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digitalmars.D - Should std.container.array behave more consistently with builtin

	module main;

	void changeContent(Arr)(Arr arr)
		arr[] = 10;

	void changeSizeAndContent(Arr)(Arr arr)
		enum RESIZE = 10;
		arr.length = RESIZE;
		int c = RESIZE;
		foreach (ref e; arr)
			e = c--;

	void main()
		import std.container.array;
		import std.stdio;

		auto builtinArr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
		writeln(builtinArr); // prints [10, 10, 10, 10]
		writeln(builtinArr); // prints [10, 10, 10, 10]

		auto stdArr = Array!int([1, 2, 3, 4]);
		writeln(stdArr); // prints Array!int(Payload(4, [10, 10, 10, 
		writeln(stdArr); // prints Array!int(Payload(10, [10, 9, 8, 7, 
6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]))

For builtin array, when reallocation happens, we basically get a 
new array. Any changes to it do not affect the original.
*On the other hand, when reallocation doesn't happen, the 
original can be modified.

For std Array, the payload is always shared, it works as if we 
are passing "ref T[]" all the time, except when it's reassigned 
with: arr = Array!int([]) -- probably the reason why no 
opAssign(R)(R range) is implemented for std Array, so that the 
coder understands new payload is being created?

I assume it's possible to implement std Array to work more like 
the builtin - new payload is created if it grows over capacity, 
which will make "ref" actually useful here. Perhaps also have 
Array.opSlice return an Array, instead of a "view" that can't be 
Feb 07 2023