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digitalmars.D - Nonnullability Switch for classes akin to C#?

reply sighoya <sighoya gmail.com> writes:


It seems they introduced some switch allowing to see all 
reference types as nun nullable and throw an error if that's not 
the case.

Though because of backward compatibility you need to explicitly 
allow them.

I personally have mixed feelings about this.

On the one hand it's better than two write `ClassType!` all the 
time in new code reducing terseness compared to `ClassType?`.

So instead you only need to append a `?` to the class type when 
it should also allow for null values.

//with strict non nullability flag enabled
Class c=null //error
Class? c=null //okay

On the other hand it feels like a new language dialect, a new 
color added to your language where you need to think in nullable 
(legacy) and nonnullable (new world) contexts.

Still like the solution, though.

Your opinion?
Aug 08 2023
parent reply FeepingCreature <feepingcreature gmail.com> writes:
On Tuesday, 8 August 2023 at 19:39:22 UTC, sighoya wrote:



 //with strict non nullability flag enabled
 Class c=null //error
 Class? c=null //okay

 On the other hand it feels like a new language dialect, a new 
 color added to your language where you need to think in 
 nullable (legacy) and nonnullable (new world) contexts.

 Still like the solution, though.

 Your opinion?
Neat has it! `Class c = null` is a compile error, you have to write `nullable Class c = null`. This is longer than `Class?`, but that's deliberate, because I want to make nullable classes a bit awkward to slightly discourage their use. The only difference is that `null` only implicitly converts to `nullable Class`. It works pretty well, but D prefers that all types have a defined initializer. Sidenote, just to brag a little: writing this all the time would get annoying. ```D Class c = new Class; nullable Class2 d = c.instanceOf(Class2); if (!d) return false; Class2 d = d.notNull; ``` So in Neat, we can shorten it: ```D Class c = new Class; Class2 d = c.instanceOf(Class2).case(null: return false); ``` The problem for D is that you can't introduce a breaking change like non-nullable classes by default gradually, because there's no way to apply a feature flag only to one dub package, for instance. So even if it's optional, you're in effect forcing everybody to upgrade.
Aug 08 2023
parent reply Chris <wendlec tcd.ie> writes:
On Wednesday, 9 August 2023 at 04:39:59 UTC, FeepingCreature 
 On Tuesday, 8 August 2023 at 19:39:22 UTC, sighoya wrote:
Neat has it! `Class c = null` is a compile error, you have to write `nullable Class c = null`. This is longer than `Class?`, but that's deliberate, because I want to make nullable classes a bit awkward to slightly discourage their use. The only difference is that `null` only implicitly converts to `nullable Class`. It works pretty well, but D prefers that all types have a defined initializer. [...]
So is Neat some sort of D3, a clean and lean version? Sounds interesting. Do you have a roadmap, and most importantly: does Neat support cross-compilation to many different OSes and architectures (like e.g. Zig)?
Aug 16 2023
parent reply FeepingCreature <feepingcreature gmail.com> writes:
On Wednesday, 16 August 2023 at 08:50:51 UTC, Chris wrote:
 So is Neat some sort of D3, a clean and lean version? Sounds 
 interesting. Do you have a roadmap, and most importantly: does 
 Neat support cross-compilation to many different OSes and 
 architectures (like e.g. Zig)?
https://neat-lang.github.io/ More like D1.5 version 0.1. I'll make a proper presentation on it at DConf, but it's certainly too alpha to use right now, unless you really like experimental features. Though it's certainly not the only reason, part of the hope with it is that D can mine it for ideas.
Aug 16 2023
next sibling parent reply Sergey <kornburn yandex.ru> writes:
On Wednesday, 16 August 2023 at 10:16:33 UTC, FeepingCreature 
 On Wednesday, 16 August 2023 at 08:50:51 UTC, Chris wrote:
 So is Neat some sort of D3, a clean and lean version? Sounds 
 interesting. Do you have a roadmap, and most importantly: does 
 Neat support cross-compilation to many different OSes and 
 architectures (like e.g. Zig)?
https://neat-lang.github.io/ More like D1.5 version 0.1. I'll make a proper presentation on it at DConf, but it's certainly too alpha to use right now, unless you really like experimental features. Though it's certainly not the only reason, part of the hope with it is that D can mine it for ideas.
Roadmap: 0.1 - alpha experimental features ... 1.0 - switch all Funkwerk to Neat :)
Aug 16 2023
parent FeepingCreature <feepingcreature gmail.com> writes:
On Wednesday, 16 August 2023 at 10:26:34 UTC, Sergey wrote:
 0.1 - alpha experimental features
 1.0 - switch all Funkwerk to Neat

That would be extremely irresponsible and a colossal waste of time. (But so, so tempting...) :) PS: Just to make clear, this will probably never happen. A lot of the ideas in Neat match the style of how we use D at Funkwerk anyways, so switching to Neat would only give us very marginal improvements at best. Realistically, it would cause no end of issues. To be very clear, Neat is currently not at "D1" level, it's maybe at "D 0.100" level. But even when that is fixed, D is and will always be twenty years more mature than Neat, and that's more important for a business, no matter how cute its macros are.
Aug 16 2023
prev sibling parent Chris <wendlec tcd.ie> writes:
On Wednesday, 16 August 2023 at 10:16:33 UTC, FeepingCreature 
 On Wednesday, 16 August 2023 at 08:50:51 UTC, Chris wrote:
 So is Neat some sort of D3, a clean and lean version? Sounds 
 interesting. Do you have a roadmap, and most importantly: does 
 Neat support cross-compilation to many different OSes and 
 architectures (like e.g. Zig)?
https://neat-lang.github.io/ More like D1.5 version 0.1. I'll make a proper presentation on it at DConf, but it's certainly too alpha to use right now, unless you really like experimental features. Though it's certainly not the only reason, part of the hope with it is that D can mine it for ideas.
I really like the idea of D1.5. Instead of moving on to D3, D2 (or rather "D++") should be shrunk down to D1.5 - lean and clean.
Aug 16 2023