digitalmars.D - Self-referential tuples?
- Andrei Alexandrescu (15/15) Jun 09 2015 Following the use of This in Algebraic
- Brian Rogoff (12/28) Jun 09 2015 Yes, I'm interested. As a practical example, how would you
- Andrei Alexandrescu (16/47) Jun 09 2015 Excellent example! Here's a shot:
- Timon Gehr (3/19) Jun 09 2015 Well, the issue is with this kind of use case:
- Andrei Alexandrescu (3/29) Jun 09 2015 So a list is either nothing, or a head and a tail. What is the problem
- Idan Arye (10/44) Jun 09 2015 The `This*` here is not mapped to
- Timon Gehr (3/40) Jun 09 2015 Exactly. Probably it was confusing that I used a raw pointer and not
- Andrei Alexandrescu (3/10) Jun 09 2015 Way ahead of you :o). Algebraic would use std.variant.This, whereas
- Timon Gehr (4/16) Jun 09 2015 I generally assume that the same identifier in the same scope of the
- Timon Gehr (9/40) Jun 09 2015 It's about which type 'This' refers to. Is it the Algebraic or the
- Timon Gehr (5/46) Jun 09 2015 If I'm not mistaken Algebraic already suffers from this kind of "This
- Brian Rogoff (66/68) Jun 10 2015 Could you explain this a bit more, maybe using some pseudo-D for
- Timon Gehr (12/18) Jun 10 2015 import std.typecons, std.variant;
- deadalnix (3/20) Jun 09 2015 Useful, not ground breaking. I would not add right now.
Following the use of This in Algebraic (, we can apply the same idea to Tuple, thus allowing one to create self-referential types with ease. Consider: // A singly-linked list is payload + pointer to list alias List(T) = Tuple!(T, This*); // A binary tree is payload + two children alias Tree(T) = Tuple!(T, This*, This*); // or alias Tree(T) = Tuple!(T, "payload", This*, "left", This*, "right"); // A binary tree with payload only in leaves alias Tree2(T) = Algebraic!(T, Tuple!(This*, This*)); Is there interest in this? Other application ideas to motivate the addition? Andrei
Jun 09 2015
On Tuesday, 9 June 2015 at 15:28:16 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:Following the use of This in Algebraic (, we can apply the same idea to Tuple, thus allowing one to create self-referential types with ease. Consider: // A singly-linked list is payload + pointer to list alias List(T) = Tuple!(T, This*); // A binary tree is payload + two children alias Tree(T) = Tuple!(T, This*, This*); // or alias Tree(T) = Tuple!(T, "payload", This*, "left", This*, "right"); // A binary tree with payload only in leaves alias Tree2(T) = Algebraic!(T, Tuple!(This*, This*)); Is there interest in this? Other application ideas to motivate the addition?Yes, I'm interested. As a practical example, how would you represent a JSON AST type, which might look something like this in OCaml (type json at the top) using Algebraic? And once you've encoded it using Algebraic, how do you operate on it, for example, how would you write a 'toString' on the AST? These are both straightforward in OCaml (the straightforward yet inefficient toString pracitically writes itself from the definition, the efficient version with buffers is only a little more involved) so a D version would be a good test.
Jun 09 2015
On 6/9/15 8:59 AM, Brian Rogoff wrote:On Tuesday, 9 June 2015 at 15:28:16 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:Excellent example! Here's a shot: alias JsonPayload = Algebraic!( bool, double, long, string, This[], This[string] ); I notice that in Ocaml you get to give names to fields, so I added to investigate the matter. Converting a complex JsonPayload to string can be done with relative ease by using visitation. Thansk, AndreiFollowing the use of This in Algebraic (, we can apply the same idea to Tuple, thus allowing one to create self-referential types with ease. Consider: // A singly-linked list is payload + pointer to list alias List(T) = Tuple!(T, This*); // A binary tree is payload + two children alias Tree(T) = Tuple!(T, This*, This*); // or alias Tree(T) = Tuple!(T, "payload", This*, "left", This*, "right"); // A binary tree with payload only in leaves alias Tree2(T) = Algebraic!(T, Tuple!(This*, This*)); Is there interest in this? Other application ideas to motivate the addition?Yes, I'm interested. As a practical example, how would you represent a JSON AST type, which might look something like this in OCaml (type json at the top) using Algebraic? And once you've encoded it using Algebraic, how do you operate on it, for example, how would you write a 'toString' on the AST? These are both straightforward in OCaml (the straightforward yet inefficient toString pracitically writes itself from the definition, the efficient version with buffers is only a little more involved) so a D version would be a good test.
Jun 09 2015
On 06/09/2015 05:28 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:Following the use of This in Algebraic (, we can apply the same idea to Tuple, thus allowing one to create self-referential types with ease. Consider: // A singly-linked list is payload + pointer to list alias List(T) = Tuple!(T, This*); // A binary tree is payload + two children alias Tree(T) = Tuple!(T, This*, This*); // or alias Tree(T) = Tuple!(T, "payload", This*, "left", This*, "right"); // A binary tree with payload only in leaves alias Tree2(T) = Algebraic!(T, Tuple!(This*, This*)); Is there interest in this? Other application ideas to motivate the addition? AndreiWell, the issue is with this kind of use case: alias List(T)=Algebraic!(Tuple!(),Tuple!(T,This*));
Jun 09 2015
On 6/9/15 3:58 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:On 06/09/2015 05:28 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:So a list is either nothing, or a head and a tail. What is the problem here? -- AndreiFollowing the use of This in Algebraic (, we can apply the same idea to Tuple, thus allowing one to create self-referential types with ease. Consider: // A singly-linked list is payload + pointer to list alias List(T) = Tuple!(T, This*); // A binary tree is payload + two children alias Tree(T) = Tuple!(T, This*, This*); // or alias Tree(T) = Tuple!(T, "payload", This*, "left", This*, "right"); // A binary tree with payload only in leaves alias Tree2(T) = Algebraic!(T, Tuple!(This*, This*)); Is there interest in this? Other application ideas to motivate the addition? AndreiWell, the issue is with this kind of use case: alias List(T)=Algebraic!(Tuple!(),Tuple!(T,This*));
Jun 09 2015
On Tuesday, 9 June 2015 at 23:04:41 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:On 6/9/15 3:58 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:The `This*` here is not mapped to `Algebraic!(Tuple!(),Tuple!(T,This*))` - it's mapped to the closest containing tuple, `Tuple!(T,This*)`. This means that the tail is not a list - it's a head and a tail. The list is either empty or infinite. At any rate, I think this feature is useful enough even if it doesn't support such use cases. You can always declare a list as a regular struct...On 06/09/2015 05:28 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:So a list is either nothing, or a head and a tail. What is the problem here? -- AndreiFollowing the use of This in Algebraic (, we can apply the same idea to Tuple, thus allowing one to create self-referential types with ease. Consider: // A singly-linked list is payload + pointer to list alias List(T) = Tuple!(T, This*); // A binary tree is payload + two children alias Tree(T) = Tuple!(T, This*, This*); // or alias Tree(T) = Tuple!(T, "payload", This*, "left", This*, "right"); // A binary tree with payload only in leaves alias Tree2(T) = Algebraic!(T, Tuple!(This*, This*)); Is there interest in this? Other application ideas to motivate the addition? AndreiWell, the issue is with this kind of use case: alias List(T)=Algebraic!(Tuple!(),Tuple!(T,This*));
Jun 09 2015
On 06/10/2015 01:43 AM, Idan Arye wrote:On Tuesday, 9 June 2015 at 23:04:41 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:Exactly. Probably it was confusing that I used a raw pointer and not some kind of NonNull!T hack. Non-null was the intention.On 6/9/15 3:58 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:The `This*` here is not mapped to `Algebraic!(Tuple!(),Tuple!(T,This*))` - it's mapped to the closest containing tuple, `Tuple!(T,This*)`. This means that the tail is not a list - it's a head and a tail. The list is either empty or infinite.On 06/09/2015 05:28 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:So a list is either nothing, or a head and a tail. What is the problem here? -- AndreiFollowing the use of This in Algebraic (, we can apply the same idea to Tuple, thus allowing one to create self-referential types with ease. Consider: // A singly-linked list is payload + pointer to list alias List(T) = Tuple!(T, This*); // A binary tree is payload + two children alias Tree(T) = Tuple!(T, This*, This*); // or alias Tree(T) = Tuple!(T, "payload", This*, "left", This*, "right"); // A binary tree with payload only in leaves alias Tree2(T) = Algebraic!(T, Tuple!(This*, This*)); Is there interest in this? Other application ideas to motivate the addition? AndreiWell, the issue is with this kind of use case: alias List(T)=Algebraic!(Tuple!(),Tuple!(T,This*));
Jun 09 2015
On 6/9/15 4:43 PM, Idan Arye wrote:The `This*` here is not mapped to `Algebraic!(Tuple!(),Tuple!(T,This*))` - it's mapped to the closest containing tuple, `Tuple!(T,This*)`. This means that the tail is not a list - it's a head and a tail. The list is either empty or infinite. At any rate, I think this feature is useful enough even if it doesn't support such use cases. You can always declare a list as a regular struct...Way ahead of you :o). Algebraic would use std.variant.This, whereas Tuple would use std.typecons.This. So you get to choose. -- Andrei
Jun 09 2015
On 06/10/2015 01:52 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:On 6/9/15 4:43 PM, Idan Arye wrote:I generally assume that the same identifier in the same scope of the same code snippet refers to the same symbol, but sure, this avoids this specific problem, but not others.The `This*` here is not mapped to `Algebraic!(Tuple!(),Tuple!(T,This*))` - it's mapped to the closest containing tuple, `Tuple!(T,This*)`. This means that the tail is not a list - it's a head and a tail. The list is either empty or infinite. At any rate, I think this feature is useful enough even if it doesn't support such use cases. You can always declare a list as a regular struct...Way ahead of you :o). Algebraic would use std.variant.This, whereas Tuple would use std.typecons.This. So you get to choose. -- Andrei
Jun 09 2015
On 06/10/2015 01:04 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:On 6/9/15 3:58 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:It's about which type 'This' refers to. Is it the Algebraic or the Tuple? I assume here it would be the algebraic, which is expected, but it can get non-obvious quickly especially when e.g. a template parameter is a recursive tuple and the template uses the type in an Algebraic. It's just a mess. E.g. what happens if you do List!(Tree!int)? ReplaceType would need to treat Tuples specially, and then you lose the other semantics even though it might sometimes be needed. 'This' is a cute hack, but it doesn't replace a proper template fixpoint operator.On 06/09/2015 05:28 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:So a list is either nothing, or a head and a tail. What is the problem here? -- AndreiFollowing the use of This in Algebraic (, we can apply the same idea to Tuple, thus allowing one to create self-referential types with ease. Consider: // A singly-linked list is payload + pointer to list alias List(T) = Tuple!(T, This*); // A binary tree is payload + two children alias Tree(T) = Tuple!(T, This*, This*); // or alias Tree(T) = Tuple!(T, "payload", This*, "left", This*, "right"); // A binary tree with payload only in leaves alias Tree2(T) = Algebraic!(T, Tuple!(This*, This*)); Is there interest in this? Other application ideas to motivate the addition? AndreiWell, the issue is with this kind of use case: alias List(T)=Algebraic!(Tuple!(),Tuple!(T,This*));
Jun 09 2015
On 06/10/2015 01:48 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:On 06/10/2015 01:04 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:If I'm not mistaken Algebraic already suffers from this kind of "This replacement hijacking". alias List(T)=Algebraic!(Tuple!(),Tuple!(T,std.variant.This*)); List!(List!(int)) // not a list of list of int, is it?On 6/9/15 3:58 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:It's about which type 'This' refers to. Is it the Algebraic or the Tuple? I assume here it would be the algebraic, which is expected, but it can get non-obvious quickly especially when e.g. a template parameter is a recursive tuple and the template uses the type in an Algebraic. It's just a mess. E.g. what happens if you do List!(Tree!int)? ReplaceType would need to treat Tuples specially, and then you lose the other semantics even though it might sometimes be needed. 'This' is a cute hack, but it doesn't replace a proper template fixpoint operator.On 06/09/2015 05:28 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:So a list is either nothing, or a head and a tail. What is the problem here? -- AndreiFollowing the use of This in Algebraic (, we can apply the same idea to Tuple, thus allowing one to create self-referential types with ease. Consider: // A singly-linked list is payload + pointer to list alias List(T) = Tuple!(T, This*); // A binary tree is payload + two children alias Tree(T) = Tuple!(T, This*, This*); // or alias Tree(T) = Tuple!(T, "payload", This*, "left", This*, "right"); // A binary tree with payload only in leaves alias Tree2(T) = Algebraic!(T, Tuple!(This*, This*)); Is there interest in this? Other application ideas to motivate the addition? AndreiWell, the issue is with this kind of use case: alias List(T)=Algebraic!(Tuple!(),Tuple!(T,This*));
Jun 09 2015
On Tuesday, 9 June 2015 at 23:48:05 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:'This' is a cute hack, but it doesn't replace a proper template fixpoint operator.Could you explain this a bit more, maybe using some pseudo-D for your proposed template fixpoint operator? Thanks. I don't think I'd need such a thing for the JSON AST example, since it isn't parameterized by type. There, the D mapping looks clumsy because, as Andrei noticed, the 'fields' are not named. If you map the OCaml straight to D you get something like what I write below, and you want both the Kind and the internal structure to be non-private so you can write functions which work on them. It's the same as tagged unions/variants in other languages but so much easier to use. enum Kind { Bool, Number, String, Null, Array, Object } alias JSON = JSONStruct *; struct JSONStruct { public: Kind kind; union { bool jsonBool; double jsonNumber; string jsonString; JSON[] jsonArray; JSON[string] jsonObject; } this(Kind kind, bool jsonBool) in { assert(kind == Kind.Bool); } body { kind = Kind.Bool; this.jsonBool = jsonBool; } this(Kind kind, double jsonNumber) in { assert(kind == Kind.Number); } body { kind = Kind.Number; this.jsonNumber = jsonNumber; } this(Kind kind, string jsonString) in { assert(kind == Kind.String); } body { kind = Kind.String; this.jsonString = jsonString; } this(Kind kind) in { assert(kind == Kind.Null); } body { kind = Kind.Null; } this(Kind kind, JSON[] jsonArray) in { assert(kind == Kind.Array); } body { kind = Kind.Array; this.jsonArray = jsonArray; } this(Kind kind, JSON[string] jsonObject) in { assert(kind == Kind.Object); } body { kind = Kind.Object; this.jsonObject = jsonObject; } }
Jun 10 2015
On 06/10/2015 05:52 PM, Brian Rogoff wrote:On Tuesday, 9 June 2015 at 23:48:05 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:import std.typecons, std.variant; alias List(T)=Algebraic!(Tuple!(),Tuple!(T,List!T*)); void main(){ List!int l; } The following error message is the reason why the 'This' hack is necessary: tt.d(3): Error: template instance Algebraic!(Tuple!(), Tuple!(int, List!int*)) recursive template expansion tt.d(6): Error: template instance tt.List!int error instantiating The simple solution is to just not have this error. The code can easily be given an unambiguous meaning.'This' is a cute hack, but it doesn't replace a proper template fixpoint operator.Could you explain this a bit more, maybe using some pseudo-D for your proposed template fixpoint operator? Thanks. ...
Jun 10 2015
On Tuesday, 9 June 2015 at 15:28:16 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:Following the use of This in Algebraic (, we can apply the same idea to Tuple, thus allowing one to create self-referential types with ease. Consider: // A singly-linked list is payload + pointer to list alias List(T) = Tuple!(T, This*); // A binary tree is payload + two children alias Tree(T) = Tuple!(T, This*, This*); // or alias Tree(T) = Tuple!(T, "payload", This*, "left", This*, "right"); // A binary tree with payload only in leaves alias Tree2(T) = Algebraic!(T, Tuple!(This*, This*)); Is there interest in this? Other application ideas to motivate the addition? AndreiUseful, not ground breaking. I would not add right now.
Jun 09 2015