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digitalmars.D - Idea: A library non-OOP "dispatch!()()"

reply "Nick Sabalausky" <a a.a> writes:
Maybe it's just half-asleep crazy-talk, but you know what I think would be 
great in Phobos (I don't *think* it's already there)? A virtual-like 
"dispatch" function, which would help ease the rift between template code 
and OOP. For example, if you have a class hierarchy, you can do 
single-dispatch via method overriding. But if you have a function implemeted 
outside the class that uses overloading on type, you have to dispatch 

class FooBase {}
class Foo1 : FooBase  {}
class Foo2 : FooBase  {}
class Foo3 : FooBase  {}

void bar(FooBase f)
    if(auto _f = cast(Foo1)f)
    else if(auto _f = cast(Foo1)f)
    else if(auto _f = cast(Foo2)f)
        throw new Exception("Can't dispatch");
void bar(T f) if(is(T : FooBase))
    // use 'f'

Thats a lot of boilerplate!

I'm finding I need to do that sort of thing a lot when using my Goldie lib.

It could be improved with a foreach over a TypeTuple, but it'd be great to 
have a "dispatch!()()" or even a multiple dispatch version to just automate 
all of that entirely. That would grant D the feature of multidispatch and 
non-OOP dispatch *in library*, and really help ease the rift between OOP and 
non-OOP styles of coding.

Or, the same thing but without a class hierarchy. For example, if you have 
ten different ForwardRange types you want to deal with.

My half-asleep self thinks that that *should* probably be possible to 
create. The real trick I think would be in figuring out the 
interface/semantics for controlling what types to actually try to dispatch 
Mar 11 2012
next sibling parent Timon Gehr <timon.gehr gmx.ch> writes:
On 03/11/2012 10:48 AM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
 Maybe it's just half-asleep crazy-talk, but you know what I think would be
 great in Phobos (I don't *think* it's already there)? A virtual-like
 "dispatch" function, which would help ease the rift between template code
 and OOP. For example, if you have a class hierarchy, you can do
 single-dispatch via method overriding. But if you have a function implemeted
 outside the class that uses overloading on type, you have to dispatch

 class FooBase {}
 class Foo1 : FooBase  {}
 class Foo2 : FooBase  {}
 class Foo3 : FooBase  {}

 void bar(FooBase f)
      if(auto _f = cast(Foo1)f)
      else if(auto _f = cast(Foo1)f)
      else if(auto _f = cast(Foo2)f)
          throw new Exception("Can't dispatch");
 void bar(T f) if(is(T : FooBase))
      // use 'f'

 Thats a lot of boilerplate!

 I'm finding I need to do that sort of thing a lot when using my Goldie lib.

 It could be improved with a foreach over a TypeTuple, but it'd be great to
 have a "dispatch!()()" or even a multiple dispatch version to just automate
 all of that entirely. That would grant D the feature of multidispatch and
 non-OOP dispatch *in library*, and really help ease the rift between OOP and
 non-OOP styles of coding.

 Or, the same thing but without a class hierarchy. For example, if you have
 ten different ForwardRange types you want to deal with.

 My half-asleep self thinks that that *should* probably be possible to
Yes, it is.
 The real trick I think would be in figuring out the
A overloadSet(A a){ ... } B overloadSet(B b){ ... } C overloadSet(B b, C c){ ... } ... auto dispatch!overloadSet(args...) The return type would just be the common type of all overload set return types.
The main issue is how to deal with ambiguities and non-existence of a suitable method.
 for controlling what types to actually try to dispatch on.
Mar 11 2012
prev sibling parent "Adam D. Ruppe" <destructionator gmail.com> writes:
On Sunday, 11 March 2012 at 09:49:53 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
 Maybe it's just half-asleep crazy-talk, but you know what I 
 think would be
 great in Phobos (I don't *think* it's already there)?
I was thinking the same thing yesterday. Almost literally, same name and everything. Somewhere, I had a multiple dispatch thing from the ng that was short and elegant... if I can find that again, adapting for single dispatch shouldn't be too hard, and then, boom, we have it.
Mar 11 2012