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digitalmars.D - Object.toString, toHash, opCmp, opEquals

reply Walter Bright <newshound2 digitalmars.com> writes:
The prototypes are:

string toString();
size_t toHash()  trusted nothrow;
int opCmp(Object o);
bool opEquals(Object o);

which long predated `const`. The trouble is, they should be:

string toString() const;
size_t toHash() const  trusted nothrow;
int opCmp(const Object o) const;
bool opEquals(const Object o) const;

Without the `const` annotations, the functions are not usable by `const`
without doing an unsafe cast. This impairs anyone wanting to write
code, and also impedes use of ` live` functions.

I recommend that everyone who has overloads of these functions, alter them to 
have the `const` signatures. This will future-proof them against any changes to 
Object's signatures.
Apr 25
next sibling parent reply Timon Gehr <timon.gehr gmx.ch> writes:
On 4/26/24 01:06, Walter Bright wrote:
 The prototypes are:
 string toString();
 size_t toHash()  trusted nothrow;
 int opCmp(Object o);
 bool opEquals(Object o);
Beautiful. If I could change anything, I would remove ` trusted nothrow` from `toHash`. Or just delete all the functions.
 which long predated `const`. The trouble is, they should be:
 string toString() const;
 size_t toHash() const  trusted nothrow;
 int opCmp(const Object o) const;
 bool opEquals(const Object o) const;
No, please.
 Without the `const` annotations, the functions are not usable by `const` 
 objects without doing an unsafe cast. This impairs anyone wanting to 
 write const-correct code,
"const correctness" does not work in D because const a) provides actual guarantees b) is transitive It is fundamentally incompatible with many common patters of object-oriented and other state abstraction. It is not even compatible with the range API. Uses of `const` are niche. `const` is nice when it does work, but it's not something you can impose on all code, particularly object-oriented code.
 and also impedes use of ` live` functions.
Perfect. I have no intention of using ` live` functions. I do not see their utility. It would be good to reuse the dataflow analysis you implemented for ` live` in some productive way though.
 I recommend that everyone who has overloads of these functions, alter 
 them to have the `const` signatures. This will future-proof them against 
 any changes to Object's signatures.
I will not do that, because if it does not outright break my code (e.g. because Phobos cannot support `const` ranges), it actually limits my options in the future in a way that is entirely unnecessary. This is a non-starter. We need another solution.
Apr 25
parent reply Walter Bright <newshound2 digitalmars.com> writes:
On 4/25/2024 4:36 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:
 Without the `const` annotations, the functions are not usable by `const` 
 objects without doing an unsafe cast. This impairs anyone wanting to write 
 const-correct code,
"const correctness" does not work in D because const a) provides actual guarantees b) is transitive
It's not the C++ notion of const, sure. But the name still applies.
 It is fundamentally incompatible with many common patters of object-oriented
 other state abstraction. It is not even compatible with the range API. Uses of 
 `const` are niche. `const` is nice when it does work, but it's not something
 can impose on all code, particularly object-oriented code.
Why would anyone, for example, try to mutate a range when it is passed to one of these functions?
 and also impedes use of ` live` functions.
Perfect. I have no intention of using ` live` functions. I do not see their utility.
The utility is being able to write borrow-checker style code, so you can avoid things like double frees. As I recall, it was you that pointed out that reference counting can never be safe if two mutable pointers to the same ref counted object (one to the object, the other to its interior) were passed to a function. (Freeing the first can leave the second interior pointer pointing to a deleted object.) The entire ref counting scheme capsized because of this.
 I recommend that everyone who has overloads of these functions, alter them to 
 have the `const` signatures. This will future-proof them against any changes 
 to Object's signatures.
I will not do that, because if it does not outright break my code (e.g. because Phobos cannot support `const` ranges), it actually limits my options in the future in a way that is entirely unnecessary.
Why would anyone need toHash(), toString(), opEquals() or opCmp() to mutate their data? Wouldn't that be quite surprising behavior?
Apr 25
next sibling parent reply Timon Gehr <timon.gehr gmx.ch> writes:
On 4/26/24 02:57, Walter Bright wrote:
 On 4/25/2024 4:36 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:
 Without the `const` annotations, the functions are not usable by 
 `const` objects without doing an unsafe cast. This impairs anyone 
 wanting to write const-correct code,
"const correctness" does not work in D because const a) provides actual guarantees b) is transitive
It's not the C++ notion of const, sure. But the name still applies. ...
Well, we could come up with a better name, one that actually reflects that there are some pitfalls.
 It is fundamentally incompatible with many common patters of 
 object-oriented and other state abstraction. It is not even compatible 
 with the range API. Uses of `const` are niche. `const` is nice when it 
 does work, but it's not something you can impose on all code, 
 particularly object-oriented code.
Why would anyone, for example, try to mutate a range when it is passed to one of these functions? ...
A range is useless unless it is mutable. The range interface is inherently mutable. To iterate a range, you have to call `popFront()` on it. There is no way to have a `const popFront()`.
 and also impedes use of ` live` functions.
Perfect. I have no intention of using ` live` functions. I do not see their utility.
The utility is being able to write borrow-checker style code, so you can avoid things like double frees. ...
` live` does not enable this. Anyway, you are trying to impose nonsensical restrictions on garbage-collected code. I have yet to run into a double-free using GC allocation and I doubt ` live` would help me avoid that if it were a thing.
 As I recall, it was you that pointed out that reference counting can 
 never be safe if two mutable pointers to the same ref counted object 
 (one to the object, the other to its interior) were passed to a 
 function. (Freeing the first can leave the second interior pointer 
 pointing to a deleted object.) The entire ref counting scheme capsized 
 because of this.
I provided the counterexample, but the unsound generalization is yours. (Technically, there would be ways to type check that code without banning mutation outright.)
 I recommend that everyone who has overloads of these functions, alter 
 them to have the `const` signatures. This will future-proof them 
 against any changes to Object's signatures.
I will not do that, because if it does not outright break my code (e.g. because Phobos cannot support `const` ranges), it actually limits my options in the future in a way that is entirely unnecessary.
Why would anyone need toHash(), toString(), opEquals() or opCmp() to mutate their data? Wouldn't that be quite surprising behavior?
As I keep pointing out, there is a difference between mutating abstract data and concrete memory locations. For instance, data types with amortized guarantees usually have to reorganize the internal data representation on each query. (Think e.g. splay trees.) Anyway, let's for the sake of argument assume that I want to write functions that leave memory in exactly the state they encountered it in. Const will _still_ unduly restrict me because it is not fine-grained enough. ```d import std.stdio, std.range, std.conv; struct S{ auto r=iota(1,2); string toString()const{ return text(r); } } void main(){ S s; writeln(s); } ``` Writes: ```d const(Result)(1, 2) ``` Sometimes there is not even a safe workaround to get a mutable version of a range, because of transitive `const`. A range can have indirections in its implementation. This is just one example establishing that `const` is not expressive enough to say _ONLY_ "this will not mutate anything". It also spells: "This code can be a huge pain in the ass at any point in the future for dumb, incidental reasons." I really do not want to deal with this. I'd much rather fork Phobos so it uses non-const alternatives to toHash and toString. If you expect people to prove properties to an incomplete type system via annotations and to accept unnecessary restrictions, they have to get some value out of it. You also would not go: "Starting from tomorrow, you have to prove to me that you brush your teeth every day. I want video evidence." And then, when I refuse, you can't say: "Why would you not brush your teeth?" This is what this is. I caution you to now not miss the forest for the trees and engage in a "tooth-brushing related" argument (e.g., proposing a different range design or something like that). This is an inherent issue. Even if you make the type system more expressive, the annotation overhead is still real, and often uneconomical. I am perfectly fine with having some restricted system like Rust for people who want to do safe manual memory management. This would even be useful to me. But this has to be opt-in, based on data structures, and interoperate as seamlessly as possible with the full language. One thing I absolutely agree on with Robert is that it should always be _possible_ to write simple safe D code without any advanced type system shenanigans. I think any design that strays from that principle is bad. This proposed change absolutely torpedoes that.
Apr 25
parent reply Walter Bright <newshound2 digitalmars.com> writes:
On 4/25/2024 6:32 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:
 A range is useless unless it is mutable. The range interface is inherently 
 mutable. To iterate a range, you have to call `popFront()` on it. There is no 
 way to have a `const popFront()`.
I agree there's no reason to have a const popFront(). But opEquals() is inherently non-mutable. Let's posit a mutating opEquals() and: ``` o.opEquals(o); ``` and the opEquals() mutated which one, or both, or what would happen if it did?
 The utility is being able to write borrow-checker style code, so you can avoid 
 things like double frees.
` live` does not enable this.
``` auto p = q; free(p); free(q); ```
 Anyway, you are trying to impose nonsensical 
 restrictions on garbage-collected code. I have yet to run into a double-free 
 using GC allocation and I doubt ` live` would help me avoid that if it were a 
D doesn't distinguish between gc pointers and non-gc pointers. It has been proposed, but I have very extensive experience with multiple pointer types and it is a cure worse than the disease.
 As I recall, it was you that pointed out that reference counting can never be 
 safe if two mutable pointers to the same ref counted object (one to the 
 object, the other to its interior) were passed to a function. (Freeing the 
 first can leave the second interior pointer pointing to a deleted object.) The 
 entire ref counting scheme capsized because of this.
I provided the counterexample, but the unsound generalization is yours.
All it takes is one counterexample to capsize it.
 (Technically, there would be ways to type check that code without banning 
 mutation outright.)
Neither Andrei nor I nor anyone else working on it could figure out a solution (other than disallowing all pointers to payload). The borrow checker does solve it, though.
 Why would anyone need toHash(), toString(), opEquals() or opCmp() to mutate 
 their data? Wouldn't that be quite surprising behavior?
As I keep pointing out, there is a difference between mutating abstract data and concrete memory locations. For instance, data types with amortized guarantees usually have to reorganize the internal data representation on each query. (Think e.g. splay trees.) Anyway, let's for the sake of argument assume that I want to write functions that leave memory in exactly the state they encountered it in. Const will _still_ unduly restrict me because it is not fine-grained enough. ```d import std.stdio, std.range, std.conv; struct S{     auto r=iota(1,2);     string toString()const{ return text(r); }
I agree that mutates the argument passed to toString(). That would consume the range. Calling toString() again would return an empty string.
 Sometimes there is not even a safe workaround to get a mutable version of a 
 range, because of transitive `const`. A range can have indirections in its 
 This is just one example establishing that `const` is not expressive enough to 
 say _ONLY_ "this will not mutate anything". It also spells: "This code can be
 huge pain in the ass at any point in the future for dumb, incidental reasons."
 I really do not want to deal with this. I'd much rather fork Phobos so it uses 
 non-const alternatives to toHash and toString.
I suppose it wouldn't help if I suggest: ``` writeln(text(r)); ``` I only proposed the const toString() for Object.toString(), not for struct, where indeed you are free to have struct toString() do anything you want. Class and struct are fundamentally different in that class is a universal hierarchy with a common root, and hence we must define what that common root is. Struct, on the other hand, is rootless, and hence the user can define it however he pleases. I agree with you that Object shouldn't have had any members, and Andrei and I did discuss that, but since it had members, we couldn't really take them away. Note that COM classes also have a common root with one member QueryInterface().
 If you expect people to prove properties to an incomplete type system via 
 annotations and to accept unnecessary restrictions, they have to get some
 out of it. You also would not go: "Starting from tomorrow, you have to prove
 me that you brush your teeth every day. I want video evidence." And then, when
 refuse, you can't say: "Why would you not brush your teeth?" This is what this
 I caution you to now not miss the forest for the trees and engage in a 
 "tooth-brushing related" argument (e.g., proposing a different range design or 
 something like that). This is an inherent issue. Even if you make the type 
 system more expressive, the annotation overhead is still real, and often 
 I am perfectly fine with having some restricted system like Rust for people
 want to do safe manual memory management. This would even be useful to me. But 
 this has to be opt-in, based on data structures, and interoperate as
 as possible with the full language.
I think I see your point of view. Mine is a little different. I have considerable experience with C. When I see: ``` int foo(T* p); ``` Is p an array? is foo() going to mutate what it points to? Is foo() going to free() it? How would I know without reading the implementation? (The documentation is always incomplete, wrong, or missing.) Annotations give me confidence that I understand what it does. const/ref/scope here answer my questions, and the compiler backs it up.
 One thing I absolutely agree on with Robert is that it should always be
 _possible_ to write simple  safe D code without any advanced type system
 shenanigans. I think any design that strays from that principle is bad. This
 proposed change absolutely torpedoes that.
I agree with Robert, too. I asked him to prepare a list of his proposals so I can see what can be done. P.S. const class Objects are more or less unusable with the non-const toString, toHash, opCmp and opEquals. P.P.S. all of D's annotations are subtractive. This means you can write code without annotations and it'll work. But safe, probably not. P.P.P.S. I almost never write a multiple free bug these days. But that doesn't translate to "don't need double free protection", as I spent many years making that mistake and tracking them down. I even wrote my own malloc/free debugger to help. Eventually, I simply internalized what not to do. But that isn't a transferable skill. I can't even explain what I do. Anyhow, thanks for the food for thought!
Apr 25
parent reply Timon Gehr <timon.gehr gmx.ch> writes:
On 4/26/24 05:13, Walter Bright wrote:
 On 4/25/2024 6:32 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:
 A range is useless unless it is mutable. The range interface is 
 inherently mutable. To iterate a range, you have to call `popFront()` 
 on it. There is no way to have a `const popFront()`.
I agree there's no reason to have a const popFront(). But opEquals() is inherently non-mutable.
That does not mean it can be D `const`. This is one of the two reasons I mentioned why "const correctness" is such a damaging concept for a D programmer. Here, you are again conflating the logical with the physical semantics. It's a bit like saying "`opEquals` changes the state of the stack, hence obviously it cannot be `const`!", just one abstraction level higher. Ideally, `opEquals` implements an equivalence relation. It is fine if it changes the representatives in the process, as long as it properly encapsulates the internal state such that whenever two values compare equal, the observable semantics of the two representatives is the same.
 Let's posit a mutating opEquals() and:
 and the opEquals() mutated which one, or both, or what would happen if 
 it did?
"If you stop brushing your teeth, you might get cavities! There is hence no reason not to record video evidence!" Anyway, here is a simple contrived example of a mutating `opEquals` that is not a logical problem: ```d struct int31{ private int payload; bool opEquals(int31 rhs){ payload^=1; return (payload>>1)==(rhs.payload>>1); } void opBinary(string op:"+")(int31 rhs){ return ((payload>>1)+(rhs>>1))<<1; } } ``` If you want something that is actually useful, you will have to look into splay trees or something like that. Or e.g., maybe you have a ring buffer or something that compacts itself on iteration. As I said, amortized data structures. It may be incorrect to have a const opEquals. It can introduce a performance regression.
 The utility is being able to write borrow-checker style code, so you 
 can avoid things like double frees.
` live` does not enable this.
``` auto p = q; free(p); free(q); ``` ...
Well, I can just not use `malloc` and `free`. Anyway, to me this is not "borrow-checker style" code. This is C-style ` system` code.
 Anyway, you are trying to impose nonsensical restrictions on 
 garbage-collected code. I have yet to run into a double-free using GC 
 allocation and I doubt ` live` would help me avoid that if it were a 
D doesn't distinguish between gc pointers and non-gc pointers. It has been proposed, but I have very extensive experience with multiple pointer types and it is a cure worse than the disease. ...
I understand that there exist bad solutions to basically any problem. This very thread provides ample evidence of that fact. We have `scope` and non-`scope` pointers and the world has not ended yet.
 As I recall, it was you that pointed out that reference counting can 
 never be safe if two mutable pointers to the same ref counted object 
 (one to the object, the other to its interior) were passed to a 
 function. (Freeing the first can leave the second interior pointer 
 pointing to a deleted object.) The entire ref counting scheme 
 capsized because of this.
I provided the counterexample, but the unsound generalization is yours.
All it takes is one counterexample to capsize it. ...
Sure, I was just objecting to the characterization that I claimed a "Rust-style" mutation-restricting solution is the only possible one.
 (Technically, there would be ways to type check that code without 
 banning mutation outright.)
Neither Andrei nor I nor anyone else working on it could figure out a solution (other than disallowing all pointers to payload).
This is not true, it seems they just did not explain it to you. You could have some sort of more precise type-state system that only disallows operations that may deallocate the payload. This is the kind of thing that Rust initially explored. Anyway, I am not even saying that this is necessarily better, I just don't like technically wrong words being put into my mouth. ;)
 The borrow checker does solve it, though.
It does not, because it does not actually get aliasing under control. It adds checks that are incomplete in some programs, and unnecessary in other programs.
 Why would anyone need toHash(), toString(), opEquals() or opCmp() to 
 mutate their data? Wouldn't that be quite surprising behavior?
As I keep pointing out, there is a difference between mutating abstract data and concrete memory locations. For instance, data types with amortized guarantees usually have to reorganize the internal data representation on each query. (Think e.g. splay trees.) Anyway, let's for the sake of argument assume that I want to write functions that leave memory in exactly the state they encountered it in. Const will _still_ unduly restrict me because it is not fine-grained enough. ```d import std.stdio, std.range, std.conv; struct S{      auto r=iota(1,2);      string toString()const{ return text(r); }
I agree that mutates the argument passed to toString(). That would consume the range. Calling toString() again would return an empty string. ...
No, this is not true. `text` does not accept its argument by `ref`. The range stays intact. This is similar to how in: ``` int[] a = [1,2,3]; writeln(a); ``` The array `a` is not empty after printing.
 Sometimes there is not even a safe workaround to get a mutable version 
 of a range, because of transitive `const`. A range can have 
 indirections in its implementation.
 This is just one example establishing that `const` is not expressive 
 enough to say _ONLY_ "this will not mutate anything". It also spells: 
 "This code can be a huge pain in the ass at any point in the future 
 for dumb, incidental reasons."

 I really do not want to deal with this. I'd much rather fork Phobos so 
 it uses non-const alternatives to toHash and toString.
I suppose it wouldn't help if I suggest: ``` writeln(text(r)); ``` ...
No, it does not. I do not see how this would help.
 I only proposed the const toString() for Object.toString(), not for 
 struct, where indeed you are free to have struct toString() do anything 
 you want.
I happen to be already using classes. Forking Phobos is less effort than moving to structs. Or I could just switch to OpenD I guess.
 Class and struct are fundamentally different in that class is a 
 universal hierarchy with a common root, and hence we must define what 
 that common root is. Struct, on the other hand, is rootless, and hence 
 the user can define it however he pleases.
 I agree with you that Object shouldn't have had any members, and Andrei 
 and I did discuss that, but since it had members, we couldn't really 
 take them away. Note that COM classes also have a common root with one 
 member QueryInterface().
I am amazed that you want to break most D code by imposing attributes on common root functions, but removing functions from the common root is a bridge too far even though the fix is usually simply to remove `override`.
 If you expect people to prove properties to an incomplete type system 
 via annotations and to accept unnecessary restrictions, they have to 
 get some value out of it. You also would not go: "Starting from 
 tomorrow, you have to prove to me that you brush your teeth every day. 
 I want video evidence." And then, when I refuse, you can't say: "Why 
 would you not brush your teeth?" This is what this is.

 I caution you to now not miss the forest for the trees and engage in a 
 "tooth-brushing related" argument (e.g., proposing a different range 
 design or something like that). This is an inherent issue. Even if you 
 make the type system more expressive, the annotation overhead is still 
 real, and often uneconomical.

 I am perfectly fine with having some restricted system like Rust for 
 people who want to do safe manual memory management. This would even 
 be useful to me. But this has to be opt-in, based on data structures, 
 and interoperate as seamlessly as possible with the full language.
I think I see your point of view. Mine is a little different.
My point of view is D-focused, yours often enough seems to be C-focused. There is only so much insights about D's design that can be extracted from issues with C's design. Actual experience with D is increasingly important. You will notice that all of the experience you mention in this thread is with systems that do not work well. I have considerable experience with D, and the only memory-management related issue that I care about is use after free. Yet ` live` does not solve this problem for me. (I am aware that you can write a snippet of code that is rejected by live for use after free. Personally I care about code that is accepted and hence is guaranteed not to have use after free.)
 I have considerable experience with C. When I see:
 int foo(T* p);
 Is p an array? is foo() going to mutate what it points to? Is foo() 
 going to free() it?
I agree with this point of view, this is not what I am objecting to. This is a "tooth-brushing related" argument. Anyway, this is the C point of view. OTOH, in safe D, `p` cannot be `free`d. It may e.g. be a GC pointer. If you want to allow an ` safe foo` to free its argument, you will have to encode in the type of that argument that it is a malloc'd pointer. There is just no way around that unless you say "in this language, every non-scope pointer comes from malloc". That would be a bad outcome. The best way to do such an encoding is to have a struct wrapper around the pointer, have proper move semantics and a borrow checker that works well, and soundly, with data abstraction. In this case, the borrow checker actually makes a difference in ` safe` code. Otherwise it does not.
 How would I know without reading the implementation? 
 (The documentation is always incomplete, wrong, or missing.) Annotations 
 give me confidence that I understand what it does. const/ref/scope here 
 answer my questions, and the compiler backs it up.
Your considerable experience with C contradicts your extensive experience with "multiple pointer types" and D's actual, existing DIP1000 and `const` design. I implore you to refine your position, otherwise it is simply internally inconsistent and hence allows you to dismiss any argument. This is very frustrating for an interlocutor. Anyway, I agree that `const` and `scope` can be very useful in cases where they work. They are just not a panacea.
  > One thing I absolutely agree on with Robert is that it should always be
  > _possible_ to write simple  safe D code without any advanced type system
  > shenanigans. I think any design that strays from that principle is 
 bad. This
  > proposed change absolutely torpedoes that.
 I agree with Robert, too. I asked him to prepare a list of his proposals 
 so I can see what can be done.
One concrete thing that can be done is to change course here. If you want to do a breaking change, do one that causes less pain and does not make D code more complicated by default.
 P.S. const class Objects are more or less unusable with the non-const 
 toString, toHash, opCmp and opEquals.
`const` class Objects are more or less unusable full stop. You can't even have a tail-const class reference. Yet `const` class Objects are exactly what this proposal is trying to impose on unsuspecting D programmers. It just does not work.
 P.P.S. all of D's annotations are subtractive. This means you can write 
 code without annotations and it'll work.
That's great, but it will sometimes not interoperate with code that has annotations, as in this case. Hence if you start imposing annotations on code, you lose this property. This would be a significant loss for the approachability of D, particularly as a first language. Furthermore, it is also a slap in the face to experienced D developers that have come to understand the limitations and proper applications of D's annotations.
 But safe, probably not.
I do not understand. Do you agree with Robert or not? A big strength of D is that you can start out prototyping stuff with the GC without unnecessary annotation overhead and then often it will be good enough. If it is not, you can then explore different memory management options, surgically for the parts of the program state where that actually makes a difference. Only at this point is it then okay to expect people to annotate things if they want checked safety.
 P.P.P.S. I almost never write a multiple free bug these days. But that 
 doesn't translate to "don't need double free protection", as I spent 
 many years making that mistake and tracking them down. I even wrote my 
 own malloc/free debugger to help. Eventually, I simply internalized what 
 not to do. But that isn't a transferable skill. I can't even explain 
 what I do.
As I said many times, if you want ` live` to be a linter to avoid manual memory management bugs in ` system/ trusted` functions that avoid proper data abstraction with constructors and destructors, that is fine. But you cannot hold this position and at the same time turn around and claim it does anything for ` safe` reference counting. It just does not. A more careful approach is needed.
 Anyhow, thanks for the food for thought!
My pleasure! Here is some more: Why did you not propose to add `pure` to the signatures? How about ` nogc`? `nothrow`? ` safe`? Why is `toHash` ` trusted nothrow`, but not other functions?
Apr 26
next sibling parent reply Timon Gehr <timon.gehr gmx.ch> writes:
On 4/26/24 15:27, Timon Gehr wrote:
 The borrow checker does solve it, though.
It does not, because it does not actually get aliasing under control. It adds checks that are incomplete
(And also insufficient.)
 in some programs, and unnecessary in other programs.
(I assumed you were talking about the ` live` borrow checker.)
Apr 26
parent "Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole" <richard cattermole.co.nz> writes:
On 27/04/2024 1:33 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:
 On 4/26/24 15:27, Timon Gehr wrote:
         The borrow checker does solve it, though. ...
     It does not, because it does not actually get aliasing under
     control. It adds checks that are incomplete
 (And also insufficient.)
Yes, this is something I've been trying to explain (highly unsuccessfully I might add) from pretty much day 1 of live. For a borrow checker to actually be useful, it must start from the point of allocation and track all the way to deallocation. But in my view there are two behaviors here: - Ownership transfer - Owner/borrow relationship The owner/borrow relationship is the thing Walter has just given me green light on to do a DIP for that I've been wanting for years. That relies on DIP1000 to detect relationships via the use of ``return`` (talked with Dennis, confirmed that this is what is *meant* to be happening). The ownership transfer however is what I want to see solved with isolated. This solves aliasing since which sub graph of memory is in each variable at the point of a transfer.
Apr 26
prev sibling parent Timon Gehr <timon.gehr gmx.ch> writes:
On 4/26/24 15:27, Timon Gehr wrote:
 Ideally, `opEquals` implements an equivalence relation. It is fine if it
changes the representatives in the process, as long as it properly encapsulates
the internal state such that whenever two values compare equal, the observable
semantics of the two representatives is the same.
 If you want something that is actually useful, you will have to look 
 into splay trees or something like that. Or e.g., maybe you have a ring 
 buffer or something that compacts itself on iteration. As I said, 
 amortized data structures. It may be incorrect to have a const opEquals. 
 It can introduce a performance regression.
Jonathan's examples with concurrency are also a very good practical illustration of this.
Apr 26
prev sibling next sibling parent reply "Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole" <richard cattermole.co.nz> writes:
On 26/04/2024 12:57 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
 As I recall, it was you that pointed out that reference counting can 
 never be safe if two mutable pointers to the same ref counted object 
 (one to the object, the other to its interior) were passed to a 
 function. (Freeing the first can leave the second interior pointer 
 pointing to a deleted object.) The entire ref counting scheme capsized 
 because of this.
This is the first time I have heard of this being a concern of yours. Stuff like this is always solvable if we acknowledge (in other words write them all down) what the requirements are!
Apr 25
parent reply Walter Bright <newshound2 digitalmars.com> writes:
On 4/25/2024 6:39 PM, Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole wrote:
 This is the first time I have heard of this being a concern of yours.
It was a working group.
 Stuff like this is always solvable if we acknowledge (in other words write
 all down) what the requirements are!
We had a requirement for memory safety. Without it, RC was more of a step sideways than forwards.
Apr 25
parent reply "Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole" <richard cattermole.co.nz> writes:
On 26/04/2024 3:15 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
     Stuff like this is always solvable if we acknowledge (in other words
     write them all down) what the requirements are!
 We had a requirement for memory safety. Without it, RC was more of a 
 step sideways than forwards.
I have had a solution to this since before live that I was screaming about in the guise of DIP1000's last big hole. Xor mutable references with borrows. Protects against assigns, function parameter passing, doesn't need any extra syntax... I am highly annoyed by this. THIS WAS SOLVABLE WITH SOMETHING I HAVE BEEN SCREAMING ABOUT FOR ALMOST THIS EXACT THING. If this is literally the *only* thing blocking RC, I can do the DIP for it.
Apr 25
parent reply Walter Bright <newshound2 digitalmars.com> writes:
On 4/25/2024 8:21 PM, Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole wrote:
 If this is literally the *only* thing blocking RC, I can do the DIP for it.
The other problem with RC is the exception handler for every decrement. If there's a DIP in it, please do so!
Apr 25
parent reply "Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole" <richard cattermole.co.nz> writes:
On 26/04/2024 6:02 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
 On 4/25/2024 8:21 PM, Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole wrote:
 If this is literally the *only* thing blocking RC, I can do the DIP 
 for it.
The other problem with RC is the exception handler for every decrement. If there's a DIP in it, please do so!
With struct destructors the unwinding table should already be in use. So it is a cost we are already paying, that shouldn't be something to worry about as it is not a new cost. On that note, unwinding tables need to be turned on for -betterC in dmd. Turning them off can only cause program corruption when calling non -betterC code including C/C++. https://github.com/dlang/dmd/pull/16177 But yes, I'll start working on a DIP! Although I need to talk with Dennis. DIP1000 isn't doing what I would expect it to do for slices: ```d import std; void main() safe { Context context; char[] str = context.acquire(); char[] var = test(str); writeln(var); // Should be erroring with: scope variable `var` assigned to non-scope parameter `__param_0` calling `writeln` } struct Context { char[] acquire() scope return trusted { return "Abc".dup; } } char[] test(return char[] input) safe { return input; } ``` It does for ``void*``.
Apr 25
parent Walter Bright <newshound2 digitalmars.com> writes:
On 4/25/2024 11:10 PM, Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole wrote:
 With struct destructors the unwinding table should already be in use.
 So it is a cost we are already paying, that shouldn't be something to worry 
 about as it is not a new cost.
Structs are passed around by ref all the time to avoid this cost. With RC, that goes out the window.
 DIP1000 isn't doing what I would expect it 
 to do for slices:
Please file bug reports, and tag DIP1000 bugs with the "safe" keyword. Also, this is drifting off topic. If you want to continue, please start a new thread.
Apr 26
prev sibling parent reply Jonathan M Davis <newsgroup.d jmdavisprog.com> writes:
On Thursday, April 25, 2024 6:57:49 PM MDT Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d 
 On 4/25/2024 4:36 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:
 Without the `const` annotations, the functions are not usable by `const`
 objects without doing an unsafe cast. This impairs anyone wanting to
 const-correct code,
"const correctness" does not work in D because const a) provides actual guarantees b) is transitive
It's not the C++ notion of const, sure. But the name still applies.
The name applies, but because D's const is transisitive and can't be backdoored, it poses a serious problem for certain categories of types to require it. As such, while in C++, it's normal to slap const on stuff all over the place, because the type is logically const, and any type that needs to mutate any portion of its state which is not part of that logical constness (e.g. a mutex) is perfectly free to do so via using the mutable keyword or casting away const. In contrast, it violates the type system for any D code to work around const like that, so it becomes problematic to use const all over the place like you would in C++, and making code "const correct" like you would in C++ is typically bad practice in D. It's great to use D's const where you can, but it's simply too restrictive to require it in the general case.
 It is fundamentally incompatible with many common patters of
 object-oriented and other state abstraction. It is not even compatible
 with the range API. Uses of `const` are niche. `const` is nice when it
 does work, but it's not something you can impose on all code,
 particularly object-oriented code.
Why would anyone, for example, try to mutate a range when it is passed to one of these functions?
If you can't mutate a range, you can't iterate through it. Your proposed DIP to be able to have a form of tail-const for ranges will help with that, but the fact still stands that some types will not work with const, because they need to mutate some portion of their state in order to function, even with functions that need to be logically const. If D's const were like C++'s const, this wouldn't be a problem, but the strong guarantees that D's const is supposed to provide make it completely incompatible with some code. As such, we really can't require it anywhere without causing problems. If you want to be able to require it, it needs to have backdoors; otherwise, a number of common coding idioms become impossible to use. So, either we have backdoors that allow mutating const, and we can require const in places that need to be logically const, or we have const be strict about mutation and can't require that it be used. As things stand with D's const, that means that we can't require that it be used.
 I recommend that everyone who has overloads of these functions, alter
 them to have the `const` signatures. This will future-proof them against
 any changes to Object's signatures.
I will not do that, because if it does not outright break my code (e.g. because Phobos cannot support `const` ranges), it actually limits my options in the future in a way that is entirely unnecessary.
Why would anyone need toHash(), toString(), opEquals() or opCmp() to mutate their data? Wouldn't that be quite surprising behavior?
It would be surprising if the logical state of the type changed, but it wouldn't be at all surprising if some portion of the type which was not part of its logical state changed. A very simple case of this would be if the type contains a member variable which is shared and a mutex to protect access to that data (be it a mutex which is also a member variable or which is a member of the shared member variable). Any of those four functions would then need to lock that mutex in order to read the data so that they can do stuff like hash it or compare it. So, while the logical state wouldn't change, the object itself would be mutated in the process. Similarly, if a type lazily initializes some portion of its state, and that initialization hasn't happened yet before one of those functions is called, then it's going to have to do that initialization as part of the call, which means mutating the object's state. Its logical state doesn't change, so for C++, this kind of thing would be a complete non-issue, but for D, because const doesn't allow any kind of mutation, such a type cannot have const functions. And those are just two examples of cases where an object needs to be able to mutate some portion of its state in functions like opEquals, meaning that if we put const on opEquals, either such classes can no longer be written in D, or they're going to cast away const and mutate even if that does technically violate the type system's guarantees. If you're just dealing with ints and pointers and arrays and the like, and you aren't dealing with user-defined types at all, then const generally doesn't cause many problems. But as soon as you're dealing with user-defined types, you start running into issues with const depending on what your code needs to do, and the more complex the code, the more likely it is that issues with const are going to pop up. The same goes with pretty much all of the attributes. They add restrictions which work in some cases but don't in many others. So, for instance, it's usually bad practice to put const on the parameters for templated functions, since that means that whole categories of types won't work with that code, whereas if you don't use const, the caller can pass a const type, and it'll work just fine in that case so long as the type in question was designed to work with const. But the types that don't work with const will also work with that code, because the template doesn't have its parameter marked as const, and so the generated code won't use const. We have the same problem with member functions on classes, but since they're virtual, we can't templatize that code. However, we can templatize the code that uses those classes, making the use of Object completely unnecessary, and then each class can define functions like opEquals with whatever set of attributes makes sense for that class' hierarchy. Derived classes within that hierarchy will then be stuck with the decisions made for the base class, but programmers can choose what makes the most sense for that particular class hierarchy, whereas we cannot possibly make that decision for all classes and not screw over developers in the process, because it's not one size fits all. In general, we need to be trying to support the various attributes (including const) with druntime and Phobos, but we should not be requiring them, because they are all too restrictive for that to make sense. And that includes const. - Jonathan M Davis
Apr 25
parent reply Walter Bright <newshound2 digitalmars.com> writes:
Perhaps I can help things work for you and Timon:

import std.stdio;

class A
     string xxx(const Object) const { return "A"; }

class B : A
     alias xxx = A.xxx;
     string xxx(Object) { return "B"; }

void main()
     const A a = new A();
     B b = new B();
     const B c = new B();
I'm calling this xxx instead of toString, just so I can show all the code. 
Compiling it and running it prints:


In other words, you can have a toString() that is mutable and it will work fine 
with writeln(), because writeln(x) does not look for Object.toString(), it
for x.toString().

Does this work for you?
Apr 25
next sibling parent reply Jonathan M Davis <newsgroup.d jmdavisprog.com> writes:
On Friday, April 26, 2024 12:44:03 AM MDT Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d 
 Perhaps I can help things work for you and Timon:

 import std.stdio;

 class A
      string xxx(const Object) const { return "A"; }

 class B : A
      alias xxx = A.xxx;
      string xxx(Object) { return "B"; }

 void main()
      const A a = new A();
      B b = new B();
      const B c = new B();
 I'm calling this xxx instead of toString, just so I can show all the code.
 Compiling it and running it prints:


 In other words, you can have a toString() that is mutable and it will work
 fine with writeln(), because writeln(x) does not look for
 Object.toString(), it looks for x.toString().

 Does this work for you?
The ideal situation here is that none of these functions are on Object at all. They really aren't useful there, because it's not particularly useful or necessary to operate on Object. Some of the druntime code does, because it hasn't been templated yet, but once it has been, it won't need to operate on Object at all. At that point, we won't need to have any of these functions on Object, and Editions should give us the ability to remove them. And then, yes, classes can define those functions as they see fit without having to worry about an implementation on Object, because the code that's using them will be templated. To an extent, that can be done now. However, you then have a problem if the Object version ever gets called, and the derived version does not override the Object version, because then the wrong version gets called. And if we add something like const to these functions, and Object gets used at all, then either the wrong overload will be called, or the derived class will need to be casting away const to have the correct version called (or druntime will be casting away const like it unfortunately does with opEquals right now if you compare two const Objects, and when that happens, it can easily violate the type system's guarantees with const). Adding const to any of these functions on Object is just putting the code in a position where either we're at risk of the wrong overload being called, or const is going to end up being cast away if the Object overload ever gets used. And it really doesn't buy us much, since code that wants to have them work with const can overload them on const right now and have the non-const overload call the const one. Object can't be compared as const, but that's not generally necessary anyway, since normal code is going to use reference which are typed as the actual classes, not Object. For the most part, the only code that's going to have that issue is the druntime code that we need to turn into templates anyway but currently uses Object because of how old it is. And once that's done, then there's no need to have the Object versions of these functions at all. So, I don't think that it makes any sense whatsoever to add const to the functions on Object. Rather, we need to be getting the druntime code to the point that it will work to remove them from Object. And that will fix far more than the issue of const working with these functions, because then it will allow user code to define these functions with whatever set of attributes make sense for that code, thereby fixing the problem for attributes in general. Also, I would point out that if your motivation for trying to put const on these functions is related to DIP 1021, then that's going to cause a whole other set of problems anyway, because if I understand correctly, DIP 1021 is trying to disallow stuff like foo(bar, bar); where bar is not taken as const via at least one of those parameters. And yet it's extremely common that neither parameter can be marked as const, because the code is either written to work with a type that does not work with const, or it's templated and therefore needs to not assume that the type it's given works with const (and will often not be instantiated with const types). The free function, opEquals, is precisely such a case, becase it's not only designed to work with classes whether their opEquals is const or not (so long as they're not compared as Object), but it's specifically designed to be able to compare the same class object against itself (whether it's literally the same reference or two references which happen to point to the same object). So, the free function, opEquals, needs to be able to accept the same object for both arguments without using const at all. Stuff like auto eq = cls == cls; or auto cls2 = cls; auto eq = cls == cls2; need to compile (especially the second one), and that needs to work without requiring const, because not all classes can use const. And if DIP 1021 is trying to force code to use const, that's going to be non-starter for a lot of code because of how restrictive D's const is. How common it is for the same reference to be passed multiple times, I don't know (certainly, it's going to be far more common with opEquals or opCmp than with most functions), so the issue may be fairly restricted in practice, but with pretty much any part of D, it's going to be a problem any time that the language tries to require that stuff be const, because const is simply too restrictive to work with code in general. It would be like requiring that a feature be pure or nogc. It will work in many cases, but it also won't work in many cases, so requiring it makes it so that code that really should work won't. Of course, const will work with some types just fine (especially primitive types), but there are lots of cases in D code where const is avoided completely, because it's too restrictive for that code to use. And templated code typically avoids explicitly using it at all on its parameters, because if the parameters were explicitly marked as const, the code wouldn't work with any types that don't work as const, whereas if you don't mark them as const and then pass a const object, then the template is instantiated with const and works just fine so long as the type itself works as const. So, for most templated code, explicitly using const is not only completely unnecessary, but it's bad practice. So, I find it to be extremely concerning if we're trying to force const anywhere. We need to support it where we can, but requiring it is going to cause problems with any types that can't use it - or which can't use it for the particular operations that are involved with the code trying to require it. So, if a new language feature is trying to require const, we really need to revisit that feature. - Jonathan M Davis
Apr 26
next sibling parent reply Walter Bright <newshound2 digitalmars.com> writes:
D1 is an example of a language with no attributes and no const. D1 works as a 
good programming language.

But it gives the programmer no indication of whether the arguments get mutated 
or not. He'll have to read and understand the called function, as well as the 
functions it calls.

It is reasonable to use const parameters when the argument is not going to be 
mutated. I personally prefer to use that as much as possible, and I like very 
much that the compiler will enforce it. With the mutating 4 functions, I cannot 
use const class objects.

Mutating toString, toHash, opCmp, and opEquals is unusual behavior, which is
const should be the default for them. After all, who expects a==b to change a
or b?

I showed how to use the toString, toHash, opCmp, and opEquals functions with 
objects that do want to use mutating implementations of those functions. It
also be clear to the user which toString is mutating and which is not. It 
satisfies the use cases Timon mentioned - he'll still be able to use a mutating 
toString that will be used by writeln().
Apr 26
next sibling parent reply Dennis <dkorpel gmail.com> writes:
On Friday, 26 April 2024 at 20:17:09 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
 Mutating toString, toHash, opCmp, and opEquals is unusual 
 behavior, which is why const should be the default for them. 
 After all, who expects a==b to change a or b?
Timon has mentioned data structures with amortized time complexity several times now, but perhaps an example closer to home helps: https://github.com/dlang/dmd/blob/9ffa763540e16228138b44c3731d9edc2a7728b6/compiler/src/dmd/dsymbol.d#L668 In this case, `toString` (or `toPrettyChars`, same idea) is *logically* const because it doesn't mutate the Dsymbol meaningfully, but it can't be D's *memory* const because it does change a class field to store a cached result.
Apr 26
parent Walter Bright <newshound2 digitalmars.com> writes:
On 4/26/2024 2:38 PM, Dennis wrote:
 Timon has mentioned data structures with amortized time complexity several
 now, but perhaps an example closer to home helps:
 In this case, `toString` (or `toPrettyChars`, same idea) is *logically* const 
 because it doesn't mutate the Dsymbol meaningfully, but it can't be D's
 const because it does change a class field to store a cached result.
I'm aware of that, and have investigated it several times looking for what can be made const. The compiler does a lot of lazy evaluation. The simplest way to deal with that is to get the logical const value at the call site, then pass it to a const parameter.
Apr 26
prev sibling parent reply Jonathan M Davis <newsgroup.d jmdavisprog.com> writes:
On Friday, April 26, 2024 2:17:09 PM MDT Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d 
 D1 is an example of a language with no attributes and no const. D1 works as
 a good programming language.

 But it gives the programmer no indication of whether the arguments get
 mutated or not. He'll have to read and understand the called function, as
 well as the functions it calls.

 It is reasonable to use const parameters when the argument is not going to
 be mutated. I personally prefer to use that as much as possible, and I like
 very much that the compiler will enforce it. With the mutating 4 functions,
 I cannot use const class objects.
You can do that today. E.G. This code compiles and runs just fine. ``` void main() { static class C { int i; this(int i) { this.i = i; } override bool opEquals(Object rhs) { if(auto r = cast(C)rhs) return opEquals(r); return false; } bool opEquals(const C rhs) const { return this.i == rhs.i; } override int opCmp(Object rhs) { if(auto r = cast(C)rhs) return opCmp(r); throw new Exception("Cannot compare C with types that aren't C"); } int opCmp(const C rhs) const { if(this.i < rhs.i) return -1; if(this.i > rhs.i) return 1; return true; } override string toString() const { import std.format : format; return format!"C(%s)"(i); } override size_t toHash() const safe nothrow { return i; } } const c1 = new C(42); const c2 = new C(99); assert(c1 == c1); assert(c1 != c2); assert(c1 <= c1); assert(c1 < c2); assert(c1.toHash() == 42); import std.format : format; assert(format!"c1: %s"(c1) == "c1: C(42)"); } ``` All four functions worked with const references. What does not work is if you use const Object references. assert(c1 == c2); gets lowered to the free function, opEquals: assert(opEquals(c1, c2)); and because that function is templated, the derived class overloads get used. This is what happens in almost all D code using classes. The exception is code that uses Object directly, and pretty much no code should doing that. Java passes Object all over the place and stores it in data structures such as containers, because Java doesn't have templates. For them, generic code has to operate on Object, because they don't have any other way to do it. In sharp contrast, we have templates. So, generic code has no need to operate on Object, and as such, it has no need to call opEquals, opCmp, toHash, or toString on Object. As it is, Object's opCmp throws, because there are plenty of classes where opCmp doesn't even make sense, and there really isn't a way to give Object an implementation that makes sense. Generic code in D is templated, and as such, we can do stuff like we've done with the free funtion, opEquals, and make it so the code that needs to operate on classes generically operates on the exact type that it's given instead of degrading to Object. And as such, we don't need any of these functions to be on Object. It's already the case that code like format and writeln operate on the actual class type that they're given and not Object. You already saw that when you talked about using alternate overloads for toString. D code in general does not operate on Object. AFAIK, the main place that anything in D operates on Object at present is in old druntime code that has yet to be templated. And if that code is templated, the need to have these functions on Object goes away entirely. Then the entire debate of which attributes these functions should have goes away. Classes can define them in whatever way the programmer sees fit so long as the parameters and return types match what's necessary for them to be called by the code that uses these functions - just like happens with structs. The only difference is that the derived classes within a particular class hierarchy will have to be built on top of whatever signatures those functions were given on the first class in the hierarchy that had them, whereas structs don't have to worry about inheritance. But those signatures can then be whatever is appropriate for that particular class hierarchy instead of trying to come up with a set of attributes that make sense for all classes (which isn't possible). And given that Object really doesn't need to have any of these functions, we likely would have removed them years ago if it weren't for the fact that something like that would break code (in large part due to the override keyword; a lot of the code would have worked just fine with those functions being removed from Object if the derived classes didn't have to have override, which will then become an error when the base class version of the funtion is removed). Andrei also proposed ProtoObject as a way to change the class hierarchy so that we could remove these functions (as well as the monitor) from classes without breaking code built on top of Object. So, we've known for years that we could fix this problem if we could just remove these functions from Object. Editions gives us a way to make breaking changes in a mangeable manner. This should give us the opportunity to remove these four functions from Object like we've discussed for years and couldn't do because it would break code. And if we decide to not do that, putting const on these four functions would actually make the situation worse. Yes, you could then call those four functions on const Objects, but it would mean that every single class will be forced to have these functions even if they cannot actually implement them properly with const. And what do such types do at that point? Do they throw an exception? ``` static class C { Mutex mutex; shared int* ptr; this() { this.ptr = new shared int; } override bool opEquals(const Object rhs) const { throw new Exception("C does not support const") } bool opEquals(C rhs) { mutex.lock(); immutable left = cast()*this.ptr; mutex.unlock(); rhs.mutex.lock(); immutable right = cast()*rhs.ptr; rhs.mutex.unlock(); return left == right; } } ``` Do they cast away const and mutate? ``` static class C { Mutex mutex; shared int* ptr; this(int i) { this.ptr = new shared int; } override bool opEquals(const Object rhs) const { if(auto r = cast(C)rhs) return (cast()this).opEquals(r); return false; } bool opEquals(C rhs) { mutex.lock(); immutable left = cast()*this.ptr; mutex.unlock(); rhs.mutex.lock(); immutable right = cast()*rhs.ptr; rhs.mutex.unlock(); return left == right; } } ``` Do they just have different behavior in the Object overload? ``` static class C { Mutex mutex; shared int* ptr; this(int i) { this.ptr = new shared int; } override bool opEquals(const Object rhs) const { return this is rhs; } bool opEquals(C rhs) { mutex.lock(); immutable left = cast()*this.ptr; mutex.unlock(); rhs.mutex.lock(); immutable right = cast()*rhs.ptr; rhs.mutex.unlock(); return left == right; } } ``` You'd have a type which could technically be used as a const Object but which would not do the correct thing if it ever is. In contrast, right now, while you can't call any of these functions with a const Object, you _can_ call them on a const reference of the derived type if the derived type has const on them. So, the code right now will do the correct thing, and it will work with const in any normal situation, whereas if we put const on these functions, such classes will have overloads that will not - and cannot - do the correct thing. And while those Object overloads would not normally be used, if they ever are, you have a bug - one which could be pretty annoying to track down, depending on what the const overload does. I completely agree with you that _most_ classes should have const on these functions so that they can work with const references, but not all classes will work with const, and I don't see why there is any need to make these functions work with const Objects - const class references, yes, but not const Objects. Normal D code does not use Object directly, and we should be able to templatize what little druntime code there is left which operates on Object and needs to use one or more of these functions. Once that's done, we can use an Edition to remove these functions from Object, and this entire issue goes up in smoke. Instead, what you're proposing also causes breakage, but it puts perfectly legitimate use cases in a situation where they have to implement functions which they literally cannot implement properly. And it's for a use case that normal D code shouldn't even be doing - that is operating on Object instead of whatever derived types the code base in question is actually using. D is not Java. It may have made sense to put these functions on Object with D1, but with D2, we have a powerful template system which generally obviates the need to operate on Object. We shouldn't need to have these functions on Object, and Editions should give us what we need to remove them in a manageable way. - Jonathan M Davis
Apr 26
parent Quirin Schroll <qs.il.paperinik gmail.com> writes:
On Friday, 26 April 2024 at 22:55:32 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
 And given that `Object` really doesn't need to have any of 
 these functions, we likely would have removed them years ago if 
 it weren't for the fact that something like that would break 
 code (in large part due to the `override` keyword; a lot of the 
 code would have worked just fine with those functions being 
 removed from `Object` if the derived classes didn't have to 
 have `override`, which will then become an error when the base 
 class version of the function is removed). Andrei also proposed 
 `ProtoObject` as a way to change the class hierarchy so that we 
 could remove these functions (as well as the monitor) from 
 classes without breaking code built on top of `Object`. So, 
 we've known for years that we could fix this problem if we 
 could just remove these functions from `Object`.
If it’s for the `override` keyword alone, the compiler could recognize that a class overrides a formerly present `Object` method and issue a deprecation instead of an error while pretending these particular uses `override`.
Jun 06
prev sibling parent reply Paul Backus <snarwin gmail.com> writes:
On Friday, 26 April 2024 at 08:43:46 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
 The ideal situation here is that none of these functions are on 
 Object at all. They really aren't useful there, because it's 
 not particularly useful or necessary to operate on Object. Some 
 of the druntime code does, because it hasn't been templated 
 yet, but once it has been, it won't need to operate on Object 
 at all. At that point, we won't need to have any of these 
 functions on Object, and Editions should give us the ability to 
 remove them.
+1, this is the correct solution. We've already had success templating the druntime opEquals lowering for classes [1]. We can and should do the same thing for the other Object methods. [1] https://github.com/dlang/druntime/pull/3665
Apr 27
parent reply Atila Neves <atila.neves gmail.com> writes:
On Saturday, 27 April 2024 at 16:35:41 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
 On Friday, 26 April 2024 at 08:43:46 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
 The ideal situation here is that none of these functions are 
 on Object at all. They really aren't useful there, because 
 it's not particularly useful or necessary to operate on 
 Object. Some of the druntime code does, because it hasn't been 
 templated yet, but once it has been, it won't need to operate 
 on Object at all. At that point, we won't need to have any of 
 these functions on Object, and Editions should give us the 
 ability to remove them.
+1, this is the correct solution. We've already had success templating the druntime opEquals lowering for classes [1]. We can and should do the same thing for the other Object methods. [1] https://github.com/dlang/druntime/pull/3665
I talked to Walter and we agreed that the best way forward is probably to deprecate these member functions and remove them in the next edition.
May 08
next sibling parent Jonathan M Davis <newsgroup.d jmdavisprog.com> writes:
On Wednesday, May 8, 2024 7:20:20 PM MDT Atila Neves via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 On Saturday, 27 April 2024 at 16:35:41 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
 On Friday, 26 April 2024 at 08:43:46 UTC, Jonathan M Davis

 The ideal situation here is that none of these functions are
 on Object at all. They really aren't useful there, because
 it's not particularly useful or necessary to operate on
 Object. Some of the druntime code does, because it hasn't been
 templated yet, but once it has been, it won't need to operate
 on Object at all. At that point, we won't need to have any of
 these functions on Object, and Editions should give us the
 ability to remove them.
+1, this is the correct solution. We've already had success templating the druntime opEquals lowering for classes [1]. We can and should do the same thing for the other Object methods. [1] https://github.com/dlang/druntime/pull/3665
I talked to Walter and we agreed that the best way forward is probably to deprecate these member functions and remove them in the next edition.
Yay! - Jonathan M Davis
May 09
prev sibling next sibling parent "H. S. Teoh" <hsteoh qfbox.info> writes:
On Thu, May 09, 2024 at 01:53:55AM -0600, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d
 On Wednesday, May 8, 2024 7:20:20 PM MDT Atila Neves via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 I talked to Walter and we agreed that the best way forward is
 probably to deprecate these member functions and remove them in the
 next edition.
[...] Finally!! Should've done this years ago. T -- Curiosity kills the cat. Moral: don't be the cat.
May 09
prev sibling parent reply An Pham <home home.com> writes:
 I talked to Walter and we agreed that the best way forward is 
 probably to deprecate these member functions and remove them in 
 the next edition.
What are the problems when getting rid all of them? Currently, below codes are compiled with correct result, why not emulated without those functions? struct F { string s; int i; } void main() { import std.conv : to; F f1 = {s:"1", i:1}; F f2 = {s:"2", i:2}; const c = int.min; // f2 > f1; onlineapp.d(13): Error: need member function `opCmp()` for struct `F` to compare const e = f2 == f1; const s = f2.to!string; const h = hashOf(f2); // f2.toHash(); onlineapp.d(16): Error: no property `toHash` for `f2` of type `onlineapp.F` import std.algorithm, std.stdio, std.file, std.range; writeln("c=", c, ", e=", e, ", s=", s, ", h=", h); }
Jun 06
parent Atila Neves <atila.neves gmail.com> writes:
On Thursday, 6 June 2024 at 20:03:09 UTC, An Pham wrote:
 I talked to Walter and we agreed that the best way forward is 
 probably to deprecate these member functions and remove them 
 in the next edition.
What are the problems when getting rid all of them?
Code breakage.
Jun 06
prev sibling parent reply Timon Gehr <timon.gehr gmx.ch> writes:
On 4/26/24 08:44, Walter Bright wrote:
 Perhaps I can help things work for you and Timon:
 import std.stdio;
 class A
      string xxx(const Object) const { return "A"; }
 class B : A
      alias xxx = A.xxx;
      string xxx(Object) { return "B"; }
 void main()
      const A a = new A();
      B b = new B();
      const B c = new B();
 I'm calling this xxx instead of toString, just so I can show all the 
 code. Compiling it and running it prints:
 In other words, you can have a toString() that is mutable and it will 
 work fine with writeln(), because writeln(x) does not look for 
 Object.toString(), it looks for x.toString().
 Does this work for you?
It clutters the user code with aliases. Might be preferable to forking Phobos though. Also, it can give wrong results at runtime. For example, if a templated library type uses DbI to check whether it should make `toString` `const` by checking whether there is a `const toString` on the argument type, it will find `Object.toString`. Then those types will not properly compose with my `toString`. This is not a theoretical problem either. This kind of introspection would be the proper fix for the following issue with std.typecons.Tuple.toString: ```d import std.stdio, std.typecons; class C{ override string toString()=>"correct"; } void main(){ writeln(new C()); // "correct" writeln(tuple(new C())); // "Tuple!(C)(const(tt.C))" } ``` This is also the same issue that prevents tuples with range members from being printed properly.
Apr 26
next sibling parent Timon Gehr <timon.gehr gmx.ch> writes:
On 4/26/24 16:00, Timon Gehr wrote:
 This is not a theoretical problem either. This kind of introspection 
 would be the proper fix for the following issue with 
 import std.stdio, std.typecons;
 class C{
      override string toString()=>"correct";
 void main(){
      writeln(new C()); // "correct"
      writeln(tuple(new C())); // "Tuple!(C)(const(tt.C))"
 This is also the same issue that prevents tuples with range members from 
 being printed properly.
For reference, this is how I deal with problems like that currently: https://github.com/tgehr/util/blob/master/tuple.d
Apr 26
prev sibling parent reply Walter Bright <newshound2 digitalmars.com> writes:
On 4/26/2024 7:00 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:
 This is not a theoretical problem either. This kind of introspection would be 
 the proper fix for the following issue with std.typecons.Tuple.toString:
 import std.stdio, std.typecons;
 class C{
      override string toString()=>"correct";
 void main(){
      writeln(new C()); // "correct"
      writeln(tuple(new C())); // "Tuple!(C)(const(tt.C))"
 This is also the same issue that prevents tuples with range members from being 
 printed properly.
I would like to see "new C()" and "tuple(new C())" mean exactly the same thing. After all, with the builtin-tuples (not the struct library version) they are the same thing.
Apr 26
parent reply Timon Gehr <timon.gehr gmx.ch> writes:
On 4/26/24 22:23, Walter Bright wrote:
 On 4/26/2024 7:00 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:
 This is not a theoretical problem either. This kind of introspection 
 would be the proper fix for the following issue with 

 import std.stdio, std.typecons;
 class C{
      override string toString()=>"correct";

 void main(){
      writeln(new C()); // "correct"
      writeln(tuple(new C())); // "Tuple!(C)(const(tt.C))"

 This is also the same issue that prevents tuples with range members 
 from being printed properly.
I would like to see "new C()" and "tuple(new C())" mean exactly the same thing. After all, with the builtin-tuples (not the struct library version) they are the same thing.
Ok, then I will further pursue an implementation of `opArgs` I guess. It does have a couple of drawbacks, but if this is your preference we can try to make it work.
Apr 26
parent Walter Bright <newshound2 digitalmars.com> writes:
On 4/26/2024 4:30 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:
 On 4/26/24 22:23, Walter Bright wrote:
 I would like to see "new C()" and "tuple(new C())" mean exactly the same 
 thing. After all, with the builtin-tuples (not the struct library version) 
 they are the same thing.
Ok, then I will further pursue an implementation of `opArgs` I guess. It does have a couple of drawbacks, but if this is your preference we can try to make it work.
I also mean that given: ``` int mul(int x, int y); ``` then: ``` mul(1, 2); ``` should mean the same thing as: ``` mul(tuple(1, 2)); ``` This currently works with the builtin tuples. The trouble is that: ``` struct Args { int a; int b }; Args args = { 1, 2 }; mul(args); ``` fundamentally does not work, because the binary function call API for arguments is not the same as the binary function call API for structs with the corresponding fields. This has frustrated me for some time. Static arrays and structs are binary API compatible, and I've been careful not to break that in D's design. I.e. they are unified. I'd like to extend that unification to tuples-as-arguments. I.e.: ``` struct <=> static array <=> tuple <=> argument list ``` should be binary interchangeable. Note that I was very pleased to make the discovery that pointers to: struct member functions <=> class member functions <=> nested functions are all interchangeable delegates! This has been a big win for D.
Apr 26
prev sibling next sibling parent Jonathan M Davis <newsgroup.d jmdavisprog.com> writes:
On Thursday, April 25, 2024 5:06:27 PM MDT Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d 
 The prototypes are:

 string toString();
 size_t toHash()  trusted nothrow;
 int opCmp(Object o);
 bool opEquals(Object o);

 which long predated `const`. The trouble is, they should be:

 string toString() const;
 size_t toHash() const  trusted nothrow;
 int opCmp(const Object o) const;
 bool opEquals(const Object o) const;

 Without the `const` annotations, the functions are not usable by `const`
 objects without doing an unsafe cast. This impairs anyone wanting to write
 const-correct code, and also impedes use of ` live` functions.

 I recommend that everyone who has overloads of these functions, alter them
 to have the `const` signatures. This will future-proof them against any
 changes to Object's signatures.
The problem with this is that D's const is not logical const, and some objects cannot work if these functions are fully const (e.g. beacuse they're using a mutex or because they have to lazily calculate their state). Having _any_ attributes on these functions is a problem, because those attributes restrict what derived classes can do. Similarly, not having any attributes causes problems, because then they can't be used in code that requires those attributes. The solution to this problem (as has been discussed plenty of times in the past) is to outright remove these functions from Object. The only reason that they need to be there is because of code that's written to use Object instead of using templates, and D has templates. The main blocker then has been two things: 1. We haven't wanted to break existing code by removing these functions from Object. Editions hopefully give us a way to move past that problem. 2. Instead of being properly templated, some of the key druntime code (e.g. involving hash tables) has used Object. Some work has been done to fix various parts of druntime (like the hooks for arrays) so that they're templated, but the work has not been completed. If the various parts of druntime which require Object are fully fixed to be templated, then we don't need these functions on Object any longer. The code would just be instantiated with whatever the class type that's given is, and those functions can then have whatever attributes are appropriate for that particular class hierarchy without Object needing to have them any more than Object has a foobarWilly function, because some stray library needs that for its class hierarchy. We currently have a partial solution in druntime in that the free function, opEquals, is templated so that if you try to use == on class references which are not Object, it will use the derived class' version of opEquals, thus allowing classes to define opEquals with whatever attributes are appropriate for that particular class hierarchy (as well as allowing them to make their opEquals take the type of that specific class instead of Object). The problem of course is that when you compare classes as Object, you get the Object version, but most code doesn't use Object directly, so in general, == works with whatever attributes we want, and if we get rid of opEquals from Object, those comparisons should still work. You then won't be able to use == on Object, but that's a pretty nonsensical comparison anyway. It's only ever made sense in code where you couldn't templatize it and therefore needed a base class to use (like Java does with its containers), and even then, for most code, it makes far more sense to use a base class from that particular project than to use Object, in which case, that base class can be given whatever functions or attributes are appropriate to that particular class hierarchy. __cmp is similarly templated, though I'm not as familiar with how the lowerings work with regards to opCmp. But as long as all of the comparison operators lower to templated functions that call opEquals or opCmp on the class references with whatever type they have instead of with Object, we can work around Object's versions of those functions. toHash and toString would typically be called more directly, but if the code that's calling them is templated rather than using Object, derived classes can currently declare versions of those functions with a different set of attributes (though since those functions don't have parameters, they're somewhat more restricted in which attributes can be used, since they can't overload on most attributes) - and with regards to const, they can overload the Object versions, meaning that they only have a problem if Object is being used. Adding const - or any other attributes - to the functions on Object would be a step backwards rather than forwards and needlessly restrict code. Rather, we need to take advantage of templates and and Editions and make it so that none of these functions are on Object at all, allowing each individual class hierarchy to define these functions in whatever manner makes sense for that code. Editions gives us an opportunity here which we have not had previously, and we should take grab it. - Jonathan M Davis
Apr 25
prev sibling next sibling parent "Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole" <richard cattermole.co.nz> writes:
On 26/04/2024 11:06 AM, Walter Bright wrote:
 I recommend that everyone who has overloads of these functions, alter 
 them to have the `const` signatures. This will future-proof them against 
 any changes to Object's signatures.
We don't need to do this. The solution that covers pretty much everyone needs is custom root classes. Attributes, monitor field, reference counting, -betterC, all handled if we just let people define their own root class that they explicitly inherit from. Right now language is far too coupled to druntime, and this is one area I want to see fixed. Too many issues crop up because it is too coupled.
Apr 25
prev sibling next sibling parent reply Per =?UTF-8?B?Tm9yZGzDtnc=?= <per.nordlow gmail.com> writes:
On Thursday, 25 April 2024 at 23:06:27 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
 The prototypes are:

 string toString();
 size_t toHash()  trusted nothrow;
 int opCmp(Object o);
 bool opEquals(Object o);

 which long predated `const`. The trouble is, they should be:
Shouldn't some or all of them be qualified as scope aswell?
Apr 26
next sibling parent Walter Bright <newshound2 digitalmars.com> writes:
On 4/26/2024 11:28 AM, Per Nordlöw wrote:
 Shouldn't some or all of them be qualified as scope aswell?
I did think of that, but also figured if I can't get const, scope is dead in the water, too.
Apr 26
prev sibling parent reply Quirin Schroll <qs.il.paperinik gmail.com> writes:
On Friday, 26 April 2024 at 18:28:00 UTC, Per Nordlöw wrote:
 On Thursday, 25 April 2024 at 23:06:27 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
 The prototypes are:

 string toString();
 size_t toHash()  trusted nothrow;
 int opCmp(Object o);
 bool opEquals(Object o);

 which long predated `const`. The trouble is, they should be:
Shouldn't some or all of them be qualified as scope aswell?
Being cheeky, if a class doesn’t have the following, you must explain yourself in code review: ```d string toString() const scope pure nothrow; size_t toHash() const scope pure nothrow nogc; int opCmp(const scope Object o) const scope pure nothrow nogc; bool opEquals(const scope Object o) const scope pure nothrow nogc; ``` IMO, this is an all-or-nothing game. Either expect everything that’s reasonable or nothing. And the fact of the matter is, when you ask, “why would it mutate?” you must also ask, “why would it: keep a reference around, mutate global state, allocate memory (except for `toString`), or throw exceptions?” because doing any of those would be unorthodox. However, I’m with Timon here, that those shouldn’t be forced onto the user. Ideally, `Object` is empty (devoid of any functions) and there is an optional-to-inherit-from class or a mixin template that adds all those functions with some default implementation which is ` safe`, too.
Jun 05
next sibling parent reply "H. S. Teoh" <hsteoh qfbox.info> writes:
On Wed, Jun 05, 2024 at 05:42:20PM +0000, Quirin Schroll via Digitalmars-d
 On Friday, 26 April 2024 at 18:28:00 UTC, Per Nordlöw wrote:
 On Thursday, 25 April 2024 at 23:06:27 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
 The prototypes are:
 string toString();
 size_t toHash()  trusted nothrow;
 int opCmp(Object o);
 bool opEquals(Object o);
 which long predated `const`. The trouble is, they should be:
Shouldn't some or all of them be qualified as scope aswell?
 However, I’m with Timon here, that those shouldn’t be forced onto the
 user.  Ideally, `Object` is empty (devoid of any functions) and there
 is an optional-to-inherit-from class or a mixin template that adds all
 those functions with some default implementation which is ` safe`,
We've talked about ProtoObject literally for years. When are we going to actually implement it? T -- Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it. -- Donald Knuth
Jun 05
parent "Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole" <richard cattermole.co.nz> writes:
On 06/06/2024 6:10 AM, H. S. Teoh wrote:
 We've talked about ProtoObject literally for years.  When are we going
 to actually implement it?
I'm getting to that point with a number of other things like notls (will be talking about it at next meeting). Custom root classes are not on my list currently for DIP writing, but it is something I want. I'm blocked on them by reference counting, but if somebody else wants to do it, go for it!
Jun 05
prev sibling parent reply Ogi <ogion.art gmail.com> writes:
On Wednesday, 5 June 2024 at 17:42:20 UTC, Quirin Schroll wrote:
 except for `toString`
Well, we could make it compatible with nogc: ```D void toString(scope void delegate(in char[]) pure nothrow nogc sink) const scope pure nothrow nogc ```
Jun 06
parent reply Quirin Schroll <qs.il.paperinik gmail.com> writes:
On Thursday, 6 June 2024 at 08:00:40 UTC, Ogi wrote:
 On Wednesday, 5 June 2024 at 17:42:20 UTC, Quirin Schroll wrote:
 except for `toString`
Well, we could make it compatible with nogc: ```D void toString(scope void delegate(in char[]) pure nothrow nogc sink) const scope pure nothrow nogc ```
That’s actually a big no. Such a `toString` can’t be used e.g. to append the characters to an array as that’s not a ` nogc` sink. You need 16 overloads, all but 1 of them `final`, the non-`final` one without attributes. Then, derived classes could override the non-attributed version where the attributed versions (the `final` ones in `Object`) call the overridable one and do a little casting so that it’s possible. This sounds great on first glance, but the issue here is that this approach assumes that the `toString` implementation is essentially compatible with all attributes except for the `sink` call. While the default implementation in `Object` can have this property, overriders may not be, and if they’re not, there’s no error (or warning). In cases like `opApply`, that approach works, but only because one can statically know that the implementation will respect attributes. For classes, due to overriding, one cannot. What would be needed is a notion of attribute variables, similar to how `inout` is a type qualifier variable. Then, ```d void toString(scope void delegate(in char[]) xpure xnothrow xnogc sink) const scope xpure xnothrow xnogc; ``` makes sense. Overriders would be bound to the same relative respect to attributes. The correct choice is a template, but templates cannot be virtual.
Jun 06
next sibling parent reply claptrap <clap trap.com> writes:
On Thursday, 6 June 2024 at 09:57:29 UTC, Quirin Schroll wrote:
 On Thursday, 6 June 2024 at 08:00:40 UTC, Ogi wrote:
 void toString(scope void delegate(in char[]) xpure xnothrow 
  xnogc sink) const scope xpure xnothrow  xnogc;
Is this serious? I mean it's not and inside joke about how ridiculous D function signatures are getting? The D world has gone mad.
Jun 06
parent Quirin Schroll <qs.il.paperinik gmail.com> writes:
On Thursday, 6 June 2024 at 17:30:07 UTC, claptrap wrote:
 On Thursday, 6 June 2024 at 09:57:29 UTC, Quirin Schroll wrote:
 On Thursday, 6 June 2024 at 08:00:40 UTC, Ogi wrote:
 void toString(scope void delegate(in char[]) xpure xnothrow 
  xnogc sink) const scope xpure xnothrow  xnogc;
Is this serious? I mean it's not and inside joke about how ridiculous D function signatures are getting? The D world has gone mad.
The `x…` attributes are not valid D code; I made them up on the spot. The DIP [*Argument dependent attributes*](https://github.com/dlang/DIPs/pull/198) proposes essentially that.
Jun 07
prev sibling parent Alexandru Ermicioi <alexandru.ermicioi gmail.com> writes:
On Thursday, 6 June 2024 at 09:57:29 UTC, Quirin Schroll wrote:
 You need 16 overloads, all but 1 of them `final`, the 
 non-`final` one without attributes.
There really should be only one interface provided each method with no lambda function arguments in Object by default: ```d interface ToString { string toString(); } ``` If there is need to have better constraints, people can just extend the interface and narrow the declaration: ```d interface SafeNogcToString : ToString { string toString() safe nogc; } ``` People that need that enforcement, can in worst case do a cast down to interface that satisfies their attribute requirements, and if object doesn't satisfy it, then handle it. For lambda ones, there should be some other solution. In worst case, default provided interface could have narrowest possible configuration, i.e. safe nogc pure const, from which people could widen the configuration in each interface extension.
Jun 07
prev sibling next sibling parent Jonathan M Davis <newsgroup.d jmdavisprog.com> writes:
On Thursday, May 9, 2024 9:24:12 AM MDT H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 On Thu, May 09, 2024 at 01:53:55AM -0600, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d 
 On Wednesday, May 8, 2024 7:20:20 PM MDT Atila Neves via Digitalmars-d 

 I talked to Walter and we agreed that the best way forward is
 probably to deprecate these member functions and remove them in the
 next edition.
[...] Finally!! Should've done this years ago.
Yeah, but issues with regards to code breakage have made it difficult to do cleanly. Editions should make it much more reasonable. - Jonathan M Davis
May 09
prev sibling next sibling parent "H. S. Teoh" <hsteoh qfbox.info> writes:
On Thu, May 09, 2024 at 01:12:35PM -0600, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d
 On Thursday, May 9, 2024 9:24:12 AM MDT H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 On Thu, May 09, 2024 at 01:53:55AM -0600, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d 
 On Wednesday, May 8, 2024 7:20:20 PM MDT Atila Neves via Digitalmars-d 
 I talked to Walter and we agreed that the best way forward is
 probably to deprecate these member functions and remove them in
 the next edition.
[...] Finally!! Should've done this years ago.
Yeah, but issues with regards to code breakage have made it difficult to do cleanly. Editions should make it much more reasonable.
[...] Have editions been implementing in any shape/form yet? Been curious about what it looks like, and how it works in practice. T -- I am Pentium of Borg. Division is futile; you will be approximated.
May 09
prev sibling parent Jonathan M Davis <newsgroup.d jmdavisprog.com> writes:
On Thursday, May 9, 2024 2:15:27 PM MDT H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 On Thu, May 09, 2024 at 01:12:35PM -0600, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d 
 On Thursday, May 9, 2024 9:24:12 AM MDT H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d 
 On Thu, May 09, 2024 at 01:53:55AM -0600, Jonathan M Davis via
 On Wednesday, May 8, 2024 7:20:20 PM MDT Atila Neves via Digitalmars-d

 I talked to Walter and we agreed that the best way forward is
 probably to deprecate these member functions and remove them in
 the next edition.
[...] Finally!! Should've done this years ago.
Yeah, but issues with regards to code breakage have made it difficult to do cleanly. Editions should make it much more reasonable.
[...] Have editions been implementing in any shape/form yet? Been curious about what it looks like, and how it works in practice.
If I understand correctly, some changes have been made in dmd which are supposed to only be in effect with a new edition, but I don't think that the actual edition mechanism has been implemented yet. There's been a fair bit of going back and forth over the details of the proposal (at the moment, mostly how that would interact with dub), which could affect the implementation anyway. At its most basic though, the core idea is that a module could be marked as being for a specific edition, and it would then be compiled with the rules for that edition regardless of which edition the code importing it uses (and that includes any templated code within the module). So, in theory, the code within that module would continue to work as it always has as new editions are released, meaning that breaking changes in future editions wouldn't affect it until that code was updated to be marked as being for a new edition, at which point, the maintainer would need to update it in whatever fashion was necessary to get it working properly with the new edition. So, the reason that we could then make breaking changes with new editions would be because you can control which edition your code targets, making it so that those breaking changes don't affect you until you're ready to deal with them. Unfortunately, because the program can only use one version of druntime, which would then need to be able to work with all editions, there are some things which we likely won't ever be able to change (like it sounds like we're probably going to be stuck with the monitor in Object), but we'll definitely be able to make more breaking changes than we can right now. - Jonathan M Davis
May 09