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digitalmars.D - Here is the latest version of the DMD GUI and several other Dlang

reply Murilo <murilomiranda92 hotmail.com> writes:
I've finished the latest version of the GUI for the DMD compiler. 
Here it is, that way you don't need to use the terminal anymore.

Here are codes to create recursive art in D, the first is to 
create a Sierpinski triangle and the second is to create a 
Sierpinski gasket. They use Fiber and the arsd library.

This is a software which draws a Newton disc and makes it spin 
until it all turns white. Written in D with the arsd library.

This is a software which creates pixels that keep changing 
colors, to make an artwork. Written in D with the arsd library.

A simple game written in D.
Dec 22 2023
parent Hipreme <msnmancini hotmail.com> writes:
On Friday, 22 December 2023 at 21:42:50 UTC, Murilo wrote:
 I've finished the latest version of the GUI for the DMD 
 compiler. Here it is, that way you don't need to use the 
 terminal anymore.

Nice work! Though I highly recommend putting screenshots in your projects, will make them a lot more attractive.
Dec 23 2023