digitalmars.D - Struct constructors
- Sean Eskapp (19/19) Jan 20 2011 In code like this:
- =?UTF-8?B?U8O2bmtlIEx1ZHdpZw==?= (2/21) Jan 20 2011 See
- Trass3r (1/1) Jan 20 2011 Probably related to
- Sean Eskapp (1/1) Jan 20 2011 That looks like a similar issue. Thanks!
In code like this: import std.stdio; struct foo { int val; static immutable bar = foo(1); this(int val) { this.val = 50; } } void main() { writeln(; } The user-defined struct constructor is not called, because it's overridden by a built-in constructor which treats it like an initializer list. Shouldn't constructors in structs either generate errors/warnings, or work as they would appear to?
Jan 20 2011
Am 20.01.2011 19:42, schrieb Sean Eskapp:In code like this: import std.stdio; struct foo { int val; static immutable bar = foo(1); this(int val) { this.val = 50; } } void main() { writeln(; } The user-defined struct constructor is not called, because it's overridden by a built-in constructor which treats it like an initializer list. Shouldn't constructors in structs either generate errors/warnings, or work as they would appear to?See
Jan 20 2011
Probably related to
Jan 20 2011