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digitalmars.D - My Language Feature Requests

reply "Craig Black" <craigblack2 cox.net> writes:
So now that the const thing seems like it might be settled, I would like to 
put my vote in as to what features should be included next.  I can only 
think of 2 features that would be high on my priority list.  My votes go for 
the following language features that would enhance the performance of D.

1)  Adding better support for structs including ctors/dtors, inheritance, 
copy semantics, etc.  This would allow for more efficient data structures 
that perform heap allocation without relying on the GC.  Making applications 
GC-lite is fastest path to high-performance D applications.  The big reason 
I want this is that I would then be able to write an efficient array 
template that does not rely on GC.  Since I use arrays so much, this would 
provide a huge performance improvement for me.

2) Adding language features that would allow for a moving GC.  A modern, 
moving GC would also be a huge performance win.  I think we would have a 
safety problem if we currently implemented a moving GC.  Languages that have 
moving GC greatly restrict what can be done with pointers.  We need to 
provide a syntax that will allow pointers to be used when memory is 
explicitly managed, but disallow pointers for GC memory.

So, here's one idea for making D more safe for moving GC.

a) Disallow overloading new and delete for classes, and make classes 
strictly for GC, perhaps with an exception for classes instantiated on the 
stack using scope.
b) Allow new and delete to work with structs, and allocate them on the 
malloc heap.  I would still want to be able to override new and delete for 
structs, specifically to be able to use nedmalloc.

Then the compiler could disallow taking the address of a class field, since 
we know the resulting pointer would pointer to the GC heap.  Note that this 
would be a compile-time check, and so would not degrade run-time 

fixed keyword.  In D, it could work like this:

a) Preceding a pointer declaration with fixed would allow that pointer to 
take the address in the GC heap.
b) Pointer arithmetic would be disallowed for fixed pointers.
c) A fixed pointer will mark the corresponding GC object as "pinned" so that 
the GC knows not to move the object.
d) When the fixed pointer is changed or deallocated, it will unpin the 
object, and pin any new object that it refers to.

The fixed pointer will have to know whether or not it points to GC memory so 
that it doesn't pin non-GC objects.  Using the first idea, we can determine 
at compile time whether a pointer points to the heap or not.

Yes, this would be a big change, but not as big as const IMO.  I feel if any 
feature warrants breaking some code, it would be high-performance GC.  But 
maybe someone else can find a solution that doesn't break compatibility.


Dec 22 2007
next sibling parent reply "Craig Black" <craigblack2 cox.net> writes:
 Using the first idea, we can determine at compile time whether a pointer 
 points to the heap or not.
Another option would be to only allow fixed pointers to point to the heap. It might simplify the implementation.
Dec 22 2007
parent "Craig Black" <craigblack2 cox.net> writes:
"Craig Black" <craigblack2 cox.net> wrote in message 
news:fkk79p$226d$1 digitalmars.com...
 Using the first idea, we can determine at compile time whether a pointer 
 points to the heap or not.
Another option would be to only allow fixed pointers to point to the heap. It might simplify the implementation.
When I said "heap", I meant the GC heap of course.
Dec 22 2007
prev sibling next sibling parent reply Christopher Wright <dhasenan gmail.com> writes:
Craig Black wrote:
 2) Adding language features that would allow for a moving GC.  A modern, 
 moving GC would also be a huge performance win.  I think we would have a 
 safety problem if we currently implemented a moving GC.  Languages that 
 have moving GC greatly restrict what can be done with pointers.  We need 
 to provide a syntax that will allow pointers to be used when memory is 
 explicitly managed, but disallow pointers for GC memory.
 So, here's one idea for making D more safe for moving GC.
 a) Disallow overloading new and delete for classes, and make classes 
 strictly for GC, perhaps with an exception for classes instantiated on 
 the stack using scope.
Don't see the point of this. You'd map a single old value to a single new value...or map an old range to a new one. You're changing one equality check and one assignment to two comparisons and an addition. And this is when you're looking through the entire address space of the program.
 b) Allow new and delete to work with structs, and allocate them on the 
 malloc heap.  I would still want to be able to override new and delete 
 for structs, specifically to be able to use nedmalloc.
This can allow polymorphism for structs, actually, but it is a bit of a performance hit.
 Then the compiler could disallow taking the address of a class field, 
 since we know the resulting pointer would pointer to the GC heap.  Note 
 that this would be a compile-time check, and so would not degrade 
 run-time performance.
Ugly. What do you do for taking the address of a class variable? Well, okay, you have to take the address of the reference; you can't take the address of the variable directly. The current method is ugly and undefined behavior: *cast(void**)&obj; And you can assume that all pointers that point to that region of memory have to be moved. The problem is granularity. class Foo { Foo next; size_t i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p; } Here, the current regime would mark *Foo as hasPointers. If i, j, k, l, m, n, o, or p just happened to look like a pointer, they'd be changed. You'd need to find where each object begins, then you'd need to go through the offset type info to see which elements are really pointers. Since you're running the garbage collector, that's doable, if the offset type info is currently available (I think it wasn't, last I checked, but I don't really recall).
 the fixed keyword.  In D, it could work like this:
 a) Preceding a pointer declaration with fixed would allow that pointer 
 to take the address in the GC heap.
 b) Pointer arithmetic would be disallowed for fixed pointers.
Why? fixed float* four_floats = std.gc.malloc(4 * float.sizeof); fixed float* float_one = four_floats; fixed float* float_two = four_floats + 1; fixed float* float_three = four_floats + 2; fixed float* float_four = four_floats + 3; Seems fine to me. You might go beyond the allocated space, but that's already undefined behavior.
 c) A fixed pointer will mark the corresponding GC object as "pinned" so 
 that the GC knows not to move the object.
 d) When the fixed pointer is changed or deallocated, it will unpin the 
 object, and pin any new object that it refers to.
While there is a fixed reference to the GC object, it is pinned. If that reference is rebound to another GC object, the original object is unpinned and the new one is pinned. How to mark these is a difficult problem. On a 64-bit machine, I'd say you just use the most significant bit as a flag; you're not going to use petabytes of address space.
 The fixed pointer will have to know whether or not it points to GC 
 memory so that it doesn't pin non-GC objects.  Using the first idea, we 
 can determine at compile time whether a pointer points to the heap or not.
The fixed pointer will just stand there shouting "I am a fixed pointer! Look on me and despair!" And the garbage collector will look where it's pointing; if it is pointing at GC memory, the garbage collector will indeed look on it and despair. Otherwise, it will ignore the fixedness.
 Yes, this would be a big change, but not as big as const IMO.  I feel if 
 any feature warrants breaking some code, it would be high-performance 
 GC.  But maybe someone else can find a solution that doesn't break 
Dec 22 2007
next sibling parent reply "Craig Black" <craigblack2 cox.net> writes:
"Christopher Wright" <dhasenan gmail.com> wrote in message 
news:fkkm0i$2oa9$1 digitalmars.com...
 Craig Black wrote:
 2) Adding language features that would allow for a moving GC.  A modern, 
 moving GC would also be a huge performance win.  I think we would have a 
 safety problem if we currently implemented a moving GC.  Languages that 
 have moving GC greatly restrict what can be done with pointers.  We need 
 to provide a syntax that will allow pointers to be used when memory is 
 explicitly managed, but disallow pointers for GC memory.

 So, here's one idea for making D more safe for moving GC.

 a) Disallow overloading new and delete for classes, and make classes 
 strictly for GC, perhaps with an exception for classes instantiated on 
 the stack using scope.
Don't see the point of this. You'd map a single old value to a single new value...or map an old range to a new one. You're changing one equality check and one assignment to two comparisons and an addition. And this is when you're looking through the entire address space of the program.
I'm not exactly sure what you are talking about, but you mention computation performed at run-time. The concept here is that it will be a compile-time restriction. The reason to disallow new and delete is to ensure that all instances of a class not instantiated using "scope" will be GC objects. This gives the compiler the information necessary to enforce pointer assignment restrictions at compile-time.
 b) Allow new and delete to work with structs, and allocate them on the 
 malloc heap.  I would still want to be able to override new and delete 
 for structs, specifically to be able to use nedmalloc.
This can allow polymorphism for structs, actually, but it is a bit of a performance hit.
Yes, polymorphism for structs could be allowed. I don't know why you think that would be a performance hit. C++ structs and classes allow polymorphism, but do not take any performance hit or memory overhead when polymorphism is not used. If polymorphism is used, it doesn't affect the performance of non-polymorphic functions, and only requires a pointer to be stored in each object in order to reference the vtable. Maybe you think I am implying that ALL structs will be allocated on the malloc heap. No, no, no. I am suggesting that a struct could be allocated on the heap or on the stack. How would the syntax look? Structs allocated on the stack would retain the same syntax. The ones allocated on the heap would be allocated with the new operator. These could be referenced using pointers, or maybe some form of reference type. But the reference types would need to be explicitly declared like. struct A { A(int x) {} } A a = A(1); // stack allocation A *a = new A(1); // possible syntax for heap allocation A &a = new A(1); // another possible syntax, I'm sure there are other ideas.
 Then the compiler could disallow taking the address of a class field, 
 since we know the resulting pointer would pointer to the GC heap.  Note 
 that this would be a compile-time check, and so would not degrade 
 run-time performance.
Ugly. What do you do for taking the address of a class variable? Well, okay, you have to take the address of the reference; you can't take the address of the variable directly. The current method is ugly and undefined behavior: *cast(void**)&obj; And you can assume that all pointers that point to that region of memory have to be moved. The problem is granularity. class Foo { Foo next; size_t i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p; } Here, the current regime would mark *Foo as hasPointers. If i, j, k, l, m, n, o, or p just happened to look like a pointer, they'd be changed. You'd need to find where each object begins, then you'd need to go through the offset type info to see which elements are really pointers. Since you're running the garbage collector, that's doable, if the offset type info is currently available (I think it wasn't, last I checked, but I don't really recall).
I'm not sure you understand what I'm proposing. What you are talking about is run-time information used by the garbage collecter. I'm talking about a compile-time restriction. No checking anything at run-time, and so no performance hit. Maybe the confusion stems from the fact that I didn't describe in detail how this would work. That's because I haven't thought it through yet. But I'm confident that there is a good way this restriction could enforced at compile-time.
 the fixed keyword.  In D, it could work like this:

 a) Preceding a pointer declaration with fixed would allow that pointer to 
 take the address in the GC heap.
 b) Pointer arithmetic would be disallowed for fixed pointers.
Why? fixed float* four_floats = std.gc.malloc(4 * float.sizeof); fixed float* float_one = four_floats; fixed float* float_two = four_floats + 1; fixed float* float_three = four_floats + 2; fixed float* float_four = four_floats + 3; Seems fine to me. You might go beyond the allocated space, but that's already undefined behavior.
Ok, point taken. Pointer arithmetic might be useful. I'm just trying to make it as safe as possible, and maybe disallowing this is going too far. However, your above example could be implemented without pointer arithmetic using a static array.
 c) A fixed pointer will mark the corresponding GC object as "pinned" so 
 that the GC knows not to move the object.
 d) When the fixed pointer is changed or deallocated, it will unpin the 
 object, and pin any new object that it refers to.
While there is a fixed reference to the GC object, it is pinned. If that reference is rebound to another GC object, the original object is unpinned and the new one is pinned.
Right. Pointer is the wrong word. Sorry.
 How to mark these is a difficult problem. On a 64-bit machine, I'd say you 
 just use the most significant bit as a flag; you're not going to use 
 petabytes of address space.
I'm not sure what the best way would be because I don't know a lot of details about D's GC.
 The fixed pointer will have to know whether or not it points to GC memory 
 so that it doesn't pin non-GC objects.  Using the first idea, we can 
 determine at compile time whether a pointer points to the heap or not.
The fixed pointer will just stand there shouting "I am a fixed pointer! Look on me and despair!" And the garbage collector will look where it's pointing; if it is pointing at GC memory, the garbage collector will indeed look on it and despair. Otherwise, it will ignore the fixedness.
Yes, that will work, but requires a run-time check (and a branch). The run-time overhead for what you propose might end up being trivial, but I think it could be done at compile-time.
 Yes, this would be a big change, but not as big as const IMO.  I feel if 
 any feature warrants breaking some code, it would be high-performance GC. 
 But maybe someone else can find a solution that doesn't break 


Dec 22 2007
next sibling parent "Craig Black" <craigblack2 cox.net> writes:
 struct A { A(int x) {} }
Sorry ... I use C++ a lot at work. Should read: struct A { this(int x) {} } (Further, this code is based on the hypothesis that we may get struct ctors.)
Dec 22 2007
prev sibling parent reply Christopher Wright <dhasenan gmail.com> writes:
Craig Black wrote:
 "Christopher Wright" <dhasenan gmail.com> wrote in message 
 news:fkkm0i$2oa9$1 digitalmars.com...
 Craig Black wrote:
 2) Adding language features that would allow for a moving GC.  A 
 modern, moving GC would also be a huge performance win.  I think we 
 would have a safety problem if we currently implemented a moving GC.  
 Languages that have moving GC greatly restrict what can be done with 
 pointers.  We need to provide a syntax that will allow pointers to be 
 used when memory is explicitly managed, but disallow pointers for GC 

 So, here's one idea for making D more safe for moving GC.

 a) Disallow overloading new and delete for classes, and make classes 
 strictly for GC, perhaps with an exception for classes instantiated 
 on the stack using scope.
Don't see the point of this. You'd map a single old value to a single new value...or map an old range to a new one. You're changing one equality check and one assignment to two comparisons and an addition. And this is when you're looking through the entire address space of the program.
I'm not exactly sure what you are talking about, but you mention computation performed at run-time. The concept here is that it will be a compile-time restriction. The reason to disallow new and delete is to ensure that all instances of a class not instantiated using "scope" will be GC objects. This gives the compiler the information necessary to enforce pointer assignment restrictions at compile-time.
I misplaced the text and am now feeling stupid.
 b) Allow new and delete to work with structs, and allocate them on 
 the malloc heap.  I would still want to be able to override new and 
 delete for structs, specifically to be able to use nedmalloc.
This can allow polymorphism for structs, actually, but it is a bit of a performance hit.
Yes, polymorphism for structs could be allowed. I don't know why you think that would be a performance hit. C++ structs and classes allow polymorphism, but do not take any performance hit or memory overhead when polymorphism is not used. If polymorphism is used, it doesn't affect the performance of non-polymorphic functions, and only requires a pointer to be stored in each object in order to reference the vtable.
It requires you to store a struct by reference. Thus, performance hit.
 Maybe you think I am implying that ALL structs will be allocated on the 
 malloc heap.  No, no, no.  I am suggesting that a struct could be 
 allocated on the heap or on the stack.  How would the syntax look?  
 Structs allocated on the stack would retain the same syntax.  The ones 
 allocated on the heap would be allocated with the new operator.  These 
 could be referenced using pointers, or maybe some form of reference 
 type.  But the reference types would need to be explicitly declared like.
 struct A { A(int x) {} }
 A a = A(1); // stack allocation
 A *a = new A(1); // possible syntax for heap allocation
 A &a = new A(1); // another possible syntax, I'm sure there are other 
 Then the compiler could disallow taking the address of a class field, 
 since we know the resulting pointer would pointer to the GC heap.  
 Note that this would be a compile-time check, and so would not 
 degrade run-time performance.
Ugly. What do you do for taking the address of a class variable? Well, okay, you have to take the address of the reference; you can't take the address of the variable directly. The current method is ugly and undefined behavior: *cast(void**)&obj; And you can assume that all pointers that point to that region of memory have to be moved. The problem is granularity. class Foo { Foo next; size_t i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p; } Here, the current regime would mark *Foo as hasPointers. If i, j, k, l, m, n, o, or p just happened to look like a pointer, they'd be changed. You'd need to find where each object begins, then you'd need to go through the offset type info to see which elements are really pointers. Since you're running the garbage collector, that's doable, if the offset type info is currently available (I think it wasn't, last I checked, but I don't really recall).
I'm not sure you understand what I'm proposing. What you are talking about is run-time information used by the garbage collecter. I'm talking about a compile-time restriction. No checking anything at run-time, and so no performance hit. Maybe the confusion stems from the fact that I didn't describe in detail how this would work. That's because I haven't thought it through yet. But I'm confident that there is a good way this restriction could enforced at compile-time.
Okay, I swapped that section of text with the previous one that was out of place.
 The fixed pointer will have to know whether or not it points to GC 
 memory so that it doesn't pin non-GC objects.  Using the first idea, 
 we can determine at compile time whether a pointer points to the heap 
 or not.
The fixed pointer will just stand there shouting "I am a fixed pointer! Look on me and despair!" And the garbage collector will look where it's pointing; if it is pointing at GC memory, the garbage collector will indeed look on it and despair. Otherwise, it will ignore the fixedness.
Yes, that will work, but requires a run-time check (and a branch). The run-time overhead for what you propose might end up being trivial, but I think it could be done at compile-time.
I'm not so sure. You'd have to make it undefined behavior to assign a non-fixed address to a fixed pointer. The reverse is fine, of course. Since class references are pointers, you'd have to have the fixed storage class apply to them as well. Any reference type, really.
Dec 23 2007
parent reply "Craig Black" <craigblack2 cox.net> writes:
 It requires you to store a struct by reference. Thus, performance hit.
No it doesn't. Structs will be able to be allocated on the stack, without any referencing. As an OPTION, you will be able to store a struct by reference. C++ does this very same thing and it is very efficient.
 Yes, that will work, but requires a run-time check (and a branch).  The 
 run-time overhead for what you propose might end up being trivial, but I 
 think it could be done at compile-time.
I'm not so sure. You'd have to make it undefined behavior to assign a non-fixed address to a fixed pointer. The reverse is fine, of course. Since class references are pointers, you'd have to have the fixed storage class apply to them as well. Any reference type, really.
Yes and all class fields would be fixed as well, unless the class object was instantiated using scope. This means that when you take the address of them, it results in a fixed pointer.
Dec 23 2007
parent reply Christopher Wright <dhasenan gmail.com> writes:
Craig Black wrote:
 It requires you to store a struct by reference. Thus, performance hit.
No it doesn't. Structs will be able to be allocated on the stack, without any referencing. As an OPTION, you will be able to store a struct by reference. C++ does this very same thing and it is very efficient.
Slicing problem: struct A { int i, j; } struct B : A { long k; } A foo (A a) { static assert (a.sizeof == 8); assert (a.sizeof == 8); return a; } B b; b.k = 14; assert (b.sizeof == 16); b = foo(b); assert (b.k == 14); // FAIL Polymorphic structs *have* to be reference types, unless you determine stack layout at runtime. And not only that, you have to modify stack layout after you've created a stack frame. The only saving grace is that you won't have to do that for a stack frame higher than the current one.
 Yes, that will work, but requires a run-time check (and a branch).  
 The run-time overhead for what you propose might end up being 
 trivial, but I think it could be done at compile-time.
I'm not so sure. You'd have to make it undefined behavior to assign a non-fixed address to a fixed pointer. The reverse is fine, of course. Since class references are pointers, you'd have to have the fixed storage class apply to them as well. Any reference type, really.
Yes and all class fields would be fixed as well, unless the class object was instantiated using scope. This means that when you take the address of them, it results in a fixed pointer.
You're saying: class Foo { int i; } Foo f = new Foo(); int* i_ptr = &f.i; That would be a compile error? f is not fixed; I don't care if the bits in i_ptr change, or the bits in the reference f. Why should I? Just because I took the address of f.i and stored it in an unfixed pointer, the garbage collector, which has full authority to change the pointer I just got, can't move *f? Why?
Dec 23 2007
parent reply "Craig Black" <craigblack2 cox.net> writes:
 Polymorphic structs *have* to be reference types, unless you determine 
 stack layout at runtime. And not only that, you have to modify stack 
 layout after you've created a stack frame. The only saving grace is that 
 you won't have to do that for a stack frame higher than the current one.
Right, but that's not a problem if you disallow polymorphism for stack objects. This is what C++ does and it works very well. Rather than generating a run-time assertion, your code would simply not compile. If you want polymorphism then you have to instantiate then you would have to instantiate the struct on the heap. struct A { int i, j; } struct B : A { long k; } A foo (A a) { return a; } B b; b = foo(b); // compile error: instance of struct B can't be implicitly converted to an instance of struct A Anyway, this is all moot anyway, because I've thought of an easier solution. Pointers can be checked at run-time to determine if they address the GC heap. This check could be removed when compiling in release mode, so there will be no performance degradation. So there's no need to dissallow new and delete for classes and we don't need struct polymorphism.
You're saying:
class Foo {
    int i;

Foo f = new Foo();
int* i_ptr = &f.i;

That would be a compile error? f is not fixed; I don't care if the bits in 
i_ptr change, or the bits in the reference f. Why should I?

Just because I took the address of f.i and stored it in an unfixed pointer, 
the garbage collector, which has full authority to change the pointer I 
just got, can't move *f?

I'm not really sure what you are asking. If the GC moves the relocates f, then i_ptr no longer points the appropriate location. Isn't that obvious? Are you suggesting that the GC relocate i_ptr as well? No GC I know of relocates raw pointers, so there's probably a good technical reason why they don't. I'm not a GC expert though. -Craig
Dec 23 2007
parent reply Christopher Wright <dhasenan gmail.com> writes:
Craig Black wrote:
 Polymorphic structs *have* to be reference types, unless you determine 
 stack layout at runtime. And not only that, you have to modify stack 
 layout after you've created a stack frame. The only saving grace is 
 that you won't have to do that for a stack frame higher than the 
 current one.
Right, but that's not a problem if you disallow polymorphism for stack objects. This is what C++ does and it works very well. Rather than generating a run-time assertion, your code would simply not compile. If you want polymorphism then you have to instantiate then you would have to instantiate the struct on the heap.
Ideally you'd determine whether your polymorphic struct has inheritors or base classes and, if so, put it on the heap, else put it on the stack. This is why it'd be better to keep structs as they are, but have by-value classes.
 struct A { int i, j; }
 struct B : A { long k; }
 A foo (A a) {  return a; }
 B b;
 b = foo(b); // compile error:  instance of struct B can't be implicitly 
 converted to an instance of struct A
 Anyway, this is all moot anyway, because I've thought of an easier 
 solution. Pointers can be checked at run-time to determine if they 
 address the GC heap.  This check could be removed when compiling in 
 release mode, so there will be no performance degradation.
That's the current system, and it's basically what I've been saying all this time. I guess I was unclear. But you can't remove the check in release mode: static import std.c.stdlib; static import std.gc; void main () { // gc memory auto o = new Object(); o = null; // not gc memory void* ptr = std.c.stdlib.malloc(128); // gc memory (and memory leak) ptr = null; ptr = std.gc.malloc(512); // At this point, no reference to o, so it's deleted. // The first malloc'd memory still exists and can't ever be // collected. ptr = std.gc.malloc(8); // Now the gc collected the previous 512-byte buffer; of course, // the 128-byte buffer still exists. }
 So there's no need to dissallow new and delete for classes and we don't 
 need struct polymorphism.
Well, we don't need any kind of polymorphism, but quite separate from the rest of the requests, struct polymorphism would be useful. Though I wouldn't refer to them as structs if they're polymorphic, since you really can't put them on the stack, and so they have to be reference types with value semantics.
 You're saying:
 class Foo {
    int i;

 Foo f = new Foo();
 int* i_ptr = &f.i;

 That would be a compile error? f is not fixed; I don't care if the 
 bits in i_ptr change, or the bits in the reference f. Why should I?

 Just because I took the address of f.i and stored it in an unfixed 
 pointer, the garbage collector, which has full authority to change the 
 pointer I just got, can't move *f?

I'm not really sure what you are asking. If the GC moves the relocates f, then i_ptr no longer points the appropriate location. Isn't that obvious? Are you suggesting that the GC relocate i_ptr as well? No GC I know of relocates raw pointers, so there's probably a good technical reason why they don't. I'm not a GC expert though.
Because no language besides D allows you to take the address of an class member and has native garbage collection, and D doesn't have a moving collector. There's the Boehm collector for C++, but that's not a moving those blocks you don't have a garbage collector running. And...that's it. Maybe we'll see something revolutionary with Objective-C 2.0, but probably not, and it's not here yet. You're already moving raw pointers, so you may as well move all of them. Otherwise you're eliminating a decently general use case or causing random segfaults or losing a lot of efficiency in memory layout (which will make future collections quicker, too) for pretty much nothing.
Dec 23 2007
parent "Craig Black" <craigblack2 cox.net> writes:
"Christopher Wright" <dhasenan gmail.com> wrote in message 
news:fkmoj4$k0u$1 digitalmars.com...
 Craig Black wrote:
 Polymorphic structs *have* to be reference types, unless you determine 
 stack layout at runtime. And not only that, you have to modify stack 
 layout after you've created a stack frame. The only saving grace is that 
 you won't have to do that for a stack frame higher than the current one.
Right, but that's not a problem if you disallow polymorphism for stack objects. This is what C++ does and it works very well. Rather than generating a run-time assertion, your code would simply not compile. If you want polymorphism then you have to instantiate then you would have to instantiate the struct on the heap.
Ideally you'd determine whether your polymorphic struct has inheritors or base classes and, if so, put it on the heap, else put it on the stack.
That's the approach for both C++ structs and classes. But this decision is made by the programmer, not the compiler. I don't see how the compiler could do this, since it is impossible to have knowledge of subclasses that exist in an external library. The compiler would have to revert to a worst case, and put everything on the heap.
 This is why it'd be better to keep structs as they are, but have by-value 
By-value classes is just another way to do the same thing, but inferior IMO.
 Anyway, this is all moot anyway, because I've thought of an easier 
 solution. Pointers can be checked at run-time to determine if they 
 address the GC heap.  This check could be removed when compiling in 
 release mode, so there will be no performance degradation.
That's the current system, and it's basically what I've been saying all this time. I guess I was unclear. But you can't remove the check in release mode:
Jeez. It's like we've been speaking two different languages the whole time. I'm not talking about turning off the garbage collector in release mode. I'm talking about run-time checks that prohibit raw pointers from pointing to the GC heap. The same thing you said should be "undefined behavior". Thus, it would be undefined behavior in release mode, but in debug mode there would be a check. Like array bounds-checking.
 So there's no need to dissallow new and delete for classes and we don't 
 need struct polymorphism.
Well, we don't need any kind of polymorphism, but quite separate from the rest of the requests, struct polymorphism would be useful. Though I wouldn't refer to them as structs if they're polymorphic, since you really can't put them on the stack, and so they have to be reference types with value semantics.
Sorry, but I don't see the novelty of "reference types with value semantics". What would it be useful for? The reason I am pushing improvements to structs is that I know it will allow for more versatile aggregate types that aren't allocated on the heap. It's important that they are not allocated on the heap because that is more efficient. From my perspective, your proposal does nothing for performance, since there is still a heap allocation.
 You're saying:
 class Foo {
    int i;

 Foo f = new Foo();
 int* i_ptr = &f.i;

 That would be a compile error? f is not fixed; I don't care if the bits 
 in i_ptr change, or the bits in the reference f. Why should I?

 Just because I took the address of f.i and stored it in an unfixed 
 pointer, the garbage collector, which has full authority to change the 
 pointer I just got, can't move *f?

I'm not really sure what you are asking. If the GC moves the relocates f, then i_ptr no longer points the appropriate location. Isn't that obvious? Are you suggesting that the GC relocate i_ptr as well? No GC I know of relocates raw pointers, so there's probably a good technical reason why they don't. I'm not a GC expert though.
Because no language besides D allows you to take the address of an class member and has native garbage collection, and D doesn't have a moving collector. There's the Boehm collector for C++, but that's not a moving those blocks you don't have a garbage collector running. And...that's it. Maybe we'll see something revolutionary with Objective-C 2.0, but probably not, and it's not here yet. You're already moving raw pointers, so you may as well move all of them. Otherwise you're eliminating a decently general use case or causing random segfaults or losing a lot of efficiency in memory layout (which will make future collections quicker, too) for pretty much nothing.
Heck, you may be right about this. Like I said I'm no GC expert.
Dec 23 2007
prev sibling parent reply Frits van Bommel <fvbommel REMwOVExCAPSs.nl> writes:
Christopher Wright wrote:
 While there is a fixed reference to the GC object, it is pinned. If that 
 reference is rebound to another GC object, the original object is 
 unpinned and the new one is pinned.
 How to mark these is a difficult problem. On a 64-bit machine, I'd say 
 you just use the most significant bit as a flag; you're not going to use 
 petabytes of address space.
Since "fixedness" as proposed would be a compile-time property, and you already need metadata to find pointers to implement a moving GC, such a flag could be in that metadata instead of in the pointer itself. (The OffsetTypeInfo could say "there's a pointer at offset 8, of type Object, and it's fixed") If run-time pinning is used instead (where whether the GC cell pointed to by a pointer is pinned is not known at compile time), it could be a simple (synchronized) counter that starts out at 0 for each memory cell, that's incremented when pinned and decremented when unpinned. The GC is then only allowed to move cells whose counter is 0.
Dec 23 2007
parent Christopher Wright <dhasenan gmail.com> writes:
Frits van Bommel wrote:
 Christopher Wright wrote:
 While there is a fixed reference to the GC object, it is pinned. If 
 that reference is rebound to another GC object, the original object is 
 unpinned and the new one is pinned.

 How to mark these is a difficult problem. On a 64-bit machine, I'd say 
 you just use the most significant bit as a flag; you're not going to 
 use petabytes of address space.
Since "fixedness" as proposed would be a compile-time property, and you already need metadata to find pointers to implement a moving GC, such a flag could be in that metadata instead of in the pointer itself. (The OffsetTypeInfo could say "there's a pointer at offset 8, of type Object, and it's fixed")
Yes, I thought of that. Currently, however, offTi isn't populated. Just like the Interface* that's supposed to be the first element of each interface's vtbl pointer. It would be useful if it existed, but no cheese.
 If run-time pinning is used instead (where whether the GC cell pointed 
 to by a pointer is pinned is not known at compile time), it could be a 
 simple (synchronized) counter that starts out at 0 for each memory cell, 
 that's incremented when pinned and decremented when unpinned. The GC is 
 then only allowed to move cells whose counter is 0.
You would do both. During a collection, you mark each block to see if it's referenced, and mark it again if it's got a fixed reference. Then you collect every section that's not referenced and optionally move the sections that aren't marked as pinned to a more advantageous layout. If you are proposing a compile-time garbage collector, one that determines when to delete an object using static analysis, I will be quite impressed if you come up with an implementation.
Dec 23 2007
prev sibling parent reply Christopher Wright <dhasenan gmail.com> writes:
This is to fix the stuff I botched with my other reply.

Craig Black wrote:
 a) Disallow overloading new and delete for classes, and make classes 
 strictly for GC, perhaps with an exception for classes instantiated on 
 the stack using scope.
You are just making sure that the garbage collector is handling all memory that is associated with objects. I don't see a point to this. The collector won't try to move memory that it doesn't control. You could do bad things with overloading new/delete, but those are hardly unique situations.
 Then the compiler could disallow taking the address of a class field,
 since we know the resulting pointer would pointer to the GC heap.
 Note that this would be a compile-time check, and so would not degrade
 run-time performance.
That's not necessary, since you can map a source range to a destination range. It would be a simplifying assumption that improves performance, by changing two comparisons and an addition for each pointer (plus one subtraction per move) to one comparison and one assignment for each pointer. But you're going through a large amount of memory, so that's not a serious concern, I think.
 a) Preceding a pointer declaration with fixed would allow that pointer 
 to take the address in the GC heap.
It'd be undefined behavior to do otherwise. But safe as long as no collections happen before you use the pointer.
 The fixed pointer will have to know whether or not it points to GC 
 memory so that it doesn't pin non-GC objects.  Using the first idea, we 
 can determine at compile time whether a pointer points to the heap or not.
 Yes, this would be a big change, but not as big as const IMO.  I feel if 
 any feature warrants breaking some code, it would be high-performance 
 GC.  But maybe someone else can find a solution that doesn't break 
Dec 23 2007
parent reply "Craig Black" <craigblack2 cox.net> writes:
"Christopher Wright" <dhasenan gmail.com> wrote in message 
news:fklr1g$1uat$1 digitalmars.com...
 This is to fix the stuff I botched with my other reply.

 Craig Black wrote:
 a) Disallow overloading new and delete for classes, and make classes 
 strictly for GC, perhaps with an exception for classes instantiated on 
 the stack using scope.
You are just making sure that the garbage collector is handling all memory that is associated with objects. I don't see a point to this. The collector won't try to move memory that it doesn't control.
It has nothing to do with the garbage collector run-time stuff. It is giving the compiler more information so that compile-time checks can be done.
 You could do bad things with overloading new/delete, but those are hardly 
 unique situations.
Granted. There are so many ways to mess things up with pointers. It's hard to make a systems language "safe". I guess my approach would be to make it "safer".
 Then the compiler could disallow taking the address of a class field,
 since we know the resulting pointer would pointer to the GC heap.
 Note that this would be a compile-time check, and so would not degrade
 run-time performance.
That's not necessary, since you can map a source range to a destination range. It would be a simplifying assumption that improves performance, by changing two comparisons and an addition for each pointer (plus one subtraction per move) to one comparison and one assignment for each pointer. But you're going through a large amount of memory, so that's not a serious concern, I think.
 a) Preceding a pointer declaration with fixed would allow that pointer to 
 take the address in the GC heap.
It'd be undefined behavior to do otherwise. But safe as long as no collections happen before you use the pointer.
Unless I am missing something, this would require a run-time check for each pointer assignment or pointer arithmetic operation. Personally, I would make every effort to avoid this overhead. Pointers should be lightweight and fast.
Dec 23 2007
next sibling parent "Craig Black" <craigblack2 cox.net> writes:
 Unless I am missing something, this would require a run-time check for 
 each pointer assignment or pointer arithmetic operation.  Personally, I 
 would make every effort to avoid this overhead.  Pointers should be 
 lightweight and fast.
I hereby detract this statement. These run-time checks could be optional. They could be like asserts or bounds-checking that is removed in release mode. Then all that compile-time stuff I mentioned before would be unnecessary I think.
Dec 23 2007
prev sibling parent reply Christopher Wright <dhasenan gmail.com> writes:
Craig Black wrote:
 "Christopher Wright" <dhasenan gmail.com> wrote in message 
 news:fklr1g$1uat$1 digitalmars.com...
 This is to fix the stuff I botched with my other reply.

 Craig Black wrote:
 a) Disallow overloading new and delete for classes, and make classes 
 strictly for GC, perhaps with an exception for classes instantiated 
 on the stack using scope.
You are just making sure that the garbage collector is handling all memory that is associated with objects. I don't see a point to this. The collector won't try to move memory that it doesn't control.
It has nothing to do with the garbage collector run-time stuff. It is giving the compiler more information so that compile-time checks can be done.
The point of overloading new and delete is to work around the garbage collector. It's not smart enough, it doesn't have the knowledge about my specific problem, so I'm going to fix the problem myself. The most common situation is, I want to manually allocate the memory for the variable, and I don't want the garbage collector to know about this object.
 You could do bad things with overloading new/delete, but those are 
 hardly unique situations.
Granted. There are so many ways to mess things up with pointers. It's hard to make a systems language "safe". I guess my approach would be to make it "safer".
I don't see that. I mean, if D didn't have arrays, you couldn't ever get an array bounds error; if it didn't have pointers, you would have trouble segfaulting; but those are too useful. I've manually created objects without using the new operator or the constructor. It's ugly. It's error-prone. Overloading new is safer, when you just want to control how the memory is allocated. (I couldn't avoid it because I didn't want to use a constructor.)
 Then the compiler could disallow taking the address of a class field,
 since we know the resulting pointer would pointer to the GC heap.
 Note that this would be a compile-time check, and so would not degrade
 run-time performance.
That's not necessary, since you can map a source range to a destination range. It would be a simplifying assumption that improves performance, by changing two comparisons and an addition for each pointer (plus one subtraction per move) to one comparison and one assignment for each pointer. But you're going through a large amount of memory, so that's not a serious concern, I think.
 a) Preceding a pointer declaration with fixed would allow that 
 pointer to take the address in the GC heap.
It'd be undefined behavior to do otherwise. But safe as long as no collections happen before you use the pointer.
Unless I am missing something, this would require a run-time check for each pointer assignment or pointer arithmetic operation.
Undefined behavior means there are no checks preventing it, but bad things can happen if you do it, so be careful, and it isn't Walter's fault if it explodes in your face. The point is, it might be a useful thing, in which case you wouldn't want to disallow it. But either way, checking it is too expensive, so calling it undefined behavior should suffice.
Dec 23 2007
parent "Craig Black" <craigblack2 cox.net> writes:
 Granted.  There are so many ways to mess things up with pointers.  It's 
 hard to make a systems language "safe".  I guess my approach would be to 
 make it "safer".
I don't see that. I mean, if D didn't have arrays, you couldn't ever get an array bounds error; if it didn't have pointers, you would have trouble segfaulting; but those are too useful. I've manually created objects without using the new operator or the constructor. It's ugly. It's error-prone. Overloading new is safer, when you just want to control how the memory is allocated. (I couldn't avoid it because I didn't want to use a constructor.)
I was not proposing that anyone rely on "manually created objects without using the new operator or the constructor". I was proposing that the capability to allocate an object on the malloc heap would be moved to structs, so that structs behaved like C++ aggregate types. However, I realize now that this is no longer necessary, because a run-time check that enforces pointer restrictions could be removed in release mode.
 Undefined behavior means there are no checks preventing it, but bad things 
 can happen if you do it, so be careful, and it isn't Walter's fault if it 
 explodes in your face.

 The point is, it might be a useful thing, in which case you wouldn't want 
 to disallow it. But either way, checking it is too expensive, so calling 
 it undefined behavior should suffice.
Again the run-time check could be removed in release mode, so no harm done.
Dec 23 2007