp) {
   static if (exp == 0)
     alias TypeTuple!() _iPowHelper;
     alias TypeTuple!(exp, _iPowHelper!(exp >> 1)) _iPowHelper;

T iPow(size_t exp, T)(T base) {
   // Unfortunately I can't nest template _iPowHelper here.
   T result = 1;
   // Optionally add a static if here to not use _iPowHelper
   // when exp is too much large
   /*static*/ foreach (e; _iPowHelper!exp) {
     if (e & 1)
       result *= base;
     base *= base;
   return result;

void main(string[] args) {
   double x = args.length + 4.0;
   printf("%lf", iPow!(3)(x));

Its asm, the main shows no calls to iPow, no loops and just two 

_D6test2d14__T4iPowVi3TdZ4iPowFdZd  comdat
         sub ESP,0Ch
         fld qword ptr 010h[ESP]
         fld qword ptr 010h[ESP]
         fmul    qword ptr 010h[ESP]
         fxch    ST1
         fstp    qword ptr [ESP]
         fstp    qword ptr 010h[ESP]
         fld qword ptr 010h[ESP]
         fmul    qword ptr [ESP]
         fstp    qword ptr [ESP]
         fld qword ptr [ESP]
         add ESP,0Ch
         ret 8

__Dmain comdat
L0:     sub ESP,024h
         mov EAX,028h[ESP]
         xor ECX,ECX
         mov [ESP],EAX
         mov EDX,offset FLAT:_DATA[010h]
         mov 4[ESP],ECX
         fild    long64 ptr [ESP]
         fadd    qword ptr FLAT:_DATA[00h]
         fst qword ptr 8[ESP]
         fld qword ptr 8[ESP]
         fld qword ptr 8[ESP]
         fxch    ST2
         fstp    qword ptr 010h[ESP]
         fstp    qword ptr 018h[ESP]
         fmul    qword ptr 010h[ESP]
         fstp    qword ptr 010h[ESP]
         fld qword ptr 010h[ESP]
         fmul    qword ptr 018h[ESP]
         fstp    qword ptr 018h[ESP]
         fld qword ptr 018h[ESP]
         sub ESP,8
         fstp    qword ptr [ESP]
         push    EDX
         call    near ptr _printf
         add ESP,0Ch
         add ESP,024h
         xor EAX,EAX

So we are back to an idea Walter has tried and refused few years 
ago, of compile-time known arguments with "static". The small 
difference here is (I think) that both iPow templates are allowed 
to exist in the code at the same time, and the iPow overload with 
"static" is preferred by the argument is known at compile-time:

import core.stdc.stdio: printf;
import std.typetuple: TypeTuple;

private template _iPowHelper(size_t exp) {
   static if (exp == 0)
     alias TypeTuple!() _iPowHelper;
     alias TypeTuple!(exp, _iPowHelper!(exp >> 1)) _iPowHelper;

T iPow(T)(T base, static size_t exp) {
   // Unfortunately I can't nest template _iPowHelper here.
   T result = 1;
   /*static*/ foreach (e; _iPowHelper!exp) {
     if (e & 1)
       result *= base;
     base *= base;
   return result;

T iPow(T)(T base, size_t exp) {
   T result = 1;
   for (; exp > 0; exp >>= 1) {
     if (exp & 1)
       result *= base;
     base *= base;

   return result;

void main() {
   printf("%d", iPow(5, 3)); // calls first iPow overload!

Note that this is not what I was asking for in the first half of 
this post, because I didn't want to know the contents of "items" 
at compile-time, only its length (and currently arrays can't be 
template arguments, despite strings can, even dstrings, that 
aren't very different from a uint[], it's a small mystery):

bool canFind(T)(static T[] items, T item) {...}

Jun 05 2012
parent reply "Peter Alexander" <peter.alexander.au gmail.com> writes:
On Tuesday, 5 June 2012 at 23:48:48 UTC, bearophile wrote:
 So we are back to an idea Walter has tried and refused few 
 years ago, of compile-time known arguments with "static". The 
 small difference here is (I think) that both iPow templates are 
 allowed to exist in the code at the same time, and the iPow 
 overload with "static" is preferred by the argument is known at 
I was also thinking about this idea today. I was writing a small math function (Van der Corput sequence generator) with the signature vdc(int n, int b) and noticed that the code could be faster when b == 2 (the most common case) because divides can be turned into shifts and mods turned to bitwise AND etc. You could duplicate the function to take the static args as template args, but that's ugly. I also came to the conclusion of using 'static' as a parameter "storage class" to specify that the parameter is known at compile-time. One problem with this approach is that it only solves some cases and cannot work in general. It also has other implications: - Code with 1 or more optimised versions will require extra maintenance/testing. - Makes code more difficult to reason about (can be difficult to tell which is version is called). - Adds more rules for overload resolution. However, the biggest problem with this proposal (in my opinion) is that it is unnecessary. I care deeply about performance, but tiny optimisations like this are simply not important 99% of the time. When they are important, just write a specific optimised version and use that. Yes, you lose generality, but special needs call for special cases. Let's not complicate the language and bloat the codebase further for questionable gain.
Jun 05 2012
parent reply "bearophile" <bearophileHUGS lycos.com> writes:
Peter Alexander:

 One problem with this approach is that it only solves some 
 cases and cannot work in general.
The general solution is named "Partial compilation", it's a mess and probably you don't want it in the DMD compiler (despite it seems LLVM is getting able to do it a bit). Yet lot of people are studying partial compilation for 20+ years or more, because it's very interesting and potentially useful.
 - Adds more rules for overload resolution.
This needs to be studied. But keep in mind that Walter has already tried and refused that idea of "static" arguments. So you can't assume it's an easy thing to implement. Here we are discussing just about the second part of my post. The title of my post refers to just the first half of it.
 However, the biggest problem with this proposal (in my opinion) 
 is that it is unnecessary. I care deeply about performance, but 
 tiny optimisations like this are simply not important 99% of 
 the time. When they are important, just write a specific 
 optimised version and use that. Yes, you lose generality, but 
 special needs call for special cases. Let's not complicate the 
 language and bloat the codebase further for questionable gain.
Writing specialized versions without any language help is not nice, and I think the gain is significant, it's not just tiny optimizations. My D programs contain lot of stuff known at compile-time. I think such simple poor's man hand-made version of partial compilation is able to do things like (done by true partial compilation): http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= Bye, bearophile
Jun 05 2012
parent "Peter Alexander" <peter.alexander.au gmail.com> writes:
On Wednesday, 6 June 2012 at 01:44:24 UTC, bearophile wrote:
 Writing specialized versions without any language help is not 
 nice, and I think the gain is significant, it's not just tiny 
 optimizations. My D programs contain lot of stuff known at 
 compile-time. I think such simple poor's man hand-made version 
 of partial compilation is able to do things like (done by true 
 partial compilation):

Thanks for the link. The paper is interesting. One interesting point to note is that they bloat the executable massively by specialising (30x larger in a few cases). Fortunately for them, their program is small enough to fit in the I-cache anyway, so it has no effect on performance, however, in a large program that size blowup would cause much more I-cache capacity misses, which would then negatively affect runtime. This effect has already been seen in the games industry with std::sort. As you probably know, std::sort specialises the sort routine for the types being sorted, so you end up with N specialised sort routines for N different types and each one adds a few KB to the executable. If I want to sort a small array (maybe just 8 integers or so) then using std::sort is often worse than qsort because std::sort takes up more of the I-cache. It is now common in games to use qsort (or a small type-safe equivalent) instead of std::sort for small sorts to reduce bloat and I-cache pollution. See slide 14-15 of this DICE presentation: http://www.slideshare.net/DICEStudio/executable-bloat-how-it-happens-and-how-we-can-ght-it I'm sure your D programs do contain a lot of stuff known at compile-time, but I'm also sure that in any non-trivial program, 95% of your code is not performance sensitive and would be better to be small than fast. The sample ray-tracer is not representative of a real program. I hold my position that this would be counterproductive 95% of the time. In the 5% that is highly performance sensitive, we can use metaprogramming techniques (in D, or using external codegen) to make a workable solution.
Jun 06 2012