digitalmars.D - Some algorithms on immutable data: bug 5134?
Hello. This leads to a compilation error: import std.algorithm; void main() { string foo = "foo"; immutable string bar = "bar"; auto f = foo.endsWith("o"); auto b = bar.endsWith("r"); // ERROR cannot deduce template... } somthing? Thanks Nicolas
Nov 25 2010
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"> <title></title> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff Le 25/11/10 14:03, biozic a écrit : <blockquote cite="mid:iclmuf$2vjb$1" type="cite">Hello. <br> This leads to a compilation error: <br> <br> import std.algorithm; <br> void main() { <br> string foo = "foo"; <br> immutable string bar = "bar"; <br> auto f = foo.endsWith("o"); <br> auto b = bar.endsWith("r"); // ERROR cannot deduce template... <br> } <br> <br> missing somthing? <br> Thanks <br> Nicolas <br> </blockquote> Trying to answer to myself:<br> <br> This is because std.algorithm.endsWith, startsWith, etc. expect their first argument to be an InputRange (checked with isInputRange), and an immutable array cannot be an InputRange (because of immutability).<br> <br> I think several algorithms could either tolerate an Iterable (checked with std.traits.isIterable) as their first argument or be specialized for immutable arrays. It is the case of topNCopy for instance.<br> <br> As for <a href="">bug is const, it cannot be an InputRange, so compilation fails...<br> <br> Am I right?<br> Thanks,<br> <br> Nicolas<br> <br> </body> </html>
Dec 04 2010