digitalmars.D - Proposal:better COM support and DB support?
The idea is compile time convert DotExp to a String. consider: class COMBase { Variant opDotExp(string field) { //do shit with COM } } COMBase mycominst; mycominst.kk(); <-- this would actually result code mycominst.opDotExp("kk()") by the compiler I don't quite like the syntax of mycominst.Call_My_COM_Method("Method_Name", ...) and consider: abstract class FieldClass { Variant k; int opImplicitCastTo(){ throw new Exception("this is not an int field");}; float opImplicitCastTo(){throw new Exception("this is not a float field");}; double opImplicitCastTo(){throw new Exception("this is not a double field");}; string opImplicitCastTo(){throw new Exception("this is not a string field");}; } class MyIntField:FieldClass { int opImplicitCastTo(){ return k.toInt;} this (Variant t){k = t;} } class MyTable { FieldClass opDotExp(string field) // compiler only comes to this when compiler fails to match any DotExp { Variant t; // get field from database and put it to variant t. static if (field == "MyIntField") return new MyIntField(t); else static if (field == "MyFloatField") return new MyFloatField(t); // a similar helper class like MyIntField would be required else static if (field == "MyDoubleField") return new MyDoubleField(t); // a similar helper class like MyIntField would be required else static assert(0); // this operator should end with static assert(0); } } MyTable table; table.MyIntField = 3; // this would result actually a MyIntField object and if programmer implement the opAssign of MyIntField class, then it would be possible for programmer to handle database in a very nice language integrated syntax. Yes, string mixin can handle it very well. But I still like the LINQ syntax. So compile-time DotExp to a string would bring us two things very nice. 1.better COM syntax. 2.LINQ syntax available. -- 使用 Opera 革命性的电子邮件客户程序:
Dec 26 2007
在 Thu, 27 Dec 2007 15:43:44 +0800,davidl <davidl> 写道:The idea is compile time convert DotExp to a String. consider: class COMBase { Variant opDotExp(string field) { //do shit with COM } } COMBase mycominst; mycominst.kk(); <-- this would actually result code mycominst.opDotExp("kk()") by the compiler I don't quite like the syntax of mycominst.Call_My_COM_Method("Method_Name", ...) and consider: abstract class FieldClass { Variant k; int opImplicitCastTo(){ throw new Exception("this is not an int field");}; float opImplicitCastTo(){throw new Exception("this is not a float field");}; double opImplicitCastTo(){throw new Exception("this is not a double field");}; string opImplicitCastTo(){throw new Exception("this is not a string field");}; } class MyIntField:FieldClass { int opImplicitCastTo(){ return k.toInt;} this (Variant t){k = t;} } class MyTable { FieldClass opDotExp(string field) // compiler only comes to this when compiler fails to match any DotExp { Variant t; // get field from database and put it to variant t. static if (field == "MyIntField") return new MyIntField(t); else static if (field == "MyFloatField") return new MyFloatField(t); // a similar helper class like MyIntField would be required else static if (field == "MyDoubleField") return new MyDoubleField(t); // a similar helper class like MyIntField would be required else static assert(0); // this operator should end with static assert(0); } } MyTable table; table.MyIntField = 3; // this would result actually a MyIntField object and if programmer implement the opAssign of MyIntField class, then it would be possible for programmer to handle database in a very nice language integrated syntax. Yes, string mixin can handle it very well. But I still like the LINQ syntax. So compile-time DotExp to a string would bring us two things very nice. 1.better COM syntax. 2.LINQ syntax available.Oh, I'm confused by ADO and LINQ. the LINQ object like field is actually a class binding. and LINQ select blah syntax is evil. I'm not particularly enjoy it. My proposal only do good for not-binded COM object. People can do quick hack in binded syntax. -- 使用 Opera 革命性的电子邮件客户程序:
Dec 26 2007